
(57 KB, 208x203, Screenshot 2022-08-15 225958.png)
I think it's no secret at this point that many 'old guard' models are backing out of the scene as they, well... get older. Not that we didn't see it coming, but it's pretty glaringly obvious that it's leaving a vacuum. Roxxie, Jae, Beccabae, Adeline, etc. are all in stages of either full or partial retirement and were once *major* contributors to the establishment of what this fetish really is - at least when this was more niche than it already was, we'll say pre-Feabie, around the Tumblr-era. I won't make a eulogy of it, but I'm curious what you guys think the future of content is going to be going forward, because the BigCuties ship has sailed - that is, no more monolithic models that draw immense amounts of attraction.

Does anyone relatively newer even come close the popularity the older models have/had? Lady Sublime went from a pretty standard camwhore and ballooned into a fully-fledged fat fetish content creator AND seems content to actively gain - and it's good stuff. That said, I don't think she'll even come close to the popularity Roxxie enjoyed at her (pretty recent) peak. Do we need to start thinking differently about what constitutes 'good' content and how to find it?
>>49300 (OP)
Nice dubs

While I think you’re correct that any niche online community will never be as niche as it was pre-2012, I think we’re going to see a pendulum swing pretty soon. It’s a well known secret that 90% of these ‘models’ are coping with the body positivity/fetish angle, if they had the option to instantly become thin they would. When Feabie over saturated and effectively *became* the feederism community, it was flooded by people that just wanted to grift. Now that they’re getting older, plenty of them are tapping out, and I can only imagine how bizarre the younger generation are going to be in terms of their kinks.

My point is that things are probably changing soon. It’s been two decades of internet boom after all.
Most models who actively choose this fetish were successful in staying thin and hated it, so they chose to fatten up, depending on if they were fat before they got thin, their genetics usually only let them top out in the low 200lb range at most. There are outliers though, like chubbychiquita, who was big before she got, thin. Which all the science says is easiest way to guarentee you'll be fat (extreme weightloss).

Alot of the old guard had no self control and rampant food addiction. Many of them didn't have a fetish at all. Jae is a differnt story than most since people were creepin on her and others before feedism was mainstream and you had to know a site and submit a request to be a model. She posted on youtube about her daily life when youtube was new and her weight fluctuated. She seemed like she was frustrated that she put on some weight and posted a video that she popped a button at work and said she was oddly turned on... so someone lurking her channel messaged her about the fetish and later she started modeling.

Most of the newer models didn't have a feedism awakening like this happening before learning about onlyfans. The ones who did can usually find a partner through dating sites easy enough that they probably won't touch modeling unless they're also an exibitionist or crazy enough that they drive off all potential partners.

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