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Saluti, Godfather,
Welcome back to the nest. Your flock eagerly awaits your return, ready to soar under your guidance. Your wisdom is the wind beneath our wings.
Here's to another chapter of fruitful correspondences. Welcome back Godfather!
Ciao, Kisame here
I don't know what people think Kisame was behind the Pregchan raid. I went to see Civil War. I am accepting the limited nature of the suburbs now.
life has been fine
Move to Germany they said. The last American left they said. It'll be good money they said. They'll totally understand what you do they said.
Last I saw you were dead in an orange grove after playing with your grandson, glad you made it back.
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Life has been alright for me so far, I had a nice time spending time with my girlfriend, but recently she decided to part ways with me. While it is a rather sad thing, I must continue on and enjoy life to the fullest, with or without someone special in my life. Maybe later on I’ll meet someone again, but for now, it’s time to enjoy life and make sure everyone is good
Dont spend any money on her. You dnt need someone who thinks like a man. Daddy issues. 🚨
If you come from a union household. Date union or small business only. Trust me.
I'm tired of waking up every day at 4 AM
I would just love to have a different less tiring routine
Saw when you posted this kind of sad you waited to right this bullshit
I've gone from "I am staying married because divorce is always wrong" to "I am staying married because we can't afford to get a divorce."
Stay married just show more skin on social media. Idgaf.
I just live very far from my workplace, and the traffic is absolutely awful during the mornings
So I have to wake up at 4 AM to be near my job at 5:45 AM, and then sleep until my 7 AM shift starts
had my first seriousish relationship and after a few dates she told me we should just be friends and im devastated and don't know how to move forward
Why you didnt show her you dick. Show her your dick she wont take her next relationship serious 😉🤣
Thats not a bad thing. multi millionaires wake that early. And follow similar routine. You lack self esteem, Self motivation, & perseverance. You need someone to tell you how to get up and be a man. Conquer the day. Why is this old guy pretending to be young ? No one is stupid.

You say that like there's any meaningful correlation between waking up at 4am and being a multimillionaire. Statistically, more minimum wage workers are waking up at 4am than millionaires. It doesn't mean shit.
Met a nice BBW today at the grocery store. Hoping to see her again next week. I was informed that that specific one is the one singles go to for more than just food.
Your mindset & daily routine makes your day not your hourly wage or salary. Alot of retards with jobs while high iq folks suffer
People here keep calling me gay. I don’t think I’m gay. I have a weird fetish or two sure but here of all places is that really gay?
Is it really gay if it’s just for the fetish, or your not that into it, or it’s your roommates and their kinda pushy or it for stuff or other reasons.
Maybe you need to go to church. Totally not the same anon by the way. Ignore my flag.
You're the best subtle troll on this board since the wafflestomping guy stopped posting.
>>she is insecure & a cock block. Jealous of other women around him. She hides him from ppl. Idk who she think she is
Went to the mall yesterday and was surprised to see not just numerous bbw tier women but several ssbbws, all in one night. I distinctly remember seeing a girl who was easily 500+ at around 5’4? Walking around with who I assume was her family. If I’m ever single again I’m just gonna start going to the mall more often.
I'm single again and finding that it is now virtually impossible to find attractive fat girls on any online dating platform. Tinder, Hinge, and Bumble are filled with thousands of average to above average thin girls, a couple trannies, and a couple more incredibly fat but hideous beyond belief ogres. Wooplus and feabie are now all bots or androgynous wildebeests. What the fuck happened?? 5+ years ago all of these places were a goldmine and I know the world isn't getting any thinner.
Your personallity sucks. When you invite ppl over have some pic frames up so you dont look bat shit crazy then try to make your man look bad to others he was never like that with any woman I know him date. Only you. Its time you wake up bitch. Your neighbors making you look bad you lazy cunt
I find it hilarious Pregchan thinks Kisame exists. Living well, and ignoring them has been fun. They're free to negotiate at anytime.
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I am very sorry to hear that you are single again, relationships can be hard to hard to find, especially if you have a specific type. But when you do find the right person for you, make sure to spend a lot of time with them, have a good time while you can. Even if you want to start a family, go for it. Life can be good and bad, we have to make the most of it. I hope you do find that special someone in your life.
The looming possibility of failing the bar exam is causing me significant anxiety, especially considering the pretty penny it will have cost my dear father. Despite feeling confident in my practical skills and real world knowledge, I struggle to grasp the convoluted language and procedures of the legal world. As I navigate my third year of law school, I find myself grappling with the existential crisis because idk, I can’t deconvolute these legalistic riddles and procedural hocus pocus enough to get partial credit.
If you've made it this far, and dad is still inclined to foot the bill, tough it out. A law degree is valuable in a lot of occupations even if you don't take the bar.
I dont want to do that. Not my style. 50k-100k block account is all any smarter trader needs. Thats easy 5k per month no headache. Toughing it out is the hardest part no doubt.
I got sued over 5 times. I know people will be suing me for the dumbest reasons. Why I have my businesses in place to protect me lol
He's my stepfather, technically speaking. He's the one who will cover the expenses, albeit with some financial opacity on my part. Perhaps I can prolong this charade for another couple of years by maintaining a low profile and banking on no one noticing my extended stint in higher education, which currently stands at five years and counting.
Replying to my own post. Why's it that European add extra steps to everything and overcomplicate things? Sometimes a solution presents itself and they don't want to take it. I thought that was only a forced meme on /int/.
So I ran into her again. This time her friend was no where to be found, and she dressed nicer this week. I ran into a second time in another store but she's super shy and I have no clue what to even talk about. I did find out she's really geeky/nerdy though.
Going shoot you broad daylight on mob
>>48737 Hey anon with the Japanese VPN, they're called yakuza in your part of the region.
Because your solution is with a 90% chance retarded and the people who know better (and thus have refused to implement it) have tried to tell you. Being an amerifat, however, you are sadly too intellectually challenged to understand their reasoning. Instead of realising your ideas are shitty, you go to an online fetish forum to rant about Europeans not listening, ousting yourself as a retard not only amongst your Deustche colleagues but amongst fellow fetishists as well.
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You're mom's gay and I get paid to rectify the bullshit you Europeans make so you can get your safe cars and fly in your planes without somebody getting suicided. More often than not I have to remove failsafes and when I ask why they installed so many conflicting ones they ask me "Failsafe?" You're spirit animal is the broccoli.
I thought they had a single payer system that provided mental health benefits in Germany
Pot calling the kettle black.
I'm going to this Saturday. When we are in front of the Steak display and she remarks again that she has no clue what she's looking for, I'm going offer to help her, and try and go from there.
So I went there. Saw her and her friend she always goes with, or so I thought.

