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Im a younger guy (in college) who is pretty good looking and has good success in person and on normal dating apps.

I wanted to give feabie a try but i’m finding it a bit difficult for a couple reasons.

One is that i don’t really know how to properly find women around my age (without premium the search doesn’t show many options and most people in the global feed are much older)

another reason is that it feels so much harder to start conversations on the app, and once i’ve started them it’s hard to continue them. There’s never a lot of info for me to work with to initiate conversations, and i don’t get many girls who put effort into their replies and make it easy to keep the convo going.

any tips/ personal success stories would be appreciated.
As an oldfag lemme give you some advice: honestly give real life a try. Feabie tends to draw women you wouldn't actually want a relationship with. I know it seems easier to sign up to a site and hope it narrows down the selection for you, but real-life actually down to earth fat girls aren't on there. They are aware the fetish, how it's monetized, and how simple most men are about it. It's mostly transactional. Not saying you couldn't find a partner there, but even plentyoffish might be better for finding women who aren't already high on their own supply. You hit on a woman on feabie 95% chance you're blocked, you hit on a genuine fat girl in real life you might actually get a number. Just my two cents.
Fellas if a girl on feabie responds to your long ass message saying I think you're cool with "haha ty :)" do you keep on messaging her or just leave it
Man, I'm surprised you even got that far. I tried Feabie a few years ago and there were only like 5 women in Ireland. Only two I though were good looking. One was a chubby cosplay chick from bumfuck nowhere (Leitrim or some shit idk) and she never responded. The other was an American chick living in Dublin who chatted to me for a bit before asking for money, then got pissy and blocked me when I pointed out that my profile said not to contact me if you're just looking for money. I did get a handful of girls from elsewhere in Europe contacting me but I didn't bother cos I didn't have the money to travel at the time
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>try feabie
>find a couple of women from the same country as you
>imagine what it would be like to meet up with her or just have a genuine connection with her
>realise that I have no chance
>consider suicide
>try feabie
Feabie is a marketplace connecting mostly pornographers with coomers.
In terms of connecting feeders with feedees, it does well enough but supply of feeders greatly exceeds feedees. Most single women looking for a bf are able to punch way out of their league because of this. Many of the feedees on feabie are less fat-positive than IRL fatties but desperate to be loved. If you can’t get a decent looking fat woman on feabie you can pull a plus-sized model looking woman on dating apps. Many women are on feabie to get free meals from simps, they may also get Chad dick and be bitter that chads don’t date them.
I’m 6’3”, 210 pounds of muscle and do well enough on feabie but for real, always found better local feedees by dating around, grabbing bellies in first dates and integrating the fat play/fat humiliation into a BDSM context from day 1.
But, I mean, do you really expect to be feeding gorgeous women to death without being a special catch yourself?

Nah I am pretty good looking just autistic asf
Leave it, and next time don't be so foolish as to send "a long ass message saying I think you're cool." Dole out praise for bitches sparingly.
If I do that she & her family will abuse my kids. I cant leave them
Ladies and gentlemen I am happy to report I am having a small talk conversation with a lady on feabie
Shy huge booty
Feabie worked for me multiple times over a multiple year period from about 2017-2022, the site really declined over the years. You can't expect getting results there. Treat it as a hobby website or a place to learn, if you can take things with a heap of salt. Umm and don't be a drunk or clingy or ghost women, because it's bad karma, personal advice
Yeah. A lot of guys who are salty. I met my gf on feabie. Plenty of mutual gaining women and female feeders too. If youre personality is nice it’s an easy place to score.

I’m probably one of the best looking guys on feabie at 6’5 muscular and classically handsome. I had a good profile that was wholesome and humorous and my messages were respectful and engaging.

I used it from 2017-2022 and I didn’t end up meeting up with anyone.

I had a few long distance things but ultimately they’re not really worth it.

The fact is nobody I was interested in lived remotely close to my city (in Australia) besides one cute girl who kept asking for money so I cut her off.

