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>no greentext thread
Strange, let's fix that. Post greentext stories about fatties, weight gain, whatever the fuck
>see a pic of the hottest thin girl at my high school looking soft last night
>do a little sleuthing and find she has a tiktok account
>not expecting much, maybe a couple of pounds if there's even a good video of her
>she's started posting body positivity videos in the past month
>looks like she's gained 20-25 pounds since quarantined started
>a lot of it is in her belly, not fat but chubby
>full videos of her dancing with her now flabby belly out, jiggling like crazy
I've never felt so lucky in my life. She's already saying that she loves her tummy so I hope she doesn't try and lose weight. I'm just totally floored by this. Man did quarantine have its benefits.
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>have SSBBW friend
>has time off at beginning of year, is planning on going to therapy for food addiction and working out
>gets friend who lost over 100lbs to switch gyms so they can work out together
>starts going, does treadmill and machines
>after a month, gets bronchitis
>stops going to the gym
>after recovery, no word of her going back
>the habit is broken
>stops going to therapy due to COVID, not doing virtual visits too
>crisis averted

Her job required her to be on her feet all day as a cook, but she snagged an office job during the pandemic. We haven't spoken in a while but desk jobs require you to be pretty sedentary.
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Legendary greentext. I prefer to believe it's true.
That was legendary, everyone's fantasy
>be me, 23m
>meet 23f local in feabie
>hit it off right away
>loves to eat and drink
>watch and help her grow from 145 to 250 lbs in 2 years
>huge badonkers
>huge jiggly and soft double belly
>flabby arms
>lovely round face with double chin
>watch her overgrow so much clothing
>life good
>tells me she is about to get diabetes
>starts losing weight
>don't care, still very much into her
>decides to cut me down because of how much we relate through food
>not angry, just sad, wish her well
>over a year without knowing about her
>miss her
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this wasn't supposed to be a feels thread
It was inevitable, look where we are. The friend in my story, I cut ties with months after that happened, I had an unhealthy obsession. Doesn't help I asked her out a few times before that. She was nice but ultimately not a good friend.

My mind is in a better place, at least. Best to just let it go when your heart, mind, and dick all have different opinions on what to do.
Let's lighten this up, I've lurked forever but I wanna brag about my success story:

>Married a girl with extreme complex about getting fat
>Parents would treat her like shit over weight when she was skinny as a rail, previous boyfriends were just as bad
>Used to even starve herself or make herself throw up
>I'd buy her sweet things she loved and she'd have fun, no one in her life offered her food without warning her how fat she'd get, but she would feel extreme guilt about overeating or really liking fattening food
>Did the whole 'you beautiful babe' thing all the time, she'd look at me like I'm a space alien, but I could tell it was working on her, never revealed the fetish explicitly
>Years pass, she is pregnant with our first child
>Extreme morning sickness makes it impossible to keep down food for the first three months, doctors need her to gain weight, finally prescribe anti nausea meds that work
>She starts eating whatever she wants because the pregnancy hormones make her eat like the baby depends on it, sometimes catch her feeling guilt, but saying 'you're pregnant, it's good for the baby, enjoy it' seems to flip a switch

One night

>Her back hurts, I'm giving her a back rub with her shirt off, she's finally gained enough that she looks the right weight, big round pregnant belly
>I think she's been noticing lately that I could beat a man to death with the erection I have sometimes
>Wife: "I feel so huge."
>Me: "I know. You're the fattest you've ever been." I start rubbing her belly from behind, she kind of leans back into me, lets out a sigh. I keep rubbing her belly, I slide my hand down to her pussy, gently and slowly, still rubbing her belly with her other hand. She turns her head and her eyes are closed, she just starts riding the sensations.
>Wife: "I don't think I'll ever be thin again."
>Me: "I like it."
>Wife: "I feel so fat." I keep touching her, she lets out little moans from time to time, squirming against me.
>Me: "...I want you fat."

She freezes, her whole body tense, I stop moving my hands. I've gone too far. I hold my breath. I just hold her rigid body, swearing at myself in my head. We just stay like that for a minute. Then facing away from me she just whispers one word.

>Wife: "....yeah?"

I stop panicking, just staring at the back of her head. She turns to look back at me, her face is flushed, she starts breathing heavily.

>Wife: "...keep going."

I start rubbing her pussy again, a little more urgently. I just start talking.

>Me: "You've gotten so fat."

She moans.

>Me: "I think you like it. I think you want to be fat. Watching yourself get bigger-"

She bucks a little.

>Me: "And bigger-"

She moans.

>Me: "And fatter!"

She is really moaning in rhythm now, she is gushing against my hand. She is talking through gasps.

>Wife: "I c-can't stop! I just keep eating and eating!"

>Me: "That's what I want! I want you fat. I'm hard for your big fat belly."

>Wife: "You are aren't you?" she says while gasping for breath, like it's finally clicking that I'm not just lying to make her feel better, that I am stroking her and teasing her because she is sexy just the way she is with her big bulging belly.

>Me: "I want your ass fatter, and your hips wider. I want your belly bulging over your waistband. You're not fat enough for me." She is grinding against me hard, fighting for breath.

>Wife: "I-I'm not? I feel. So. Biiig."

>Me: "Maybe I'll just tie you down-"

>Wife: "Yeah-"

>Me: "- and just stuff you-"

>Wife: "y-yeah-"

>Me: "fuller-"

>Wife: "hm-"

>Me: "and rounder. And tighter. Until you are so full. So tight!" She is really moaning now, I can feel her bucking against me. "So full you'll know you'll be fatter in the morning!" She is getting louder. "So full you could pop!"

And she cums. She cums hard. Shaking and screaming and whimpering and fighting for breath. She slumps against me breathing softly, then all of a sudden she is cumming again, shrieking, burying her face in the crook of my arm almost growling as she bites my bicep shivering and shaking.

>We talk afterward, her legs are jelly and she is so sensitive she can't be touched lightly, exhausted
>She's still a little bewildered that she came so hard imagining herself fat
>Starts wondering aloud if this means she has a fetish, scared that she has to gain weight now
>I let her know she doesn't actually have to gain weight or stuff, it's all part of the fantasy and role-play, we can have fun without actively making her fat

Years later

>She's nowhere near fat or bbw, but she has let herself become chubby, the weight really settled on her in all the right places, it is a fantasy after all, I'm not looking to give her health issues
>She sometimes gets a little embarrassed, but she eats what she wants now even when it's fattening, and I can tell it kind of turns her on
>The role-play continues, she has really gotten into it, telling me how she noticed that her clothes are tighter, that her belly is rounder, saying she'll get fat for me, that she wants to be fatter, that she wants her belly so round people will think she's pregnant, sometimes even pushing out her belly as far as she can so she can show off how much bigger she is and how much bigger she wants to be, she likes to cum talking about getting fat
>she's even eaten chocolates in bed, just enough to role-play
>I'm not saying this would have worked out with everyone, but it can happen
we're all gonna make it bros
It wasn't the best nor the bad ending, it was the true ending.
I have been looking for this for years! Thanks
>be me
>in high school
>childhood summer camp runs a week for 14-17 year olds, basically a reunion for people who used to go as kids
>meet hot girl
>my friends and I hang out with her and her friends
>get to know her
>she talks about medical issue that makes her very hungry
>she's sad cause she thinks she's fat (she wasn't, just thicc)
>comfort her, tell her she isn't fat and not to worry about that
>says I'm a good friend
>friendzoned but don't really care, I'm okay just being friends
>years later
>be me
>working at camp
>boss tells us we're training a bunch of new volunteers
>she's one of the volunteers
>she's gotten chubby
>she says she wants to work here the whole summer
>F U C K
>she's always trying to talk to me, to the point where I have to tell her to focus on working and we can talk at the break
>worried I upset her
>sit with her at dinner
>not really hungry, pick at food
>"hey anon, are you gonna finish that?"
>look at her
>tfw she's already finished her plate
>give her plate
>eats it all
>they call seconds
>"omg anon, can you get me seconds"
>come back to table
>tfw she also got seconds
>tfw get to watch her eat two more full plates
>"do you think they'll call for thirds?"
>am I dreaming
>she doesn't even have to ask, I'm already in line
>eats two more plates
>you get the idea
>by the end of dinner she's breathing really heavily and leaning back in her chair.
>she's trying to stealth rub her belly
>it's peaking out from under her shirt
>time to clear dishes
>we usually get the kids to scrape any excess food off their plates into the compost so it doesn't get in the sink
>she laughs
>"there's an easier way to do that anon"
>tfw she licks her dishes clean
>best job ever

and that is the greatest moment of my teen years.

how did you not put your penis in her
she got fired for smoking weed on camp property and we didn't see each other outside of camp. we still follow each other on socials, think she has a boyfriend now.

Is. She. FATTER???
judging by her instagram yeah she's bigger, although the difference between now and when we worked together is a lot smaller than the difference between when we worked together and the last time we'd hung out. Like she used to be slim thick and then when she showed up to volunteer at camp she was like way bigger on all fronts. Her boobs and butt were always pretty big but she also had a fucking great belly holy fuck. She seems mostly the same now so she's still hot.
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>it's the year 1999
>I'm going to a Sleater-Kinney concert
>the opener is some no-name band who just put their first EP out
>hoping I don't have to sit through a band that sucks just to see S-K
>get there on the early side, hanging around the venue before the show
>see a cute and very fat girl wearing a sleeveless vintage blouse and a B-52s style beehive hairdo (which I love)
>heart starts racing, immediately develop a crush on this fat and stylish indie babe
>but at this point in my life I'm a socially awkward college freshman who has no idea how to talk to girls
>trying to work up the courage to chat with her but I'm nervous as hell
>go to the bar with my friend who has a fake ID to get a beer
>by the time we get back she's gone
>oh well, I was probably going to strike out anyway
>a while later the opening band finally starts
>the fat girl with the beehive is up on stage
>opening band was The Gossip
>it was Beth Ditto

Not that she would have been into me anyway, but it was still pretty trippy to watch them hit the big time a couple years later.
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>Be going somewhere during the day on my bike
>See coworkers that I haven't seen in a while near my work
>bbw chick i sometimes hook up with tells me to join them at a restaurant we used to go to after work
>she knows seeing women eat turns me on and has invited me to meet her and a friend at a buffet before and always gorges herself when we work together.
>usually save her an extra entree from the dinner portion at work or offer her some of mine and she takes a bigger portion than me
>She's clearly put on a bit of weight during the pandemic since I last saw her around June. Her face is way more round and her jaw line has mostly disappeared
>already bbw before,but keeps making jokes about how fat she got, can't button pants anymore and not caring about her diet
>mentally cooming
>tells me to sit across from her on the way in
>we go to eat and she gets an app because she's been eating at work all day and "not to hungry"
>after she announces shes hungry again and gets an entree
>even takes some of my food
>always making eye contact with me while she's eating
>tease her about eating my food a little
>explosive tension between us the whole time
>she is going to a friends house but tells me to call her a cab to my house later on
>comes over later
>get lost in bbw thighs and pussy for the night

mfw surprise bbw fuck buddy from work who i haven't seen in months got fatter, eats in front of me for an hour and wants to come over and fuck later that night.

>Literally so horny i had to jerk off when i got home and couldn't wait to fuck later.
>wake up fully recharged from coom nap and wait for her to come over
right I'm bored so might as well drop another story that happened with that girl at camp
>be me
>working at summer camp
>feeling great cause got to watch hot girl who's doing employee training eat like a pig at dinner
>next day
>ask her to hang out with me in the employee break room on our break
>nobody else there
>"hey anon, you got any food? I didn't get enough at breakfast."
>tfw keep massive stash of junk in employee kitchen that my parents sent me
>got like 4 bags of chips, 3 cans of pringles, some other random shit and then a six pack of 1L sprites
>tell her to help herself
>she takes a bag of chips and a bottle of sprite
>she looks embarassed
>fucking adorable
>talk while she goes through the food, trying not to get a boner
>"hey anon you got any granola bars?"
>get some of the ones I keep for hikes
>she scarfs those too
>this is amazing
>had to take care of sick kid so didn't sit with her but saw her go back for more at least twice
>later that day
>go for a piss
>see director telling her she can't be in the break room without a staff member while she's in training
>wtf happened
>she's looking really bloated, was she that big this morning?
>go to break room
>check my stash
>one bag of chips and a bottle of sprite left
>check granola bars
>one left
>best week of my life
might come back with more stories if I remember any other stuff
Bored at work and hate my employer, so this seems like as good a time to waste, as any.

