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I cannot tolerate obesity for myself yet yearn for it to affect my gf

Why must I be like this?
you don't think with your dick thinking about yourself, simple as
Fat men disgust me
Fat women(with boobs, bellies, butts and everything inbetween, nobody likes fridges) I adore
Muscular men and women I can admire their objective beauty but there is absolutely nothing going on below the belt.
> I adore Muscular men
Seriously. And I’m straight. If I do fuck around with a man or nonbinary it’s for the pear shaped softie and fat bitch tits.
No you tard, they are different sentences. I adore fat women not muscular men and women.
>>48244 (OP)
You understand the health risks that come with being overweight, but your lizard still feels attracted to fat chicks regardless and overwrites that knowledge to some degree. Because you are straight, you look at fat guys and see them as gross, due to having no sexual bias. To that same end, you like how well-distributed extra weight looks on a woman and can wave off the negatives.
My dream kind of women to fuck are pale causican women preferably taller then 5'11 with lipedma nice ass & curvy hips. Is that to much to ask for? Ok 5,9-6'0 lol
Something about those kind of aliens make me want to breed. You forgot we are aliens. Turn of your technology.
Who’s the girl on the thread
Heh, you tell me. I only saved the pic cuz AWOOGA AWOOGA.
Same here
I actually love a body contrast, being very skinny myself. A girl with plenty of meat on her bones weighing more than me is an instant turn on.
I could never picture myself to be fat, I would find that disgusting.

I guess as the other guys said, it's because we're solely attracted to female bodies that we find fat men very unappealing. Makes me wonder if there's some degree of bisexuality tied to mutual gaining for men.
Don't knock it until you've tried it, OP. I was the same way.
I was fat before and I hated it.
kill yourself faggot
Did you not work out or try to maintain good hygiene while you were overweight? One or both of those are pretty much the expectations we tend to impose on fat women; why should that not apply to ourselves as well?
Cry more.
>Did you not work out or try to maintain good hygiene while you were overweight? One or both of those are pretty much the expectations we tend to impose on fat women; why should that not apply to ourselves as well?
I dislike being soft.
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Yeah, this is basically how i feel.

I [26M] grew up fat and eventually got to 250 @ 5'6" tall. Not super bad but still a fat guy none the less. I hated it. I felt like less of a man because of it and i just was not very confident as a fat person.

I spent the next few years losing over 100 pounds and now i maintain it around 130-140. I run alot, atleast 6 miles a day.

With all that going on tho, my attraction for very big girls was never unchanged and still isnt.

My gf is [22F] and about 430 pounds and was like low 300s/high 200s when we met 4 years ago. I thought her body was perfect 4 years ago and i think its even better now.

idk to me fat is feminine. It just looks and feels way better on woman. I also get off on the size difference and the fat play.
>idk to me fat is feminine.

Exactly. Most fat men are pear shaped with tits which is not manly.
Yup. A few lucky guys have the right combination of genetics and gym discipline to pull off the "fat but masculine" powerlifter look, but for the average guy getting fat from junk food and a desk job, it just makes you look soft and weak.
I’m straight but every now and again a super soft pear shaped guy will hit my buttons.
I think evolutionarily fat is sexier on women. Extra pounds are a sign of fertility, it's no coincidence that being underweight can affect their reproductivity, and look at the venus doll - that was sexualized from the beginning. I don't find huge BBW attractive but I think fat definitely looks better on women.

I might be biased because I'm into women but on men fat just makes them look uglier, weaker and awkward. I know it's glorified in a few tribes but it just isn't masculine.
Being obese also affects fertility.

