
(247 KB, 803x1002, paid.jpg) (29 KB, 768x432, clock.jpg)
With the fall of yiff.party, I thought it important that I start a thread where people concerned with our hosting / payment status can get confirmation if we are / aren't going to be up next month.

Our new hosting provider costs us €219.00EUR/$262USD a month, due on the 5th of each month. This is over double our old rate of €85EUR/$100USD we had on novogara.
At current, we make about $300-400/month from our a-ads.com campaign, depending on the price swings of bitcoin.
With those stats in mind, it's more important than ever that people disable their ad-blockers to ensure we always make our payment. Please, if you've kept your ad-blocker on since we introduced our latest ad-block detection script, consider disabling it going forward. I know every site and their mother asks you to do this, but in our case, there is no other way for us to make our payments.
Hold fast! We are paid for Jan 2023.
Our domain name is paid for through Sept 2024.
unfortunately, the traffic limits are too small on that host. we routinely use upwards of 50TB/month, so unlimited bandwidth is required.
I use my iPad on this site (so no ad block) and only ever see the tiny written ads at the top of the page. I wouldn’t mind seeing a couple more small things if it meant you were able to pay for the site to stay up.
I absolutely want to keep the ads to the bare minimum. ATM, the ads as they are pay for the site, so putting them in more places would just be eye-rape. Thanks for helping to pay for the site.
Honestly, you could definitely put in a couple of more ads if money is a serious concern. It’s so minimal right now that it functionally appears to have zero advertising on first glance. I don’t think a written ad at the bottom of the page would be the end of the world, or even someone along the lines of how StufferDB has links to ads. Sure, they’re not great, but they’re clearly shown to be ads so people don’t get angry that they’re being misled. Tbh, people who are adblocking will keep Adblocking, and people who aren’t probably won’t care if you put in a couple more.

That said, I definitely appreciate your dedication to not wanting to infest the site with a bunch of ads. Shows real dedication to the content so, cheers!
Can we ban ssbbw threads in /bbw/? Im sick of retarded newfags ruining the board and making me check boards that i should not have to because theyre too retarded to follow the rules. I should not have to check /bbw/ for 400 pound boob models because some retard failed reading comprehension.
Didn't we used to have a meta/technical issues board or thread?

What's with the captcha? It says you 300 seconds to type in the captcha, but the second it gets below around ~210 it will always say "Captcha Expired" if you enter it, forcing you to manually reload it. It's been like this for months, it's not really an issue, it's just really annoying.
Forgot to mention: It doesn't always happen, only sometimes.
Maybe you are using a proxy/tor/vpn and ended up using a shared captcha. So someone else got the same one and used it before you could.

That was the problem splitting the boards in the first place, there's no hard and fast rule about what constitutes a SSBBW from a BBW. There's not an FIA directive or anything to separate them.

Also, if you can't put in that minimal effort of legwork to get free p0rn, then I don't know what to tell you.
No, no proxy.
Either way, it seems to have been fixed.
Unless splitting the boards created more ad revenue I never saw the need to split. An average day you might have 2 pages to look through on BBW and and most days you barely have half of a page on SSBBW for any new uploaded content. The tit board might have 3 or 4 pages depending. Booty is the most used mostly because of some moron who bumps every thread on it.

I don't know why it's hard for some people to just scroll on past a thread that doesn't interest them.
>>4855 (OP)
I have a three node kubernetes cluster on a gig of fiber (UP and down), and a shit-ton of devops experience that I am willing to donate. HMU Discord on Feabie.
So, roughly, I have 6 times that. 328TB/month. Everything is UPS backed up, and I have tested this through local power outages. The three servers together are approximately a 120,000 PassMark rating cpu-wise. It has several terabytes of 120,000 IOPS M2 SSD storage. This setup uses BKPR and has cert-manager as well as elastic stack + Prometheus for monitoring. It's probably more than you have now. A full migration would take a couple months with testing. I am iffy about the DDOS protection, but I am laundering my IP through a PureVPN connection through which I have a 15ms round trip latency. I think they have DDOS protection included, but I was unclear whether this was also the case through static IPs. My only real concerns are child porn, but if there is a reporting feature in LynxChan, I would be more comfortable. I am sincere when I say donation. You own the domain, so I'd think you'd have little to fear. I will also sign an agreement that you also own the data, and will provide regular backups to an S3 bucket of your choosing.
Appreciate the offer, but I am happy (if a little dissapointed financially) about our current hosting situation. Yes, it's a little pricey, but no-questions-asked, no kyc, crypto-accepting hosts are rare. There may come a time when they are less rare and more completely gone, and when that time comes generous offers like this will be more seriously considered.
RIP dns
Website went out for a few days there...everything okay?
I was an asshole and forgot to renew the domain name. .nl registry is pretty strict on timings. We're good.
Could be worse - the world's internet just went down. But at least we still have bbw-chan


Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp go DOWN worldwide for two hours and counting in catastrophic outage- as phone data service ALSO goes down for EE users in UK and multiple US networks
First reports of problems with the platforms came from tens of thousands of users at 4.44pm (11:44 ET)
Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger all reported issues which are ongoing
Mobile internet services for users of UK phone network EE are also affected, as are other networks in the US
Soon after the first report, the hashtag #facebookdown was trending on Twitter
Is there something wrong with the site right now? The last 2-3 days everything has been ridiculously slow, images fail to load, connection keeps getting terminated. It's like dialup speed.
>>4855 (OP)
Apparently there's a new coomer site to take up the YP mantle?

