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Is anyone else turned on my the mental health aspects of this fetish?

For some reason and I didn’t realize until recently that finding comfort in food, or having an unhealthy relationship with food is as much of a turn on for me as the physical aspects of it.

I talked with a girl kinda on the scene once who I’m pretty sure is dead now or something who in detail described to me what food did for her and made her feel like, and I’ve been chasing that high ever since.
>>49482 (OP)
Not proud but Yes. There’s a sadistic aspect to being an FA few people talk about (except here). I’m not just talking about feedism, either, though I do have a feeder fetish. Even without that a lot of us get off on fat women’s struggles, physical and mental. I’m pretty good at compartmentalizing it, by which I mean keeping it out of my RL relationships. But in the past I’ve chatted with women online who were clearly damaged and maybe enabled them. An ED is an ED — encouraging a woman to eat and gain, giving her positive attention for self-destructive behavior, is the same as encouraging an anorectic to starve herself. I stopped doing that, it’s strictly fantasy for me now.
Nope. Just the physical.
Also, anyone notice that a lot of these models have a lot of cutting scars on their thighs/forearms? What's up with that?
>Nope. Just the physical.
Same here. I lost my virginity to a fat girl from your country; she had the worst self-harm scars I've ever seen. She was completely mad. Things with her were so bad that I avoided women altogether for a few years after we broke up. Since then, I avoid girls with those scars as if they had the plague. If I notice scars on a girl in a porn film, I lose my erection instantly
Yup. Even if I'm just whacking it to something off the Internet, cutting scars are an immediate bonerkill. And they should be an immediate signal to GTFO of a real world encounter.

The ugly reality is that for some (not all) feedees, this fetish is a form of deliberate self-harm.
Being significantly overweight (30+ bmi) is self harm, no?
The way I see it, you've got to be a fucking crackhead in the first place to actively destroy your health and wellbeing while enjoying it
Well, pain and pleasure are connected. Addicts, who have fucked up their reward path, may feel a great deal of pleasure while having a cold shower —turning that into a habit they crave (in some cases) because of the dopamine that gets released.

However, the above example given by another anon is an extremely unhealthy way to get pleasure.
physical only for me

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