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Just curious to hear the perspective of those women who happen to have this fetish. I’ve heard plenty of guys’ experiences involving this fetish, but I want to hear some from the gals whether it be good or bad experiences. How you initially got into liking this fetish? Are you a gainer/feedee or feeder? What’s your plan on gaining if you are a feedee? How much would you like your partner to weigh if your a feeder?
>>49259 (OP)
I've been into this fetish since I was in HS and my first feeder helped fatten me up. Been on the scene ever since, non professional model, but I do like the attention. Because of my job I have to be careful with sharing my personal info which sucks. One thing I hate is how sites like Feabie and Woo make it easy for "content Creators" to have a choke hold on the community and none of the non models have a chance to make any connections.
I agree with that aspect if I’m being honest. Do you plan on getting any bigger, losing weight or anything of the sort. How much do you weigh or want to weigh?
I’ve had this fetish since high school. I’d started mobbing my parents fridge and cabinets for a few years, went to college really close nearby and lived my fat feedee gamer dream and had to have gotten above 350 before kinda dropping out after changing majors less than four times. My parents did not let me move back in because of my grades, which were actually pretty good but fuck them. I surfed a few couches in the university scene. I actually was gaining during this period. Ended up literally sucking dick for cheeseburgers behind the Burger King. It wasn’t a great situation, it wasn’t feederism because he wasn’t into it, it wasn’t exactly flipping tricks because I got a bucket of hamburgers out of the deal. He was honestly kinda old, gross and horrified by my size but never had to see me outside of my car, which I would have lived in but was too fat.
Long story short of it is I got hospitalized for after cutting my foot stomping on the shower-drain and got staph-A, lost a bunch of weight. I’m married now, which is nice because my parents never took me back as their son.
Post partum trauma women are the worst. Fucking run dude. Or go for bike ride on weekend
Bitch think im her door mat. She think she is a dude want to run the streets like her father. Imma fuck you hoes up without being in the room. Watch
Who's the girl in OP's image?
for me personally, feedism is pretty much strictly a fantasy thing. I’m bi, and I do like chubby women irl, but not ssbbws like I look at online. Plus, I mostly date men, and I prefer fit/thin men. But idk, the only porn I watch is fat fetish porn. I had a phase where I thought I wanted to gain weight but quickly realized it wasn’t for me. I fantasize about being a feedee a lot, I just don’t want to be one in real life.

I did have a short relationship with one fat girl who would openly eat a lot in front of me and I loved buying her snacks and stuff, but I never told her and I think I was mostly just living vicariously through her lol. I have ADHD which causes an urge to eat all the time for dopamine, so eating a normal amount and not getting fat is an active struggle for me. And I also used to be bulimic. So I think on some level I’m jealous of these women who just eat as much as they want and actually enjoy gaining weight.

Weirdly though, I also knew I had the fetish from a very young age. Like I would stuff pillows under my clothes and stuff as a kid. So idk where it came from, really.
might be muffinmaid
>>> I’m married now, which is nice because my parents never took me back as their son.<<<
OP specifically asked for women's experiences. Reading comprehension is tough for you.
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>Ended up literally sucking dick for cheeseburgers behind the Burger King.
It seems that comprehension in general is tough for you.
U waited to write this. I saw when that comment was first posted but nice try. An attempt was made lol
Either you're implying you're a troon, or you're a cis male that made every terrible decision you could make (not even addressing the waffle stomping). It seems that your parental issues stems far more than just grades.
Whatever happened the muffinmaid?
> It seems that your parental issues stems far more than just grades.
What exactly are you implying?
Gordissima actually.
What do you think ?
When I see comments like this " click bait" I never scroll back up lol
Fairly certain this whole post is click bait but it is what it is.
Thank you I was embarrassed to be jacking off to it feeling bad about myself. But if it’s clickbait, I’m not complicit in shit.
I hate borden school. It was so private
I was always into fat men. I guess my brain is just wired that way because I remember being so fascinated with those weight gain sequences and gags in cartoons.
It was weird for me because when I hit puberty I didn't want to accept I like fat guys so I always mistake my feeling of horniness for something else. I even thought I was asexual because skinny guys got no reaction out of me. This changed with a grand revalation in the form of discovering the "deviant" part of deviantart. I guess it was prisonsuit rabbitman. I don't like their art anymore (it's pretty mid tbh) but back then it was like my world turned upside down.
I still feel ashamed for my fetish and I don't know if I want to try it out irl. I guess I would like to? But then again I live in a shithole of a town and there is no feedies near me. Sometimes I even snap back and feel disguised by my feelings. Right now, I'm content with my chatbots and lurking for bhm art.
Anyway, what are my plans? I think, my best bet is finding a long distance feddie. I guess it's as good as it can get.
I'm myself don't want to get fat and the thought of it does nothing for me. I even had a anachan phase in college kek.
Also, I guess I love creating eleborate and autistic lore for my chatbots and fanfics.
Damn no kind words at all. Blocked.
> How you initially got into liking this fetish?
I was just straight up born with it. I don’t remember a time in my life I didn’t roleplay scenarios with my Barbie’s and dolls. I found out the name for it later on in life. I was constantly obsessed with roleplaying gaining weight, feeding my dolls to make them gain weight, it was very bizarre. I learned that it was called feederism later on in life then a neuron activated a little too hard.
> Are you a gainer/feedee or feeder?
No. I don’t practice it IRL. However, I’d be a feeder.
> Pref. weight
Personally, I highly dislike gaining weight and will never do it on purpose. It’s just not my thing. I like the other aspects of this fetish. I saw two other related threads like this one today. I will say, some of the replies seem like weird larp stories. The experience of being a woman into feederism isn’t hot, romantic, or even satisfying. It honestly just kind of sucks. The guilt the average man into feederism has is like, 100x worse for us. Shit like diets, EDs, bodily insecurity, etc. tend to be forced on women a lot more, so it’s kind of strange/rare for us to be into feederism. It’s pretty embarrassing and most other women aren’t into this shit. Despite everything, I accept myself for having this fetish. Shit happens in life. I think everyone has at least one strange, bizarre fetish. Past your 20’s you definitely have at least one.
>on BBWchan
I know this is very late, but could you share some of your chat bots?
i’m actually so glad you asked because i’ve almost never seen people talk about it. i’m a lesbian and an FA (probably a super rare combination). my awakening was very similar to that of the guys on here - weirdly obsessed with fat teacher from school / photos of weight world record / etc., learned that ssbbw was a thing, started watching stuff, and eventually found this site. also: please send recommendations for lesbian ssbbw content because there’s basically nothing out there
Saw a girl I served with in the military years ago the other day. Very stereotypical dominant, muscular dyke, short hair, baggy clothes and she hed this femme girlfriend waddling right behind, long blond hair, incredibly beautiful face, significantly younger than the dyke. Probably some 350 pounds, Could've been a hit SSBBW model. In general a very stereotypical lesbian couple.
Considered hitting her up if she even recognised me just so I could be introduced for her girlfriend, but then again what's the point when I'm a straight dude.
Do you think you’d become just as big as your teacher once was
I’m more of a feeder (I’m kinda overweight myself and trying to lose some. I however do advertise myself as a feeder/feedee/bbw on feabie for more interest and matches). I’m here for that BHM content, there’s just no where else to see helpless fat blob men other than here. I’m working overtime to make my sub into a blimp but otherwise this is it for me.

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