This woman was much larger, and much older, and had a ring on her finger. She looked like the girl I've been meeting up with every week, but only if you added 25-30 years to her. I think it was her Mother. She followed me around the store, eyeballed me a few times, and so forth.

I don't know what to make of it.
I wonder what places one can find good fat art but with some sort of categorization/tag system. r34 and curveybooru are the best but incomplete; gelbooru and danbooru are basically useless for fats; anywhere else or should I just trawl through deviantart and pixiveo
I'm >>49127

It's a long weekend in Canada, and I'm travelling so it's another week of not seeing that girl. I'm sure if she went she's smart enough to figure out this is the weekend most people travel since it's usually nice for the first time in our region of Canada.

Talked about her to a female friend to get a female perspective, and she said it sounds like yeah, this ones into me.

Can't wait until Saturday. I'm really hoping to get things going with her before I leave for most of summer months.
I bought a math book: "Mathematics for the general reader" from E.C Titchmarsh. It made me eager to learn real maths, which i was never good at.

Girlfriend's ex (baby daddy) is harassing her again. I'm about to take his ass to court to get a restraining order put on him. She already has full custody with no visitation rights, so this is the final nail in the coffin.

Sometimes I pray he tries to break in and do something so I can blast a hole in his chest. But he always bitches out whenever I'm around.
So come do it.
Say the name so everyone can air you out.
Careful what you say. You might get blasted in your head hoe. Eveeybody got guns
Doesnt stop pppl from commiting murder when she dead who got the kids
areful what you say. You might get blasted in your head hoe. Eveeybody got guns
Mixed bag, had great turnaround with my Covid-damaged business starting at the beginning of 2024 and I'm making great money for the first time in 4 years. Some family drama and new responsibilities though and I'm having a tough time juggling it.
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>see that my big brother created an instagram account and the algorythm recomended me his account
>block him instantly
>he doesnt know I have an Ig account
>fast foward to the afternoon
>hey anon, did I tell you I made an Ig?
>yeah, uh I followed my discord friends, the family, but somebody really weird is trying to follow me
>look at the profile
>its mschubbykat
>oh FUCK.jpg
>look at ig configs, ig doesnt have access to my contacts nor ubication

wtf, was this an ungodly coincidence then? I think I should be worried, but I need to know if I should from accounts right fucking now
Went back this Saturday, again the old woman and her friend were there, but not her. I'm wondering if maybe now she was just in from out of town.

