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It seems the quality of models and content has dropped a lot over 10 years

10 years ago the top models were Boberry, Roxie, Jae, JJ, Brianna, caitidee, starstruck, plump princess…

All girls with pretty faces and could hold their weight well.

10 years later and they’re still the best models but they don’t put out content as often as they used to and are close to retiring.

Nobody has really replaced them. Most models now just have big round belly’s and don’t really have a pear shape to them. Plus so many are covered in tats.

What happened?
>10 years ago the top models were Boberry, Roxie, Jae, JJ, Brianna, caitidee, starstruck, plump princess…
Accurate timeline:
1990s-2010: Bad, physical media pornography…this is where half the models listed got started.
2006ish: PP, Roxie, BigCuties launch.
The first generation of internet fatties benefited from being early adaptors. The internet made it profitable to target niche fetishes (compared to magazine’s needing to be on shelves).
They quickly got total market dominance as they were expanding into a vacuum, internet parasocial fetish porn. They’ve been able to reinvest that money into better video production, makeup and plastic surgery to compete with GenZers.
Their market dominance over the last 2 decades has effectively choked out younger models from building a brand. None of them would be able to compete today because of a handful of disqualifying ugliness (listed below for your edification simp).
Boberry: cave ogre face without makeup. OK as a “dumb girl next door” but she can’t pull of this Instagram act.
Roxie: Passable with makeup in a sort of “blonde loser Midwestern middle class housewife”, bland with sunken pig eyes. She’s killing the mindless consumer/American- mediocrity kink.
Jae: entire mental health epidemic.
JJ: she looks like a zombie water balloon. Outside of the diseased body her face is busted. BUSTED.
Brianna: No ass
Caitidee: Has had the face of a single-mother/dentist-secretary, weird buttcrack Starstruck: Have you seen her face?
Plump princess: Slightly less diseased than JJ, still doesn’t look like human fat. Both belong in medical textbooks on Lipedemia.
>Boberry: cave ogre face without makeup. OK as a “dumb girl next door” but she can’t pull of this Instagram act.
Roxie: Passable with makeup in a sort of “blonde loser Midwestern middle class housewife”, bland with sunken pig eyes. She’s killing the mindless consumer/American- mediocrity kink.
Jae: entire mental health epidemic.
JJ: she looks like a zombie water balloon. Outside of the diseased body her face is busted. BUSTED.
Brianna: No ass
Caitidee: Has had the face of a single-mother/dentist-secretary, weird buttcrack
Starstruck: Have you seen her face?
Plump princess: Slightly less diseased than JJ, still doesn’t look like human fat. Both belong in medical textbooks on Lipedemia

You can't diss all the premier models and not name who you find attractive .
Get some curtains or blinds lmao hate stalking your every night

Started off sounding mildly intelligent, turned into rambling about models being ugly...

To pick up where you left off: I suppose the BC/BHB and other websites made it so there was a barrier to entry - you had to be accepted, and then be able to create content at the quality and frequency of other models on the site.

With the rise of OnlyFans and many models going on and doing solo things (like Boberry), those barriers are effectively eliminated. Anyone can put out whatever they want. You're gonna get a lot of garbage, or maybe some of the older models slowing down because they don't *have* to do what they used to.

I dunno. Just my 0.02.
The thesis was they’re not hotter than kass or bigbravebabe or thebigass or empressanna…they def were not hotter than Kelligrl.
but you’re kinda dense buddy and missed the point: This isn’t a growing fetish scene. It peaked in the 2010s and no new model under 35 is dedicating themselves to being a carnival sideshow.
It’s in the past, these women are as much part of why the fetish scene devolved into feabie monitization of simps/sex-workers.
Ok so there’s more models but with quantity there seems to be a whole lot less of quality.

Very few new models with a nice face and pear shaped body

Most have a big single belly with skinny legs and arms with no face and tons of tats
These are a few short possible reasons that spring to mind: the increased "festishisation" of the scene might scare off the type of girls who could be prodded for pin-up modelling in the past, the world is more connected than ever which might inhibit the self-consious and fatties with good jobs who don't want colleagues to find out, Bashes seem to be less of a thing nowadays (i'm not from the US so don't quote me on that) those always have been a stimulus for the scene and new blood, the popularity of SSBBWs on a whole seems to be declining in favor of BBWs (this is speculation)

As for the lower quality..the smartphone age and OF is the culprint of this

It takes an experienced person in front of the camera, or ideally behind the camera to know what men like, e.g they will know basic facts such as that vertical portrait video is going to make you look slimmer (looking at you Hayley) and that men don't nut in 15 seconds.
>The thesis was they’re not hotter than kass or bigbravebabe or thebigass or empressanna…they def were not hotter than Kelligrl.

