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Decided I would start a thread for people to talk about their partners and say what they love most about them. Obviously I mean this more in the fetish sense. The pic is a reference, not my GF. If you are gonna share pics, please don't do it without their consent.

I'll start. My GF is a chef, so naturally a big eatter and loves food. Girl will constantly snack and over eat. The amount of times we go shopping and we end up walking out with bags of snacks and her muttering "this is why you don't go shopping whilst hungry." She is also chubby, like the photo, and the other day she told me that she wasn't talking to her boss about stuff at work. She mentioned how she was going out for drinks, and her boss replied "drinks? Wait, but, I thought you were pregnant?"
What I love about my wife from an fa related view

That huge perfectly separated double belly
(very much like reenaye actually)
Lots of back rolls and big side boobs melting into saggy g cup (eu) boobs resting on her top belly roll
The big ass
How she's lacking willpower to stop eating treats once they're available
The double chin and back neck roll
Her beautiful brown eyes
She knows how to dress well and isn't that stupid fat white trash kinda woman

And a lot more

A 400 lbs dream wife ;)
I've never had a Girlfriend I probably never will because I am an incel
>>why is she always around. Doesnt she have a job.
sorry for shitting OPs thread up but same, literally every single girl who I asked out since I felt forced to do it was either dating or "not in the mood for a relationship" (if they weren't lying).

if you have a high libido it feels like slowly dying of thirst while no ones gives a fuck. i'm going to go out on a limb and say that having sex too late can be as damaging as having it too early. just think of the extreme curiosity you would have if porn didn't exist. men in past times didn't accept such predicaments which is why arranged marriage was the practice du jour obviously.

I struggle to think of what could be physically off-putting about me other than being of a rare ethnical mix-up in a white place.
Idk man you sound like an off-putting weirdo who sounds like he's obligated sex, so maybe that's it.
You can talk down to him because you're a failed normie who got lucky once after waiting for his turn for long enough, right?
You are a fakecel in denial or just gay if you feel the need to criticize your fellow man while there's not even any girls around to think you're impressing.
Been married to my wife for 6 months and have known her for nearly 5 years. I love her far beyond this fetish but I also enjoy her size very much. She's about 290 lbs right now at only 5'3. She loves to binge on snacks and we regularly have movie nights where she can pack away a pretty substantial amount of food.

She loves to cook too and is almost always making or planning her next big meal for us. She knows that I love her size and loves to show her body off wherever she can. At home she normally wears tight jeggins and a t-shirt and in bed she normally likes to wear just her panties. Nothing beats waking up in the night or morning and being able to roll over and grab a huge soft handful of belly or ass.
Man is living the dream. I'm going over to England in a couple weeks with my GF to visit her family, looking forward to having a full week of sleeping next to nature's chunky hot water bottle. Lmao
My gf was anorexic, so she has already been super skinny and doesn't see it as some unobtainable thing she needs to strive for just to experience it.
She has never really had much body fat and everything is new to her. Having her tits, ass and thighs jiggle is a like new discovery for her and it's really hot to see her test her body out in front of a mirror.
She has made some weird "jokes" about needing to buy larger pants for the future which took me off guard, feels like I am living in some crazy wet fever dream I had when I was 14.
Fucking pedophile lol
>other than being of a rare ethnical mix-up in a white place.
Kek same. I'm 75% white and 25% non-white and I ended up just looking like a weird white person.
The guy literally said nothing wrong. Why is it always Americans making hypersimp comments like this?
Been dating my GF for about a year and a half now, she shares this fetish and has always been chubby, was about 180lbs when we started dating and has gained up to 220lbs now.

Her tits have exploded, she's a 42E now but her gut is even bigger than her tits at this point. Her face has really filled out and she's got a constant double chin now. She's turned on whenever she eats and loves being force fed or funnel fed. She's gotten really desperate to reach 250lbs lately and started eating more to get to that point.

This woman is incredible and getting so addicted to eating and gaining weight. There's no feeling like stretching my arms around her in bed and feeling my hand sink into her belly, or tracing all her new stretch marks and telling her what a fatty she is
My girl is a bit absent minded at times. It usually bugs me but one upside is that she has a tendency to not notice when her hips and belly jiggle themselves out into the open while we're out walking. If it gets extreme and there are other people near by I'll tell her but its always hot seeing how reliably her clothes fail to contain all her fat.
My girlfriend is 280, and it REALLY bugs me that her weight isnt a clean number. Id like to see her at 300, but Im sort of struggling to encourage her.
Any tips?
280 is definitely a clean number. It ends with a 0 :)

Anyway it might take some time. Dk if she's actually into feederism or is watching her weight to make sure she doesn't get too big. It ain't east keeping up with this stuff.
>Dk if she's actually into feederism
Shes not. She doesnt want to lose weight though, and doesnt mind being fat. I dont know if she would or wouldnt mind.
If she does though she can always lose the 20 pounds.
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I've been dating "J" for almost 2 years and she's someone I really like, however, I feel like our relationship is no longer the same as it was 2 years ago. Then I met "S", a funny, intelligent girl and a great feedee. The only problem with it is that we live far away from each other. Anyway, I don't want to cheat on my girlfriend, so I'm stuck deciding whether to break up with "J" to risk something with "S". Any help or advice will be appreciated

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