>early 20s me is off and on in a LDR with a cute fat girl with many sexual interests.
>(honestly, I think she may have actually been a sex addict with some unresolved issues but it was amazing at the time.)
>I eventually decide to move to her state, and live with her. Give it a real go of things.
>During one of our "off" periods of dating, we confirmed that I was a feeder, and she was a feedee
>(which I think piqued our interests in each other to start being into each other again.)
>I fly down. She meets me at the airport.
>Looks noticeably fatter.
>Confirm with her a couple weeks later, that she gained as much weight as she could, just to see my reaction.
>Holy Shit.
>It was girl scout cookie season. I load her TF out.
>Take her out to as often as possible, with plenty of beer, apps, and dessert.
>Gains too fast and cannot fit into current clothes very well.
>Not specifically a gainer, (more of a stuffer/roleplayer) and is too active to really maintain anything over 300lbs, but enjoys the fantasy of growing/gaining/stuffing.
>Needed to stop, because she was into it, but worried about her mobility (lived in a walking city) and the fact that her entire wardrobe no longer fit.

>things fall apart because of course they do, but I still remember those few months full of feeding and fucking as the hottest period of my entire life, even still many years later.

>TL;DR: I had a passionate feedist relationship with noticeable gains. Moved my entire life and put myself in severe debt for what was essentially just a few months of feedist heaven and then a miserable couple of months figuring out how to get home.

>100% Would do again.
>Going into severe debt for a woman
>Going into debt for a depreciating asset
>Going into debt for a depreciating asset that isn't around anymore
Holy shit, this was a boner killer. You're a retard, dude. Ngmi.

Or, y'know... call it taking a financial risk to relocate in order to give a promising relationship a chance?

Also, person isn't a "depreciating asset", you damn sociopath.
Sometimes it do be like that
Lol, I did pretty much the exact same thing at a Gossip show too
>Refers to partners as “depreciating assets”
Well aren’t you just a bright ray of psychopathic sunshine

News flash, you age too Einstein
Literal braindead retard takes with a nice giant glass of reddit armchair psychology. Is this your first imageboard, you dumbass coombrains? If you knew anything about men vs women, you'd know that women are used for their bodies, and men are used for their money and status. Women are the gatekeepers of sex, men are the gatekeepers of relationships. If you haven't figured this out by now, I'm guessing you're poor and are very bad with women. Besides, It doesn't matter how old I get. The older I get, the more wealth and status I can amass. And I can still have kids whenever. Women aren't as lucky. Is this really news to you lol?
Lmao this guy hates himself
that guy thinks he's a chad but he's actually a virgin kek
This is Redpill 101, I swear to God. Anyone who follows this gospel may as well complete the initiation with an INCEL tattoo.
>be me dating a 23 year old virgin
>virgin is super hot fatty with fattest ass ive ever been with
>put up with so much neurotic bullshit because she's a feeder's dream
>she would routinely stuff herself silly, complain about how full she was, and burp in front of me, even though she was oblivious about feedism as a thing
>me still being closeted about being a feeder just desperately blue balling because she refused to have sex for the four months we dated, because of insecurity about her body, insecurity about her virginity, insecurity about every fucking thing under the sun
>put all my frustration into cooking for her, buying snacks, enabling her in every possible way
>still chasing the physical high I got from her oblivious fat girl lifestyle after all this time
I hear you want some green text?

>be me 18 soon to be 19
>Start dating girl just turned 18
>Getting on well
>One day in her room she pulls out a pair of jeans and says she's feeling a bit bloated and these are her "fat jeans" and puts them on instead of her normal jeans because it's that point in the month and she sometimes feels bloated around then
>Time passes and I head off to Uni but we keep seeing one another
>She doesn't know I'm a feeder she's like 5'3 maybe 130 lbs
>Go over to hers when I'm on break over Christmas and she says for after dinner we've each got a chocolate bar for desert but if I want I can have it early as she's going to have hers as an afternoon snack.
>After dinner she comes back in eating a chocolate bar and goes "I don't know what happened I could only find one bar in there (she says eating it)."
>Say "It doesn't matter you enjoy it"
>She eats the thing but is annoyed about the other bar
>Remind her that she had one earlier as a snack
>Shock,jpg face from her "I didn't did I?"
>"Yes tell her to check her pocket where she stashed the wrapper"
>Lookofhorro.jpg as she realises she ate both.
>Tell her it's fine I wanted her to be happy.
>Easter holiday comes
>She's been telling me how she's switched to bacon sandwiches in the morning before work
>Learn what she wasn't saying was it's a double round with butter on the sandwiches.
>She says she needs it cause her job is pretty physical
>She's clearly about 150 lbs.
>I'm over and she says about these chocolate mousses we have for desert.
>Big Dinner such that I'm feeling pretty full
>She has her mousse
>notices I've not touched mine
>Asks if she can have it, I say go for it if she wants. She looks delighted
>after she says to come upstairs with her
>She lays back onto her bed her jeans digging into her stuff belly quite badly
>Lean over and undo them and her belly springs free
>She says "What did you do that for?"
>Reply "You looked uncomfortable"
>"Yeh I was, thanks"
>lightly rub her belly
>Notice the jeans she's wearing as the ones she called her fat pants, they're now too small to close round her fat belly.

Unfortunately after that I went back to uni and she went on a diet thing then we broke up because she wanted some-one there able to be with her then and I was still at Uni

>shit goes down and end up breaking off all contact with her, new boyfriend after me is to be polite a a total fucking nut job who at one point threatens to brun down where I'm living because I've uspet her despite having 0 conteact with her for months and having her blocked.
>Fucking years on decide to unblock her
>Same day she unblocks me and we start talking and catching up.
>Asks if I was ok after the break up because I cut off all contact.
>Say I had rough times but got through them
>She then says "Oh cause [boyfriends name] said you threatened to kill him"
>Me Shock.jpg
>Reply it's not a lie but not the full truth either
>"What you mean"
>Say "He'd been threatening me and after like a few days of escalating threats I basically told him if he so wanted to kill me to come try and I'd break both his arm and legs and leave him to flop his way home"
>She says "Makes sense, you say he threatened you"
>Me: Yeh
>Her: Still got the messages
>me: Yeh
>Her: can you show me
>Shows the messages
>Her holy shit glad I broke up with him, dude is a psycho, based on the date we we're on a get away break but we'd had a bit of a fight, I dunno why he's decided it was your fault it had nothing to do with you, sorry he did that"
>Time passes
>Over next 5 years she has to have a couple of operations due to nerve damage issues she's developed. Has to change jobs and spend some time barely about to move about.
>Gets married to new boyfriend
>Shit goes down
>Now separated from him
>Has had to have more operation and possible more to come basically requiring her to sit around weeks at a time to recover
>post picture on facebook in her swimsuit
>She's bigger than ever

Other Greentext stories to come and no there's no happy ending to this one really, I doubt there will be as we're very different people now but yeh didn't expect to that end twist really to come.
Because she'd be famous or that your personality was too bland and square to get with a feisty modern babe like that?

Beth Ditto is a lesbian and their breakthrough single a few years later was a protest song about legalizing gay marriage.
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>Be me
>Classmate with this girl few years ago, in high school
>Extremely good looking, and with a rich girl personality
>She was the most pretended girl there, everyone's crush
>Never was my thing, mostly because my beta ass never looked for the popular ones
>After graduating she went to work to the United States
>Years later, decide to check her Instagram because heard she had just returned here
>She fucking blew up
>Like a 100 pounds gain since I last saw her, not exaggerating
>Check all of her photos and see the progressive gain since moving to the US
>Gain looks good on her, in the right places and still with a pretty face
>Ironically, I develop a big crush now that she looks like a hog
>Decide to hit her up on her DMs
>Chat for a good while, feel chemistry with her
>She tells me she's single and that she hasn't dated anyone for a while now (not surprised tbh)
>Invite her to meetup again and go out for something in the next week
>She accepts
>Realize that without her gain I would've never gotten the chance to know her better and hit her up
>The American dream allowed me this chance

God bless America, the land of the opportunities and of the weight gains.
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>be black
>most black girls actually into this fetish are either ugly as shit
>or white washed to hell and into shit like raceplay
As to whether or not I'm posting an L or not is up for debate. I'll start dropping in with greentexts here and there as I'm talking with girls. Anyways, onto my lame story.

>be me, 19
>A little while back, around November of last year
>be talking to this 8/10 girl
>her face was pretty, she was large in all the right places, I couldn't ask for more.
>we hang out a couple times, I meet her grandma.
>the grandma likes me, and invites me over whenever.
>the girl had just moved into town, she hadn't really explored it.
>offer to show her around, and show her the local shops since they're neat.
>plans are set on doing that and getting food.
>few days later, and I'm at work.
>check my phone on the side because the store was really not busy that day.
>"Someone make plans with meee"
>Ask her what was up, considering we had plans on Wednesday.
>"Not to sound like a whore but--"
>Oh, so it was like that.

Pause right here. Just to give some background info.
1.) I discovered I was emotionally deficit in some departments of my brain, so I was slowly backing off for my own mental health. I set boundaries as well beforehand when I found out as well. I just wanted to be friends since I had such a sudden event happen.

2.) I think hookups are boring, plain and simple. I'd rather it be more sentimental with a partner I care about, more or less some emotionless squeeze. What good is a pair of tits if there is no emotional value?
Continuing on.
>"Do you think my ass is small anon?"
>I dodge the topic, thinking she would just fire straight for the throat if I said anything to provoke it.
>She says that she'd sneak me into her house so we could fuck.
>I'm boggled at what is going on, since this all happened really fast.
>I put my foot down and I explain how she glossed over my boundaries; and how I didn't want sex.
>I'm pretty straight forward about how I want sex, but 1/2 of girls I end up talking to usually want a hookup.
>I'm not even super remotely good looking imo, so I can't find a reason to justify it.
>I have been told by a good friend that I look like I know more than I show off. Which seems odd since some folks assume I'm generally innocent or mysterious.
>Boundaries were set, and I effectively got her off my case.
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>The next day, she texts me asking if I was free.
>What's up?
.>Can you go with me to the store to grab a Plan-B so I won't be as embarassed?
>Turns out that night that she had a guy over after I turned her down, and I think I remember it being said that he nutted in her.
>I was explaining this all to my friends on discord and they were fucking losing it.
>Some deadass just wanted me to call her a whore and leave. Though that isn't my style.
>I just cut her off completely and that was the end of that.

I could have had my shit rocked that night, but professionals have standards. It feels like upholding my own principles helped me dodge a bullet though. Women are weird homies.
Not gonna lie that sounds pretty cucked
I don't understand. Why did you turn her down instead of saying you'd love to do that once you got to know her better or something?
Unexpectedly pretty wholesome story, this kind of attitude will make you absolutely irresistible to women in your mid 20's onwards.
Alright, let’s see if I can sum this up and explain it correctly.

My principles lean around having some form of control, rather than going instantly for the neck and getting sex. It’s not even a “make my first time magical” bullshit, it’s just how I feel. Sex doesn’t need to be everything, or right of the back even if it is nice.

I had mentioned that I had discovered something about myself; and that I needed to take a break off dating for myself. I basically had been traumatized a few years back, and found out what the result was. Turns out I was emotionally numb, but to a degree. I can feel general emotions, but more complex emotions are harder to feel because of the environment I was in for so long. (Knowing people care, love, self-worth, etc.) In my brain, it’s academically known, not felt.

Me needing time off for myself for at least a month, I would tell this girl a good few times about it and that I needed to back off from dating. She glossed over it until that night she wanted to fuck.

There were certainly a few red flags there even if I wanted to date her. Getting a read of who I’m talking to is pretty much key. This wasn’t it bossman.

