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Have you ever come across an specific chain that seemingly has more fat employees than usual?
Some might say a restaurant or fast food place, but weirdly enough that's not my case.
There's an specific optical store near my house, I go there maybe twice a year and there's always a different fat girl selling glasses. Just a few days ago I went to get a new pair, and I saw one of the cutest fatties I've seen irl. I could tell she had gained weight, because her oversized polo shirt from the store was a bit too tight for her belly and boobs - which made her figure look amazing. (Pic related, looked just like that, with curly hair instead)
Sadly, she wasn't the one selling me the glasses. Maybe I'll see her once I go pick them up.
I've worked in kitchens for most of my life and you rarely see fatties behind the counter. Kitchens are too high paced, cluttered environments for most of them. You have the right idea with the glasses store though, retail and offices are where fatties thrive. Especially offices since they can spend all day sitting. If you can find an alternative clothing store or trendy pub, you'll have good luck too, and an added bonus is they're probably going to be taking much better care of themselves than the average fatty. I lived in a city with trendy brewpubs and there was almost always 1 very cute and fat waitress working on a busy night.
>>47966 (OP)
Sorry to neg but do you happen to have this video of curvy babe ? Thank you
Now that I think about it, I've never been inside an office. However, I've seen plenty of fatties at banks which is a similar work environment.
It was on ThisVid aHR0cHM6Ly90aGlzdmlkLmNvbS92aWRlb3MvYmlnLWJ1cnBzLWJpZ2dlci1naXJsLw==
Most consistent in my experience is civil service office workers. My observation is that 1) middle management/clerk positions are dominated by women and 2) at least 2/3 of those women are notably overweight.
Hall brawl of 2001
Everyone’s fat Jewish mother worked at the public services department declining people’s benefits because she thought it all was theft and “we escaped communism”.
We need strong men of Christian character to take arms and remove the lice from this once great country. First step is listing who they are and where they work.
>>47966 (OP)
somehow I was shocked to see a private clinic full of fat nurses going out for smokes, was a weird sight to see, maybe the boss has specific preferences, as at least in hospitals I never saw so many.
>>49556 unde ai văzut asta? :))
Nursing and aged care
I've dated two midwives, so I reckon midwifery has a few.
You would think midwives would be baby-mad. One of them was and the other wasn't. The former was MUCH fatter than the latter
Hedge funds use bbwchan to hold back all stocks
Yup, civil service and healthcare. T

he former thanks to secretary's spread, and the type of person the jobs attract. I had a situation straight out of deviantart WG fic a few years ago when I went to the city tax office to work out some fines. Three desks, three 300+ women, one who was probably nudging 400, black mama with massive hips. None of them beauties but hot if you're into lady next door MILFs, which I am. I worked my issue out in one visit, fifteen minutes but I swear I spent the next week trying to think of a reason to go back lol.

The latter maybe because of stress and long hours? I had a relative in the hospital and then at a rehab recently and I'd say 2/3 of the women there were overweight and half of those obese. The only really thin women were doctors. Some could barely walk and breathe — amazing they make scrubs that big.
airport security
LOL that's true
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I am an X-ray practitioner in a public hospital in my country, in a country in Central America.

I must say that large women often arrive quite often, not regularly but if they do arrive, for example in the last shift I did, 2 quite large women arrived, both in height and size, I couldn't say how much they weighed but the table where they sat They take the mostly her hips and thighs (parts that I especially like) she was quite high and I took the x-rays normally, I must say that I have to touch patients to position them correctly so that the x-rays come out well then I could feel her fat, it was quite soft and the The distance between the kneecap and the fat was quite large, without a doubt my head would be buried between those enormous trunks that were his thighs.

Then another 21 year old girl who arrived on both sides in the same way with gigantic thighs and hips, she was very fat and quite tall, almost like an Amazon, I took her rays normally, she was blonde, white skin and quite pretty I must say, Apparently he works where I do my internship. The fact is that she was quite fat and the poor table said it by creaking with all her movements. Her skin was soft and she felt enough fat on them to have type 1 or 2 obesity. But that would count more but no. They come to mind now, I'll update if there are more.

They weren't exactly like that but the images suggest what the 24-year-old girl and the 21-year-old girl were like physically.
Reading all of this hilarous. Give that pussy up

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