
(86 KB, 950x841, oc__big_beach_bods_by_aka_fa_de1vg3t-pre.jpg)
I ask because a lot of discussions in these circles are often men talking about fat women. We may get women who love fat men or gay men into fat men.

I never hear from lesbians into fat women or bisexual people into fat people.

I am curious about what it's like to be a bisexual FA. What led to them discovering their love for fat people and what they desire.

What fiction helped you discover what you're into? Was stuff with fat women and men something that helped you realize what you're into?

Is there anyone into fat men and women? Any into fat men and thin women? Any into Fat women and thin men?

Any one fantasize about being fed by male and/or female feeders. Anyone imagine feeding a male/female partner? Anyone into consensual feeding with an opposite/same sex partner?

I'd like to hear what it's like for those who are Bisexual and are into plump partners.
>>49382 (OP)
lesbian feedee guess i'll answer some of this
i found weird animated stuff on youtube as a kid and i didn't understand why it made me feel a certain way until i was a few years older. also the one school counselor i had in middle school who had an obvious pear shape and let me lay on her lap once. doomed from the start
but i'd also rather just be the fat one because i've always been fat from childhood antipsychotic prescriptions and i'd rather embrace being somebody's weird autistic teddy bear than anything else
I can accept the perspective of lesbian FAs/Feeders/Feedees as well. I just never hear from their perspectives, as I said these circles are often dudes going on about hot fat women and the media that shaped their preferences.

Difference is women who will admit to loving plump men and gay guys attracted to chubs/bears. I have read stuff by gay dudes into bears/chubs.

I wanted to know what it's like for those lesbian and bi what it's like to be into fat people if the stuff that shaped people like these is the same as the dudes in these circles and what their experiences are like.
a sexual orientation that suddenly pops up in late puberty (or even later) like bisexuality and lesbianism often are is less a real sexuality and more of a coping mechanism to deal with trauma. abuse, anxiety with respect to men, obesity you name it. men have a monopoly on legit neurodiversity
HOmophobe not all LGBTQ+ people are the way they are due to abuse/trauma. Many of them come from stable households. While a fair amount has had trauma, that trauma isn't why they're gay. The trauma happened because of their sexual orientation/gender identity. Not the other way around.

They can sometimes know when they're young or it can happen around puberty, it can vary from person to person.
Male bisexual FA here

Mostly attracted to SSBBWs, Really only attracted to androgynous men, especially when they get to that weight where they're barley distinguishable from fat women. at that point fat is fat.

Never had sex with a man tho, don't think I really want to, but I did meet up with this huge pear-shaped guy and he sat his enormous ass on my chest and I sucked his huge man tits after.
fuck it, I’ve never posted on here but I’ll take the reaction bait. I apologize for weird formatting as I’m on mobile. I am a lesbian with a feederism fetish. Although, I don’t act on it in real life. The dangers that come with feeder shit just aren’t worth it. But hypothetically, I would be a feeder.
> What fiction helped you discover what you're into?
Deviantart artists HANDS DOWN. I followed SO many on secret accounts. (The OGs too, like salt and that one creator of the “feeding lily” game.) I obviously realized the dangers of this later on and deleted these accounts. Also, that one totally spies episode. There was also THAT fairly odd parents episode. Scenes like that in cartoons made me feel really weird, but obviously I had no idea what that feeling entailed.
> Was stuff with fat women and men something that helped you realize what you're into?
It’s actually pretty funny, albeit a bit strange. My parents told me when I was a kid I was absolutely obsessed with pointing out fat women in public. I was always into feederism and women from a very young age. I only found out the label for feederism when I was around 11? or 12-ish?
I found this website years ago from a link on stufferdb. I don’t use stufferdb anymore because I don’t watch the real model shit anymore. I just like cute drawings of fat chicks.
>also the one school counselor i had in middle school who had an obvious pear shape
I don't consider myself bi but I do sometimes fantasize about a friend she is 6'1 and very pear-shaped. Something about the size difference really gets to me and how I almost feel enveloped by her even just sitting next to each other
I am like 75% straight but there's something super hot about a twink getting fat and losing his petite body.
It's because the fatter a person becomes the harder it is to distinguish their gender. Fat men look like women so you end up attracted to both. Assuming they're twinkish enough IE no body hair.
Does a similar thing happen with those into muscle women? That they can find muscular dudes as hot as a muscular women?
It's noted that in various gay circles, the ideal heavyset man is the bear, the gay who's heavyset and hairy, I guess I wondered if there are bisexuals that are into this and plump women.

I read from a book by a gay FA that a friend of his was only seen as attractive when he grew a beard. Likely showing there to be an interest more into a rugged man look versus a softer/androgynous look.
Very strange, never thought that bisexuals were a rare breed in the FA community or some shit.

As a male bisexual I have a weird spectrum of how I prefer my partners, (however this might just be me.)

I vividly remember the way I found out that I was into this and it was through a dumb YouTube search where I looked for a fat princess peach however that wasn't what had solidified this for me rather it was later things like accidently going through deviantart rabbit holes that led me to artist like BWS, Annonnxyz, Roundersofter, ect. and other popular episodes like that one Fairly Oddparents episode. And eventually looking up what a bbw and ssbbw was is what stuck me into this hellhole.

I certainly am I to fat women but also skinny women work for me too. On the mens side of things are different as I don't prefer fat men but rather muscular men, I still believe chubby men are great too but not too much for them and just like in the womens side they can also be really skinny for me.
I'm a bisexual male FA. Had a nice upbringing, no trauma or abuse, or anything like that.

I'm attracted to women of all shapes and sizes, but am a lot pickier when it comes to men; they either have to be huge or particularly good looking for me to be attracted to them.

I guess the circles one hangs around can affect what you see. I guess as a bisexual man you would be around others like you. The assumption for why the assumption Bisexuals are rare is because most artists either focus on women or men. The assumption is that the artists drawing fat women art are women because G.I.R.L. (Guy In Real Life). It can be hard to know whether or not a person online is a woman unless they say so, or we assume this person saying they're a woman is lying and is clearly an obese neckbeard. This can also make it hard to know whether or not someone is bi because unless they admit it, the assumption is the people enjoying the art of sexy women are straight men. I don't know how many of an artist's patrons like SuperSnackSIzed (formerly Annonnxyz), BWS, Tubbytoon, RoyaljellySandwich are bisexual men/women.

Plus as I said, most artists either do cheesecake/beefcake very few do middle ground. I often see this rage by fans of "How dare an artist do fat men and women!", "I don't want to see fat men!" "Fat men are gross and ugly and I don't want to masturbate to that!". I figure these dudes don't want to think of fat men as sexy/beautiful, they don't want to admit to gay fantasies, and they don't want to admit to pleasuring themselves to that. I also imagine the feeling that fat men are common in fiction whereas fat women are a rarity. So I imagine the desire is for straight male FAs is for fat women to be more common and for fat men to be less common.
>>the artists drawing fat women art are women
Sorry waking up I meant we assume most of the artists are men not women. Because as I said G.I.R.L. (Guy in real life), we just assume all of these artists drawing fat women are straight guys, as well as a outrage that drawing fat men elicits in men in these circles.

For the artists that draw fat men. We usually assume them to be gay, cause it is a thing in gay circles to be into plumper men. We don't assume these artists are BI because they draw men, not women. I guess this is the paradox of being bi, the assumption that one likes men or women, not both and the artists online reflect this view. They either draw art of men or women not both. If anyone knows any artists that have drawn fat men and women to focus on in their works.
Would anyone agree with this? How many artists are there that focus on beefcake and cheesecake? That have drawn BBWs and BHMs?

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