Not really lmao.

I feel pretty confident about myself, and I take my shot whenever I think it would work. Though it’s time to say my dilemma I’m in kek.
My dilemma is that girls my own age don’t really regard me, but girls that are about 22-30+ will flirt with me just fine. Not to say that’s bad or anything, but from someone who got out of a relationship with a 22 y/o recently; I predicted exactly how it would go. Considering I was the most mature one within the relationship too lmao.
I may explain the 22 y/o gf story later after my college class today.
You're taking yourself too seriously. Just have some carnal pleasure and be done with it.
Your love interest had some guy going ham in her pussy then calls your up asking to get them some plan B. If that's not cucked then I don't know what is.
The thing is that I was trying to back off for my own reasons for like a week. I became uninterested when my whole mental issue debacle came up.
Sounds to me like you've got a good head on your shoulders and dodged a bullet. The fact that she went to the next guy for a hookup and then immediately told you all about it is a red flag for a drama-prone thotty that you don't need in your life.


Actually going with her to get the Plan B would have been cucked to all hell, but I assume that

>I just cut her off completely and that was the end of that

means he was smart enough not to do that.
How did the relationship end?
>>4976 (OP)
post the link if she's legal or you become a furry tonight
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>be me last year
>white guy
>meet black girl on tinder
>easily weighs 250pounds
>literal fucking oreo (she even straightened her hair)
>black father wasn't in the picture so I didn't have to worry about getting the shit beat out of me
>her mom ended up being white, maybe my racist parents wouldn't try to break us up if they met her
>she's a total sweetheart
>very sexual girl, asked me if I watched porn and deliberately asked if I was into her despite her size
>fantastic belly/ass/thighs
>Biggest pair of tits I've ever sucked on, each one the size of my head yet somehow still perky
>Totally into me, she even changed her schedule to spend time with me and kept wanting to see me more than once a week
>we'd sit in the car and talk for hours
>make out and shit for hours on end regularly
>3 months later, corona shutdowns happen
>we gradually stop seeing each other and stop talking to each other despite no particular cause

Fuck corona and fuck myself for not trying harder to see her. She was so hot and a total sweetheart. The only downside was that she wanted a tattoo. I hope I find another girl like her after I lose the 10 pounds I put on this past year
Definitely sounds like you really fucked that one up. Although some fault lies on her for not putting in more effort to keep things going as well. Takes two to tango and all that. Honestly kinda sounds not far off from a situation I found myself in.
>Be the end of the year before last
>Start talking to girl online
>Half-black, didn't really make a huge deal about her heritage in general or really fit into any cultural box
>300 and some change
>Pretty decent in size all over, tits, ass, and belly were all pretty large, but none were really huge, ass was probably the largest of the three
>Met up while the coof was still mostly in China
>I drove her out and about, ended with just chilling at her place and cuddling up together, nothing too sexual, the most we did was kiss each other on the cheek
>Both of us had our hearts set on seeing each other again
>Was sadly a pretty long drive, and she was dealing with car issues, so we couldn't meet up midway or anything like that
>A few weeks after meeting up, decided that it was best we remain just friends. No reason given, but I was fine with just that
>She had an emotional breakdown, was fairly silent for about 2 weeks
>Schedules never really ended up lining up after that
>Coof comes stateside, lockdown shit starts, making another meetup unlikely
>Conversation between her and I slows down a fair bit, mostly due to life issues on her end
>End up being hundreds of miles away from her
>Still talk on occasion, although most conversations are brief

Mildly disappointed that nothing came of it, on both a physical and emotional level, I'm hard-pressed to think of a single girl I've hung out with that I've clicked so well with. She was, and still is, kind of an emotional wreck, but from the time I've known her, that seems to be more of life constantly fucking her over than anything else. I'm absolutely certain that whatever person is willing to still stay by her side relationship-wise through her rough points will have an absolute gem of a woman.
>working for a gift shop of a show theatre
>young couple come to see the sovineer shirts
>girl is a slim cutie
>they see one popular shirt, girl wants it in a size small
>we're sold out of every size but xxl because our supplier sucks
>tell her its the only size we have
>she jokes to her boyfriend that she can get that size and just get fat to make it fit
>the three of us all have chuckle, though in my mind i find it insanely hot to imagine
>i notice the b/f looks a little too uncomfortable
>i notice b/f rubbing his hand against g/fs rear on the way out
alright got another story about the girl I talked about a few months ago
> be me
> still working at summer camp
> it's a group of younger kids this week
> they go to bed at like 9 so staff have nights off
> just kind of walking around the site listening to music
> "pssst anon, over here!"
> look over
> it's her again
> wonder if we're gonna fuck
> prepare for dissapointment
> "I was gonna sneak into the tuck shop, wanna come?"
> nevermind this is way better
> go to tuck shop
> basically a store room with a sliding window on the front where the kids line up to get candy and shit
> door is locked, window is locked with a loop and eye
> slide knife next to window and push up on rod to unlock it
> "wow anon you're so smart"
> mfw most basic trick ever but I'll take it
>have to help her up into window
> push on her ass to give her a boost
> more than a few handfuls of ass
> go in too
> remember that admin keeps a close eye on inventory to make sure they don't lose money on stolen food
> she looks sad and turns back round to leave
> mfw have idea
> I'll just write down anything she takes on my sheet then it'll come out of my pay
> everything here is dirt cheap anyway
> she hugs me
> "awww anon you don't have to do that"
> tfw she says that but she's already starting to take stuff off the shelves
> takes out chips, chocolate bars, pop, candy and freezies
> watch her go to town
> saw her bite directly into a kit kat instead of breaking it apart
> she just opened a bag of chips and poured it into her mouth
> she was looking for something in particular
> sees box of it under table
> gets down on all fours
> she just into the box and starts eating
> mfw get a good look at her ass while she gorges herself
> her pants seem about ready to go
> try to focus on how hot this is and not how much I'm gonna have to pay
> little bit later
> she seems to be winding down
> dorito dust on her fingers, chocolate on her face
> she starts licking it off
> how is this not a dream
> notice she didn't eat freezies, they're all melted
> she laughs
> "check this out anon"
> she opens a freezie sleeve and chugs juice
> does this to six freezies
> lets out loud ass burp
> "I think I'm done now anon"
> total up how much I owe the camp
> 50 bucks
> tfw not that bad for what I got in exchange
> hop through window so I can help her through
> halfway through she stops
> "ummm anon?"
> mfw she's stuck
> mfw unsure whether to feel really horny or really scared cause I don't want to get caught
> after a couple of minutes, help her out
> she seems embarrassed
> make up some bullshit about the window being slightly closed when she went through
> she seems to buy it
> walk with her back to cabin while she rubs her big swollen gut
I've actually used the tuck shop trick a few times since then lmao, girls really go ham when you offer to pay for them
> saw her bite directly into a kit kat instead of breaking it apart
>work off and on at retail store for past 2 years while I go to school
>come back this summer and see one of the few people left from when I started
>mid 20s, short, blonde with tattoos
>she was always fat, but carried it in her hips
>clearly had grown heavier since last summer though
>her belly goes beyond her boobs now and her fat ass forces her to go sideways through a tight space near the cash register
>probably around 220-250 and a good 20 pounds heavier than previous summer
Seriously she’s so hot if she gets any bigger idk how I’m gonna hide my constant boner. She also doesn’t have any social media which is so troll. I guess it protects her from pervs like me tho lol
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>work at a fast food place in the South
>job sucks most of the time, but it pays okay and it sure beats unemployment since I don't qualify for any assistance, pride wouldn't let me claim it even if I did however
>one of the few good points is that, being a burger restaurant in the southern U.S., the place is constantly full of fat chicks

>female customers are usually at least chubby, most of them are outright fat, and occasionally you'll see a huge one waddling about
>majority of the cute fatties wear revealing clothes like jean shorts, shirts that don't quite cover their bellies, etc. due to local climate being hot and humid most of the year
>the ones who are covered up are still a sight for sore eyes, since their fat bellies, breasts and butts tend to stretch out their old clothes to the point where you can picture them nude easily
>a good portion of the big girls order a substantial amount of food to stuff their faces with, which is made even better by the fact that most of the food is in huge portions compared to usual fast food places
>regularly see skinny-to-fit guys with girlfriends ranging from chubby to fucking enormous, inevitably he only eats a normal amount while she gorges herself silly
>once in a while I'll spot a real gem, like one chick with absurdly thick, doughy thighs on full display in undersized shorts while the rest of her was chubby at most, or an SSBBW-looking gal whose ass was consuming the cheap chair she sat in almost as hard as she was downing her food

>all but 2 or 3 of my female coworkers are at minimum chubby, if not bigger
>we all have to wear tucked in shirts and work pants, both of which look practically painted-on when you stuff a fat girl into them
>one of my coworkers has a huge ass, doughy gut and small tits, her pants hug her asscheeks so tight you can see her panty lines easily, and her shirt does nothing to hide her nipples since she apparently goes braless most of the time
>same girl went from not knowing me at all to being buddies with me in record time when I started working there, despite her being with someone supposedly, which makes me thing I might just get her ass on my face if she goes single anytime soon (not going for it otherwise)
>another is at least 400 pounds, mostly in her massive gut that strains against her clothes, super slow-moving and lazy due to her huge size
>she's always chugging milkshakes, which are probably why she has such a huge mass of blubber jutting from her middle in the first place
>so many flabby black chicks with bubble butts that sir mixalot would die of all the blood in his brain being redirected to his dick, and doing a trust fall with any of them would end at best with a broken pelvis and at worst death via suffocation
>all of the chunky girls have been working there for at least a year or two, while newer hires tend to be thinner, meaning there's definitely some job-induced weight gain happening to some degree
>half-off employee discount on food means that it's all too easy for them to get lunch at work on break for cheap, and plenty of it, probably why the ones who've been there longer are fat
>most of these tubby ladies end up sweaty and breathing heavily from the heat, if they end up being put to work on anything outdoors

>usually get put on working the flat top
>initially didn't like it, up until I realized that a good portion of the burgers I was making were going straight to an attractive woman's ass, gut and tits
>other tasks like cleaning allow for more women to wander in and feed in excess, and keeps the assembly line of greasy, fattening fast food churning away too
>no matter what I'm doing there, I'm inevitably contributing to the obesity epidemic among American women and ensuring they keep on getting fatter and fatter
>statistically, I've unknowingly helped at least one feeder plump up his or her feedee, if not multiple

Now that I write it out, it sounds like a very basic and uninspired plot setup to a BBW/WG story, but it's all true
Another day in the Fat-Industrial Complex. I really need to immigrate or at least visit some fat US states soon. They sound like what dreams are made of, fat women.
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>>4976 (OP)

>be under an abusive mother who would starve you
>Would look at happy fat women to feel better
>Develop a weight gain fetish at a young age
>Spend all teen years getting off the fetish
>Can't cum to anything else
>Has fallen back on the fetish in full force
>Finally feels pleasure again but at what cost
>struggles to make ends meet
>addicted to gaining & porn
>goes into debt from porn addiction
>no $ left for own food
>forced to quit gaining
>uses cc to feed sex workers instead of self
>rapidly loses weight
I am so sorry anon...I hope things get better
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Literally fifteen minutes ago, immediately thought of this thread.