There’s a lot of luck involved and I’m not willing to move cities or countries
The Australian scene has gotten better the past couple years. I’ve met 8 between Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane and am meeting a new one tonight. I’m average build and looks.
Look. I’m a fat slob and I pulled a hot bbw off that site. Are you open to being a mutual feedee or is it all about your fantasy of being a feeder strictly?
Dating talk usually comes back to feabie, from what ive seen on this site, and in my personal experience, what you get out of the site depends on a)the length your willing to go (lit. and fig.) to have a relation with a lady, and b)the people you'd actually be interested in having a relation with.
if you use feabie for dating then anything outside you local feed is probably useless outside of learning about the culture on that site and making friends, which could be your goal but def wasnt mine. From what i see out of local users, though, is more pornographers than daters, people who have an OF in the bio with real feedee's keeping things digital anyhow. i imagine this extends if i seriously looked outside of my local community.

I personally dont look to just send cash with venmo and read how much they enjoyed the meal they supposedly bought with it since im just mistrusting, but that seems to be the game with what few feedees i've interacted with.

I should note though that i havent taken the platform very seriously (posting often, including appealing pics of myself) because i doubt the success is worth the effort, but if i did, maybe i'd get a few in-person dinner dates or feeding sessions. My current best bet is using hinge/ irl to land a date and work from there, regardless of whether theyre into feeder aspects/ enjoying fat, but that effort have yet to yield any fruit
>>49964 (OP)
in response to thread op, i've found my success from downplaying who i am and just totally sweet talking whomever im focused on. i try to incorporate more "real" topics after i've broken the dm ice-wall and actually have a shot of them giving me the time of day.

Since my goal is usually to find a lady to feed for a night on the weekend, i usually ham it up with talk about praising their body or teasing (it helps if their bio states they like it, playing to their weakness ig) but if they dont, they make it clear. The goal is getting their attention and playing orthodox with "hi how are you" "i love your fat belly" and "hey are you down to be stuffed" are weak starts, i think its better to go on a limb and make your interests known and be rejected than play timid and open and hope the interest is on them to keep going. if they dont respond then they dont respond, dont be too butthurt about it.

Also feabie UI is ass, you usually have to wade through the filters for a bit. the local tab with filters can show you MOST of the people you'd be interested in, since who it shows depepnds on how people fill out the self-identifying settings, but wading through the unfiltered local tab can show you a wider pool, even if theres 5 no-pfps and 10 dudes for every real feedee. i havent put any money into it for whatever bogus premium features you get, but i doubt it would show you anyone new or totally change the game
if you really are in college and do have success in traditional dating/ apps, then i recommend you keep playing to your strengths there. I've spent less time on curvage and fantasy feeder, but curvage is like a content-creator's dream with way less potential for meets and dates, and FF is better about dating prospects but both dead and facing a bot crisis i think.

Otherwise, play to your strengths online as you would in person: just being an attractive partner, not necessarily good looking but being someone ladies would look your way for. Online, this means posting pics and showing your an actual real person, and not just another pfp in an ocean of half-baked profiles
I’ve found the trick to feabie is to be less pushy about what you want and accept what’s available and local. I wasn’t looking for a mural gaining situation but it was my best lane being a fat guy while liking fat women.
if this is who I think it is I have talked with multiple women from feabie about how creepy this guy is lmao

I never sent anything disrespectful or had any bad interactions so I doubt it

There are a lot of fucking weirdos on feabie, not just people who are a bit quirky but school shooter types and public transport masturbators

Then again women are pretty liberal with how they define creeps, for some women it's anyone they find unattractive who gives them any attention. I was blocked a few times for just messaging to ask if they would be up for chatting.

How high/low are your standards?

Even for something casual I still need to be attracted to a woman besides just having a common fetish and if they seem completely socially inept or rude or anything I'm not interested.

I'm in Perth and from what I saw there were a few more decent looking options over east.

I've tried to compromise and find women with chubby bellies on dating apps but very few women actually show off that aspect of their body and I think being fit actually works against me because I seem to have a better chance of connecting with thin women than chubby ones, they just don't fucking match with me for some reason.

The last date I had was literally just walking up to a hot chubby girl in the street and asking her out to a drink. Even that is tough these days since women usually wear earphones when they're by themselves and you feel like you're interrupting them.

I've accepted I'll probably never get a chance to indulge in this kink in the real world.

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