Messaged a woman on Wooplus, we'll see how that goes since she lives so far away.
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The mob hated the gay rights movement. Fredo being a fop means he can't be trusted cause he attracts attention. I support Trump. Biden doesn't have any pull in New York. Kids today want to play domestic terrorist with Arabs, the Akatsuki, or the Espada. Elton John and the Village People don't pay the exorbitant rates. MAGA does
Trump 2024
I wasn't making a political statement. I just realized I don't change as Kisame17. All these demand for change are just accessories. Nobody wants me to be milquetoast guy who works in law and finance.
Any new union magizines coming out in june I can leave on the countertop for visitors to view. Idk might disppear lol
Kisame17 is the last great craftsman in the world of fetish art. Everyone’s churning out these shiny hyper preg furries using AI and I’m not all about that vibe.
I am bored by the fashion choices and narrative in fetish art. It looks soulless like the Harry Potter movies
The first two movies had soul, it was everything after Chamber of Secrets that had no soul.
I might quit hyperpreg art since I can't comprehend what people want from me
Honestly, with him sniffing kids hair and now Trump’s a convicted pedo (Epstein associate too) I don’t know whose worse?
Not sure if this is a weird question to ask, but how many people here prefer dominant fat women?
I saw Bad Boys 4 and it's a fun flick. I cannot tell if Martin Lawrence is getting fatter, or if he's staying the same.
Biden's problem is that he's surrounded by data gurus who don't want to fight for Israel, Ukraine. If he loses, it's mostly cause the data guys and lawyers have terrible ideas. If shouldn't be hard since Republicans pining for segregation
> he's surrounded by data gurus who don't want to fight for Israel, Ukraine
No one wants to fight for both Ukraine and Israel outside of white supremacists.
Reasonable people don’t see the strategic value in pumping arms into unstable democracies that have a sizeable ethno-supremacy right wing.
I’ve been with this older woman for a few years now. We met on feabie when I was 19 and were on and off again a few years until I dropped out of school and moved in with her 3 years ago. Idk if Its a good situation but im not sure im really feeling it either.
Kisame here? Are these white supremacists why the site is full of CP?
Sounds unhealthy and codependent tbh. How much older is she.
How fat is she? Is she getting fatter?
I doubt it. It's been peaceful IRL.
>How fat is she? Is she getting fatter?
She’s left over 220 pounds, strong fat, and gained a good bit of it when we moved in together which has been great, more butt than a toilet. Met her on feabie back when that site was good, mutual sorta setup.
You could just keep her for now in case you find something better. I mean it's shitty to do, but depending where you are, it can be pretty hard to meet people. Also the ass is fat so there is that.
It’s a good deal. I don’t work, I don’t clean. She’s really the dream of sex and getting taken care of all in one. I wasn’t looking for a mutual gainer sorta thing and that’s the worst of it. But i was already fat, im fatter now sure but more butt than a toilet.
I wish hyperpreg made up its mind. Does it want money or not?
This sounds like you have a like really good deal. I'd love to have even a fraction of this.
It’s seriously living the dream. She’s probably gonna hook me up with a three way. Her bisexual lesbian friends have been pretty interested in my physique recently. I fell asleep while watching a movie after pizza and she showed lifted up my shirt to show them how fat I’m gettin. Be pretty sweet to have a three way with some hot lesbians.
Welp, it was fun suspending my disbelief while it lasted
Some days are really intense. Some days I'm bored out of my mind. Some days there's anons on /gen/ who sounds exactly like my German coworkers.
I'm ok. Job is good, kids are ok, slowly working on the house, gained some new skills while working on the house, proud of that. Finally started taking anti-anxiety/depression meds, huge difference for me, I really didn't think it was that bad until I saw the difference, absolutely night and day. I'm a "wife poster" (sorry), I'm a bit sad that she's just so unfriendly to me, almost completely unaffectionate, I help around the house and with the kids, in addition to working full time and doing the aforementioned work to our house. I feel like I'm bringing a lot to the table and I just want a real hug or kiss. I'd never cheat, but I do fantasize sometimes about starting over with another woman who appreciates me. It's nothing I'd act on, but I wish things were more like they were when we first started dating, as unrealistic as that is. Thanks for listening.
>anti-anxiety/depression meds, huge difference for me
What meds are you on? I've been on a couple different SSRIs in the past but the side effects were always too much for me. I finally talked to a psychiatrist this week about going back on antidepressants because I'm trying to claw my way out of the hole I'm in and doing it by sheer willpower isn't working. I'm depressed for the exact same reason you are, loveless/sexless marriage for the sake of the kids.
Lexapro, my biggest issue is the drowsiness. It didn't happen right away, but man, it's like being on NyQuil. It helps to be careful about what time you take it, but I still have had to have caffeine pills on hand to not doze off, lol. Depression was/is a problem for me, but I was more paralyzed with anxiety, like assuming I'd fuck something up at work, the worst care scenario, etc. Lexapro has really helped me be more chill about the possible consequences of things in a realistic way. I'm only on like 5mg, 10mg makes me more depressed, lol. I just turn into a totally flat zombie. I will say that the medication also chills out your sex drive, which was kind of an unexpected bonus. My thing is that obviously I'd like sex all the time, but really I just want to be loved/appreciated. I work full time(3hr round trip commute)and do all the stuff I'm supposed to do, she's a SAHM, and we make it work barely. She's never been a really peppy girl(which I would probably get really annoyed with), but it'd be nice to get a nice hug/peck on the cheek like once a week. I compliment her for all the work she does( the house is honestly spotless), but I don't think she understands/cares how much I'm contributing, which sucks. I see tiktoks online of women whose husbands do pretty much what I do and they make his coffee/lunch, all kinds of little things to show appreciation. She won't even put my clothes away in the dresser, she just dumps them on the bed and walks away. If I'm working in the yard, watching the kids, she's doesn't come outside with water for me on hot days, she never makes lunch on weekends either. I hate to compare her to my mom, but my mom did all of that stuff and my dad didn't help her with stuff even half as much as I do. Sorry for the rant.
Well I finally saw her again, but now even if I wanted anything it's too late. I'm moving 6 hours away in a week.