From what I've heard from straight women, those who like big guys are into robust men, they don't like (some of them at least) big guts, they like big arms, wide shoulders, and so on.
Male bodies and female bodies are different and store fat differently
Women with no ass trying to have opinions here. Wont work in america.
Exactly. Even women who are FFAs/feeders are typically into the "ex-jock" look. In my fantasies I'd love to be in a mutual gaining relationship, but I'm an FA before anything else, and contrast gives me a lot more options.
>In my fantasies I'd love to be in a mutual gaining relationship
> Being obese also affects fertility.
Sorta? That’s mostly a correlation not causality buddy. PCOS and T1D are gonna make a woman fat AND infertile.
What’s true is being normatively skinny will prevent many woman from even having regular periods.
> I’m straight but every now and again a super soft pear shaped guy will hit my buttons.
God I feel this so hard. These fat office boy titties are outa this world. Every young man came out of the pandemic with a body build by GameCube. The girls aren’t even packing this much ass in their khakis.
will you homos take this to the bhm board?
>Every young man came out of the pandemic with a body build by GameCube
Nope, I came out of it skinnier.
I miss the times of the cough due to the streets being empty, especially at night.
Nothing beats a walk from one end of your city to the other without seeing or hearing another human.
Yeah but this attraction for obesity only manifests if a female is afflicted.
Meanwhile having a toned body is objectively attractive for both sexes, even if I find no speck of sexual attraction for both of them.
>I think evolutionarily fat is sexier on women. Extra pounds are a sign of fertility,
Yeah I guess. I find "chubby" women hot which can be considered hot by society too.
I am reffering to obesity here, as in roly-poly zone.
TBf for op, if money is a concern in a hetero relationship, size difference will eventually creep in. Women (especially FFAs) will try pawning off their food to men because normally, men have more appetite because they naturally have more muscle mass, and more feedback on dishes makes them better cooks. However, the moment a girl becomes pregnant, eating for two surpasses the advantage giving to a guy so his hard work day becomes more tolerable.

However, in an age where the workforce is more white collar than ever and women are terminally single/DINKs, these evolutionary tricks have become meaningless. Personality and outlook on life are now the deciding factor whether somebody becomes fat, as well as intelligence and what kind of medications they take (depressed people now becoming the frontrunners for eating disorders).
I don't understand what you are saying in the first paragraph.
> Meanwhile having a toned body is objectively attractive for both sexes, even if I find no speck of sexual attraction for both of them.
Crypto gay spotted. No straight man wants a muscular toned woman. That’s just repressed homosexuality and pedophilia talking.
Reproductive fat is for banking PUFA fats for pregnancy and lactation. Marrying a woman with no fat is as dumb as marrying a man with no bank account.
These bitches dont come from royality. Niether them or the men in their lives have any real connects. Just look at them. Do you think I fit in with that crowd? Fuck no. I hang out with rich pll and settled for less? Why I dont know but its time I come back.
Women shouldnt count on a man money...... thats hoe shit. What happened when he was living on his own in his 20's none of you did that. Only him. So wht hate now because u have a municpal job? Rude awaking something big is coming & he isnt sharing with any of you.
You are retarded. I said I consider toned women as attractive as toned men, but I only get sexual attraction from fat women.
Blow a hole through your skull, cretin.
Oh you not feeling on my ass today. Nice try
Being into muscular women is the same as being into fat women: both are preferences that is/can be turned into a fetish. I do agree that fat is feminine; men have always been attracted to curves. I believe it's an evolutionary trait to be attracted to a women with more body fat of a skinny women since it shows that they are more fertile. And men are naturally more active and have less body fat than women, and a muscular body tells a women that the guy is strong and is capable of protecting them.

It is possible that a man can't entirely be straight if they are attracted to muscular women since that's a more masculine trait, but I wouldn't say they can't be straight. Look at straight female athletes who are more toned, especially if they have children.
> You are retarded. I said I consider toned women as attractive as toned men…
Blow a hole through your skull, cretin.
Jesus, could you be any more of a pissy bitch. You like toned men and women that look like men/children. There’s nothing wrong with being gay, but dude, you’re queerer than a 3$ bill.
> Being into muscular women is the same as being into fat women: both are preferences…
The difference is: many, if not most, historical societies (and many present cultures) find fatter women more attractive than skinner women.
Which makes sense biologically: female sex horomones stimulate the growth of subcutaneous fat on the hips and breasts… women will tolerate strong fats but dad-bod does not mean bitch-tits. Similarly, male sex hormones stimulate the growth of muscle.

Summary: tones women are a historical and natural abomination. They’re a small step removed from transwomen on hormone replacement therapy.
Still a retard, I see.

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