
(73 KB, 1125x750, pexels-photo-140234.jpeg)
Have a reddit page for people to post pictures from the bb w drawn section. It helps Archive posts.

Talk about F A, bb w related topics.

Recommend videogames, A nime, Manga, Literature, Asmr, and art sites.

You are welcome, to J oin, as a member.

Search Bb wDrawnCommunity on reddit.

Also, what would you like to see on this sub reddit. Suggestions ?
Should other Boards get their own sub reddit. Erotic literature, Specific artists.

What about music videos? Fashion model events, food recipes.
why is this post vaugely structured like the CeePee spam
This is actual community on reddit. You can check and see for yourself.

This is so, that the image Threads specifcaly for the Drawn section of this site, can remain long term.
People can post related subjects.

Not sure what you mean, by structure.
>>50179 come do my feet lolol

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