
Only once.

And I managed to fuck it up. Well, more like I just failed to capitalise on it. She was basically a stranger, although she was technically a friend of a friend. Basically I was sitting at a bar and she put her hand on my shoulder and squeezed/massaged it and smiled at me as she walked past. Instead of talking to her immediately, I took a while to build up the courage, by which time I couldn't find her again.

Come to think of it, there have been very few times a woman has approached / flirted with me. Obviously talking about non-fat women here. The only recent times I can think of were all girls who had boyfriends, who I assumed were just fucking with me.
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no, but this candid goes hard
She's giving that, 'Please sabotage my diet', look
you guys don't get bbw women?
Yes, my first gf. I was a shy high school freshman, she was a sophomore, 2nd fattest girl in her class, who caught me staring at her more than a few times and putting myself in the periphery whenever she was talking to her friends.

Then years later, when I was married, at my wife's office. I think my wife blabbed about my FA status because her fattest coworker took particular interest in me. I don't think she was looking to break us up, it never went further than flirting, but it was pretty blatant. My wife noticed after a while and basically banned me from picking her up there.
>>50086 (OP)
At this point I go up and attempt to flirt with fat girls. I can hold a converstation make them laugh but that's about it but it's something.

...a woman literally "massaged" you as she walked past and you still needed time to realize she was flirting with you?

Jfc dude. I'm literally autistic and still can tell that's essentially a neon sign above her head that says "I want you."

Holy shit.
>>50086 (OP)
Yes actually, back on my graduation trip in ireland. A group of 3 BBW students actually tried to talk to me. One fatter than the other. One was irish, one german (2nd fattest) and the fattest one american. My autism made it kinda awkward and back than I already had a GF so not like I could have ever done anything with them. But it was a pretty fun experience and we had a brief nice talk.
Yah a few months ago some BBW came up to me at Starbucks while I was waiting in the pick up order line.

Too bad I'm a sperg and totally pussed out on asking for her number. I grabbed my drink and ran back to my car and flew out of there.

I'm such an idiot
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In middle school there was this chubby, big bottomed, pear shaped, fat assed duo. Let's called them Leslie and Brianne for reference, also because they were kinda dumb, and one of them was blonde w/ glasses.

Anyways, they were the jokesters of the whole school, everybody knew them. They teased me from time to time, asking me for kisses, for my lunch, asking me if I'd be their bf, blowing me kisses, etc.

One time, there was this event, I don't remember what was it. We were all standing all together at the gym, and I was standing behind them. 'Leslie' realized I was there so she decided to pull a prank on me in the middle of the crowd, she smacked her friend's ass, 'Brianne' quickly held her buttcheek, turned around and saw me.

"ANON! Why you smacked my friend's ass? Gee! control yourself."

Of course, I was confused and shocked, telling them it wasn't me. Luckily 'Brianne' already knew it was her friend who did it, she looked at me and gives me that inviting look, biting her lip and everything.
They were probably just bullying you lol
Had a girl match with me on tinder at college. Probably around 300lb. Small tits, fat ass, stomach that seemed to apron in her jeans - which were high-waisted halfway up her torso. Kind-of like Adeline in body shape. We met up and hung out. I don't think she was a feedee, just a fat fuck. Ended up sleeping in her bed once after being out drunk but didn't end up fucking because I lost my courage because how the fuck do I go about fucking someone who don't seem to know how fat they are? I was scared I'd lift her flaps and she'd start crying. Anyways, she was quite psycho. Obsessive. That was two-years ago now, I think she's started losing weight.
Went to a friend's party one time in high school. As soon as I walked in, his girlfriend who I hadn't seen in at least 6 months said hi to me; she looked like she gained legit 100 lbs since the last time since I saw her. Face was huge, huge arms and tits. My eyes just went enormous and I hardly knew what to say. She definitely picked up on this bc she followed me around all night and picked to be my teammate in games and shit. Was hot
Your friend is a feeder or wtf happened...?! 🤣
Not sure. He was really into cooking and I think he just likes thicker girls
Yes, one woman, several times. I fucked up everytime she approached me too because I just wasn't ready for it. She also wasn't very good at giving me more of an opening. I guess she was nervous too.
yes, i liked her, but i didn't try anything for some reasons i analyzed,

it is funny dough, i never thought in my life that a really fat girl (around 90kg) would appear on my way, and when it does, i unfortunaly can't enjoy it.

i do even believe she'd try this sort of fetish, i hope it happens again someday
When I was at university (UK) I matched with the fattest girl I had seen on campus, about 400 lbs. We had met once before at a party at my friend's place and we got in this argument about SJW stuff. Saw her at another party of his after we matched on Wooplus (hadn't messaged) and she just came straight over when she saw me and after maybe 30 mins talking she just asked me straight up if I wanted to fuck her and we got an Uber to her place
My favorite hit on story was taking a trip to London in the late 2000s.

I was going down for a job interview, and I got on a packed train and pretty huge woman had a seat reservation on a table seat. She had no chance of sitting there so she asked the next seat if she could swap, they agreed but they were a couple so I gave up my table seat and swapped with them.

She apologized for 'being a great big fatty' and thanked me for swapping. I remember saying something like don't ever apologize for who you are, and that was enough of a sign for her to flirt.

She was in a relationship so it never went anywhere, but we met up that night for dinner and a few drinks, I was supposed to go home the next night but she invited me to stay where she was. One of the few that enjoyed being fat, or at least gave me that impression. 32 stone, 450lbs of short, super fat godliness.

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