>be a fat guy myself
>decide to go out for a thick shake at my local convenience store chain
>Hispanic couple, early 20s, ahead of me in line
>quietly checking the girl out, she's not quite BBW tier but she's chubby and carries it well
>think to myself "now that's a thicc shake... ayyy"
>clerk is preparing their order
>asks if they want one spoon or two
>guy immediately jumps in to say "oh, no no no, just one spoon"
>girl turns around
>she's holding a gigantic ice cream sundae, one of the ones that comes in a "boat" with multiple scoops
>boyfriend turns to look at her
>"eat up babe, it's all for you"

Best of luck in your feeder quest, my Latino brother.
Dangerously based.
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necro'ing this thread to share something that happened today

>be me, pharmacyfag
>at work
>very pretty SSBBW walks in
>about 30 y/o, 5'8", 400ish lbs
>hands me her rx
>standard fat girl suite: statin, bp, metformin, anxiolytic, xenical (this is the important one, it's a weight loss pill)
>ask her what she wants from her rx
>"everything except the xenical" she says
All those health complications at such a young age is pretty hot I cannot lie.
You're gonna talk to her more, right anon?
spoiler alert: obesity is a health complication in and of itself
that being said, all those drugs were at low doses so none of it was alarming (except maybe the metformin given her age)
in other words: pretty much anyone over the age of 20 who weighs over 300lbs (and isn't a powerlifter and/or 7 feet tall) is on blood pressure tablets (at the very least), and if they aren't they probably should be

I'll let you know if I see her again, but there's not really much of a chance for any rapport if I'm being honest
had a good one today guys
>me, film student
>in class
>cute girl I know comes to talk to my friends and me
>"hey you guys want to see what I've shot of this new short?"
>"it's about the seven deadly sins"
>watch clips, pretty well done stuff, compliment her work
>"and here's gluttony"
>fucking 3 straight minutes of footage of her shoving food into her mouth
>I'm trying to not look turned on
>friends seem uncomfortable watching it cause I guess watching people chew food is unnerving
>crack joke to ease tension and also take my mind off how fucking horny I was
>everybody laughs
twas a good day, very excited for the final product
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you need to redirect your depravity. teach yourself to get off on stuffing your face and eating terribly and not from feeding others. become a horrible obese slob and have a free supply of free feedist content. two birds with one stone.
True story in my hs:
>Meet this hot tennis playing white girl
>Change hair colors but never weird colors
>Fit body
>Nice ass, A cups
>Big blue eyes
>Exotic, Serbian
>Is also a bitch to me
Fast forward to my graduation, she changed schools:
>See her at graduation
>Blonde-pink dyed hair
>Gained weight
>Bloated gut with her shorts shorts making some effort to contain it
>Fuller face
>Fatter arms
>Tits slightly grow, ass stays the same

And then? What happened with her? And was she black? I want a black girlfriend so bad right now bruh! With a huge think butt and even bigger boobs
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Same person here, a tiny follow-up story regarding women gaining weight from this job:

>cleaning tables one day, because you get shuffled around all the time due to shit scheduling at this place
>notice chubby manager with huge tits interviewing a heavy-set latina who's pretty cute
>overhear the one remotely relevant part of the conversation, which is the manager saying:

>Don't be surprised if you put on some weight, I gained like 40 pounds in my first year working here

>both of them just laugh about it like it's no big deal to gain anywhere between one-third and half of an entire skinny woman's body weight in just a year from stuffing yourself with half-price fast food from your employee discount
>quietly consider to myself that most if not all of the fatties I work with may have been anywhere from a little chubby to completely thin, before the swan song of discounted food and constant proximity to sugar and fat bloated them up substantially
>make mental note to always say "yes" if a future partner or other cute girl asks me if she should take a job at a fast food place

Another quick anecdote:

>chubby coworker with a fat ass and a boyfriend from before is chatting with me one day while nothing is happening
>casually mentions that she smokes weed almost every day to cope with the job, and can't wait to ditch this whole thing in favor of being a full time housewife
>based on what I know about women getting fat and about her as a person, it's all but guaranteed that she's going to gain a shitload of weight once that happens, and if she isn't already into it she might very well develop the kink as a result
>whoever she's with now is the luckiest motherfucker I've ever seen, assuming he's smart enough to know the polished gem of a woman he's found
>if the stars align just right and I get absurdly lucky myself, I might just see her new, flabbier body online in some capacity in the next few years

I'm in the process of looking for a better job, but if there's a single thing I'll actually miss about this place, it's the fatties for sure.
Damn, seeing female coworkers outgrow their uniform sounds incredible!

Imagine all of the times that this probably gets the munchies and stuffs herself silly, the pure hedonism. Imagine all of the huge ass burps she's probably let out from being so stuffed
Not a real story, just something I wrote to get a scenario out of my head, thought you guys would appreciate it.

,"Happy Birthday anon!"
You look at the doorway to your kitchen to see Stephanie, all 350lbs, wearing a bikini and holding a cake. You're shocked, but extremely excited to see her, while trying hard not to show it. "I wore my birthday suit to help you celebrate your birthday!" You start to say something, but she doesn't give you a moment before the bubbly butterball deftly slides the birthday cake onto the table, sweeping aside an army of empty monster zero sugar energy drinks and other assorted trash."Let's see, what do you have for drinks?" She asks as she swings the refrigerator door open, she frowns for a moment at the nearly bare interior, before beaming, "Anon, you remembered Dr Pepper is my favorite!" She says referencing the two two liters that stand out in the almost empty fridge. Whack! The two bottles of pop hit the table next to the cake. Stephanie digs around in the cupboards and drawers for a moment while you admire her gigantic, jiggling ass. "Oh anon, what're we going to do with you, you only have one chair?!" You start to mumble a reply, explaining that you meant to get another one but you just haven't had time before she shushes you and laughs, "Ok, just hold still." Bam! She lands right on your lap and looks back laughing to gauge your reaction, you are too stunned by the enormous pre-cushioned seat that landed on you with full force, spilling out over your lap, "so big, so soft" is all that you can think as Stephanie produces some candles and a lighter from under her top most belly roll. Your eyes are drinking it all in, her luscious double rolled belly lapping over her lap. "Ok anon, make a wish, but don't tell me or it won't come true!" You close your eyes and hug her closer as you lean forward to blow out the candles, relishing the soft, wonderful weight on your lap. "Ok, one piece for the birthday boy, I know you don't eat much, here you go." She says as she drops a sliver of cake on your plate. "Aaaaand, this is for me" , she giggles as she drops the whole rest of the cake on her plate. "Did I tell you what Michelle said at work the other day?" She asks as she starts shoveling bites of cake into her mouth, you start to answer but you're mesmerized by the soft, squishy 350lb woman on your lap and she just continues anyway. Slice #1 is history as she laughs and says "Anon, did you know that when I was 5 I ate my whole birthday cake by myself? My mom left me unattended with it for half an hour, boy was she pissed when she got back, and she had to go get a whole new cake so the other kids could have some. I had some of that too, haha." Slice #2 is long gone as she digs into slice #3, happily babbling away. Suddenly she stops. "Oh no anon, there's no more cake left! Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, I didn't even offer you another slice! Did you even touch your slice?" Suddenly you're broken from the trance, you stop rubbing her belly and look up at her. "You're not going to eat that are you? Ok, don't worry, I'll finish it for you!" And with a deceptively quick motion the cake slice is gone. You look over and the Dr Pepper bottles are both empty too. "Oh, I can't believe I almost forgot, anon, you'll laugh, but I started to try and track my calories a little bit, it's been rough, but I've been trying to stick with it even if I cheat a little haha. Ok, so calorie tracker, I'm already a few thousand over, but let's see, cake. Hmm, there's no option for a whole cake, weird. Well, I had eight slices, ok, crunch some numbers here, 6,500 calories!" Stephanie says proudly before frowning, " Anon, you aren't mad at me are you?" She asks, before seeing your face and beaming, "I knew you wouldn't be anon, you're so sweet! Would you mind terribly rubbing my belly some more, I'm feeling a bit stuffed, maybe I can have some of those pizza rolls you always have later when I'm feeling up to it. I think I need to lay down for a bit though, that cake really took it out of me. Would you take me upstairs anon? " You're staring at her lug her massive butt upstairs, it starts jiggling as it moves forward and then stops every few steps. Finally, you're both upstairs and she collapses on your bed, making it shudder as she lands on it. She lays on her side, and pulls your hands to cradle her and her belly, "I've been eating out so much lately anon, I couldn't afford to get you anything for your birthday, but I was thinking, maybe... I could be your present, and I think I can feel that you have a present for me too, lol."
> Meet gorgeous chubby (200lb-ish) girl online.
> Chat for a few weeks, when topic of sex comes up tell her very openly about my fetish.
> She isn't freaked out, little bit curious, but says she isn't a feedee.
> Doesn't matter to me, she's fat and hot.
> Start dating.
> Try out food/feeding in the bedroom.
> Says she enjoys it because I enjoy it.
> I'm always grabbing and jiggling her fat while I fuck her.
> She doesn't seem to mind, cums a lot.
> After couple of years of dating she has unintentionally put on 40lb.
> Getting serious, move in together.
> Cook all of her meals, whatever she wants.
> She enjoys acting like a spoilt lazy brat.
> Few years of living together now and she has put on another 60lb and is 300lb+.
> Sometimes talks about wanting to lose weight, but never does anything about it.
> Still insists she isn't a feedee.
> She can't cum during sex unless one of us is jiggling or grabbing her belly.
> Whenever I go down on her she immediately starts grabbing/jiggling her own belly to get off.
> When food or fat humiliation is involved she cums in a fraction of the time, over and over.
> Life is good.

This is an extremely hot short story and I feel like a terrible autist for complaining about this, but

A "birthday suit" means you're totally naked, not wearing swimwear
Not at all anon, you're totally right, and I knew that when I wrote it, but I was in a rush and forgot to fix it. I was writing it in my head at work all day and just wanted to get my favorite details included and have it posted somewhere. I also should have included paragraph breaks, maybe I'll repost it tonight with some corrections. I'm glad you liked it, I had ideas for a few scenarios with this character, so I might writ some more sometime soon, give the character a proper arc with a better intro story, this is more the middle story I have in mind. I'm really glad you enjoyed it. Merry Christmas.
Slow day at work, here's the opening story.
Stephanie part 1

"Anon! Anon! Hey, hey! It's Stephanie!" You look over and see a vision in short shorts and a crop top, with a hotdog hanging out of her mouth. Her long black hair is swirling behind her as she rushes toward you, her dark blue eyes sparkling with excitement. Her thick legs pump quickly and the top roll of her double belly peeks out with every bound, while her thick lower belly is bulging tightly in her denim short shorts.
"Phew! Hey, what're you doing here? Do you still have a Facebook? I tried to find you to invite you to some stuff, but I couldn't find it." Of course, you do have a Facebook profile, but it's only a sock account for trolling and buying things on marketplace. That, and stalking Stephanie. She's holding a little cardboard box by the handle and grabbing a hotdog from it every few minutes. "I come here to watch the ducks on my day off, they're so cute! Oh, hey, would you be able to buy some duck feed? I spent all my money on hotdogs..." She frowns as she stuffs another one into her mouth.
"O-of course." You stammer as she grabs your hand with her soft, delicate hand that's no longer currently holding a hotdog. As you're paying for the duck feed she's peppering you with questions "What do you do anon? Tracey said she thought you did IT work, that's not surprising, you were always so smart and good at computers." She guides you to a bench and plops down next to you with a pleasantly soft thud, "Haha, this reminds me of high school when you'd help me with my Math, Science and English homework. Those desks were so tiny, I was always worried that I was squishing you, but you never complained once, you're such a sweet heart anon. " You blush at the memory, as you toss duck feed into the pond.
" Do you have a GF anon? No? Oh, that's good, I mean, that's surprising, you're such a cutie." The duck feed runs out and as the ducks paddle themselves away she asks, " Did you drive here anon? I live close by, but, it's such a hot day, could you give me a lift? Really? Great!" As you're walking to the car you start running through complex math problems and recent troubleshooting issues from work to keep your mind from the distractingly beautiful girl babbling away beside you. You open the door for her, and she smiles, " Hey, let's go get a coffee!"
You're nervous as you pull up to the drive thru coffee place, Stephanie has the AC on max and is fanning herself. You roll the window down and she blurts out, "I'll have a double iced mocha grande with three pumps of caramel, and an iced cookie dough latte, Anon, you like your coffee black, right? And a medium black coffee please!" You quickly do the math and that's at least 6,000 calories, more than you eat in a day, not to mention the 6 or 8 hotdogs she already had and who knows what for breakfast and snacks. She starts drinking her " coffee" immediately,
"Mmm, gosh, I just love these on a hot summer day, or really, any day, lol! " She laughs as you drive through town. Suddenly, her face gets serious, " Oh my gosh, Chubbies brought back the 1/2lb Tornado burger! Anon, we have to go! " Once again, you pull into the drive through, " Yeah, she leans over and says, "I'll have two 1/2lb Tornado burger meals, with a large Coke, and one of those new spicy chicken sandwiches. Can I have it in a family basket please? Did you want anything anon? " You shake your head, but all you can think about is how amazing it feels to have her draped over you while she orders. She tears into the food immediately, and it's gone before you know it.
"Oof, that hit the spot," she smiles, "Ok, don't be mad at me, but whenever I go to Chubbies, I always stop at Fiesta Time too for their chocolate churros, do you mind? Aww, you're the best! " You've already spent more in 30 min on fast food than you usually do in a month, but you're not mad because you notice her unbuttoning her shorts "I just need a bit more room", she says smiling as she digs out her massive belly. It's hard to pay attention to the road as you slyly move your hand over to the massive, fleshy mound and begin massaging it.
"Oh my gosh anon, how did you know my belly was a little upset? That feels amazing." For the now third time, you're rounding through a drive thru and with amazing speed and accuracy Stephanie whips through a large order, ending with "and three orders of chocolate churros. Oh wait, do you want some anon? No, ok, four orders of chocolate churros." The girl in the drive thru is slightly shocked when she sees Stephanie in the passenger seat, humongous belly on full display, "That's for me! Thanks hon!" She smiles as she reaches over you to grab her two bags of food. You're half in a daze, concerned about getting into an accident as you continue to massage Stephanie's belly while she makes the bags of food disappear.
"Mmm, oh my, this is just the best, you really know how to take a girl on a date anon! Oh, hey, right over here, the white place on the corner." You don't want it to end as you pull up to the curb." Um, anon, can you help me? I'm kinda stuck in your car, I can't pull myself up, lol. " You race to the passenger door and with some gentle effort, pull Stephanie out of the car and to her feet as her giant double belly wobbles back and forth." My hero!" she coos as she reaches in for a big hug.
Her swaying, exposed belly hangs near your crotch and you start trying to solve for Pi for dear life as she embraces you in an envelope of pure femininity." Oh hey, gimme your number, I wanna see you again! " You watch her heavily skip to her front door, the cannonballs in her short shorts pulsing back and forth in a hypnotic way. You're about to sit back in the driver's seat when your phone buzzes. It's a multi part text from Stephanie, talking about how much she wants to see you again, and if you have any birthday plans? Of course she remembered that your birthday was coming up.
Stephanie Part 3

