
(541 KB, 489x641, 1.png) (514 KB, 485x592, 2.png) (329 KB, 496x787, 3.png)
>22/23 year old spanish girl
>5ft 3 or 5ft 4
>400 lbs - Sept. 2023
lost weight now and will get surgery

>lost weight now and will get surgery
So, nothing of value here, move on.
shame, why bring up such a tragedy?
@aitanaherreraaa on TikTok is another hot Spaniard.
>>50268 (OP)
Good for her. She should experience the opportunity to be healthy

Actually no, loosing weight more often than not causes health issues.
I hate all these weight loss stories everybody else is so proud of them but I was trying to get with you when you were fat.
>>50268 (OP)
Hope she likes taking a ton of vitamins to stave off the deficiencies. I hope the doctors educated her about that, which can affect her health negatively. Aesthetically, all the loose skin.
I've had two people I've known personally who have done the WLS and it's ruined their lives (coming from them).

#1 Old Fling from High School: Wasn't really that big, dated loser guys who did crazy shit like fling meatballs at her and tell her she's fat in high school... she now looks like female version of the Thin Man, dying slowly getting thinner and thinner. Massive alcoholic which is common after WLS as it creates major chemical and nutritional imbalances and new mental health issues. She's constantly seeking validation for how she looked and how she looks now. Wishes she could go back and not have surgery, would even have preferred to GAIN to immobility rather than where she is now.

#2 Former Co-Worker: Same deal. She has a major hair loss issue, she cannot gain weight easily anywhere else on her body but now gains lot back primarily in her arms and her pubic area, to the point she has a large fupa at 4'11 most women wouldn't have at 400lbs and 5'8. Major issues with self-esteem, constantly aroused.

WLS is all kinds of Frankenstein monster shit.
It's really about taking a functioning body and making it malfunction for a specific purpose. It induces illness, period. I don't believe it even increases longevity, despite claims to the contrary. It's interesting that gastric bypass and lapbanding used to be extremely common for gainers bowing out of the scene and yet Ozempic currently barely registers as a blip.
>>50268 (OP)
Bro introduced me to a new young fatty and said she lost weight and is getting surgery. I just got spoon fed the blackpill
dude do you even know what website you're on?
Sadly, my wife got WLS. So now I get off by thinking about women on here while banging my saggy wife, lol.

The medical regime required after this procedure is shocking. A lifetime dependent on vitamins and laxatives. Hair loss and skin issues. Future surgeries likely. Barf.
How unfortunate. How big was she when she got the surgery?
Not quite SSBBW. 5'5"/330lbs. Down to 180lbs currently. Thankfully the fupa hasn't vanished yet, lol.

While I miss my fat wife, she was losing mobility which was crushing to her mentally.
Stay strong brother. Don't let the little head win over your marriage.
Yeah, that's where I'm at. Just have to think back fondly on the wonderful ride of plumping her up in the first place.
sad to hear but ya working in the medical field gastric will be viewed like lobotomies eventually, no studies are done after 5 years post op for a reason
wow... i can only imagine being in that situation, and im not gonna say for you to leave your wife but u dont have to live the rest of ur life with someone u dont feel atracted to, that said, i hope you both can still make it work, that she recovers her steem and that you eventually learn to love her new body.

if it doesnt work tho just split up lol

i also dont believe in religious/civil marriage but what are you gonna do? unhapy relationships usually just get worse, leaving that one behind can certainly bring new, much better opportunities for both, much better than settling for something u dont want for the rest of ur days.
Just work on yourself brother. Get fit, make money and put it where she cant touch it. When the kids are gone find a young fatty and boom.
Yeah I had a cousin who did it as well, she was around 500lbs at like 5'10 and more strong fat than anything but at the time lot of women were doing it at a much smaller size so even though she did not seem to have health issues then it compelled her to do it.

Found out years later she had gone completely bald as a side effect, she has to wear wigs now. She gained most of the weight back, but now she has a tremendous amount of issues with her health due to the gastric. She's very feeble, lost a lot of muscle mass as well. Reminds me of a cancer patient.

While I understand the reasons why someone would do it, I don't think it's worth the symptoms thereafter. Same thing with the venom shit. It would not surprise me if these people taking it start to keel over from clotting, heart attacks, strokes, or develop severe neurological issues or issues related to nerve damage.
That's where you start developing a loose skin fetish haha then slowly but surely help her plump back up in time.
kaylacolleenx3 has been not doing too well after her WLS as well

pretty much been going through an expensive multi-year midlife crisis in her 30s

belly completely gone but arms and legs are still loose / big
sooo im guessing there are no other pics of this person?
This thread is just sad. Yall should know that this fetish has extreme consequences and feedees often quit and lose weight due to said consequences. And now sex is bad because your significant other loss weight? Do you actually want to be committed to a relationship or you just want your own personal fuck toy? It shouldn't get to the point where there's so much porn brainrot that you physically can't have sex (or enjoy it) with a woman (vice versa) because they no longer fat.
Dude, if a guy has no fat fetish at all, would you way the same if he wouldn’t want to have sex with his 500 lbs woman?
It is insane how much you're ignoring what a fetish actually is. It's not a preference. It's a REQUIREMENT.
Then don't date/marry women over 300 lbs.
Only a guy who has a fat fetish or just want pussy no matter what kind would be willing to fuck a 500lb woman. It's not surprising that a woman of that size doesn't have many men that are willing to fuck her.

A fetish shouldn't define a whole ass relationship. And a fetish is something that you get off to which in hindsight, a preference. Saying that just means you are fucked up. I get that sex is important but it shouldn't be the main thing that defines relationships. Unless you never plan to actually settle down and just want personal fuck machines for the rest of your life, don't get upset if a (supposedly) fat woman wants to settle down/worried about her life and wants to lose some weight for longevity, despite what your sick wants. Live life how you want but please take some realism to account.

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