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What is the strangest thing that you've done to satisfy your fat fetish?
>>50439 (OP)
I once jacked off to the Saints Row 2 character creation screen
>>50439 (OP)
My 600 Pound life. I regret it jerking to the suffering of those women. Really made me start thinking about my life and on about this fetish
>>50439 (OP)
Jerking off to Tess Holliday, Lizzo, the other fat bitch from TLC despite being narcissistic dykes who just use their unhealthy lifestyle to show how taboo they are.
It's funny because I never am horny or get horny while watching that show or clips of it, and I'm often disgusted with the people on there. But when I get super horny I'm able to jerk to Ussbbws when normally I steer away from them. This fetish is really weird man.
Fucked mother and daughter.

I slept with the mother whilst working as relief bar manager. Probably the biggest woman I'd known to work behind a bar. 10 months later I was there again covering the managers holiday and she'd left but her daughter was working there part time. Ended up in bed with her, slept with her mother later the same week, and in the course of the fortnight a couple of times in the same day. The daughter was gorgeous and fatter.

I was a dumb fuck for going with her mom again, I wouldve been 28 at the time and her daughter was 19. She had zero inhibitions about her size. She only lived 40 minutes away, I could've legit dated her.
>the strangest thing I ever did was have sex with a mother and daughter separately guys
kill yourself and then try larping again
Low-key stalked a gorgeous, superfat woman who worked near my office. Never followed her home or anything but made sure I put myself where I'd see her and follow her every morning as she walked to her job. This lasted for a few months til she changed her schedule or maybe got a different job altogether.
i beat it too 3 frames of animation in the cartoon Motorcity.

one episode had indestructible suits that inflated the around the body to cover it up. the female cast had 3 frames to show how the suit worked with there bodies looking like fattened figures
I got with a feeder/feedee. It’s been good as far as the relationship goes but I’m not really into being fatter, idk, it’s kinda something I’m finding hard. I can’t do much, or clean myself, or get up without getting winded. I’m only 24, shes in her thirties. She’s been doting on me more than ever and it’s just easy to sit here and eat all day. I haven’t seen my dick in two years. I’m getting tons of action so it’s all good rn but idk what I’m going to do long term.
Is it worth to keep going just for her. You got think of your own happiness before her own at times. Have you thought about talking to her about what you feel about gaining more at all?
It’s not as easy. I never finished my degrees without her and her van I’m not going anywhere quick neither. I’m not trying to gain and she’s not making me, but it’s not sustainable either I guess. Plus idk what I’d smell like without her sponge baths.
You’re so big you can’t clean yourself? Well if she left you would rapidly lose and then you could sponge yourself. I think you have food addiction and you’re worried you wouldn’t lose much if she left.
your cardinal sin was… jacking off?

man, this board needs to learn that models exist only on your screen
Without her I’d just be a fat fuck with nothing goin on like most of us here. At least being her boyfriend I’m clean, well fed and more importantly than anything: getting more ass that a toilet.
Drove to some absolute shit hole of a town an hour way to see this enormous bartender chick who could barely fit behind her bar. She was a bombshell. Had a few drinks, had a good time. Stayed till closing with the anticipation that I'd wind up back at her place a block away. Sure enough that happens and all is well. Then her meth-smoking, meth-dealing brother starts banging on her front door to her him in because he was bored that night??? She let him in so he wouldn't kick down the door. He told me he'd fuck me up if I asked him to leave because that town was his turf and I wasn't local. He ended up leaving and I got so bang her that night and again in the AM. But God damn what a bizarre night. Could've been an episode of Trailer Park Boys.
I had sex with a 600 pound woman and as a fetish I asked her to crush me, to my surprise I broke some ribs and when she stood on top of me I felt like my body was going to explode. Not to mention the smell that came from her was very strong. From that day I prefer women who are not very big
Pics, good sir? For reference?
Lol you're a legend dude.

Based. I wish they didn't "help" them "lose weight" otherwise it would be the best boner fuel.
how did you explain your broken ribs??
Not fat fetish. One girl I dated/friendship-with-benefits'd started drawing guts. They were cute chibi drawings.
This story is hilarious lol, thanks for sharing.

I wish I had a better story to tell, but here goes. This isn't a "weird thing I did for the fetish" story so much as a "weird/awkward hookup" story, which is why your story reminded me of it.

This happened just before covid, literally like the week before the pandemic was all over the news and the lockdown came. I met a BBW on Tinder. Kinda mid face but a really nice big gut. Almost the platonic ideal of a fat bimbo in terms of aesthetic; she looked like a hybrid of Shar and Layla. In the course of texting before meeting IRL, we agreed ahead of time that we would just have a one night stand. Also during that preliminary texting phase she sent me a few lewd pics and pics of herself eating, which was nice. So we meet up for a drink and it goes well enough. I go in for a kiss - I was expecting to make out, but she literally just gives me a quick peck on the lips- and she says "let's go back to mine to fuck". Turns out she lives in college dorms on campus nearby - that is not actually too common in Ireland (in Dublin at least), those rooms would be very highly sought after by students. Anyway we get to the entrance to the dorm building and there's a turnstile (not waist-high but full body height, with a fence with sharp spikes all around). She says bringing me in is a big no-no (no surprise there). She has to scan her student ID and the thing only turns around enough to admit one person, so the two of us have to squeeze in at the same time - obviously that was fun, squeezing against her fat like that - but it was a tight squeeze, and I actually thought it would get stuck. We sneak up to her dorm room and it's tiny. Just a shoebox room with a desk, bed and bathroom. More like one of those fancy Swedish prison cells than an actual living space. The bed is hilariously tiny; I'm a tall dude and my legs hang off it, and it's narrow enough (and she's wide enough) that the two of us can barely fit on it together. I go to the bathroom to freshen up, and I come out and see her lying on the bed wearing nothing but a babydoll, striking a "paint me like one of your French girls" pose. She says "I think I'm just gonna go to bed". I say okay and start unbuttoning my shirt. She says "no, I mean I'm literally just gonna go to sleep". I'm pretty confused. I say "do you want me to leave?" She says "up to you". It's late so I suggest just cuddling a bit and going to sleep, to which she agrees. So we get to cuddling in this stupid tiny bed. After about 20 minutes, we start hearing a couple in the dorm next door fucking quite loudly. I guess she must be jealous, because she says "I've changed my mind, let's fuck". I say "Are you sure?" and she says yes, several times. So we get to fucking, and it's the worst sex I've ever had. She just lies there like a dead fish the entire time. I couldn't even cum, it was that bad. We go back to cuddling and I somehow manage to fall asleep in that tiny-ass bed. I wake up early in the morning (it was like 6AM if I recall correctly) and she pretty much kicks me out. As I'm leaving, she does her "sexy" pose on the bed again. And that was that.
I let a fat women peg me pretty hard.
sims 4 and mods
Sounds like a very bad fever dream

consuming "good" furry inflation porn cuz theres only a finite amount of "good" inflation porn

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