It doesn't really matter though, she's too young for me. She's only 23. And I don't even live where she does so it'd be an hour trip to go see her and an hour back. It just won't work out.

At least I can be happy in the fact that an actual flesh and blood BBW found me attractive, even if I'm well over 10 years older than her.
I was with my mother the other day. A chubby woman walked by and she says to me "there's a big woman for you". So I told her she wasn't big enough for my tastes.

What she said next caught me right off guard. She literally said to me "Yeah, but you could just fatten her up with all the great things you cook."

I'm not a feeder, but here my mother is encouraging me to go full architect. I don't even know what to think.
How does she know what you’re into? Just your dating history?
I was just upfront with her and told her I like fat women. She knows I like them as big as Pear Bottom and Asshley.
Hey fellas so there's this girl at work
I haven't been in a relationship for a few years, have been hesitant in getting involved with anyone again but this girl started at work a few months ago and we have started talking. I've never been more attracted to anyone and she seems perfect for me, but she is 19 and I am 27 so I'm worried about getting judged at work, I know I shouldn't care though
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I think I just streamed ssbbw porn in voice chat with 3 other friends am I as fucked as I think?
You're stupid.
Your friends probably have interests they don't want anyone to find out either. Don't say anything. If they bring it up, just let it roll off your shoulders. You like what you like.
How is the environment? If you work with mostly old people you're viewed as one of the young ones even at 27 and no one is gonna judge.

If you work with mostly under 30 people then some people might judge you, not that you should care too much about that either.
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I feel true channers should be a little extra venomous.

4chan was attacked.
And I feel it is obvious the world will be better as the attacks get undone
>4chan was attacked.
4chan leaked RGBs 2019 medical records and really, she’s no longer the girlboss hero she was 10 years ago. RGB being too racist and conservative to let Obama replace her is the reason we have the SCOTUS we do today.

And really, that’s the zeitgeist everywhere I look, people are just tired of this privledged white-girl world we live in. I work for a big company, every division is bogged down with incompetent white women in leadership. They’re dumb, lazy, cliquish mean girls who bring nothing to work but stress and strife. Few are competent in any leadership styles except micromanaging meaningless details while missing the big picture.
If anything, the future will be a lot of people talking like 4chan. These women did one lasting thing to industry: destroyed the requirement of professionalism. Now we’re allowed to call the old hags hag, the young girls are idiotic children. No one wants to work with them, even the white women I know are trying to find a new corporate job to replace their white bosslady.
I met a cute ssbbw at the beach who was chilling with her family. Very sweet and kind and she admitted to like being fat. She also was flattered when I say I wanted to be fat as her. Me and her husband joked about it.
Fuck I didn't mean to post that as my name.
Been having a lot of conflicting opinions about my current ssbbw gf and don't know if its worth it continuing my relationship with her.

