
(446 KB, 1036x718, theory.PNG)
Bladerune09 and GTSX-3d are the same person.
They make similar content and have similar models, but somewhat fill different niches.
They are both ESL or have poor grammar and synthax in general and they both got sick at the same time and made a "Quick Update" around the same time.

If that's true, then it's kinda predatory and disingenuous to divide accounts like this just to make bonus money and not let anyone know about you doing basically the same thing on a side account, but whatever.

Just a theory and a bunch of thoughts.
I have a similar theory about CatBoyMech and Cowzers being the same person.
>>50427 (OP)
That might have some similarities but honestly I don't. The most obvious is balancing between the two accounts. GTSX uploads every few days with an active deviantart account while Bladerune9 is either working on the game and toward Hanna's story. I don't know anything about using blender or modeling so I have no idea how long it would take to make high quality models for artwork. However, to make high quality models while making a game; which I know he has help with writing and programming but that still takes a lot of work to manage, so having to balance so many things at a time seems impossible or at least really hard to do.

Second is ESL. There are almost eight billion people on earth with at least 1/7 speaking english. The chance of both having English as a second language isn't that crazy at all. Unless we know where they're from specifically then I think this doesn't prove anything at all.

My third is the weakest but their styles don't seem the same. Blade's models do not have the same quality as GTSX or Blade doing animation with GTSX doing a shit ton of comics for sale. Talking about the comics they have different styles for dialogue where Blade always puts it in boxes or speech bubbles. GTSX puts it on the image close to the character with no boxes or bubbles. There is also that GTSX seems for comics that he does one panel per page while Blade sometimes does two or three panels per page but not often. The way of storytelling changes with Blade due to other people doing it, while it seems that GTSX does all the story telling himself.

There might be some stuff I got wrong or I didn't catch something important. So correct me and give me your rebuttal.
>>50427 (OP)
Why people even give money to these shitty DAZ "Games" is beyond me.

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