
Netherlands is awful for this. And the few fat girls you see have just completely given up. In Amsterdam half of the fat girls are from england anyways.

Banged a 350 lbs dutch exchange student, only time I've struggled to get hard for a BBW because she was so gross. literally felt like that wojak with the fat girl.

Going to eastern europe this summer however, open to any suggestions if there's any cities in particular to check out.

Otherwise Norway outside major cities is a bit of a hidden gem for fat girls. Much better than other Nordic countries.
>Banged a 350 lbs dutch exchange student, only time I've struggled to get hard for a BBW because she was so gross. literally felt like that wojak with the fat girl.

lol The one from Feabie? story time?

I made a lurk profile on Tinder for the first time recently and it doesn't fully reflect what I see on the streets in NL, even less so in Amsterdam due to the mass tourism. Doesn't the algorithm make a point of primarily showing conventionally attractive people? I got a endless stream of thin dime a dozen students but there's way more body diversity IRL.
Dublin is OK for BBWs, I guess. Not sure if I'd say they have good personalities lol.
I've banged a good few BBWs in Dublin but none of them were actually from Dublin, they just lived there. As far as I can tell most Dublin BBWs who are actually from Dublin tend to be working class and only want working class Dubliner bfs. But you might get lucky.

England is probably better for BBWs than Ireland but I have no idea what cities in England would be good.

I've travelled a good bit in Europe and I never really noticed any city being particularly good for BBWs. The city I've been to with the prettiest girls was Bratislava. Very pretty but not fat unfortunately.

The last girl I banged was half Irish and half Dutch, actually. Also 350ish lbs. Very nice body, OK face, but the sex was wack.
I mean I don't use feabie so I won't rule out anything, but It was a tinder hookup and I ignored her afterwards lol. Nothing super exciting to write about, clearly had either not showered herself for some days or wore dirty ugly, clothes, had more body hair than me in places even I as a hairy dude don't have and seemed to have zero enthusiasm.

Yeah Tinder shows you almost exclusively extremely attractive people at the start, but if you tweak settings to only show you within 5 kms or something it gets much more balanced.
That sucks to hear. Though not surprising, since I heard that the netherlands is flooded with weed/drugs...

I see, but it's meaningless if they don't have nice personalities. I would say that I would define people with "good personalities" as: Someone that I can have an interesting chat with and it isn't an obnoxious fucker that finds problem with everything (like sjw and super far-rights lunatics). I don't mind someone shy, but if the other person just seems completely uninterested, then it's just annoying to talk to them.

Besides Malta and Ireland, seems like Hungary and Finland have the most overweight population from 18 to 24yo.

What's up with Malta anyway? Might be worth to visit it
Only problem with malta is their low population of only arround 530k people.
Never really noticed anything problematic in Netherlands. It's mostly just tourists doing drugs, locals don't use it more than other Europeans.

Finland is also a funny case, I feel there aren't that many fat girls there, overall less than here in Norway but the few ones that are fat are often fat as fuck, take afatvikingbabe as an example. I've had sex with two fat Finnish girls, blonde Lapland girls with huge tits but neither were interested in anything serious unfortuntately.

Will probably spend a some days in Hungary this summer, initially without any big hopes in meeting someone there but perhaps I have an advantage since apparently Hungarians are notorious among neighbouring countries for having unfortunate looking men + incredibly beautiful women.
>Yeah Tinder shows you almost exclusively extremely attractive people at the start, but if you tweak settings to only show you within 5 kms or something it gets much more balanced.

Thanks for the tip! I came across 1 super fattie before I had to expand my radius for more profiles.
>>50715 (OP)
Romanians got some big boobs ngl
FUCK NO, romanian women are either stick shaped or shaped like an obese hispanic mother of 8 kids, all gut, no butt, boobs or anything remotely sexuallt attractive.

They also have gotten into their heads since dipshits like the tate brothers have come here that they must be so hot, instead they are just cheap and very eager to prostitute themselves.

OP and anyone else here, avoid Romania at all costs. I will likely have to go to western europe find a white wife since I'm the only person with blue eyes I've seen in the last 3 years in a top 5 city of Romania.
> best fattest girls with a nice combo of a pretty body and a good/agreeable personality
Quebec. But really, European women are none of those things.
Alright an updates on this one.

I would love to hear the input from someone in the Czech Republic, because I only did a brief stop at a supermarket and pretty much every single person inside was obese. Managed to see more attractive BBW's in these 15 minutes than 2 days in Poland. Either I got super lucky or this country is a hidden treasure for us?

Hungary probably is the fattest country I've been to, but the thing is that Hungary is home to both an aging and unfortunate looking population so while I saw several superfatties they were nothing to write home about. There was however a 300/350 pound really hot girl working at a fast food place in Budapest I couldn't take my eyes off.

Romanianon is correct, genuinely saw nothing of interest there. Generally not a big fan of the style absolutely every single Romanian woman has. Just looks fake and gypsy. Perhaps if I took the time to visit Bucharest my experience would be different.

Bulgaria was decent. Most girls are stick thin like in Poland but the difference is that big girls still take the time to wear nice clothes, do their hair and make up so you still end up seeing a decent amount of attractive girls, and this comes from someone that doesn't really like southern european girls. Along with Hungary, English proficiency is way worse than most other eastern european countries so I'm not sure how easy it would be to find a date from there.

Finland is a big hit or miss. They are home to what I believe is the most attractive phenotype, blonde ethnically Finnish (non-Germanic) girls. They seem to be almost naturally a bit pudgy and with a round face, but even there these types can be hard to find. Downside of Finland is that it's clear many overweight girls just give up and have no sense of style.
GREECE, a lot of thick pear shapes in Athens.
>>50715 (OP)

It depends what you regard as Eastern Europe.
If you recognize Czechia as it (it is actual Central Europe), then there are very obese people (but not all original from there, some may be Arabic).
Russia has very fat women I think, just as Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and possible Ukraine or Poland too. Sweden has apparently some fattiies, so has Spain and France, but these are often from Africa or Arabian.

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