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I know some of you jerked off to Toot
>>48647 (OP)
I always felt they were going for slovenly rather than obese
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This is what's called hollywood pudgy. When a character in a story is called obese but at most they're either normal weight/a little overweight. Like in the range that they have a paunch/beer gut.

We face this a lot, how many times a character is called fat/obese in a show/movie or in magazine articles of a celeb's weight gain. We expect a nice big plump woman and only get a woman with a paunch.

Older works can have this as well, how in most older movies/shows they call a character overweight/obese but really it's either wardrobe or as I said before. Probably due to being before the obesity epidemic and thus finding super fat people was a rarity.

With women, it can be that they're supposedly obese because they're curvy. Like they have big boobs and/or a big butt. We're weird on butts. Sometimes a big butt is a sign you're a fatso who needs to lose weight or it's sexy and hot. Meanwhile the midsection is either slightly thicker or as I said a bit of a paunch. For men, it's when they have the beer gut or are thick muscular and the claim is that these large dudes are tubbos and not strong men, or if they're fat/strong. After all we're told to get rid of fat, we need to be thin and muscular, you can't be fat and strong and attractive according to our culture.

The character below is Marsha Rosenberg aka Volcana from Marvel. In the day she was called overweight and obese. This is likely as I said, she's curvier than most female characters at the time and her midsection is thicker over most women at the time.

With anime/manga, it happens a lot, how many fat characters would be thin by American standards. They fret and fuss over being obese but they have just a paunch. I thought since most Japanese people don't get super fat, even a little weight gain is horrifying, and it's rare for them to be super overweight/obese. This is the feeling with stuff like Plus-Sized elf, even though the girls are considered overweight, they aren't that fat compared to what we've seen.

I wondered too if this happens due to artistic limitations. That sometimes some artists don't know how to draw super fat builds and thus go with drawing slightly overweight because they don't know how to draw super fat builds. I can't see that with Toot as the show had superfat people. Maybe it's more characters being jerks to her. I can see this happen to, in like a high school setting where a mean girl calls other people fat just to make them unhappy with their bodies.
Are we going to mention magazine ads of celebs who had a weight gain chronicled and it being only a 20-30 lb. weight gain? Or characters in movies/shows that are called obese but are a little chubby? As well as our collective frustration with wanting fatter women and only getting slightly overweight women?
Flashing back to being a kid sitting around the family tv excited to see Kelly Clarkson because everyone is talking about how she’s REALLY got fat and… I don’t even see a difference really. Just not skinny. :((
what about Jessica Simpson? The world treated her as though she was a 300 lbs+ fatso when she really wasn't that fat.
Ah Toot, my OTHER awakening character. Thanks for reminding me anon

>>The world treated her as though she was a 300 lbs+ fatso when she really wasn't that fat.

She was 240lbs at her biggest, so it wasn't far off. Also she was at the peak of her career prior to her huge downfall, so of course more eyes will be on her than some ripoff Betty Boop character from a cancelled cartoon.
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>>48647 (OP)
Yes, and she shaped my fat fetish into liking fat slobs like other 2000s "comedies" were the joke is she is a slob because she is fat and she is fat. Idk if this could relate to humiliation or that came from health issues like my 600lb life or the usual be healthy episode in cartoons.

Isnt it funny how fat she is, we should get a body double and show how her fat giggles in a bikini, that would be funny.
I wonder if Postal too would count as a "comedy", I'm sure the basic issue of bad adult animated series is shared with these "comedies", unlikable protaganists who are jerks and the humor is the comedy of sex, drugs, violence, etc.