You wake up from the most restful and peaceful sleep you've ever had, you had been dreaming that you finally got up the courage to ask Stephanie out, the girl that haunted you all through high school, the one that got away. Gradually you smell something delicious cooking in your kitchen and hear music from downstairs. You look over and run your hands over the warm, deep imprint Stephanie had left in your memory foam mattress. It wasn't a dream, it really happened, all of it!

Then you remember that it's Friday, not Saturday and you're almost late for work! Dressed in a flash, you bolt into your kitchen to grab some cold coffee and run out the door when you're greeted with Stephanie frying bacon and eggs in a waaay too small french maid outfit. The apron on the outfit looks like a joke compared to the deep, hanging lower belly roll it's perched on, seemingly in danger of being sucked into a roll. "Anon! Good morning! I know that you weren't trying to go to work without a decent breakfast, it's the most important meal of the day! I think this little outfit is a bit too small for me, what do you think?"
Stephanie twirls as she grabs a few pieces of bacon, and you're see a flash of the biggest, softest ass you've ever seen. "Haha, look at your face, I knew you'd be happy with this. Ok, one sec, it's almost ready." She's like a big round spinning top, cooking and eating simultaneously, there's two empty cartons of eggs, a whole empty package of cheese, and 3 empty packs of bacon waiting to go in the trash. "And, done! Have a great day at work! Here you go! Btw, I called off work today, I'm going to stay here and clean up this mess you call a house. I can tell that you work way too hard to take care of things properly, so you need a little help, and lucky for you, I love to help! Just leave me your credit card and I'll give this bachelor pad the feminine touch that it needs.
Ok, gimme a kiss, mwah, bye! " She wraps you in a nearly naked bear hug, the French maid outfit does absolutely nothing, you can feel every curve and roll, soft spots that you didn't even know were soft, a blanket of warm, loving fat. You don't want to let go, you could stay like that for days, maybe years, but eventually you let go and cop a quick feel. " Anon! Hey, that's for later, don't tease me! "
It's almost impossible to concentrate at work, all you can think about is Stephanie at your house, waddling around in a too small French maid outfit. It doesn't help that she's been sending you texts and pics all day. It's excruciating. Finally, 5pm rolls around and you race to your car, your normal commute feels hours longer than normal. Your heart is racing as you walk up to your front door and open it.
"Anon! You're finally home!" Stephanie is splayed out on the couch, eating chocolates, with two giant, empty pizza boxes surrounding her. "Ok, so, I got us an extra large pizza, but then I ate it, so I got another one, but then I got hungry again, and I ate that too. And now I'm eating the chocolates I got to be romantic. Sorry... Don't be mad. I'll just order another one, the delivery guy is almost used to me and my outfit now."
You start to think about how expensive all this was, but then you remember that your crypto investments have been doing really well, and stop caring. " Well," she says giving you another luxurious, velvetine hug, "what do you think?" You're speechless, not only because of the hug, you still haven't let go yet, you're just meditating on the soft weight of her stuffed belly pressed up against you, but also by how nice your house looks, it's like someone turned up the brightness on everything. And that's how I made her my wife.
If you are gonna post this here instead of the literature board, could you at least format it into greentext for the greentext thread
You're right, sorry buddy, I tried to delete them to not shit up the thread, but too much time had passed. I finished the story anyway.
>invite over OKC hookup
>she's thin in her pics
>shows up and she's pretty thicc
>hook up
>talk about life after
>it slips out that i like chubby girls
>she groans and gets defeated af that she now attracts chubby chasers
>pulls it together after half an hour
>we go at it again
>she starts to smirk
>starts rubbing her belly on my dick and asking if i like that

bitches be crazy

>have tinder hookup
>short, cute, smallfat
>do the deed
>cuddle after
>she takes my hand and places it over her belly to hold
Be me, 17m
First high school girlfriend
Got closer to her in a party since we were in school togheter from age 5.
She got heavier and heavier in the bottom over the last couple year and knew that guys liked that part.
I guess she had a crush on me and sat her heavy beautiful ass on me at the end of the party. Instant boner. Thats pretty much how things started with her. Couple of days later we were getting back from a party early and she said that she was hungry. So we stopped at the drive and bought donuts since thats what she was craving. At her parent house things started getting really hot. She was all over me, we were alone on the coutch down the basement. So then she started eating a donut but in a really sensual way while stroking on me. At that moment I didnt even knew that it was a thing but it turned me on so much. She asked if I wanted a donut but I wasnt hungry just too much turned on by her, it made her smile and finished all of them. She was taking my hand to make me feel all of her soft curve and saying things like: Did you think I got like that by eating salad! But in a horny way with a smile. She was aware of the sexiness level she had, really confident about her body and I think that it really add up to the attractiveness. Since that time I am the way I am
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Fellas, I'm back and I've got more stories.
It's been a hell of a year, but things seem to have come around really well actually.

>Be me, last year around September-ish.
>Meet a girl on a dating app, I think she's pretty cute so I try to make conversation.
>She's decently chubby, and has everything in the right spots.
>Start it off pretty well, talking about stupid shit and bad jokes.
We trade snaps and talk a bit more over time.
>About a week or so later, we go to hang out.
>I made it pretty inexpensive, just taking her around my town, visiting the little art gala, etc.
>We ended at my truck bed in an abandoned parking lot. All we did was look at stars, talk about movies, and her elaborate fear of Ronald Reagan.
>The night was nice.
>All this good and yet there was a catch to it.
>The bad thing about her is that her personality was *extremely* horny on main. Her jokes, memes, anything was just horny.
>You'd think that'd be okay, but it takes away from the "I'd like to experience the person part", rather than the "I want to fuck her guts out" part.
>I found myself slowly getting annoyed by it, but I pushed on for a bit.
>I'd say the only thing that came out of it was us sharing kinks, to which she found out my fat kink and didn't judge me at all.
>I did get some fire nudes though.
>Due to some troubles in my personal life though at the time, I bailed out on dating for a while. So, I stopped talking to her since I wasn't in a good space at the time.
>Maybe for the best though.
BUT, a bad story isn't all that I have. I've got a second story that patches things up with a nice cute little bow.

>Be me, nearing Halloween.
>I was creating a Ghostface cosplay for Halloween for a photoshoot. I was really proud of it.
>Post a few pictures of it here and there. One on the insta, and one on the tinder.
>few days later, get a dm on discord.
>It's from my ex, one I dated for about two years.
>"Hey I just saw you on tinder lmao."
>I'm kinda dumbfounded, because I figured she was dating someone at that time. *Was* her best friend.
>Turns out he was an asshole, so she left.
>We start talking again and things are pretty great. We make plans the very next day to go get food, and even prepare for the photoshoot.
>She likes how much longer my hair has gotten since she's last seen me, and she's making decent flirting attempts.
>All is super cool.
>The day where we hang out comes up
>She dressed up super cute, wore a nice skirt and a tank top that really sold her figure.
>She's slightly chubby, but her figure is more hourglassy. Think chubby goth with mid-length hair and glasses.
>We go everywhere that day. Food, the store to get things we need, and our old hangout spot in the woods at the creek.
>We eventually go back to my place and watch Hulu.
>My parents assumed it was a new girl I brought home, to which she's like "I haven't seen you guys in a while."
>Parents are surprised it's her, since the last they heard was her moving to university.
>We watched a scary movie, and then I had to take her home.
>When I got her home, I gave her the idea that I wasn't going to do anything.
>That's when I took her arm, pulled her in and kissed her.
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>The day of the photoshoot arrives.
>We meet up with my best bro, and we take pictures.
>We run around town for a bit, from the coffee shop to getting food. We'd just have fun hanging out.
>Bro has to go grab groceries, and we all planned to go see a movie later.
>Bro gets home and decides he doesn't wanna go out again.
>Now, it's just me and her at her place.

>We watch some movies; Scream, Saw 4, Silence of the Lambs, all that fun jazz.
>The funny thing is though, we never made it through any of those movies. We ended up having sex, and I was honestly pretty surprised.
>None of my previous experiences were really any good, so it was nice having it be good this time.

Halloween was a very fun night.
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Fast forward to today.
>We're dating again, and have been for the past two months. Things have been really great for the both of us. I'm glad I can make her happy.
Now onto the fun stuff.
>We're talking about degen shit, and one conversation comes up where we're trading some of our more outlandish kinks and stuff.
>I view it as a challenge, because she says "you could probably ease me into any kind of kink if you tried."
>I highly doubted it, said she shouldn't say that.
>She insisted that since she liked me enough, she'd go the length to do things if I wanted it bad enough.

Now this is the part where I tell you that no, I'm not making her gain. She's got image problems, so I'd rather respect that than to just go with my own wants.

>She shares with me some of her smut that she looks at, and so did I. Gave her a MEGA link and all. I still highly doubt she'd be into it, but it would be fun to talk about if she does like it.
>Fast forward again to last night, and she mentions that she wanted me to view it as a challenge. Specifically so she could show me what she likes, and so I'd do the same.
>She's rude sometimes like that, but this time I don't mind it.
>I am fully prepared to be embarrassed though.
>As to if this will lead her to liking it, I have no clue. But other than that, I am off for now.

I do hope someone likes my boring stories, even if the pacing was shit. I may keep this updated as time goes along.
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Oh and I forgot to add prefacing.
She's known I've liked fat girls for years now, just not the fantasy elements and such. I've mentioned in the past there are a lot of sub-genres and such.

