
No, thank God. I imagine being a caretaker for a morbidly obese person is extremely disgusting and grueling.
Ok so there's so many factors to consider with this one

1. If this is a nursing home and you have to look after 15 other patients, then yeah it's gonna be grueling labor, especially when you add in various ailments and diseases. I"ll spare the gross details but I think CNAs don't get paid enough for what they do

2. If this is 1 on 1 private care in a home setting, you get to give more attention to the care that you're providing. You may be limited in what equipment you can use, but ideally if they can stand and get to the bathroom, it'll be easy

3. If this is some kind of fetish scenario where a lonely woman pays you to bathe her and she let's you fuck her in return, it's a sign you've been watching too much porn. Close the laptop and go touch grass
Number 2 seems like a good one that I could give a try on but I do agree with 1 cause dealing with more than 1 patient is grueling.
>>49558 (OP)
Yes, I wipe her sweaty poop smeared asshole daily, I like to sniff my hands afterwards and sometimes keep the dirty wipes. she doesn't know I keep them i act normal, just smile and nod but secretly i cant wait to get home and smell those dirty poop soaked wipes
I worked in an ICU and even with this fetish it's not very much fun. It's not like you get to touch them outside of what is required for your job. They can't bathe or move well and it causes the skin to blister and break. It doesn't look good and tends to smell. It's frustrating because seeing that makes me wish I wasn't still somehow attracted to such women but I can't help it.
That's how you know it's a fetish and not just a preference - you're seeing the truly ugly side of things and yet you're still here jerking it to fatties. You and I, we can't help it.
How often do you get full 600lb+ USSBBW's? Ive always found the emergency care stuff fascinating
I’m an EMT in the south, not cleaning any assholes firstly, but we get plenty of biggg women. These women, in the state I see them, are tiring and horrible.
No one ever calls the EMT and puts on a fresh coat of makeup after showering and straightening up the place. No.
The smell is the first assault. They’re almost certainly shitting in at least one non-toilet spot after 400 pounds. That’s gonna be something like a bedpan, they may even be sitting haunched lying over whatever improvised waste receptacle they’re making work. There’s almost certainly the smell of moldy flesh, thrushes and yeast infected folds. This is such a specific smell, it stays with you, if you know the smell you can find it on random fat people in public occasionally, on people and other moist warm ecosystems like a greenhouse or aquarium.
Worst one was this 400 pound woman, probably a prostitute, whose taint was horribly infected from years of intravenous drug use. I mean, all the smells, blood, shit, human rot.
Anyway, she wasn’t horrible looking outside of the problem. I got some of the liquid on my glove, pocketed it for later. God just the little taste of that later brought back the most vivid memories as I cranked my hog like seven times.
Wtf bro you're fucking disgusting...
former traveling EMT here, the south has some of the fattest girls in the country for sure, but fuck are they stupid. I can remember one call where the woman and her daughter were easily both +400lbs and had no idea what carbs were. The girl who was crushing on me had an absolute deep voice like VanillaHippo (yes, because her fat-inflated neck) and refused to do anything without a reward. I think for a part that some of these people are so mentally fucked in terms of vicious cycle dopamine release and control that they really don't know what they are doing to themselves.

TlDr: I'm a 28yr old skinny blonde EMT woman that loves fat girls and intentionally got assignment in the deep south.
>>49558 (OP)
Check out reddit threads for stories from various medical workers about the horrors and dangers of caring for the ultrasized:



Hot stuff for demented fucks like myself, though I wouldn't take one of these jobs with a gun to my head. The stories ring true because there's no fetish talk, at least intentional.
This thread is certainly an eye opening read:
My favourite reads like something from a horror film:

Had s 750#+ pt, female living in an 850qft shed/apartment. weekly transfer due to her boredom. The patient would sit cross-legged on a queen sized matress and touch all 4 corners. Sat there like Jabba the Hut and passed waste in a custom hole her 130lb hubby had cut in the center of the bed. The rodents and farious fauna under the bed worshipped at that hole like it was a magical alter. She would brag she never had to empty the catchment system.