If you are only going to name Latinas I already know that you are a beaner brah.
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>The thesis was they’re not hotter than kass or bigbravebabe or thebigass or empressanna…they def were not hotter than Kelligrl.

Holy shit, those are your picks? Fuck, your taste is busted. Calling BoBerry a cave ogre when thebigassbbw is sporting a fucking goblin mask lmao smh

The industry isn't growing because we have a lot of old heads that have a LIBRARY of content behind them at different sizes - Jae has an entire spectrum of BBW to SSBBW to USSBBW content to appeal to so many people because she's been around for nearly 2 decades. Kinda hard to compete with that when you're just starting out.

But I say we use this opportunity to list off more new faces that could the boost and make sure they stick around. I'll take this post to highlight kenziekinziebbw: once a cautionary tale of how you should only look and not touch when it comes to girls online... turned OF model.
BigCuties and Bombshells having an application process did weed out the women who thought being fat was the only barrier for entry. Of course now, them getting no attention online and packing up shop after a few months is the market talking.
> Fuck, your taste is busted. Calling BoBerry a cave ogre when thebigassbbw is sporting a fucking goblin mask lmao smh
They’re equally ugly but Boberry is an antique at this point. I’ll take the naturally ugly 25 year old over the artificially enhanced 40 something.
Fatties realized that they could actually, y'know, put out a broader range of content than just stuffing themselves, wearing tight clothing and weighing themselves and thus get a wider range of followers.

Most BBWs go full on into hardcore now
empressanna looks Southern European.
A lot was mere familiarity since you weren’t able to do a 2-month-long smash and grab and then disappear for months on end in 2008. The exception was SouthernCharms but damn was that a shitty site.

Generally they got vetted to join a multi girl site like BC or Bombshells, that was going to charge monthly, so required a guaranteed frequency from them. Going on your own had barriers, like generating web traffic and webmastering.

Either way some work and persistence is required, and you had to stay long enough to get some momentum compared to now.
I seen the diddy tape. Bitch prob got out of pocket with her mouth. Now wanting that come up. In my voice
>>50065 (OP)
It's two things, for the most part.
>1.) The older models are just getting older and retiring. That's just how it goes.
>2.) Technology got better and as a result, the internet got more accessible. More people found out about the kink, more people have supercomputers with good quality cameras built into them, and don't require the likes of plus size content studios to get their foot in the door. Now it's just a matter of garnering a Twitter/Instagram/Tiktok/Feabie following then starting an OnlyFans.

Tattoos are just a recent cultural phenomenon. I'd expect them to stop being popular when they have kids, grow up, and see how terrible they look plastered on their aging parents. A decade ago it'd be *rare* to see someone under the age of 19 with a tattoo in high school. Now they're getting them as young as 16.

What do you mean with cautionary tale?
>that list of models
gr8 b8 m8
>They quickly got total market dominance as they were expanding into a vacuum, internet parasocial fetish porn.
This dynamic is fascinating to me as one of the old heads. I was in my mid-20s in the 2000s and was active in the bash scene, so I knew a lot of the first wave Big Cuties IRL before they started modeling. (Since Heather also ran the Heavenly Bodies bashes, she would recruit girls from them for Big Cuties.) It's interesting to hear younger guys, people in their mid-30s now, talk about how they feel that parasocial connection to models who they "grew up with" and watched their gain.
> gr8 b8 m8
If it weren’t all true, you’d say so. It’s not bait if it’s true. Same as libel.
> It's interesting to hear younger guys, people in their mid-30s now, talk about how they feel that parasocial connection to models who they "grew up with" and watched their gain.
There was an exciting point in time when the primary creators of the fetish porn were women in the fetish itself: kelligrl, imogenize, Jessicuh, Azismiss…when Feabie launched it was as much a social network/dating-app of fat fetish weirdos as anything else.
The next batch of models felt less real, the engagement was marketing not socializing.
Later models simulated the sorta almost social connections to OG models had back when the community was tiny.
Most of these models discussed in this thread were just fat women who wanted an easy paycheck and stumbled into the feedee scene at the right time and never left because they’re lazy and greedy. (which is why they got unintentionally fat in the first place rather than out of a preexisting interest in the feedism fetish)
Based queer hebrew negro. Your posts are always appreciated.
Yeah that was exactly me, too young to have actual involvement but knowledge of and following the same folks you were hanging with.
I guess she made her IG private after creeps scared her off.
And deleted her Tumblr at the time. She was as good as gone for what 6 years?
The money is not that good for what they are asked to do and prettier women regardless of size will always have higher standards for themselves than uglier women do, you have to think ten years ago things were a lot more tame than they are now and fat women didn't this many choices when it comes to modeling, just take Kittypiggy for example, as soon as she broke up with her boyfriend she left the scene for plus size modeling and hasn't looked back since which tells 'a that the money really wasn't worth the bullshit.

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