Does anybody have info on it? I tried looking at the kemono party threads to see if it's up, but there's no real mention. But when I try to access it, I get timed out. Can anyone confirm it's up?
Please allow TOR posting on a pre-moderation basis.
I'm not asking for 24/7 duty, but mods check threads either way. If you does not disallow TOR posts entirely, but auto-hide them instead, we'll have a chance to have such posts approved sooner or later, if one of the mod team found the posted content decent.
IDK man, we're short-staffed as is and this is just inviting extra work. Some tor posters are, yes, just privacy nuts. The rest are just spammers and griefers.
Can I be a mod? Primarily I would love to nuke male and furry content in /bbwdraw/ from orbit but I am able to skim through other boards, nuke any offenders like making a thread just to beg and discussions getting off topic.
I frequently lurk so would be an active mod.
I didn't want to spin up a new thread for this, but I was wondering what happened to the catalog button in the upper right? It seems to have disappeared for me - I've tried clearing cookies and cache on several browsers, be they chrome or FF based...any ideas?
Check out Threefold.io, no KYC will happen there. No questions asked compute, object storage, k8s, etc, paid for in crypto. Takedown orders futile, decentralized infrastructure not exclusively operated by one company
Hey guys,

I’m looking for tips to subtly increase my SO’s appetite and weight. I’ve heard from feeders on Reddit that supplements can be a good trick, but I have no idea which ones are good or are effective. I’ve been switching her protein powder with some generic weight gain powder I bought at the local pharmacy and noticed some minimal effect, but if anyone has ideas on how to increase that effect and quicken the process, I would greatly appreciate them. Oh and please don’t say “just tell her you want her to gain”.

Thanks in advance guys!
Having some troubles with the Freedom of Speech, I can't support certain /alt threads with my original content from my country.
So no TOR, no OC. I even watch those threads via TOR to avoid unneeded attention.
BTW you're probably overestimate the amount of "extra work" for approving few posts per day while scrolling down everything else (non-approved ones can be autoremoved easily).
Brat' if you're posting some very immoral or even illegal art or something have you simply tried being more Orthodox instead... no pun intended. :^) Probably best to try to slowly make your art more virtuous over time, considering the war and all. I know you didn't expect babushka mindset on this site but she is right sometimes. ☦️
Here's an answer to your prayers.

oh nice, it's back. what was happening over the past few days? tbh the outage really made me realise how much time I spend here, gotta cut back and spend my time better lol
glad it's back but what the hell happened?
What was with the outage?
I wish I wasn't a total doomer
was the thread limit on /bbfurries/ cut? i swear the catalog used to be longer.
Oh, I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Actually, what I could have posted on 07/29/2022 (Fri) 15:43:13 was... ">>4855 (OP)
Here's an answer to your prayers.
Oh, I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Actually, what I could have posted on 10/24/2022 (Mon) 17:31:51 was... "Oh, I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Actually, what I could have posted on 07/29/2022 (Fri) 15:43:13 was... ">>4855 (OP)
Here's an answer to your prayers.
What I'm trying to say is reddit.com/r/bbwredchan could solve this problem regarding the end of bbwchan.nl.
I'm down for more ads if it helps keep the fatty wank posting hub alive
Can someone do something about that one guy who keeps spamming those Disney threads? I don't care about one, but we don't need 4 that all share the same theme.
Ignore the cuckservatives. They like accusing each other of being pathetic. Ben Shapiro is already turning on Candence Owens because he won't admit that he was born wealthy with benefits of Israel. It's as funny as Trump going after Desantis.
Same, as long as it’s not CP.

Not only is it revolting, I’m not going to be visiting a page with that shit on it, VPN or no
(56 KB, 1200x800, bob iger.jpg)
Don't worry, the anti-Disney threads are rooted in dislike of Chapek. The mouse cleaned house and brought back Iger because Chapek was an opportunist who was about to bend the knee to Ron. I do not understand Florida politics, but it's a textbook definition of fascism. Adorno would have a field day trying to make sense of Disney.
I don't give a fuck. Stop making new threads about it.
Honestly. This man is a comedic goldmine. I’m still laughing at the time he tried to raise a bbwchan army to flood corporate headquarters
Done, thanks for taking the effort to do this
He does great work.
I can’t agree with his methods but the man really did make a billion dollar corporation overhaul its executive leadership.

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