With these it's the humor of fat women. How they are lard blobs, eat a lot, get stuck and how gross it is to have sex with them. Meanwhile, is it somehow Ok when the fat guys have sex, yet fat women sex is a no no and we should rather blind ourselves than process the concept that they have sex or wear revealing clothes.
I was throwing 300 lbs. out as a weight where one is considered seriously obese. The plus was just how society would view a slightly overweight woman as though she's super obese.
If I use 300+ lbs. it's when the media treats someone as though they're as big as Boberry, even though they're more padded/curvy over being super obese.
I'm sure if we talk about hollywood fat, would certain plus-size models count? Would Ashley Graham count under this? Marketed as larger than the average woman but is at most curvy/padded?
Took u seven months to take it. Thats fucking harassment & scatter vibes!!!!!!!! Fucking go dont come back work snitch.
>>48647 (OP)
People liked Toot only because she's not an asshole like Captain Hero
She was attainable hot, college educated from a rich family but crazy, cuts herself and food addict.
For men on this front, would this be part of the fat jokes we make towards Sumo wrestlers? Even though they undergo hard training, we're taught that to be fit, you need to be ripped and muscular. You need to look like a body builder, and not have fat or a belly.

We're taught that bellies come from eating lots of fast food, and junk and we need to do what we can to eliminate the belly. We need to undergo some new diet craze, or workout routine or surgery.

Just if a dude is thick muscular/stout we want to say that they are obese tubbos and not strong fit athletes.

I can count on one hand the amount of sumo jokes I've heard. Meanwhile every comedy in the 2000s had at least one fat chick joke. Society treats fat men different than fat women.
You are right, while standards towards men and women do exist, it does focus more on women.

I guess I wanted to think how it affects men as well and what standards of fitness our society gives us. Namely in how we are taught fit bodies look, and what fatness is seen as.
To quote family guy:

"Lois Fat men aren't fat, fat women are fat". While fat guys are jokes and punchlines and jokes, they are allowed to exist, the concept that they have sex is allowed to exist. But fat women are non existent. We can't process a woman being anything other, than thin, curvy and leggy.

Our fiction tells us either fat women don't exist or if they do, they are gross and disgusting and them being near nude/full nude is wrong and we shouldn't process the concept that they have sex.

I wonder if Hollywood Fat factors into this, just that a woman beyond a certain weight is treated as an obese tubbo and is seen as ugly just because she is little chubby.
You’re an idiot and a simp. There’s a full fat spectrum of plus sized models. If a fat man is on TV legally you have to mock his appearance. Or a skinny man, or bald, or broke, or Indian or something.

Body positivity of for women and Chad.
Fat man aren’t men; they’re some kinda nonbinary bitch-tits gender.
We know u and chad use to be very close. Keep doxxing yourself woman
Thing is even if fat men are punch lines/bullies/villains/henchmen, they are still allowed to exist in fiction, over fat women who are rarer in works of fiction. Plus-size models do exist, and actresses too, it's just they don't get as much exposure as larger men do.

I know we can list larger female characters in fiction, but how many of them are in prominent roles? How many of them have episodes focusing on them? How many of them have had sex scenes or bikini/lingerie scenes?

This is something we wish to destroy with our fiction. Just hoping to have more fat women in fiction, who are main characters, are smart, varied and are seen as beautiful.
I watched Baby Reindeer that main chick is pretty fucking hefty
I would say this is starting to change now but we still have a ways to go.
Around the time of Drawn Together, yes there were rarely any larger women in fiction.

I imagine that hollywood fat will still happen in Japanese/Korean works, as I said, in places where obesity is rare, being a little bit fat makes one obese to their standards.

While we in the states will hopefully see more Plus-size beauties in fiction, I imagine Japanese/Korean fiction will still have Hollywood Fat women. Women that are a little overweight and treated as though they are 300+ lbs.
It's becoming more prevalent. Christy Metz comes to mind, and there's a red headed plus-size actress that's the main in some British Drama that I forget.
>>49465 If you visit some random website online, you'll usually see those clickbait ads at the bottom where it will usually say shit about weight loss, lottery, CBD, y'know stuff like that, her name seems to appear quite a bit on it.
Ok I will use vpn I always knew seeing if you noticed lol
Yeah but it’s bullshit “Chrissie Metz is skinny now and looks amazing.” Last I saw she was fatter than ever.
Heard she is a swinger lol
These weight loss ads are common, how it's how this fat star is now thin and skinny. You do bring up a good point, how many of those stars in the before/after ads are still skinny?

How many of them regained weight?

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