
(160 KB, 1027x1111, IMG_2053.jpeg) (574 KB, 1284x1282, IMG_3917.jpeg) (800 KB, 1284x2202, IMG_3931.jpeg)
posted a meme on feabie and i got attacked lmao be real, is ts REALLY fat phobic??
Well there's your problem it always has been. It's a lion's den full of either wokists with no humor or self awareness, or grifters shitting out paywall content. For women who actually don't mind self-deprecating humor, they're one in a million on there. Although I find it funny, the only way to win is to keep it to yourself.
>>50201 (OP)
Lmao, why would someone be scared of a fat fuck? Anyways, feabie is a cesspool of low self esteem women who thrive off the attention of simps. I'm sure this reaction wouldn't have been so severe if you met someone in real life
Sometimes I wonder if decades of running unopposed has dividend the left into men who long for the patriarchy amf women who want to be whatever
>>0 (Dead)b3006
yeah bro… i stood my ground tbh, it’s satirical humor & these hoes needa get off the internet and stop being so angry. it would make sense that these big back bitches are terminally online… too bad they make my wood stiff
The internet is for e-celebs nowadays. Normies like me are too busy working to care about whatever the internet is selling.
These women aren’t actually into being fat. They’re bitter, lazy fat whores who can’t keep a man and think dangling fat fetish shit and being massively obese (despite hating it) is their best chance to get a man.
You’re probably just not Chad enough for her to want to play along with the far fetish games.
Honestly, y'all guys are either blind or retarded. The meme anon posted clearly depicts someone fucking out of desperation - no girl (or man) would want to be plucked in that way.

I know, satire is satire but some of you could use reading the room more often. Calling it fatphobic is larp but sending it is a bad idea either.
Women in America hate the internet cause it's full of violent pornography. Biden's America is safety proofed to the point men are longing for the days where the patriarchy ruled. Fat women aren't going to give up civics, health care and law for the trailer trash. I argue men nowadays are afraid of sexual women
> The meme anon posted clearly depicts someone fucking out of desperation - no girl (or man) would want to be plucked in that way.
A) that’s your interpretation and it says more about how you view fat women (and how these fat women view themselves)
B) “the artist is dead”, he shared it with a woman he is/aspires to fuck because it looks like them.

Idk where you meet fat women that get offend if you point out they are fat women. Not every fat bitch is garunteed a hot, in shape guy, many of these fat women are just bitter from all the Chads/Brads that fucked them out of desperation while being disgusted by them, because that’s fucking normal.
>>15 (Dead)
Trump 2024 we dont care about verdicts lets go!!!!!
Relax, Trump is 2 points above Biden according r to 538 by ABC. Bank cops have no influence over the election
Tell that to eric.
Trump is Chris Chan levels of sperg. I am sure his lawyers will get him a slap on the wrist.
I dont think these officers will get a husband. To involved with bbwchan. Hunch back of notra damn
Normies like me are busy working jobs. I don't think the news dominates the internet. There's no coupons to appeal to fat people or used car to appeal to normal people. Democrats are just "We're Republicans but better"
We are better with core
Not really. AI doesn't care for humans.
>>50201 (OP)
>taking some dumb bitch seriously
You’re retarded for caring she’s just fucking with you 4fun.
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yeah some people just have to get off the internet or stop consuming so much political stuff or something…
Not dating men with a fat fetish because they share fat phobic memes is as dumb as refusing to date any woman that shares man/bear memes or similarly braindead bigotry directed at their preferred romantic partners.

“I respect bbws” is the most tiny dick shit I’ve ever heard. Never, ever, has respecting fat women being a prerequisite to fuck their obese ass.
(63 KB, 1022x683, 20240531_174148.jpg)
Every one of these wojaks is depressed and resigned himself to fucking a fat chick. Like, it's not that deep and it's pretty transparent? Are your brains okay???

There's only one kind of neutral one but they're all about desperately lonely dudes fucking fat girls because they're touch starved, not because they actually want them.
I was wondering the same thing about this thread. Guys, the whole point of these memes is to mock people who have sunk low enough to fuck fatties. It's from 4chan - the wojak male is using a dead inside face and the woman is obviously there as a point of derision with their shape, in a dark room with typical depressed accoutrement like stuffed animals & witch/spiritual decor.

