
Dont open put in shredder - lawyer
This is infuriating because lawyers deciding to screw over creators and fans. Also, removing porn on a site used mostly for that is a very stupid idea. What would happen if DeviantArt decides "From now on, we'll remove stuff ranging from scantily clad women to nudes". I'm sure the site will lose a lot of creators and users.

The rules state no WG, so theoretically plump women can be in art, if a creator does pin-ups of already fat women, it can still stay. But yeah, I am imagining a lot of creators leaving the site and needing to find other sites to post material on and get money from.
Devil advocate good movie. Teach you alot about industry.
Idk if Patreon or a feeder would be on the hook for enabling a mentally ill woman to eat herself to death. It’s a lawsuit for some Berg or Corn or Stein or Witz to buy tuition at Columbia University and child sex slave.
I feel too this is demonization of feedism, that we want to hurt our partners IRL and manipulate/abuse them. That we abuse them into purposely gaining weight to earn our love. And how fat is gross, how it makes you ugly and traps you in your house. They are probably disgusted that we get off to the obesity documentaries, to the stories of people trapped in their houses due to obesity and the concept that our world is getting fatter and fatter.
It seems that the more known the kink is the more demonized it becomes. All anyone is interested in is the furthest extreme it can be taken to, and the normal people are ignored. I wonder if feederism is so hated and evil for "promoting disordered eating," why doesn't any platform permanently ban Eugenia Cooney? She's doing the exact same thing on the opposite end of the spectrum. The difference is She's thin, and thin is okay. Getting life threatening thin is just seen as clickbait and borderline normal. But, oh GOD FORBID someone decides to gain 20 or 30 pounds on purpose. Suddenly that's a life threatening situation where one person is coersing the other for domination and control. The ONLY motivation a feeder has is dependence and power.

I mean, yeah. It's extremely stupid, one sided, and based on incredibly narrow tunnel vision.
My 600lb life did more damage than good. And it doesn't help that half the people here aren't satisfied until the woman is morbidly obese.

Being 300lbs isn't good enough for y'all and you wonder why sites are starting to crack down. I'd say it's karma for the greedy fags who egg these women on to eat themselves to death.
I mean anything beyond mild feedism / gaining at a somewhat healthy rate and stopping at a certain point is objectively pathological and I've met many people in the 'community' who are simply sociopathic sadists that enjoy the thought of other people ruining their health and becoming uglier.

Unfortunately it gives a bad rap to those who just like chubby women and wouldn't pressure someone to do something really unhealthy or enable someone with an immobility fetish or whatever.
>>48004 (OP)
They banned furry porn a few weeks ago too. Lol it's like they are trying to speed run bankruptcy
Who said fuck washington? Lol
Kisame here whatever do you mean? Columbia U is involved in some dumb slap fight with their own students over anti war protests. I don't know anything about Patreon and mocked it for losing revenue
I'm afraid I don't get the reference
I don't know what I was doing as Kisame17. I was ignorant. DeviantArt and Patreon both hate inflation art cause it's ruining their brand as a social media site for artists. Now that the right has the Daily Wire and Babylon Bee and Gutfeld, the left can't coast off Disney or WB to bail them out
I think Adams won't stop until the police is everywhere.
A lot of feederism stuff is drawn art and is a fantasy, it's not something most people who make and enjoy wish to enact in the real world. It's drawn artwork, not real people eating vast quantities of food and getting super fat.
just think about all the content that would be memory-holed now if it wasn't for kemono. the internet is fickle and everything needs to be archived case 45543.
The fetish community is all talk and no action. For all their bragging about being chill, the community isn't going to leave the bohemian groove until a cop cracks their skull open. I wouldn't be surprised if the site gets banned cause artists are so milquetoast that they're afraid of change and get a heart attack their habitat is ruined.
Why that profession? We have unemployed people with guns.
The characters that artists create are so bland that nobody wants to utilize them and Patreon would rather block the artists
Well looks like saxxon is going to have a fun time as patreon was his main paysite.
Deviantart too, but keep in mind they have no way of policing this stuff, they'll have to rely on users reporting accounts for violations. You'd think anyone paying actual money to join a Patreon would know what they're getting into.

This is all about CYA, where if someone dies from feedism or any other ED and someone sues the site they can say "Hey, not our fault — we forbid it in the rules."
CYA and ED?
Plus as I said, what the sites mostly have is drawn artwork, not live action footage/video. I get that the concern is it can encourage unhealthy behavior but most of the time, it's a fantasy, yes there are people who go too far with a fantasy, there are people who decide to hurt themselves or others in enacting it, but most people aren't doing this. Most feeders don't want their partners to become immobile IRL. Maybe in the roleplay of a sex fantasy, yes. But I wouldn't want to do this IRL. I would certainly want a plump partner, but I wouldn't want to fatten her up until she's bed bound. I'd rather her be fat/fit.
Not really. The government wants to censor and promote common good thru art. Unfortunately it's alienating the left cause nobody likes DEI. It's the same reason private colleges are combusting with student protests and cops
I meant entertainment is sanitized now.
At least they didn’t ban Pizzacake Comics.

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