As far as I know, she likes peril so I said fuck it and added a lot of force feeding type shit in there.
I love reading these. I am desperate for more greentexts boys
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I see everyone else's little stories so here's mine.
>Be me in highschool about 14
>Friends with girl I have a crush on for about a year most people think we're dating at a glance
>One day awkwardly ask her out and she says yes.
(By the way she was just chubby but definitely not fat or skinny)
>Frigid as hell so it takes months for us to get in to degen shit.
>One day timidly admit I have a thing for fat girls. Leave it at that for now
Better not tell her about the immobility slob fantasy stuff I'm into.
>Sext all the time. Normal size stories though.
One day though
>"Anon, why don't I take the lead? What do you wanna hear?"
I awkwardly ask her to basically lead as normal but though she were obese.
(She doesn't share the kink I do at all by the way)
"Well it's weird but sure"
She's amazing at indulging it for some reason. An absolute natural. She was describing her curves and rolls better than most fanfic writers. You never would've guessed it didn't even turn her on and she was just doing it for me.
>Bust fucking omega nut visualising and picturing what she's saying.
>Slowly tell her about more degen shit that I like
>She's sexting me full on rp's about her being an immobile impossibly large slob with me as a feeder.
>She teases me for being weird, but it is weird and it's all a laugh.
>Never made an attempt to architect her because she outright told me that's not happening. didn't care though just the fantasy was amazing and I could still get off to her at her current size anyway.

We broke up not long after I turned 15 for totally separate reasons.
We started talking again recently but honestly there's so little too actually say there's nothing to actually green text for it, hopeful either way.

Pic barely related but it's flavour
Sorry I think I fucked up the layout of the green text I've not done it before
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i got a story, its probably one of the most mortifying moments of my life, but fuck it
>be me, 12
>get shitty chromebook for christmas
>cant use it for shit except browsing
>eventually just say "fuck it" and just accept it
>take it to my room
>start going on youtube and just looking up "fat girls"
>i know i have a thing for fat girls, but dont know what masturbation/kinks are
>just look at videos and get dopamine rush
>eventually find out about bigcuties
>every night, just browse bigcuties on incognito mode
>always close the tabs and shut down
>except for one night
>get back from school
>chromebook is on the living room coffee table
>know for a fact i kept it in my room
>start browsing anyway, not porn, just goin on youtube n shit
>mom walks in
>shes fat too, not huge, but prolly around 400 pounds (thats mississippi babey)
>"anon, i saw what you were looking at last night"
>then she says
>"are you into those girls because of me?"
>blood runs cold
>eyes goes wide
>shit in pant
>stammer out a no and an apology
>mom drops it and never talks about it afterwards
>dont go on bigcuties for months after
>that was 8 years ago
>to this day, idk if my mom thinks i have some weird oedipus thing where im into fat girls because of her

i hope im just bein a sperg
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>fat mum catches you looking at fat fetish content at 12 years old
oof very relatable
>be me at 12 years old
>don’t know what masturbation is, just search the internet for stuff that “excited” me and makes my pp hard
>don’t have my own computer so have to use the crappy slow family mac that randomly freezes and is slow af to close programs
>family computer is right outside parent’s bedroom (thank god I didn’t understand jerking yet or I would’ve been loud and woken them up)
>I wake up at 4am, go to the mac to play club penguin events early or search weird fat fetish art on deviantart, then go back to bed by 5am
>get down one morning, I find willixartist’s “pigs is pigs” comic and feel like my pp is going to explode
>rushing through it page by page to get it all before my parents wake up
>door opens behind me
>my mum had gone to the toilet before I got to the computer
rush and try and close the web browser, the tabs, try and click away so she doesn’t see the weird weight gain fetish comic I’m midway through peening to
>computer freezes
>my mother walks up, doesn’t say anything
>glances at the screen, glances at me
>silence as she slowly waddles her way up to me
>comic still frozen with woman bound to a chair being force fed
>mum gets to me, stops
>gives me judgemental look
>”anon you should be asleep now”
>she waddles back to bed
>computer finally unfreezes
>shut it down and race off to my bedroom
>can’t sleep, thinking if my fat mother knows about my horrible fat and weight gain fetishes
>she never talks about it or treats me differently after
>mfw when she just thought it was an innocent webcomic
>mfw when I got away with watching weight gain hentai at 4am on the family computer

she’s never given an indication since (9 years later) so I’m pretty sure she doesn’t know or hasn’t put the pieces together. I used to always point out fat women when I was in public with her as a small child though so she might be semi-aware and it’s too awkward to talk about lol
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We've all sorta have had the same lives, but strangely my case was different.

>be me, about 10.
>My first look into fat girls was by looking up the wonka reboot berry expansion scene. That's just what started me out.
>Go from blueberries to inflation, then to hourglass, and finally to fat girls.
>Being a 10 year old little shit on the weekends, I would look at videos on youtube of compilations of pictures. Old type shit like Axel, Metalforever, Serio, Trinity, etc.
>Somehow get away with it at night because the computer is right across the room from my parents room. Also I'd just swap the tab and delete history if they walked out.
>Did it all for the dopamine rush.

Fast forward to a time where I got bolder.

>Be me, 11.
>I for some reason thought it would be an okay idea to look at this shit during those early evening hours. Like a 7 o' clock type time.
>Mother isn't home, we roll.
>Do my usual of looking at fat girls, things going good. Brain go brrr.
>an audible gasp can be heard.
>"Anon, Middle, Last Name; WHAT ARE YOU WATCHING?"
>I panic
>"I dunno??" I try to say as confused as I can.
>I get sent off to the living room, where my mom can look at the damage alone.
>She notices something though.
>In the history, my brother had used the computer to look at porn.
>She walks back in, clears me of all suspicion, and I was considered clean. I was the golden boy after all.
>My older brother gets a lecture about leaving his porn up on the PC for me to find.
>My brother now knows I like the same girls he likes, but took the bullet to keep me covered.
>This entire experience has taught me how to be a goddamn ninja when it comes to looking at porn.

I have to say my mother is also on the larger side. I think the reason for most of us being in to large girls probably is done oedepis complex despite none of as actually being incestous (I fucking hope)
That being said I do know for a fact that what got me into all this was actually the remake of willy wonka and the blueberry expansion scene. I've got no idea why that didn't give me a blueberry kink but hey ho
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This discussion reminded me of two different stories. The first one isn't about getting caught, the other is.

>be me, 13
>year of our lord 2009
>get a nintendo DSi for xmas
>it has a web browser
>can't play videos
>loads pictures slow as fuck
>so innocent that I don't know shit about porn
>literally just look up "boobs" on google images and this is enough for me
>eventually I somehow discover erotica
>jerk off solely to photos and erotic stories for years because this is all my shitty DSi can handle

2nd story:
>fast forward 3 years
>I now have a laptop with a few gigabytes of porn on it
>lots of different genres but some of it was BBW stuff
>at a lan party with friends, playing civ v
>a few of us go outside to smoke a joint
>I leave my laptop unattended
>come back stoned because duh
>sit down at my desk
>my wallpaper has been changed to a screenshot of a Layla stuffing video from my collection
>my friend did this while I was out smoking
>die of embarrassment while everyone laughs at me
>Go from blueberries to inflation, then to hourglass, and finally to fat girls.
ok not literally me, but the '05 wonka movie gave me a berry inflation and an inflation in general fetish as a kid, then spy kids 2, ben 10, and totally spies gave me a suit inflation kink
and then i thought about it and was like "yo, girls getting fatter is basically like inflating, but with food"
so now i like fat bitches, inflated bitches and berry bitches
>waddles her way up to me
How much did your mom weigh anon?
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>He wants to fuck anons mum
She's definitely put on weight and I just ate her out.
It's a fun life we all lead. I also had considered the fact that I thought the girls my brother dated were pretty.

We just don't talk about how my taste gradually increased as I have become older. If I told 14 year old me that I'd like some girls as heavy as I do now, he'd have lost it.
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I got on the tram today and was instantly greeted by the huge breasts and thick, squished, short pants-ed thighs of a young, very fat high schooler. She was with another femoid who she was talking in sign language with. I seated myself two seats over and stared in a perpendicular direction from her. They did somehow notice me and the thin one was signing something related to staring (pointing to her eyes). I later watched them get off (don’t know whether because of me) and had the pleasure of seeing the girl upright. With them outside, I got up from my seat and watched her through the tram’s back window; I guess the thin one noticed again and was intently doing the ‘pointing to eyes’ sign to the fat one.
No regerts.
Yeah it would only be half as creepy without that detail.
I am a uni freshman.
>got up from my seat and watched her through the tram’s back window
I'd be terrified
>>all of the chunky girls have been working there for at least a year or two, while newer hires tend to be thinner, meaning there's definitely some job-induced weight gain happening to some degree
Lol I've noticed this too. I've almost never seen a skinny female fast-food employee. My cousin is working at KFC and she's getting a little chunky too.
>be me
>second year of college
>have a friend group from my US History class
>included two guys, one girl that we don't talk to anymore, and one other girl we're still friends with
>we'll call her Maddie
>Maddie was a bit pudgy, had a nice stomach
>most of the time would wear a shirt that was just short enough to show some muffin top
>I don't think she was into body positivity or any of that
>one day, in game room
>going for FCs in Guitar Hero, eventually fed up with the game
>one of the guy friends is sitting next to Maddie while playing Smash Bros.
>we all talk for a little before someone brings up something about the way Maddie's sitting
>friend talks about her stomach
>I wasn't really paying attention, bit then I hear
>"You can touch it if you want"
>look down to see she lifted her shirt to show her belly
>friend slaps his hand on her tummy a few times
>he's not into any BBW stuff, so he just goes back to playing Vidya
>ask if I can touch it too
>"Yeah, go ahead"
>slap her stomach a few times and do a few grabs
>stop before I make it too weird
>we all have to go to our next classes
>friend has to stop to use the bathroom
>stuck outside with Maddie
>press my luck and ask if I can touch her tum again
>I lift the shirt for her this time
>do a nice long rub
>she's still somehow unfazed by this
>friend exits bathroom, we all head off to classes

Even though I showed clear signs of liking Maddie's she made it clear we were still friends. I don't think she knows I'm into that kind of stuff (even though I have gone on to tell that mutual friend how hot that situation was later). I've gotten to touch her a few more times since then and she's shown me a few pics of her in swimsuits and stuff. Just holding out hope one day I can ask her to go eat somewhere with me as more than just a friend, but I'm pretty sure she's dating someone right now.
not sexual, but...

>talk up qt feedee on feabie
>play le*gue of legends together and become friends
>my best friends since hs hit me up while i'm playing with her
>she plays with us
>becomes part of the gang
>i quit league
>they keep playing without me

find it hilarious that she's made her way into my closest friend group for the past 2 years and none of them are aware i met her through a feederism site
idk how to do this shit but here goes
>Be me
>have gf, a little chubby but not enough to scratch the itch for me
>tell her about the fat kink, she seems pretty ok with it
>gf invites me over to house for the first time
>family is very kind, even with my terrible convo skills
>gf's sister gets home from work
>easily 350 lbs, died hair, at least double the size of her graduation photos on the wall
>months later, gf wants to go swimming since its been hot out
>pick her up and her sister is with her, also packed to swim
>"anon, do you mind if my sister comes with us?"
>holy fuck
>gf is pretty in her swimsuit, but sister wore a two-piece
>holy fuck
>stretch marks streak along her jiggling, plump belly
>massive tits almost fall out of the bra twice
>rock hard the entire time, luckily water helped hide it
did i choose wrong?
Just grow her into the same size as her sister. You are the architect here friend.
From a few years back:

>Dating a kinda chubby girl, maybe 160lbs
>Flabby ass and belly, small tits, thick thighs but nothing special
>Only okay but says she puts on weight super easily
>Maybe I can fatten her up a bit and see where it goes
>Introduces her to feedism and open up about fat fetish
>Really open to it, she stops going to gym and starts packing away food
>Constantly stuffing her
>She really gets into it
>Spend days feeding her cheesecakes, pies, melted ice cream, anything fattening
>Meets family after a few months
>Younger sister is hella fat
>250+lbs, giant tits, fat ass, big doughy belly.
>Puts food away like crazy
>Fuck gotta fatten gf to match her sis
>Fast forward a year
>Gf now weighs 220
>Cellulite ass
>Weird looking belly, almost B shipped but hangs weirdly low
>Flabby thighs
>Still a solid B cup
>Sister up to 300+, hotter than ever