She loved drinking shitty cheap vodka and peach sweet tea 50/50 and chain smoked American Spirit cigarettes, often only burning half and then tossing it in the general direction of a coffee can.

One day, there was a fire. On arrival, there were rivulets of melted burning fat running down the driveway like something from lord of the rings.

It smelled exactly like cooking cheap bacon in one of those magic microwave cookers.

At least she died doing what she loved.
I don't think that kind of job is a bad idea if you're looking to find an extremely obese partner,
because you could also end up getting along pretty well with one of your patient's super fat relatives. Since usually obesity is a family thing.
How many of these are redditors trying to one up each other? I am seeing people talk about 1200lb+ people. I just can't believe that those people are not 1 in ten million but they all seem to have one.
Yeah, a lot of the stuff on these subs is Redditor fanfic. Even though it's not kink fiction, I wouldn't take any of these stories at face value. A lot of the time it's about one upping each other with gross-out stories.
Oh thats why she moved we got eyes you know
There is a part of me that clings onto the hope that the reddit stories are true, and there are a handful of 1200+ blobs in the US that will only ever be known about by their family/enablers and hospital/morgue staff when they inevitably check out.
The hospital I work at now has a bariatric surgeon that I work with about once a week. I see this stuff all the time. Obviously they are there to have some kind of procedure done to ultimately lose the weight.
The hardest part of the surgical aspect for me is just moving the patients around. When they wake up from surgery, they are in no condition to move themselves and we have a team of people to get them out of the OR. It is peak modernity.

I've been in this field for 12 years so I've seen just about everything at this point and I don't even know what people outside of it would find interesting.
12 years still no promotion damn vacation sound better then money
Your handler just get off work or something?
Handler? I am the bag the fuck you talking about.
Superior complex disorder why so agressive with your question tell me more about you dummy I can teach you some tricks you lack alot
I can believe it. Those who browse /bhm/ know that Superxlchubboy reached over 1000 pounds without attracting any media attention.
This stuff interests me way more than it has any right to, its the fantasy idea of a (relatively) significant portion of the american population that are so monstrously obese and food addicted they are just completely hidden away from society. The depravity (in part with the obesity of course) really compels me for some reason.

I would be curious to know the frequency of superfat patients, how often you get people above 600 pounds and how often above 800 pounds. I'd also be keen to know the heaviest you've seen or heard about. Would me much appreciated
True, he only got local news coverage when a GoFundMe was set up for him.

But for the USSBBW lovers, Mayra Rosales would probably have been kept hidden away and fed to death if that whole murder case didn't come about and make her a media spectacle. "Hey, look at the fat person" isn't news, but when they do something for attention then it's a fat amount of frosting on an otherwise bland cake.
More of your wife pussy & booty content you blind?
Always 10 steps ahead lol
I'm curious too but can't find stats except for so-called superobese, which is "only" 100lbs over the obese threshold.

I live in a relatively thin part of the country but I travel through the South and Midwest a few times a year on my way to and from visiting relatives and for vacations. 300-400lb folks are dime a dozen, and while >500lb people are less common they're not super-rare. I've seen more than a few people hobbling on canes, or more often riding scooters and in powerchairs that appear as fat or fatter than many of the folks on My 600lb Life.

Mind you, these are just random encounters, in the wild. I'd be not at all surprised to find out there are a quarter million or more half ton Americans.
Seems like a sizable estimate but I'm all for it. A fantasy I have is that sometime in the future, we will start to see communities of bedbound-level obese people crop on online (i.e. a subreddit) in a completely unrelated to feederism/fat fetish context due to the sheer prevalence of it.
Something like this but catering to some size demographics up: https://www.reddit.com/r/SuperMorbidlyObese/

I know it will be filled with mostly depressing, decrepit 30 somethings if it were to exists, but please give it to me anyway
I like to message extremely obese women on here and try to get them to ditch their diets.
A friend of mine was wondering if it's possible for him to get a job to take care of an obese women at home.
It's bound to happen eventually.
It feels more and more common to see and hear about people being over 300 or 400 lbs. What used to be rare decades ago is getting more common.

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