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I gotta vent somewhere and I thought fuck it, why not here? Being a woman with this fetish is so fucking confusing sometimes... This is the only porn I really watch, but I don't really want to gain weight myself. The problem is that it turns me on so god damn much that I start stuffing myself and end up putting on weight anyway. Eventually I freak out and realize that oh shit, I'm getting fat for real, then try to lose it so I cycle back and forth and it's just ugh. Right now I'm sitting at about 40lbs over my normal weight, I gained it pretty damn fast too and it turns me on so much but in the long run, I just don't want to be fat. I can't be the only woman out there dealing with this right?
Are you hetro? Asexual? Autistic?
Have you tried fattening someone else?
Try inflation. Get big. Get small again. Get big again.
It's totally understandable not wanting to gain weight, even tho this fetish and the idea of gaining turns you on. Yes gaining does turn you on since you said it, even tho you are worried about your weight and health in the long run.

There are some feeders who are women (who are skinny) out there so if you don't want to gain yourself, why not help someone else gain? Also if you actually are attracted to your fat but are worried about it, just gain a certain amount of weight and maintain it. It gets to the point where it becomes harder to gain the bigger you are since you have to eat more and more food to gain, and that's more money out of your pocket. This fetish is indeed complicated for many reasons, which is why I like to look at it as a fantasy, an escape portal in other terms.
Keep gaining weight and maybe share us some sexy pics haha of the belly so we can tell u if u really gained or just fraleking our
>>49180 (OP)
So like on some level you do wanna be fat, you're copying what you see and what you like and becoming it, so one possibility is that youre not being honest with yourself. Its kind of a 'who do you really wanna be' situation, and i bet its a struggle when you have the choice to eat more in some setting, like invited to go out, but knowing you gotta fight that part of yourself that would love to add to your weight, yeah?
>>49180 (OP)
Upfront, I'm not a woman.
I thought you were going to say you gained over 100 lbs. Really these days 40 lbs isn't much. Everywhere i go everyone is fat, so it's a non-issue. Good food, hot stuffing, it would seem to be a positive. But i think something is holding you back from enjoying it. Judgemental family/friends? Or in your mind's eye you thought you would be smaller forever. I used to be really skinny when I was younger, but got over it when I tasted all the good food.
My suggestion is to move to a more positive relationship with food. If you wind up stuffing, reward yourself after that.
May you find peace
I am a woman in sort of a similar situation and tbh I’m gonna say it sounds like you don’t really want to gain, at least not enough to do it. I also had a phase where I thought I wanted to gain but I’ve realized I don’t actually want to be fat, it’s just a fantasy. I think the thing you have to consider is if you gain weight, that weight is going to be on you all the time, not just when you’re horny. And tbh it’s just harder to be a fat woman in the world - people judge your it’s hard to find clothes that fit, a lot of people will not be willing to date or have sex with you simply because you’re fat. So you shouldn’t gain a lot of weight unless you’re really sure about it. I’d recommend staying at a weight you’re comfortable with and letting feedism be mostly a fantasy. Guys here are gonna hate that answer because they just want to see women get fat, but I’m just being pragmatic here. If you’re not certain you want to gain it’s not worth it.
Any other women? Probably
On this site though? Unlikely. Or at least, very few
What about being fat/fit and engaging in feedism as bedroom activity?n
I'm not a woman, but in a sort of similar situation since forever basically..

I'm not only an fa with a thing for ssbbws
I've had that desire to have a belly myself and to be heavier since childhood days

I've always put it aside and never really paid any attention to it

Now I've gained only a few pounds and I love it so far
That little belly, that little bit of weight on me

I was also always thinking it's kinda nice and hot, but I don't wanna really wanna be fat
But actually I wanna be chubby and wanted to be for a long time, but always thought I wouldn't

I think I'll try to add some more, since I really enjoy it and finally kinda went for it now after many years
I won't go to any extreme, but I want some chubbyness on me

I do have the "confidence" and since I really enjoy it so far I'll try to intentionally add some more..