Met the wrong sister first
>>17551 That is the most depressing story I have ever read. Thank you. It's good that I will never know how you feel.
I read this as you started fattening up your girlfriend's sister alongside her, wasn't disappointed either way at least.
Nope she did that all on her own. Here's another with a different girl:

>Sophomore In college, gf is pretty big, around started around 300 but not into fat stuff, which is cool.
>Looks kinda like Kiyomi but not as big and a little more butt
>She's been slowly putting on weight from a stressful year
>Probably put on 20lbs in the past few months, with a little help
>we go to the mall for some shopping
>Grab a bite to eat
>She gets food from taco bell and a Chinese place
>Puts away two whole meals
>Her button up shirt is STRAINING around her belly
>Goes to stand up
>Shirt button catches on the table
>Shirt bursts wide open, her stuffed belly hanging out
>I quickly throw off my hoodie and she wrapped it around her
>"I gotta go." She runs to the bathroom
>Get a call a minute later
>"Anon, I need you to buy me a shirt from Torrid."
>she tells me her size, it's her old size
>Buy the shirt, sneak it into the bathroom for her to wear
>"Anon, it doesn't fit, can you grab one size up"
>She apologizes a bunch, on the edge of tears
>"It's okay, it happens to everyone. It was an older shirt right so the buttons were probably just loose."
>"I guess, yeah, you're right. Thanks Anon."
>Buy another shirt, it fits this time.
>We went back to the dorms and FUCKED HARD that night
A few months pass
>"Hey anon, can we talk about something?"
>Admits that she thinks about that day a lot, turns out she realizes she has a humiliation kink
>Has put on another 15lbs because her mom fat shamed her after hearing the shirt story
>Wants to try it again

Life went in different directions but she ballooned to about 380 by the time we graduated. Her mom hated it and would constantly insult her. Once I walked in on her after a call and she was dripping wet. We fucked while she ate a sleeve of oreos after the call.
So how does it feel like fucking a fat girl?

I used to date skinny women when I was a teen but once I landed a fat girl I’ve never went back. I met my current girl when she was 280 something, and now she’s somewhere around 340. It feels incredible. Every part of her feels soft.
Fucking great my guy.

I've dated women of all sizes and I'd say ideal size is 275-300. Big enough so there's plenty to grab but not so big it impacts daily life. Current gf is pushing 340 though and is hotter than ever. Her on top is the best. Feeling and watching her belly flop on top of me and watching her tits bounce as she rides me is heaven. She's not really into the feeding aspect, more body positive less fetish, and that's totally fine. She'll indulge every now and then but it's not expected.
>be me in new job for coming up to 6 months
>Old career sector basically died in Pandemic and coming out of it bosses went nuts and were advertising weekly rotating shift patters 1 week all days next week all nights (the exact times in each case being the 8 hour time you'd be sleeping before the other shift so fuck doing that).
>Presntly workng in depertment that runs the numbers for the sales team.
>Had nothing to do for 2 hours but now sales have gone mad so gone full focus mode
>department is basically in the middle of an alley of filing cabinets on both sides with the department in almost a clearing in the filling cabinets.
>to further set the scene there is enough space that a person can fully pull out a filing cabinet draw, step back and bend down to pick something out of one of the draws with ease.
>not paying much attention just trying to hammer work or sales start getting tetchy about not getting numbers back.
>Hear the voice of the hiring manager & also general problems guy
>Strange he doesn't normally venture over here but stays in other connected office building
>Probably means there's a problem elsewhere in the office and somehow we're part the problem and being early on in the chain it's probably some new issue we never even knew was happening because IT systems are great aren't they?
>Hear him coming
>Fuck that's all I need having to do problem solving with a pile of work needing doing
>Head down
>Hope some-one else will end up problem solving.
>Hear him say "and here's the team that give sales team their numbers that the sales team will them mis-sell completely and get us yet more complaints"
>He walks into our departments little area
>This is potentially our new member of the finance team
>Think "Damn it better at least pretend to be sociable and not the irritable barely social functioning wretch I am at work because I have to save all that sociable energy for getting companies to agree to stuff they shouldn't for us"
>Turn seat to see hiring manager and new hire
> *In an instant*
> Holy fuck it's a chick not some old dude like I was expecting
>Holy Fuck she's short and huge. 5'2-5'5 max and easily in the tail end of the 300s if not already starting the 400s.
> Holy Fuck She's standing side on and almost entirely fills the filling cabinet alleyway with her belly
> Holy Fuck she looks beautiful with it
> Lose composure
> Feel all irritation drain from me
> Face goes into weird dorky smile on it's own
>Pop a boner instantly
>*Instant over it was less than a second all that went down*
>Everyone else in department gives a half hearted hi
>Brain still dorky I say hi in weird way that sounds like I've just dazed out with that dumb dorky grin still on my face
>Brain goes "Well this is another fine mess you've gotten me into lizzard brain, only just met her and you've come off weird and I'm going to have to try and salvage this now"
>she lets out a weird almost certainly involuntary giggle like she's a school girl and says hi back to me with an adorably dorky smile on her face
>Brain: The Fuck just happened
>Lizard Brain: You're the logical part of the brain you tell me
>Hiring manager has really uncomfortable expression on his face like he knows he's just got caught in the middle of something a bit weird happening (He hadn't noticed the boner, I wear suit pants with extra crotch room)
>He say: I'll show you the other departments
>She slowly almost reluctantly leaves.
>Friend of mine works in finance
>Have lunch together sometimes
>If she's hired she's gonna be right next to him
>My new job might be about to suddenly get a lot more intersting

godspeed, brother.
> Be me at 26
> Go to Tinder and match with this 5'7" at 250 lbs pear from a neighbouring city. She is pear shaped, brunette, glasses, country girl.
> We meet and hookup
> Life moves on, she continues to gain weight.
> Eventually I join the Canadian military.
> One of my cohorts and I are working on a weekend exercise. I asking him where he is from.
> We're in a washroom as we are talking about it, one of the Master Corporal's is in a stall.
> My cohort tells me where he is from. I think about his last name.
> For a moment I make the connection, "Oh you're from, that town, huh? Are related too...?"
> He replies "Oh, why yes, that is my sister...How do you know her?"
>I reply "We dated...that's a small world. Gee."
>The cohort is cool about it, no animosity or anger, we are good friends.
>The Master Corporal comes out of the stall "I don't know 'my name', kind of dangerous..." He chuckles and kids me about it.
> I later tell the woman about it and she was like "Oh man, don't tell him."
> We keep matching, but I don't think I am going to see her again, too much drama if I were to show up. I am spoken for as well.
> She has put on maybe 40 lbs and is more of a pear shaped 350 lbs.
Keep us updated.
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>slept over at a mate's house when I was in secondary
>pretty nice place overall and his folks mean well
>his mother is pregnant and was already packing chub, this evens her out in the T&A department
>belly is at the point where it can hang freely
>during dinner, her tits leak and she gets embarrassed and apologizes profusely
>laugh it off and say that I understand since it's happened to my mum, aunt and sister plenty of times
>later catch her sighing deeply to herself while rubbing her belly while attending his younger sister
>its after hours and she opens his bedroom to tell us good night and not to stay long
>can tell its one of "those" nights for her because she's wearing nothing but a giant t-shirt instead of a sleeping gown, but whatever, I'm a horny teen full of hormones, anything is hot at this point.
>restless throughout the night, get up to go take a leak and get some water
>washing my hands when the door opens and its his mom, completely naked save for her blue panties
>can see everything from the stretch marks, to her beautiful breast, to her nice hips/ass, to her plump belly
>completely stunned, no idea what to do
>"oh (mates name), I didn't know you were up and about. Just tell me when your done."
>shes not wearing her glasses (and probably still groggy and half asleep) and doesn't realize that she has the wrong person
>Just nod and quickly walk away before she can take a chance to realize
>Before I can fully walk past her, she pulls me by the head and leans me close to her chest and kisses my forehead
>"*yawns* good night darling, get some rest, Don't you and (my name) have somewhere to be tomorrow? Dont want to be late now."
>scurry back to bedroom and can't even begin to fathom this entire nights chain of events, actually think im dreaming and pinch myself.
>mfw not dreaming
>eventually go to sleep and wake up next morning
>everyone is none the wiser and continuing on with their daily routine as normal before splitting off to do task
>Years later, tell my older brother
>his reaction is typical, laughs it off in disgust and "apologizes" for my first naked chick being a "fat" chick
>never told my mate, but he said that he caught his mom sitting on his dads lap and making out one time.
>Tells me that he hopes that they aren't fucking while she's pregnant
>Now I finally realize why his dad is always happy, that literal motherfucker found the motherload
>always think about that event till this day and how it shaped my taste in women
>mum always tells me to not bring home any fat bitches to her (whole family pretty much rags on them)...little does she know
I'm pleasantly surprised by how many women seem to be into fatplay, at least according to this thread.
I don't think most of it is real. Seems like some of these are just horny dudes typing out their fantasies. Disappointing tbh.
You shouldn't be thinking greentexts are real. The unspoke rule is to never interpret them as anything but fiction because that's what they are over 90% of the time, and 100% of the time if they're at all interesting because real ones don't have nearly as much entertainment value
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>be me, 22
>group therapy session
>group leader is one of the clinic's staff who's on the heavier side
>haven't really had any strong feelings towards her
>while people were coming into the group room, she was standing and swaying
>i noticed how deep her belly was tucked into her leggings
>after everyone settled in and we were told what our activity was, she took off her coat
>she had a tank top on...
>her arms are huge,,,
>she showed off a tattoo
>i was just staring at her arm fat
>heart rate increasing
>felt over stimulated
>i tried staying calm
>t r i e d
>she was writing stuff on a big white board
>i could sort of spot her underwear from her leggings
>felt really ashamed, not the right place not the right time
>rest of the meeting i felt shaky
>an hour later
>im filling out a check-out form
>i notice her stretching
>massive belly/cellulite peaks out
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I hear you bro
>in day treatment program at mental hospital, recently discharged from inpatient after severe depressive episode
>eating lunch in cafeteria
>punk rock ssbbw qt waddles by
>start up a conversation about band on her t-shirt
>hot as hell and she seems into me
>cute classic punk/indie girl bob and bangs haircut (this was in 2002)
>mentions she's in dialectical behavior therapy, meaning that her diagnosis is likely bpd or bipolar
>the voice of sanity speaks in my conscience
>anon what the fuck are you doing you don't pick up girls at the mental hospital she's even crazier than you
>complete day treatment program and lose touch with her
>at bookstore a few months later
>she's there working the register
>replaced the bangs with the most atrocious white girl cornrows I've ever seen
>boner dies instantly
>potential disaster averted
Not shocked that crazy mf post on here. Ya'll browse /booty/ often?
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For me it'd be rude to ask, but I'd do so anyway.
Why so many in your country are with mental health problems?
For sure it would sound better to me if it was ósme observation fallacy or whatever, but it looks like every 2nd american is on sleep pills/antidepressants/therapy and things like that.
Maybe I know the possible reasons behind it, but I'd like to hear your thoughts on this matter too.
Because evil exists? Evil doers will always be there to take advantage of a country like America especially, but to answer your question with a more poigniant answer, it is because not everything is in the psychos' minds. They get told that they're imagining things by others but that's not always accurate. Then when a person suspected of psychosis begins to doubt what is and isn't in their minds it becomes even more so difficult for law enforcement to determine fact from fiction when they're trying to help anyone. You would be a fucking retard to not know that there must be something wrong though.

Eitherway, the governments powers are supposed to be limited and they're not supposed to be your daddy or to baby anyone. I won't go any further on the topic of who's to blame here but at the end of the day individual minds must be made up and certain individuals have to get beat the fuck down and there's no other way because they will not stop they will never stop. Isn't that the thing though? We just don't know. I wouldn't depend on the government or the police for that matter. I would buy a gun. For those without a family unit, I feel terribly sorry for them.
>Eitherway, the governments powers are supposed to be limited
>People are depressed because of big government
Lol no. It's actually because of the lack of access to healthcare, unadorable housing and the highest crime rate in the developed world
Normie American life is a petri dish for mental illness.

