
(110 KB, 939x1293, 20240405_030425.jpg)
I would be so fucking rich if I was born female people dont realise how easy it is to get a fanbase here you literally make a reddit account take a pic of you pushing your tummy out and you'll have people slobbering all over you. I wish I was born a girl bro this shit sucks
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put you money where your mouth is and transition nao faglet.

report back here how easy peasy it all was and how much €€€ you effortlessly make. also post pics.

you're a total retard who doesn't know what he's talking about btw.

t. tranny

inb4 trans women aren't real women. no shit sherlock. the core of the issue is that we were born with the wrong set of chromosomes. who would have thunk?
inb4 trannies are mentally ill. yes we are and so are you. this planet is an insane asylum and whoever you think you are, you're not special.
Cope, sneed and dilate

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