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I don't mind this fetish, I really enjoy it and I love fat chicks and sex with fat women is great. No problem dating them, I do enjoy feederism but it's not a requirement for me.

That being said, I wish it wasn't so limiting sometimes. Sometimes there's cute, skinny girls that you get along with, and they start to flirt with you, and you feel like you ""Should"" want to reciprocate and be into them, but there's just no sexual interest.

This happened to me the other day. A girl I was talking to and working alongside, becoming friends gradually, she starts flirting with me and when we're chilling together later in the evening she gets increasingly physically flirty. It's been awhile since any sexual contact for me so I thought why not, and we begin making out feeling up bodies and such, and I was just so turned off. Feeling the bony, skinny frame of her body, her wiry, muscled legs wrapped around me - just no softness, no curves, no heft, no fat - it felt like some little boy was crawling on top of me. I really didn't enjoy it. I make up some excuse about how I like taking it slow or whatever, she thinks I'm a nice, puritan boy now, but if she was fat I'd have totally smashed then and there.

But she was a cute girl, pretty face, sexy personality, I shouldn't be so shallow and my sexuality shouldn't be so defined by this fetish! It's a real shame sometimes. It is barrier to spontaneity, to variety, to c'est la vie and fun with other young hot people.

Is this just how this fetish goes? Is there any way to open the dick up to enjoying skinny women? When I go without porn for awhile, my mind still imagines chubby/fat women to get off - I just feel pretty asexual towards skinny girls. I just want to be open to more variety and I feel upset that I feel limited by this fetish. Is this just stupid and the same as saying "man I wish I could be gay" - like there's no changing this sexuality?
>>50962 (OP)

>It is barrier to spontaneity, to variety, to c'est la vie and fun with other young hot people.

Meant Carpe Diem, not c'est la vie. Correction before someone calls me a retard for it.
>>50962 (OP)
I recently came to the same realization, but a bit stronger, I straight up find naked skinny women disgusting to look at. Not a word of a lie.

Here's the thing, switch position. If you weren't into fatties you wouldn't be asking how you could get off to fat bitches. Sure you lost out on one sexual encounter but we don't have to take every chance to fuck someone we get. You did the right thing by not faking it just because you wanted to get off.

Yeah I hear you, but the roles aren't reversed , and it's definitely this mode of sexuality that is atypical. I still feel a deep desire to conform and exist within a more normal sexuality, that others exist in.

And my current circumstances I'm traveling where I encounter other young travelers at hostels and such and make connections, but rarely are they qt bbws. Usually fit young skinny girls, who are looking for some fun that I would also want to be down for, but just feel no sexual drive towards them. It makes me feel broken or wrong.
Man if I just had a normal sexuality I would have had so much more sex and better relationships.
And I wouldn't feel so guilty about being attracted to something which involves being unhealthy and greedy.

I can find skinny girls really pretty, just not sexy.

I'm attracted to a really specific type - skinny fat but with most of the weight in the belly.

It's tough because firstly very few women have this body type (before they've had kids) and secondly, they're all very self conscious if they have a belly so they will go to great lengths to hide it and basically it's risky to even look at it let alone touch it.

The best that I've managed to do is a skinny fat woman who was hot and thin but soft enough.

There also seems to be some curse where any woman I find sexy isn't interested in me even though I'm tall and handsome, while every girl that's shown interest in me has been thin.

It makes me furious sometimes but I have to let it go because there's nothing I can do about it.
Damn, I had a very similar thing happen to me recently. I hit it off fast with this tall, slim Blasian girl I met off Hinge (she asked me out first lol). First date we made out in a park, probably would have gone back to her place but I got cucked by family obligations. Second date I go back to her place, she gets on top and it just doesn't feel great. I like fat girls obviously, but she was cute enough that I thought I would still be able to get hard for her.

Nothing, dick problems the whole time. This sucked because she could tell I got hard multiple times when we were making out. Extremely disappointing. It also didn't help I hadn't had sex in about a year due to school and family stress.

She ended up giving me some head and I fingered her and made her cum multiple times cuz I felt bad. I used the excuse of family stress (which was kinda true but that wasn't the whole reason). Left her place feeling like shit.

It's a shame this is the last sexual experience I'll have in my home state before I move for my job. That night I really wished I didn't have this fetish lol. Oh well, life goes on.

