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I’ve been talking to this guy and we’ve been getting on really well, and he still doesn’t really know what I look like. Curious to know how many of you were converted from a bigger girl hitting on you/expressing interest in you vs acquiring it from early age.
I've liked bbws at a young age so I can't say I really been converted, but it just depends on a few factors.

You should probably check if the guy ever mentioned his preferences, tho this may not even matter because people be with another despite not being their type. If he truly is into you or doesn't really care, then it should be fine.

Also are you genuinely a bbw or more like chubby? Some guys are fine with fat (not a whole lot) but most aren't, especially if they're an ass guy. But most aren't and would rather be with a skinny/fit chick. Again this may not even matter depending on what guy he is. Granted you won't start seeing signs of like or dislike until he actually sees what you look like and yall see each other irl for a bit.
Genuinely a pretty big bitch yes lol. And yeah I’m unfortunately very aware that most men do not tend to go for my body type, though I’ve been surprised on occasion. Meeting someone in the club at random type of thing.

His past partners have all been pretty slender though which doesn’t necessarily negate anything. I also mentioned an offhanded flirty remark about something being “thick like the rest of me” and he didn’t seem to mind. He mentioned also that he likes confidence in women as something he looks for. Potential to influence him? Maybe, probably not in all reality. He’s very slender so the perfect candidate for the slender guy + big girl stereotype hehe
I just love fat chicks. Always have always will. Without seeing what you look like it's pretty damn hard to even begin to gauge what his interest may be
>>49668 (OP)
post a pic and we will give advice
I dont blame u cut them off. Think they the only ppl with money out here
Just show him. Tell him you wanna be upfront. It'll save you from wasting your time if he isn't into big girls. Doesn't have to be a nudes or anything, just shoot him a regular photo
>>49668 (OP)
Confidence. If you exert confidence with the features of your body, nothing is more attractive ESPECIALLY if you have exaggerated and large assets.

The reverse really is true for women that like fat guys more or less. Some people are tops, some people are bottoms, doms/subs etc. Just have to find someone that knows what they like and GO FOR IT. life waits for no one.
This. A potential partner will always want their significant other to be confident in themselves. A fat guy with a lot of confidence will get more girls than a slender guy who shells himself and vice versa. Especially with him saying he likes confidence in women, you got a good chance as long as you don't show too much insecurity.
You dont love your son. Telling people to call the cops on your own son? Oh god got something coming for you evil folks
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>>49668 (OP)
>he still doesn’t really know what I look like
Shoot him a picture. Doesn't have to be anything super seedy or anything, maybe just some cleavage. That'll give him a general idea and also keep him interested. You afraid he's gonna bail? From my experience men typically aren't too picky. I have a few friends who would prefer not to touch anything with a BMI above 18, but they are the weirdos. On the other hand, a few of my friends have had longer lasting flings with bigger girls ("Despite not being super into that") because the chemistry was great.

>converted vs acquiring it from early age
Bigger girls have been giving me funny feelings since before puberty, which is honestly a little unsettling to think about. Like, how baked-in is this thing?
Had some super awkward (but amazing) first experiences in my teenage years with chubby girls and that cemented it for me I think.
>>49668 (OP)
The simple answer is no. He probably isnt going to start liking fat from dating you. But that doesnt mean it will be a deal breaker. Plenty of dudes are fine to look the other way with that sort of thing as long as yall have good chemistry.

Most men on the internet if theyre talking to a woman just assume that she is conventionally attractive. He probably has a mental image of what you look like and its probably not someone of your size.

Like the other guy said. As with everything in a relationship the best option is to just be honest about it. Figure out a way to let him know that you're on the larger side whether thats a picture, text, etc... No one likes to be catfished and the sooner they know the better.
Honestly I was pretty okay with them for a while until I spent about 4 years living in dorms with a huge variety of people and quickly realized that IRL BBWs smell like shit half the time because they have to wash out all those creases, and a lot don't. Even after that dorm situation, I've now become more sensitive to that brand of stench as I found that a lot more stink than I thought.
I think more specifically, I went from being okay with obese people to hating them, to going back on that a bit and just hating anyone fat enough to develop rolls, fat rolls are a massive turnoff for me now.
Wtf are you doing here then?
He's here to fap to BBWs, not to date one.
nah this is true, anyone who has dated a girl over 300lbs nows they have a weird odor. I remember making out with one and their breathe smelt so horrible. Obviously because they ordered chinese food, pizza, and wings almost everytime that Im over
When I was down south, the suburban girls didn’t really understand washing themselves. The stereotypes is true: I’ve found that white families don’t use wash clothes, or really even use soap correctly at all. They don’t wash their ass crack, ever. If you ask them they say something about gravity and water doing enough cleaning.
Every fat white women (I’m white btw just from the north) I’ve met just smells. In part it’s the greesey skin, infect folds, etc…but I also think they’re suffering from some kinda of glandular disorder that makes them smell like old/sick people even when they’re as clean as they can get.
Why is christina with you if she talks down to you like this? Why did she ask for your number? And initiate the first conversation. Desperation to ruin you my dude. We all know her motives.
The girls you're talking about nearly live on processed food, and that smell is there even if she's thin. The girls who are way in to health food don't have that smell.

Its funny cause all those fitness influencers who eat "healthy" end up repairing the insuline resistance that was keeping them thin (that they didn't know they had) and end up getting chunky.

Mostly cause they end up eating the same quantities they always did while in a state where their body couldn't actually effieciently use all the processed crap they were eating, so when they switch what they eat and keep eating the same amounts... you can see the pipeline of some healthy influencers that become "body positive" influencers.

So find the fat chicks that go to the gym and eat health food. They won't be able to lose weight because their metabolism is working as intended, they don't smell, and they would have to give up their occasional snacks they enjoy for months on end to lose enough weight to see a difference, so they won't do it, especially if they find a guy who finds them attractive.
Is OP a faggot?
> Is OP a faggot?
Probably not? He’s not the Israeli rapist.
I was born this way, was attracted to bigger girls before I even knew what sex was.

Just say you're a virgin. It's okay, we're here for you.

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