You live in an isolated box where you can't walk anywhere or go outside except maybe a backyard, in a maze of suburban sprawl where you have to own and maintain a depreciating asset (car) just to participate at all in everyday life. When you do leave the house, you have the "freedom" to choose from a wide range of identical megacorp chain stores. You live in constant fear of losing your job because that means you won't have health care, and even if you do have health care, insurance company trickery means that a serious injury or illness could still be a life-destroying financial disaster. Unless you're a recent immigrant or come from an unusually close-knit community, you don't have any culture or identity to speak of, just demographically targeted consumer preferences from TV and Hollywood (and more recently from social media algorithms.) When it's time to eat, you're probably too exhausted and time pressed to cook a healthy meal, so you go for the quick and cheap convenience of fast food and supermarket brands. As much as I hate to say it as an FA/feeder, the same forces that make us the fattest people in the world also make us profoundly sick and dysfunctional.

I was in my late teens when this episode happened, and surprise surprise, once I got a job and moved to a city where I could get regular exercise and social stimulation by walking everywhere, suddenly my mental health improved dramatically.
You know the low rent Adam Sandler that ruined your country? Almost every person in the the US with power and status is his coethnic
>work pays for me and colleague to go to some training in another city
>colleague who is SSBBW tier says she'll drive us both down
>she picks me up in her old shitty ford focus
>her belly is touching the steering wheel while she drives
>she has a seatbelt extender
>bumps in the road are bouncing her while we're talking
>i'm hiding a raging boner the whole drive down
nothing else really happened, we have separate rooms and kept everything professional.
>"Almost every person in the the US with power and status is his coethnic"

Just say "Jews," you pretentious moron. Besides this statement being pure bullshit, a lot of us are in therapy and on meds too, so what has this domination of you poor, helpless gentiles really done for us?

We punch above our strength in so many fields because our long history of being outsiders forged a culture of hard work, literacy (critical thought), and financial independence as the only means of survival. Your conspiracy theory is a cope and it's not working for you. Maybe watch and learn instead.
>The coethnic cries out pain as he strikes you
If you'd ever been in a fight you'd know landing a punch does in fact hurt.
Like if you could feel a cloud, it would be a SSBBW?

Skinny women just don't work on me. Even a documentary based on chubby chasers they all stated in order to click your neurons you need a kink and they fucked regular sized women but quickly got blueballed in comparison to a manatee sized woman you'd be up for a second round. If I ever arrive at those infamous USA Walmart I would gladly help those tank sized goddesses for free.
>Like cute dancer with a big ass in 8th grade when I was also in 8th grade
>be kissless Virgin among friends and she is my best friend.
>finally muster up the courage to ask her out and she literally tells me try again in high school but directs me to her dance friend who saw a photo of me and said I was cute
>talk to dance girl a little on AIM chat
>she loves to talk about food and at the time I had no concept of feederism so this went right over my head l
>My only attraction to big women is because that means big tits but I didn’t know she was even fat until we met
>meet for the first time at Wendy’s. She orders a bunch of food and I immediately notice she’s fat
>she gives me my first kiss and rubs me up over my pants in the parking lot before her parents pick her up.
>she’s way more advanced than me
>fast forward a couple weeks and we are dating and she’s invited me over her parents house for dinner
>a couple of time I come over and she either stuffs herself with her moms heavy cooking or we get pizza to which she eats most of it
>we make out all night while I’m there and I find that I love touching her big soft belly and her tits are huge as a by product
>none of her clothes fit and her gut and muffin top are always center stage.
>she’s probably around 200lbs and honestly a little bit gross/greasy but I love how fluffy and soft she is.
>For our 4 month anniversary she makes me a photo album of pictures of us and of her.
>a ton of photos of her belly and chest mixed in with cute photos of us together.
>she captions them all too, mentioning being fat and how I love it quite a number of times
>goes on a cruise with her family and meets a boy.
>she breaks up with me and I’m heart broken.
>I ripped up all the photos in frustration and fear that my mom could find it one day if I keep it around my room
>her one fat friend with a big tub belly and tits scoops me up and destroys my innocence, but it didn’t last long.
>fast forward to my third year of college and she sends me a friend request on FB.
>she starts messaging me about old times and how attractive she thought I was and that I’m still so good looking blah blah blah
>obviously transparent that she wants to see me, but I’m mildly suspicious as all the photos of her are from years ago.
>she invites me over and immediately I’m drawn in by how round her face was.
>she’s only wearing a bathrobe but I can’t tell just how fat she’s become. Shes definitely bigger though
>she leads me into her home and drops the robe almost as soon as we step into her room
>she’s massive and she immediately asks if I still like her fluffy belly and pressed it against me
>immediately start hooking up and she hands me the phone commanding to me to order a few pizzas while she’s giving me head
>later on after she inhales an entire pie by herself she starts bringing up feederism
>she admits to being into it since we first dated but she didn’t really share it with boys much for fear she’d scare them away and she couldn’t gain to much more because her family was concerned
>asks me if I knew and to be honest I told her the truth which was that I liked bbws and she definitely gave me a taste of it but I hadn’t heard of feederism
>she was basically left to her own devices when she was a teenager and was exposed to it via some others feedee friends on chat boards, dimensions etc
>since moving out during college she exceeded her 300lb goal and wanted 400 with no real end goal other than saying whoever wifed her up was taking home a prized pig
>tells me I’m gonna be her new feeder and I completely submit
>I was loving her new bigger body and I’d never been with a woman this big before. Before this she was the fattest woman I’d been with
>for the next six months I went full feeder and with no living expenses since I was still at home I’d occasionally spend most of my check on feeding her through the week.
>surprise take out orders to her apartment, midnight fast food binges, the occasional piggy package loaded with junk food
>belly play, stuffing, funneling, piggy play. She was a complete deviant and there was no limit to it.
>She’d send me out on midnight fast food runs to the fast food spot she worked at with her discount code and stuff herself into a comma. If there was anything left she would wake up in the middle of the night eat it, wake me up to hook up and go right back to sleep.
>one of her favorite things was to funnel melted frosties
>she again suddenly broke it off with me for some Union worker type guy with a car and a lot more money.
>these days she married some weird guy and she’s probably hit that 400lb goal by the way it looks.
>left me with a complete feeder fantasies that I had the occasional chance to fulfill in the next 10 years.
Yeah sorry but this isn't it. Greentexts are fake, but they need to have plausible deniability. This is just a poor attempt at loew tier wg fiction

>found my college crush on FF and she turned out to live 6 houses down from me

>hit it off with a girl on tinder while on vacation, opened feabie that night and searched local that night, she was on there as a feedee

>had 3 vanilla gfs gradually get actively turned on and partake in the fetish

each of these were wtf af when they occurred, but shit like this does happen lol
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>be me
>be on FF
>talk to some girls, none close by
>don't really hit it off with any of them
>notice a BC model makes a profile
>message her right away
>we actually have a lot in common
>she comes out to visit me, we hit it off
>have a job opportunity to move to her side of the country
>date for a few years
>she retires her BC site
>We get married and have kids
>MFW I'm married to a girl whose pictures I used to look forward to seeing.

(No, I'm not saying who, but it's true)
>i didn't happen to me so it can't happen to other people
Anon doesn't realize that there are 300 million people in just the U.S and that there are over a billion in western culture. Just because it didn't happen to you doesn't mean other people don't have awesome experiences. You think I'd make up a story about some unstable fat girl who fucked me over as a teenager and then as an adult? That's a bit much.
There is this massive chick (i would guess 450-500 lbs) in my training class at my new job. Only been a couple days but will post if anything note worthy occurs.
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Some discussions of college experiences in another thread reminded me of this story.

>at snooty university where the fat/class correlation means no fat girls
>be English major (stupid career decision but it is what it is)
>first day of semester, auditing classes as I put my schedule together
>trying to be well rounded and cover all the major classic writers
>check out the Jane Austen course
>milling around in the lobby after class, there's a vending machine in the lobby
>Reeses had just introduced the Reeses Fast Break
>SSBBW looks in the vending machine
>"Oh my god, there's a new Reeses candy! I *have* to try this!"
>dick is diamonds, no longer using my brain here
>sign up for the class purely so I can flirt with this girl
>try but never manage to form any kind of rapport or connection with her
>for the rest of the semester, it's me and eighteen girls in a class on Jane Austen
>I'm a skinny indie boy in thrifted clothing
>I display no interest in any of the other girls
>never again in my life have so many people at once assumed that I was gay
>and this includes the time I was solo barhopping and stumbled drunk into a gay bar without realizing it

Majoring in the humanities isn't gay, it was just retarded
Well anon, what do you recommend as far as Jane Austen works and such? I hope you get your qt bookish lardass soon
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Pride & Prejudice is the classic for a reason. If you're not used to reading 19C literary fiction it's easy to miss, but Austen is actually extremely bitchy, funny and sarcastic. The couples get together in the end, but they're basically the opposite of "romance novels." Read slowly and carefully, pay attention to the nuances of her word choice, and always ask yourself "is this a straightforward statement or is she being snarky?" Northanger Abbey is especially funny because it's basically her taking the piss out of the early-19C equivalent of cheesy fanfic.

>I hope you get your qt bookish lardass soon
That's a novel in itself, sadly. The piece of classic literature most relevant to my life is the first line of Anna Karenina.
“Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way”

That's rough, bro.
>>4976 (OP)
It's been 2 years. Any updates OP?
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>be me
>there are basically no fat women under the age of 30
>hook up with a chubby butterface w/ a massive ass
>contrary to all logic, she starts to lose weight after a few months
Брате, дођи у Америку и шири православље са пријатном дебелом женом. We need you and you'll have no shortage of cute ladies of all ethnicities who can't stop eating.
Yeah, she went with the bopo stuff for a little while but dropped it. She did say she gained 30 pounds. through 2021 she posted a lot of good stuff but her account got deleted and now she doesnt post as much or as revealing. she moved to nyc and her clothing got a lot less revealing and when she posted a video in a bikini i understood why. it looked like she put on another 30-40 pounds and her body was jiggling all over. if not fat at the very tip of chubby. it even looked like she had a tiny fold in her belly, but it was prob from the bikini, but that says a lot for a girl who used to be anorexic. she deleted it, and didn't post anything like it again the rest of summer. She lives in a beach city now and has posted some about working out, but she still has dressed conservatively. from december she still seemed very chunky, but i have no idea about now. from a glance i would say she may have lost a few, but still pretty chubby. im hoping for some good vids or pics this summer but we'll see. i think i've prob seen her biggest for the time being, but she def has the body type that piles on weight.
guess i should've greentexted that in the greentext thread but fuck it lol
If she's got no bf you've gotta swoop in anon. If she was anorexic it seems like the reason she dropped the body positivity thing and started dressing conservatively is because some social media mean words might have gotten to her. This is your opportunity.
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Have 2 storys

>Be me, Mutual gainer but alone
>best friend is lesbian girl
>we know each other super well
>on one day, while talking about kinks and shit, I tell her that im into fat girls (no feederism included)
>She doesnt mind
>Fast foward to 2 years
>we are still best friends
>she tells me she got a new gf
>ask her who is the one
>she sends a pic
>a really obese girl with fat tits, wide ass, thicc legs and a nice double roll belly
>most of her days and time is spent in restaurants
>Mfw I turned her into a feeder

It is great to make community service, here's other story and sadly, the last one I have

>Be me, covid
>meet up with this girl that used to be classmate with me in highschool
>mentally unstable
>invite her to my house so we can play mario party and catch up
>she is fat, not obese, but you can see the nice plump
>made some brownies, had some snacks, and order a pizza
>she eats it all
>she is feeling like shit
>tell her that rubbing her belly will make it better
>i rub her belly so she can waddle home
>it felt like nothing ever felt before
>sadly she went insane and had to me admitted to a mental hospital
>ff another 2 years
>she is alive, she is losing weight and trying to become a better person

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