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This one's a real bummer. Her body truly is the epitome of beauty for me. She says he has hit her limit to reduce her weight trough natural means so her doctors recommend to remove the weight surgically. But I reckon they offered to do such 100 times before and now she finally caved in. At what stage does "lipedema" become pathological for real? I've seen women with stage 1-2 get surgery, especially in Germany (probably with goverment money) It seems as if feminine weigh gain patterns are considered diseases now.
I saw this and had the same reaction. You don't get lipoedema in your face, neck, forearms, etc. Check out the social media of other "lipodema warriors" and you'll see that, while they may have a certain amount of diseased fat, many of them clearly have a lot more of the other stuff they could lose with the usual methods.

GLP1s have been around long enough where doctors have found there's a hard limit as to how much a patient will lose. Glitter has lost about 20% of her body weight with them which is fairly typical. It's not enough to make a fat person slim but it will improve metabolic function to where T2 diabetes will disappear along with other obesity-related illnesses.

Bottom line, this is liposuction in lieu of diet and exercise, that she, like any narcissist, has to pathologize into "lipodema treatment."

My guess is that she has platinum-level insurance (wealthy parents) and the docs are telling her what she wants to hear to justify a series of surgeries and aftercare that will net them an easy mid-6 figures in fees. My parents are ill (not fat) and are well-covered (though not rich) and I've watched doctors divert them into expensive tests and procedures that turn out to be unnecessary when I press the point.
She's cute but totally unbearable to watch anything she does (for me anyway). Just another fat woman bites the dust. There's more.
This, also most fatties who get WLS end up regaining the weight plus more
What about Ozempic.
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> It seems as if feminine weigh gain patterns are considered diseases

Lipedemia is not feminine fat deposits. It’s weird fluid filled disease tissue. Men with lipedemia get the same soggy puffed up legs that look like feminine fat. It’s not a long term storage of high PUFA fat for building babies, it’s weird diseased tissue.
(Free Ned. Innocent.)
>>48464 (OP) saw her in person at chelsea market during one of her holiday trips to NY. Should have tried to smash.

Honestly, a lot of this stuff happens when these chicks can't get the man they want.

Patrice O neal put it best when he said some of these chicks don't want to fuck black guys lol
She was on Ozempic and lost a bunch of weight but leveled out (typical with GLP1s) and was still fat. Thus liposuction.

Saw her last year on 9th Ave in Hell's Kitchen, might have been the same trip? She was made up, wearing a pretty amazing silver dress and is both more attractive and bigger than you'd think in person. (I've noticed there's this weird paradox where chubby women look bigger in photos and ssbbws look smaller.)

I made eye contact and smiled, not even a Level 1 flirt, yet she seemed somewhat disturbed by the obvious recognition. Internet fame is still fame, babe.
Biggest was 2020. Biting lip & all wanted me to rip her clothes off in hot heat
She’s shown to be a complete attention seeking head case for years, always finding a way to ratchet up the antics, like the Times Square thing. Seems like the next progression is to go under the knife where you can post a bunch of dramatic hospital photos, fish for concern by whining about the danger, bitch about side effects, etc.
Pathologizing basic life stuff is epidemic these days. You're not nervous, you suffer from anxiety. You're not sad, you have depression. You're not scatterbrained from staring at 15 second videos 13 hours a day, you have ADHD. You're not awkward with a bad personality, you're neurodivergent. You're not fat and unable to lose weight because you eat too much garbage food, you have lipodema.
Theyre non union tell them to kick rocks they have no mother fucking power here !

she doesn't have wealthy parents. her mom and sister died of weight related illnesses. you can pull her old weight loss blog off archive.org

she made startup money for a while but downsized with a parachute and lived on that package while building up her youtube channel

she's apparently near insufferable in person but if you want to fuck a mattress-sized pillow princess she's not hard to flatter into bed

her bikini try vids are legendary. wish she'd show off that flat chest more
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Correct. Ass used to be meaty! We found you mom!
What is that to the left? Where does it lead. We have photos of her daughter in black panties in same spot. Shall we post?!!'
>her bikini try vids are legendary. wish she'd show off that flat chest more
Agreed. I find flat chested skinny women ugly, yet when it's a fat woman doing it...
I'll take your word for it. So how is she affording these surgeries? Far as I know most insurance doesn't pay for liposuction, even if it's medical.

Agreed re: bikini. She was amazingly jiggly at her peak, I loved the insta vids where she was running around the track or on the beach with her bare thighs wobbling around.
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In Germany there are women way smaller than her getting surgery, here's a selection
100% babe. Beautiful inside and out.
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Her in the description:
"This probably isn’t why the mirror is on the ceiling …. But I still look good."

Her in the comments:
"If you’re a creepy dude thinking, man this girl wants me to drop a lame generic comment about how sexy I am, let me save you some time… DONT. I don’t know where y’all are coming from, but No. Just no."

Tale as old as time.
The cognitive dissonance of fat women on social media is absolute fucking brain damaged. This retard, and 99% of others like her, have absolutely nothing interesting going on in her life. She has no skills, not hobbies, and is terminally addicted to social media.
Her entire life is based around whoring out her image for thirsty lonely guys. People without a fat fetish think you're disgusting. Fat fetishists are 99.999% of her traffic.
I wish these retards would just accept what they are. You can't have it both ways.
Agree with the broader point, though not that her audience is 99% FAs. She does have a lot of BBW/.SSBBW followers - like my wife - who enjoy her fashion videos. But if she becomes just another deflated balloon, she will lose pretty much all the FAs and a lot of the BBWs. Hope she can afford the true cost of the surgery.
The cherry is on top is she will be confused as fuck months from now when her engagement is at an all-time low due to how deflated she will be. I genuinely don't think she's going to rebound, either. These girls never put two & two together and you can actually be hot and fat, even when they're typing out that same message to put in the caption. It's like King Crimson erasing that stretch of time of them preaching body positivity.
She's getting lipo, not WLS, right? In which case they generally don't suck a huge amount of fat away because it's dangerous. Usually 20 pounds max and it's all diseased tissue. Her shape might change somewhat but this won't be a big deflation like with WLS.

fuck I want to creampie her belly button
> She's getting lipo, not WLS, right?
In friends with her cousin, it’s wls. They had an intervention over her eating and disabilities. She’s been caught making creative use of the shower in her families homes. It’s sad honestly.
Creative use?
eh? I'm married to an SSBBW and she uses both toilets just fine. I can't imagine what you mean by creative uses of the shower lmao.
funny if true tho
Who really thinks every SSBBW can fit on every toilet and effectively clean every part of their body?
Waffle stomping is ridiculous meme— but if you’ve spent enough time with supersized people, you’d know it’s at least grounded in reality.
It's definitely grounded in reality but this guy >>51371 is full of shit (npi).
Is that Nick Nolte?
Really tho. Dead on.

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