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On a bbwdraw thread, I reported some comments about people bumping/necroposting a thread since they were begging for a new page without contributing anything themselves. This has been a problem for years, but has recently gotten more out of hand with how pathetic the begging is getting, and how they're able to come back over and over again after their comments get deleted. I can't keep reporting these kinds of comments, and I'm sure the mods are getting sick of all the reports over this topic.
>>50668 (OP)
I would sometimes try to minimize how many posts I report when groups of garbage comments happens, but it causes some to get missed, and lets inactive threads live longer without any content keeping them alive.

>The main point of what I'm saying
I wish there was harsh punishment for repeat offenders of people bumping/necroposting and begging for content without contributing anything themselves, or have there be a system be in place that would auto bumplock threads that don't have any images posted after a set amount of time. I'm getting tired of reporting so many bumping/necroposting posts, and seeing threads on life support because of this.
>>50668 (OP)
There's a really simple solution: generals. Make a list of generalized threads which consolidates content into a few threads leaving the rest of the catalog to random anons.
Here's a list that also inspired me to come up with a shorter list of boards.
>/draw/ (include rules like "don't bump requests")
>/edit/ and color
>/write/ (for writing and sharing written stories)
>/gif/ and animations, for gif and webm and video files (no irl)
>/games/ and modding
>/lost/ content
>/art/ists' thread, because most artists don't fill 300 posts much less 400
>/irl/ (real life)
>/rp/ roleplay thread
>/mime/ing, for pretenders and fat suits or fursuits
>/oc/ (original characters)
>/ai/ threads, one for art and another for stories and voices
It goes without saying that the generals above aren't stickied.
The rest is free real estate for the likes of /toon/ (Western comics and cartoons), /pkmn/ (Pokemon), individual artists who can easily keep a thread afloat, and more.
Do you think there's a way to "replace" a post type in the same fashion as the word Discord gets replaced with "report my post"? Think about it. The spammer posts a bump and the thread doesn't rise to the top.
>>50668 (OP)
Keep reporting. I'll delete them or apply a ban if it's a cereal bumper.
You really have the worst ideas.
>>50668 (OP)
There's a really simple solution: generals. Make a list of generalized threads which consolidates content into a few threads leaving the rest of the catalog to random anons.
Here's a list that also inspired me to come up with a shorter list of boards.
>/draw/ (include rules like "don't bump requests")
>/edit/ and color
>/write/ (for writing and sharing written stories)
>/gif/ and animations, for gif and webm and video files (no irl)
>/games/ and modding
>/lost/ content
>/art/ists' thread, because most artists don't fill 300 posts much less 400
>/irl/ (real life)
>/rp/ roleplay thread
>/mime/ing, for pretenders and fat suits or fursuits
>/oc/ (original characters)
>/ai/ threads, one for art and another for stories and voices
It goes without saying that the generals above aren't stickied.
The rest is free real estate for the likes of /toon/ (Western comics and cartoons), /pkmn/ (Pokemon), individual artists who can easily keep a thread afloat, and more.
Do you think there's a way to "replace" a post type in the same fashion as the word Discord gets replaced with "report my post"? Think about it. The spammer posts a bump and the thread doesn't rise to the top.
Opinion discarded.
Leaf Mod, you know you want to ban him. Let loose. Give in.
Be honest. Do you use Reddit?
Least we share that much dude
At least let us see what the faggot wrote before you ban & delete post

Probably projecting too.
Be honest. You're using Reddit right now, aren't you? You would rather see this website dead than implement common sense changes. And I want to know why.
ban beggars for a minimum of 3 days. longer for repeat offenders
Why are you even on this site?
Outside of alerting anons of newly posted clips begging doesn't contribute anything. Everyone living in a first world country should seriously consider paying for content. A few years ago I realized begging doesn't always work and site left and right are going down so you have to bite the bullet sometimes (and share with the crew). I think reinstalling the array might help because it will cause people to not beg for the same vids over and over. I'm able to donate like 3TB of content to Barclay when that happens.
>I think reinstalling the array might help because it will cause people to not beg for the same vids over and over.
I feel you. How about an archive? When we can stop spammers making threads for every single model we can make a single thread with all the content.
Shut up. You've been repeating this idea for weeks now, and it's one that would cause a lot of unnecessary exposure.
I'm sorry, what's your idea? Rangebanning IPs? Gold accounts on an anonymous image board? Some people actually care, you know.
>unnecessary exposure
How so? Please explain this to someone who's never used Reddit nor Discord in his entire life.
Hrs probably a child who doesn’t remember the glory days of the FOD Array.
I’ve always been a fan but felt like we could simplify the entire board superstructure by adding an extra dimension of /EXAMPLE/ and convert the array into a Fatties on Demand Matrix.
>I'm sorry, what's your idea?
Keep banning offenders until it sticks to them that they shouldn't bump/necropost.

>How so? Please explain this to someone who's never used Reddit nor Discord in his entire life.
Who the fuck wants exposure to shit they don't like? It's a real mood killer when I'm scrolling through SFW fats of only women, then suddenly have fat guys, furries, and futa garbage because of some asshole not posting where they should be. Your idea to just have them all together sucks.
No your just a control freak, you suggest the same shitty idea for weeks. no one cares at this point just make your own website.
> no one cares at this point
To be fair I’ve seen a moderate amount of engagement for his proposals. Doesn’t mean he is at all competent or original. But he could easily be the vocal minority for a silent majority.
First off, thank you for your time saving us from futa furry guys. Second off, you could save so much time if there was less things to ban. Let me spell it out for you.
Less new threads = less unnecessary exposure.
I come from 4chan and nobody on this green Earth can convince me it's a place for control freaks.
>I come from 4chan
No wonder you're trying to bring their bullshit here, you're one of them.
It's also proof to the contrary to the claim I'm a control freak. It's redditors who're known control freaks who make thousands of board-like subforums instead of concentrating everyone into a selected number of boards each with their own creative general threads. Let's not forget the Discord mod meme, too.
It's highly likely you're the worst parts of both, retard. You're a control freak who actively wants to make this place like 4chan. Why else would you continue this crusade for literal months?

Do you even like fat girls? Go jerk off to them instead of posting here.
I love image boards, dangnabit.

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