
(693 KB, 1368x2048, 295615748_107582122037450_2953437627053275243_n.jpg)
I've come to realize my taste in women has changed a LOT over the years. Curious what you all experienced with that?

Up to my early 20's I preferred SSBBW sized women but only dated what I would consider thin women (max 180 lbs but spent most of the relationship around 160 lbs).

In my mid 20's I preferred USSBBW's and dated SSBBW size women, one woman I saw for a year started 460 lbs when we started dating and was 480 lbs by the time we split up. The other was 340 lbs casual thing we had on and off for two years. I was watching models in 600-700lbs range.

Now entering my 30's I've come to realize I just like chunky girls (in the range of 200-250lbs depending on height), I don't really watch porn either which might play a role into that too. For almost a decade I was jacking off twice a day. The whole time I haven't really changed my body weight at all either, I'm still thin as hell (<130lbs).

I'm wondering if the lower porn consumption has brought my expectations into a more realistic place or through aging and being less influenced by hormones I've just become less horny? One thing is for sure is that it's great to be proud to go out with someone who you're attracted to regardless of their size, that shit sucked). Not looking for answers just conversation and personal experiences.
>>49877 (OP)
Yeah I went through this but a little quicker, when I was a young teenager I loved “slightly” thicker girls like 170 to 230lbs and half way through I liked bigger girls like 250 to 350lbs but now in my 20s I actually started to get disgusted with huge girls.

Like the post nut clarity just didn’t leave me one day and I’m back to liking skinny girls, the only fat woman I still like is tianastummy cause she’s got a good face and a great personality.

It’s kind of weird but I’m glad I’m cured
>>49877 (OP)
>>49877 (OP)
I think this process of going from regular fat to insanely obese and back to regular fat is common. Its happening to me in my early 30's. I think its both biological and societal. SSBBW's can only stay huge for so long before their bodies start to fail them, and that is not something I would want to build a family around.
Same. Not so much in my porn consumption but my real world tastes.

My tastes got to their biggest in my 20s, i.e. past the age of caring what your peers think about you, when you're supposed to be living in a shitty apartment in a kind of selfish existence playing the field with no long-term strings attached. No one has made anything of themselves yet anyway, so the whole social dynamic is kind of level once you get past being afraid of being seen with a big girl. "I'm a barista." "I'm an entry-level engineer." "I'm in grad school." Who cares.

By the mid 30s that distance between the people who turned out successful and well-adjusted, vs someone on their way to a classic lower-middle class depressed fat person life is apparent and huge chicks definitely tend to veer to the latter.

MsFatbooty is a great example of what I mean - going from someone I'd love to date in my 20's, gleefully watching her get astoundingly fat, and one day you wake up and she's a 40 year old saddo, not even at her biggest, but with shot joints and a sealed fate.

Also, one new dynamic that becomes apparent at this age is even those formerly thin people are starting to get a little softer and turn heads in professional clothes in a way they couldn't have when they were 25.

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