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Papa Meat has blessed the world with a video introducing us and out lovely passion. Soon the video will reach millions.
>>49013 (OP)
Surprised at how calm he was for a lot of it.

He even says he has a Curvage account or two, so it's not like he's 100% against the fetish. Just the death feederism part which is understandable.
I think he was just joking about that and doesn't have an account
>>49013 (OP)

ironic considering he's a fat fuck lmao he must be running out of topics. reminds me of that bodybuilder who made like 8 videos about mochii babii

Did you even watch the video before bitching? He says multiple times how he'd fit well in the fetish and would even consider himself a feedee.
Those were just self deprecating fat jokes.
>>49013 (OP)
His CaseOh video just confirms that he's into this shit. He's one of us.

Nope. He's give attention to a group of people whom never had that type of spotlight on them. This is the first time the fetish hasn't been painted in a universally bad way. Every other 600lb life type documentary/podcast/movie displays this as a abusive relationship where the feedee is trapped and feeder is the manipulator who won't stop until the woman's dead.

CaseOh's whole gimmick is him banning people for making fat jokes, anyone can parody that. I think the food videos of him trying out every chicken sandwich, TV dinners, cereals is a bigger indication.
Hell, the only thing that got reviled was the death feederism content which, that's an incredibly hard sell to anyone who doesn't already like their women one eclair away from a heart attack.

The bodybuilder guy was specifically going after Mochii because she blew him off over some retarded request he asked her. At least this one is less malicious than most other videos bashing the community.
What did he even request her?
It's not understandable. People can't help what they're into, and the people are responsible for their own decisions. The encouragers aren't at fault.

Also fuck Papa Meat.
The comments are full of midwits still under the impression that it's totally nonconsensual and all feeders are mustache-twirling villains who secretly conspire on the dark, twisted interweb to make all poor, skinny girls fat AGAINST THEIR WILL! How a majority of the population maintains this moronic delusion and honestly, earnestly continues to believe that they can, in any way call themselves intelligent members of society continues to baffle me.

Fuck these room-temperature psueds, always and forever.

Ah yes, here comes the picky bitches who'll complain about their already messed up fetish getting exposed. The women who participate here are already mentally damaged, no need to damage control the obvious.

>>Also fuck Papa Meat.

I guess you didn't like Wabbit season? lol

>>it's totally nonconsensual and all feeders are mustache-twirling villains who secretly conspire on the dark, twisted interweb to make all poor, skinny girls fat AGAINST THEIR WILL!

With the amount of heinous shit that you motherfuckers type out here and on other bbw sites, it's amazing that the FBI isn't all over the community.
A lot of the questionable stuff is a fantasy, very few people in these circles would actually kidnap a woman and forcefeed her against her will. Most of us may do it as roleplay, it's no different than BDSM fantasies where one is someone's sex slave or property and engages in roleplay related to this. What one does as sexual roleplay is different than what they do in their day to day lives. Unless one seriously plans to inflict serious harm to a partner, there's not much to say on a kink being bad/villainous. For most of us in these circles, we don't want to fatten up a woman to immobility IRL. As a sex fantasy, yes, IRL no. Also a bunch of us discuss how to have fat/fit women, so they aren't suffering constant heart attacks.

I thought for why we are villainized is because society teaches us that fat people are unhealthy and our happy endings come with weight loss. We are likely vilified because we are seen as enabling unhealthy behaviors and getting off on them. They are probably upset at the thought that we masturbate to footage of fat people struggling to do stuff or the footage intended to scare us into healthy living. The footage of the bedbound fatso struggling to breath and live being our fap material is horrifying to various people. They probably also find it weird that one could want a fat partner and live with them being fat. After all, the ideal woman is thin, busty and doesn't eat the evil fattening food.

Plus the news needs sensationalism. It needs the fetishists who are into weird stuff or the people who take their kinks to unhealthy extremes. That's why it needs the furries who wear fursuits 24/7 and engage in orgies with other furries. Why it needs the BDSM practitioners who live their lives 24/7 in a master/slave relationship.

So it's both the messages we're told about fatness, them being shocked at what we eroticize, and the need for news outlets to run sensationalist stories.
> very few people in these circles would actually kidnap a woman and forcefeed her against her will
The community totally preys on vulnerable people. You got the straight up poverty to obesity pipeline on the one hand.
Physical illnesses like PCOS and lipedemia )PP, JJ). Binge eating disorder.
Mental illnesses like autism (Reiinapop, CC), retardation (Aurora), batshit insanity (Britt), depression (Adeline) or recovering anorexics (Muffinmaid) make it all look sick and predatory.
Cannabis_momma on reddit hey girl lol
That's the "Chan" part of BBWChan speaking, not the BBW part. It wouldn't be an imageboard without deluded freaks posting heinous shit.
Look buddy. If it’s wrong to coerce mentally ill women into gaining weight the only innocent men on this board are virgins.
What about autism is a mental illness that makes one commit sexual assault? A lot of autistic people are the ones who face abuse and while some of them may be the ones to perpetrate it, it's not really an issue to be concerned about.

Or is it that having a mental disorder makes one be willing to partake in deviant sexualities and be manipulated?

While there are people in this community that are sexual predators, that's not cool to say that we all want to hurt people or take our desire to dangerous extremes. If the concept that a person wishes to take feedism to a safe, sane and consensual model is impossible to process, I weep for you.

If people use retardation as an excuse for being an abusive sex pest, then they deserve capital punishment. The fact that they only go after a specific group of women means that they have enough common sense to know right from wrong. And any woman who's able to run even a moderately successful Onlyfans page isn't as mentally unstable as you people make it out to be. I'm tired of these faggots acting like this fetish isn't 99% driven by greed and manipulation . These 100lb sticks turned blobs aren't gaining without ulterior motives.

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