
>>48745 (OP)
You are fucking retarded. Move somewhere with <2%. You'll find that white women hate niggers just as much as the rest of us
Perfect movie. I think I love my wife,
>>48746 it's true tho, most women (not even just white) are only wanting to fuck black men, if you disagree, you're not seeing it how it really is
>>48745 (OP)

Meanwhile the rate of white women having bi-racial offsprings is rising each decade. Have fun becoming the minorites Cracker-Jacks. Your time of being the dominant race is coming to an end.
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Maybe you should kill just yourself then if every european girl in the universe only wants to fuck black men

I will have fun fucking and making babies with white women, because thats still a thing I can do
for bbws at least it makes sense given how much more black men tend to be openly attracted to them on average
Look how well that turned out here.
>>48753 but bbw's don't get a pass either, I mean honestly no one gets a pass for falling victim to the BBC trend, it's a shame that we can't get these bitches to follow a bwc trend, at least then it would be partially fair
Seethe and cope Americans.

If I see a black dude talking with a white girl at a bar I just need to wait 5 minutes until she has shoeed him away and I can go and talk with her instead.
I'm a mixed race man, sorry that the concept of me with a white woman is abborent. Sorry that my dad fell in love with my mom. If you can't process black men existing and finding love, sorry you have to be an envious racist.
It's just jealousity or people making out theories on why they're not getting pussy. Can't speak on a global perspective but black people have a much harder time in the dating scene in Europe, also with fat women.
You sound like a hating dark black chick using vpn. Sorry I dont drink.
It sounds like you just stringed a bunch of random words together and expect me to understand them.

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