I'm currently dating a really huge ssbbw girl who I met on wooplus last summer on my last year of college. Shes like big back huge having a large round face and double chin, legs and knees the size of my waist, and a huge lunch lady arms. I remember being so turned on seeing her pics but meeting her in person is very different. Shes very slow when we go out anywhere to eat, is really lazy always ubering even a few blocks away, and is honestly not in the fetish. She knows what a feeder is and has squashed and let me play with her belly a couple times before but I can't really have the dream feedee feeder experience I want just yet. She also doesn't want to tell me her weight even when we are along together in her bedroom and it just blueballs me. She also has a lot of health problems because of her back and mobility needing a wheelchair for one of her vacation flights which is honesly very sad and embarrassing. For bbwchan she would be hot asf but to normal people like my mother would be crying at me for being with someone like that, who is a huge fitness freak. I dont show my parents her at all because I fear the ridicule for being with someone that huge.

I recently started hanging out with one of my friends from college, shes cute, quirky, short and average build. We started reconnecting again and I have been developing feelings for her, we can actually go out to more places without leaving because they can't accommadate my ssbbw gf. I also won't get as much stares out in public and my parents wouldn't be as judgmental which is a long term plus. I enjoy hanging out with her more than my ssbbw gf but I know the feeder side of me won't be satisfied. She has made comments about coworkers eating too much unhealthy foods which made me realize she won't try to ever gain weight on purpose for me. I can try to forget that and hope that someday she'll eat more when we're together and get that relationship weight. But for now as a normal relationship I would feel a lot happier with her.

This has been my main social issue on my head, I always wanted a huge ssbbw gf of my dreams but theres a lot more sad things I didn't realize would happen. Shes also a very lonely girl, only ever talking to me or her family which honestly makes me sad if I do break up with her. I wish I haven't gone too far with and really want to see if my college firend would ever truly be interested in a relationship. If all goes bad then I'll just be a single. Just need a place to vent out my fat gf frustrations.
break up with her. you aren't equipped to handle a supersized woman; you're also obviously an embarassingly self-conscious coward who cares more about the perception of others than your girlfriend's happiness or even your own. you obviously don't want to deal with the reality of having a partner who's size causes them to have health issues, or getting stares in public, or having to stand up to your own family. she deserves better than you.
Columbia is a conservative seminary law school founded back when NY happened to be a puritan colony
No one cares you schizophrenic burger flipper.
Colombia’s too busy hob knobbing with the grand dragon to realize the future is female. Missing the chance to get with Stefanik, they may never live down.
Law school is very conservative by nature. Politicians have no influence over the school.

Columbia is right up there with Princeton as conservative law school.
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Cranky that the market scam collapsed? I am too busy figuring out if cars at going to sell at a fraction to buy it cheap
I am doing well as a /ck/. I am trying to process how Boars Head went to the gutter. I thought we get our meats from Jersey now
I say screw coming up with ways to finance Congress, it's bloated military, police force, and workers. Get Gold Bars to fund his own bunga-bunga parties.
I'm at the point in my life were I have fully accepted my sexuality/identity as a feedist and I want to quit porn but I don't know how. I do however what to try my hand at both feedist art and writing. Not necessarily erotica and definitely not porn but I do want to express it. I also have considered starting my own IRL feedism community with simlar principles regardless if I fail or not. If I do at least I learned something.
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I am convinced RFK is trying to out crazy Trump. Vance is a fucking nerd and yet RFK acts more hillbilly than a VP who plays Magic the Gathering.
I feel happy as a cook. The losers at the preg community can go back begging for rent money and find some other schizo to fund their flops. Twitter looks like a dumpster fire after Musk took over it.
Thanks for the honest advice, I'm trying to figure out how to break up with her but have no ideas and am scared of her reaction against me. I've felt much happier texting my college friend than her so it means it should be time. I don't text her for hours and when i do she texts back immediately which shows she has nothing going on in her life which majkes me sad.

I learned my lesson about the truth of dating ssbbw girls, lots of health problems, setbacks, and extra annoyances if they aren't even into feederism and are just lazy fat.
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>The school that literally is the prototype for communist infiltration
Honestly. Don’t break up with her.
Date the other woman publicly, date the fat woman in private. The fat woman will understand that she’s a closet fuck you don’t take out in public. She probably is fine and used to eating takeout and getting dick without expecting a relationship.
You’re retarded.
haven't done it yet, ill see her this week in person again and see how i feel after

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