But the thing is
You really have to want it a 100% and don't care about what people might say

Maybe try to add some more and see if you like it
If not there's still a point of return
If you go too far too early there's not

So maybe add a bit and a bit until you feel like you can make a decision
Exactly. It's only fun when you're horny. The other 90 percent of the time it's uncomfortable, your body hurts, and people treat you like garbage. It's one hundred percent not worth it.
Something like 40% of adult American women are overweight or obese and few of them have a fetish and yet they cope. Honestly I think the fetish is a hindrance in this case because it makes people acutely aware of every little thing that comes with being obese, whereas normal people would find it unfortunate but not be as neurotic (no offense)
Idk man I'm just speaking from personal experience. When I'm overweight my body hurts and I don't like how I feel. Plenty of other women who aren't into this are acutely aware of how they're perceived and have negative feelings about it one way or another.
Also it really screws with my cycle. So, shrug. It's not worth it *to me* and doesn't really work with *my* body. Kudos to the women who are fine with it but I'm not one of them lol
Damn, I was not expecting such thoughtful replies, I appreciate it.
Mostly into other chicks but last two men I dated went absolutely nuts over my weight gain. I just feel so much less confident in general when I feel fat.
You get it. I let the fantasy leak too much into reality and while I feel comfortable up to a point, it just isn't fun to be fat all the time. I can handle the thick but still fit part but past that point I just get so self conscious.
>>49217 why they put stuff in your work mail box? Hm maybe no one likes you wake up.
Not sure if you're still checkin thisGoes back to theory of identity. You either are fantisizing about fattening someone else up and using yourself as a stand in, or you like the idea of being fattened up, but don't see yourself as a fat person. Determine which one is the core fetish first, not whats most convenient, then decide how to proceed.

If its the former, stop using youself as a test subject. Only date partners that fulfill your desires.

If the latter, you can either keep in the realm of fantasy until you have space to explore it, or start to incorperate being fat as part of your identity slowly. This will help you atteact only partners that woul be receptive to your more honest identity and not someone who would feel decieved when you can no longer lie to yourself years later.

In either case, incorperate only the positive aspects you like about it. Find shops that specialize in your clothes, weather you shrink or grow. Wearher you gain or lose weight, do some online searching for local outlets and buy sizes (dresses are easiest) that are loose if you are going through a weight change so you aren't frustrated that nothing fits. This applies to both gaining and losing.
>>49180 (OP)
FYI, for anyone wondering, there are no women here.
I'm a woman and I was the same as you but I decided to finally give in and gain weight. I like being fat though and I don't think you should gain if you think you're going to hate being fat. It's okay to keep some things as just a fantasy.
Maybe you can get a fat partner so you can feed them instead
Just say you’ve never talked to a woman before
There are some autistic lesbian feeders (manly) and asexual feedees (unkempt) on this Chan.
Plenty of women on bbwchan. Lol
This is the toxic mindset of the internet that the only people on it are men, or to be stereotypical, nerds who lack a love life, live in their mother's basement, and who spend their time playing games and watching TV.

This also happens in gamer circles, the thinking that there can't be female gamers and if someone claims to be a woman, it's just a dude pretending to be a woman to check out the female characters sexy body.

I can see that here, that it's easy for people here to believe the only people on this site are lonely men who love plump women.

Then again, what about the BHM thread? Aren't there women on that thread that are contributing? I figured there'd be claims that there are gay guys into larger men there, but there's ought to be some women.
I am curious what it's like for women into larger men or are into feeding themselves and for those into plump women. If they too are into feeding their partner or being fed and if they came upon the same stuff the dudes on this board came across.
When you have stock positions. The withdrawal balance is always less. Time to change my card before I sell amc lmao

What does this have to with what I said about the belief that women don't use the internet or play games? Or could be on this site?
It's our resident schizo.

Best to ignore.
Women go to TikTok, Instagram, Facebook. I don't think expansion art is popular as that would require artists to stop tweeting about imaginary friends. The ones who are into expansion just want to make music videos or stories. I think Barbie was the last expansion film cause Mattel used the props.
>When I'm overweight my body hurts and I don't like how I feel
That's what I'm saying. And I'm not saying other women aren't acutely aware, just that this fetish enhances awareness in a particular way. The amount of brain space it takes up gives people a different perspective on obesity from the average person. That's all
I think you vastly underestimate how people treat fat/ overweight women and how much of a hormonal imbalance excess fat can cause. (Hello PCOS)
Feel sorry for the post as we enter a new century soon that will be an obsolete behavior. Wont work in the new age.
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Don't listen to Gnarly Otaku. He's too busy commiting tax evasion in that shitty mansion north of Drake's in Ontario and got mad his mom died cause Canadian healthcare treats basketball rappers more than loser Catholic. That's why Netanyahu is going to hunt him and his friends for sport and Biden is going to prosecute him. Have fun with the Mossad, I am sure they'll torture you for mumbling about Kisame
Sound like a duck hunt 007
Like I said. Social Media and technology dictate our lives. I can't imagine anything else taking hold.
Since the 99 dot com boom right. Good ole hunt 007
You know I thought about it and my other advice would be maybe be ok just being thick or whatever and not fat? Like I’m within a healthy bmi range, but I’m not skinny and I still have some softness and jiggle on my body that I can feel bouncing when I have sex to and my partner can squeeze and squish a little which will plays into the fantasy. And then when I’m not horny I feel normal and I can be active and exercise and buy clothes in normal stores. I think it’s best to be a little soft but not overweight. Like the higher end of the normal BMI range lol. You can kind of have it both ways then.
>asexual feedees (unkempt)
The fuck?
Well we know that's the case because the majority of people on these kind of sites are lonely men who lacks a love life and addicted to porn to escape. It doesn't help that (on this site at least), we never know if someone is a man or a woman unless they show proof so we just automatically assume it's a guy.