The fact that people here don't get it's a joke aimed at us AND the girls we're fapping to and trying to defend it. ISHYGDDT. Go outside.
I think it’s triggering to fat women because they’ve all been the woman in these cartoons. I’m attracted to fat women and I still think that is fucking hilarious.
The wojak where he's fucking her is just a still from the Jae fuck clip, same wall tapestry and resigned expression on the woman
Women hate memes because it's misogyny. It makes them the chicks from Dead or Alive Volleyball, but fatter.
>>50201 (OP)
Everyone is different. Brush it off, go for a walk and move on. Life is bigger than you and me and some fat girls. Get busy living or get busy dying.
Lmao u delete the comment because im badder then you mother fucker.
Everyday is something new with this thot.
That's not a good thing? Nobody wants to be a concession prize.
Under Biden, fat women are supposed to be for second place. AIPAC doesn't want fatties in the IDF
> Nobody wants to be a concession prize.
Seems like fat women would rather reach and prey on desperate men than bat in their league.
Funny they’re trying to frame this as some form of bigotry and intolerance: that fat women who won’t date fat men are mocked by the skinny men who use them as an oversized pocket pussy.
Why you never leave your bf apartment this much before we raided his neighbors ? We still watching. Now you leaving everyday. Thats selfish & self centered.
Just say you hate women lmfao
I thought OP's picture of the news guy was an edit of Nicholas J. Fuentes for a moment. Nick has been getting quite Chungus like lately, too much McDonald's
That's because MAGA eats at McDonald's while the woke don't have any property, or buy anything. It's the same reason Times Square Red Lobster is about to close. The establishment want controlled chaos.
Fat women work in healthcare and teaching now. They want nothing to do with the slobs on feadie
it's not a matter of interpretation, it's a very clear meme. the point of using the feels guy is to depict a sense of ennui, naturally the fat women aren't going to like a meme where the guy fucking them is visibly depressed

>I'm attracted to fat women
>fat women are a consolation prize for desperate men
do you hear yourself
Spotted the woman. You will never be conventionally attractive and tattoos are a net-negative on overall attractiveness.
Those fat bitches haven't dealt well with the fact that men have fucked them just because they needed some pussy. Are these the same women that say that men can't handle their feelings and frustration properly?

Are people getting paid for being angry online?
At its core. If you hate yourself and let men fuck you without any attraction or connection that’s on you sis.
This isn’t about hating women, this is about laughing at dust hoes who want to fuck someone out of their league and feel like a victim about it.
If this doesn’t apply to you lady, why are you offended?
Because I can spot very blatant misogyny means I'm a woman? Weird. You've never sucked a fat titty and it shows.
>You've never sucked a fat titty and it shows.
Hey sorry I didn’t also get to nurse off your obese mama.
Laaaammmmeeeeeeee. You can do better.
Imagine thinking sucking a fat titty is an achievement lmao.
If you really are a man, get your testosterone levels checked because you really do write like a woman. Unless you're trans, in which case, that's another problem in and of itself.
> Laaaammmmeeeeeeee. You can do better.
This millenial shtick of “please insult my mother more” doesn’t make you look tough, competent or emotionally unaffected by me calling the pussy you crawled out of a diseased nodule filled hole of puss and open herpes sores.
I know u r but what am I

Yikes, dude. Do you actually like beating off to women or what. I'll pray for you, homie.
>Keeps using playground insults
This is a 18+ site, so don't go out there crying that this filled with "rightoids" and demand to pull the plug when the jannies refuse to comply.
Hey, it's men's mental health awareness month. Just know that someone, somewhere, probably wants you to step outside of your NEET nest.
>>50201 (OP)
what's the deal with the guy, is he supposed to be a cancer patient? And that's why he's so thin, pale and bald?
That's Nick Fuentes. He's hated by the right for not supporting Israel and hated by the left for being a neo-nazi. MAGA hates him cause he's just a grifter.

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