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-girlfriend is slowly becoming bigger and more out of shape
-she does not feel healthy, and therefore does not want to have sex

how do we get around this, anons? how do you make someone feel healthy when they're not?
Be active with her. Going on walks, hikes, swimming releases endorphins and makes you horny. By the time you get home she'll be all over you.
New begininings
>>48773 (OP)
same sort of thing here. gf went on bc. gained 40 lbs, huge dent in her QoL. didn't like herself for a while, a year later she's now going off b/c and I'm afraid for the absolute shitstorm that is going to be her psyche in the transition.
Seriously when my gf went off estrogen pills the weight gain stopped. She had to start shaving again even.
>>48773 (OP)
Obesefags, not including chubbyfags, are some of the slowest thinkers in the world and can't possibly think further than a step ahead. You can lead them like a horse to water and they'll complain it's not coke.
>>48773 (OP)
Maybe it was because she was unhinged and mentally handicapped but I Was in Love with Gillian aka Spanx Beluga and she wouldn't get married because she wanted a poly relationship. In fact, since I've talked to more and more people that have had relationships with her, as well as more "models" in the community, it seems to be the norm that their perspective on a healthy relationship is so toxically jaded that they've become unlovable. Maybe it is this community or probably something to do with how they get attention through exposing themselves through porn and becoming prostitutes. I feel bad for them and I don't know how to handle my own circumstance because I'm naturally drawn to 400lb plus women with huge guts and fat asses. They're seemingly all crazy though, and the more time goes on the more I feel like we are helpless on both sides. Fatty Morgan in St. louis too.
That's kind of the curse with getting involved with models - they're open to poly relationships because they have a lot of men desiring them. Whether they just like the attention or know they can get more money by having more partners spoil them, it's almost expected for them to be more available than small-time content creators or non-models. Plenty of them still want healthy relationships based on mutual respect and adoration, but they've also resigned themselves to be someone's fetish and thus not able to find many people looking to treat them as a romantic interest. Maybe there's some damage in there, too.

The vast majority of women out there don't want to be shared. Take it from someone who is poly and has tried his luck with women who could absolutely be models but don't want to put themselves out there - they exist. But if you're in a job where you have hundreds of men wanting a piece and some of them have money and aren't total creeps, well, that's just a perk of the job.
This is true
Is anyone else turned on my the mental health aspects of this fetish?

For some reason and I didn’t realize until recently that finding comfort in food, or having an unhealthy relationship with food is as much of a turn on for me as the physical aspects of it.

I talked with a girl kinda on the scene once who I’m pretty sure is dead now or something who in detail described to me what food did for her and made her feel like, and I’ve been chasing that high ever since.
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>"models" in the community
>so toxically jaded that they've become unlovable
As a small time content creator who is actually poly, a lot of the ppl who pay for my content prefer the illusion that I'm single. It's easier to manage that because I'm poly, but it's not the reason I'm poly. Spanx has bright pink hair and all that stuff you guys bitch about, she's just "woke" and with that often comes the idea that you should be polyamorous or open to it.

I sincerely doubt most fat women who have been insecure about dating for years want the work and layers of extra insecurities a poly situation brings just for a few extra McDoubles.

I'd look at this another way, assuming this is true and you're not LARPing. She wouldn't get married to you because she didn't want to, and ultimately, even though it's a loss for you, it also means you get to go out and find the woman you truly love, because at the end of the day, she wasn't the one for you.

She didn't choose to not marry you because she wanted a poly relationship, she chose making modelling money over quitting it and marrying you.

What you should be doing is moving on and getting your life back on track. It's over, don't go asking around more and more people she's had relationships with, aside from it being a more than bit creepy and obsessing, you're tormenting yourself.

There's plenty of plus sized girls about who'd crave the attention of a nice guy who genuinely loves their figure and doesn't treat them as their closeted kick to get their rocks off.

Work on yourself and shake off looking back, it's over.
assuming this isn't the weirdest larp ever, dog, I've spent a little time with Spanx too and you dodged every bullet possible.
Arr, gather 'round, mateys, and hear of me wild ride with the white whale in a Newark hotel room!
And now, a riddle for ye who’ve rode this beast: I know the truth of the nethers, but how does a whale so wide clean its blowhole?
Wallstreet is illegally holding back all stocks!!!!!
>>48773 (OP)
If you truly love her you should talk about it and help her to lose weight if it's necessary. Her feeling healthier and happy is more important that your preferences.

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