It's obvious that there are women here; I don't believe there's a lot of gay men attracted to bigger men. Some women likes dad bods and beyond and they can be just as horny as men are, if not more. And on average there are more bisexual and lesbian/gay women than there are men, so there's definitely a handful of them roaming every board on this site. But like I said the majority (at least on the bbw ones) are men.
You don't believe there are a lot of gay men attracted to big dudes? Have you heard of Bears? There are entire clubs and social scenes dedicated to fat gay dudes lol.
I guess too, we're taught that all women want thin, ripped dudes, we're rarely taught to expect women to want larger men. A lot of works with the fat guy and thin hot woman shows the woman unhappy with her fat husband.

Plus we're often taught that it's okay for dudes to go on and on about their sex fantasies. Those dudes talk about wanting women and we have to either fantasize about women a lot, or constantly be sleeping with women. Hearing about female sexual desire is often treated as gross and disgusting. Or we're taught all women want thin, ripped dudes. Rarely hearing about women wanting stuff like BDSM, furry stuff or larger men.

I agree that it is impossible to know who on this site is male or female and what their sexual orientation is.

I disagree, there are a bunch of gay men into plumper guys. Bears and Chubs exist and there are gay artists that go for heavyset/stout men that are tough and manly. There's no one way to be gay, different dudes go for different stuff. Some are campy and effeminate, some are tough and manly, some are average dudes, some are gender neutral, it varies. What they're attracted to could also vary. Some are into muscular dudes, some lithe and thin, some into plumper men.

I also don't doubt there are bisexual men that are attracted to larger men too. We often focus on gay/straight people in these discussions and never think what Bisexual people are into. Are there any bisexual people out there into plumper people? Like any Bisexual women into larger ladies or Bisexual men into plumper men? For attraction can it be to like plump men and women? Or like plump men, thin women or plump women, thin men?
Awww you jealous of me get used to it more on the way.
I guess you haven’t met many women in the community.
The women who don’t show their faces, gain without a feeder, and cum from playing with their own bellies are autistic.
Some autistic ones have turned models and are faking the normie act.
Or autistic women like CC who come here because they find the white supremacy fun.
only went because she thought she was going to see me. NOW SHE MAD. Not everyone do those kind of events. Yall weird & outrageously toxic
Agreed, or LARP
Yes I seen her with her big ass out on instagram. Thats why I let her go.. she got no respect for herself or kids. Trash bro.
This is my first day here, I'm a woman, I used to post on Feabie and make NSFW content on reddit. I never got much attention in comparison to other girls on there, but I can safely say that I find fat women attractive and some are super cute but I don't want to gain myself, I actually hate being overweight but I am really happy that there is places like this that admire fat women because it makes me feel good. I don't know if there's many women like me who enjoy browsing places like this to feel better but I am sure there must be at least a couple...
Post pic here and I will fap to it, m'lady
I'd like to approach that with caution on here. I don't want to derail the thread with nudes. Also I haven't seen any girls posting themselves here either, is there a reason for this?
Happens on occasion. Just not often anymore. Coombrains are retards generally
But yes pictures are always good, also about the only way to shut up the larp idiot
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Here's a simple front view so you have a general idea.
>Also I haven't seen any girls posting themselves here either, is there a reason for this?
It used to happen a lot many years ago but I don't see it as often now
You have a nice body and I don't blame you for not being interested in gaining, its a big commitment to decide to gain and some of the affects of gaining are permanent like stretch marks and at a certain point some of the weight is almost impossible to lose.

I personally have considered it multiple times because it excites me but at the same time I get nervous, I feel like if I actually got like fat fat there would be no going back for me.
Thanks I appreciate that. I am at 300 lbs and have battled with weight for forever. If being fat was more accepted by society I would be more comfortable with it, but somethin about people staring at you in pity, disgust and hatred just for existing makes it hard to make such a sacrifice. People that do it have huge balls and I have mad respect for them.

Congrats to anyone who has achieved that level of "don't give a fuck".
Are female fat admirers more commonly non-straight?
She hath graced us with her pale plush presence! Rejoice, thine lady is indeed a sweet sight for weary traveling eyes!

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