Been there before. Such a defeating feeling. Each time after I think what's wrong with me - is this fetish a consequence of my actions or just the way I was meant to be? I guess it doesn't really matter, it is how it is now for our lot.
My friends/family sometimes wonder why I go relatively long periods between relationships. Even though they know I like fat women, I've never told them (or anyone) that my dry spells happen because I rarely meet a woman fat enough for me to be truly attracted to.

The slimmest woman I've slept with was 5'2 and 180lbs. All the rest were 200lbs at the very least, with several pushing 400. 350 is the sweet spot for me, but I don't have an upper limit; I absolutely would fuck a 5/600-pounder if I got the chance.

I sympathise with you guys, I really do. I've been on dates and made out with slim, (very) conventionally attractive girls. But holding them and feeling their bones, it's like hugging a skeleton. Even just hugging a fat woman is just so lovely.

I do actually find slim women pretty to look at, but in terms of actual IRL sex, I find sex with fat women *extremely* satisfying, and sex with slim women difficult (and somewhat unpleasant) to imagine. I imagine fucking a skinny woman's ass from behind would be like sticking your dick between a pair of elbows.

100% brother. Reassuring reading these responses on this thread cause others have experienced the same. I too find skinny women to be pretty, but not at all sexual. But God I looove sex with a fat woman. Just lightly touching the body of a fat woman, or thinking about the softness sends me into boner overdrive. A skinny girl's body just feels, wrong. My mind and body reject it so much.

Do you think in retrospect it's worth even having a date with someone who is on the threshold of chubbiness?

I've challenged myself to do it when she seems nice or is really traditionally hot (it almost feels wrong turning down a tall hot brazilian girl right) but I think ultimately it's probably not worth it.

There's a chance you'll find yourself much more attracted to them than you think - I had a date with a thinner girl who talked about how much she ate and would burp shamelessly which stimulated the feedism part of my mind so that was enough to get me going but in most cases it's probably not going to end well.

But a lot of chubby women I've had dates with eat like sparrows and talk about how they've lost weight or plan to lose weight which is a boner killer as well.

It has also lead me put up with bullshit from women purely because they have a body type I find hot - not doing that again.

This seriously makes dating even more difficult than it is already

Honestly super relatable. I've been with some very low tier, stupid, unattractive, annoying women who I had sex with purely cause I was desperate for sex with a fat girl. And some beautiful intelligent women who after a great date, I felt just totally sexually incompatible. It sucks. A chubby girl who's on the borderline is likely not gonna be sexually satisfying imo, even if climax is reached. I had a girl awhile back who was on that borderline for me - probably 165cm/5'7, ~90kg/190lbs - and she was chubby but not voluptuous I'd say. She was pretty chill and did voluntarily fat chat and play into the fantasy of gaining in dirty talk once we talked about our kinks and that really got me in the mood even if her body was a meh for me.

It's unlikely that most girls on that borderline zone will play into that kink so readily. Really makes me sad. Also I'm in Japan right now where the problem is doubly hard as everyone is so thin and the society so fatphobic.

Getting someone fat is ultimately a long game. "Relationship weight gain" is something you can almost always count on, especially with women. The longer you date someone, the more likely they are to get fatter as they give up being available on the sexual market.. If you start dating a girl who is borderline chubby, almost guaranteed that she'll be fat after a few years into a relationship, plus a pregnancy or two. Also dating a fat fetishist would help with that, lol.
>>50962 (OP)
Honest take? Try staying off porn for a couple of months and see where it takes your sexual preferences. Adult content has this uncanny ability to morph an individual's taste in men/women. It could be that what you're experiencing is some dissonance from being overexposed to porn

I thought so but I went almost 6 months without porn a year or two back hoping to reset my sexuality somewhat so I was more into normal sized women ( or at least don’t find fat bellies so hot because it’s rare to find a hot girl with a belly and they’re always really ashamed of it if they do) - I was maybe slightly more attracted to the average woman but ultimately it just made me more attracted to chubby women.

I almost think of it now the same way people think of homosexuality. I felt this attraction since I was 11 when I was into pregnant women thankfully that morphed into chubby bellies so it’s a core part of my sexuality I guess.

Maybe others will have more luck though cutting down on porn is never a bad thing
I tried the no porn thing too. Although it brought other bonuses, it didn't kill my attraction to bigger girls. In fact, it only made me crave bigger asses and bigger girls
The one time I find skinny girls hot is when you have one of those super skinny girl on USSBBW action going on. The contrast is so hot!!

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