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My collection just nuked itself. Shitty Toshiba HDD has completely stopped working and is making some janky noises whilst my PC won't even recognize it. An oversight on my part lead me to not have a backup. This truly is the library of alexandria all over again. I had some ancient and obscure stuff on there. I have even considered getting a professional to recover it, but it's a fair chunk of money.

Anyway, time to start a fresh one I suppose. I'm not here to beg (although site rips are welcome), rather, I am after advice. I have a few subscriptions going atm on a number of sites and was wondering what the best software is to download entire sites? I remember back in the day I was able to download one set at a time with bulk image downloader (which I no longer have an up-to-date version of, and which was fairly tiresome) - any advice on how to rebuild is greatly welcomed.

For those that have been around for a while, you might remember me posting under the name Barack Obama many years ago, and uploading frequently to the volafile. Ya'll have shared some absolute gems over the years. Gg guys.
Sorry to hear that. Happened to me 10ish years ago, a 600+ gb collection I started in the late 90s. Too chicken to send it to a data recovery place, mostly because it wasn't just pics and vids on there but my cringe feeder fic writing lol.

Anyway I use an app called Sitesucker, $5 with a pretty straightforward interface.
People still use mechanical drives? I thought the majority switched over to flash storage eons ago.

here in the so-called "third world", we still use a lot of hard drives, I myself have about 2 1TB hard drives and about 5 with smaller amounts of storage.

Even so it's foolish to not replace your drives every few years. Granted flash storage can go a lot longer, but normally I wouldn't go more than 5 years with mechanical, especially if it contains important files.
Unions cleaning harddrives feds coming
I have my feedism media dispersed over like 15 free google drive profiles lmao

I think they get nuked after a year or two of inactivity now. Probably for the best anyway to be honest.

Most of it is just hoarding, I never really go back to look at it.

Every so often I might get an urge to look at a hot video I remembered from a few years ago but that's about it

That said I've been thinking about a S31 subscription because I haven't got anything from that site in years and it now looks like you can view everything for the price of one subscription.
Can anyone confirm whether it's worth it?
I actually agree with you SSDs are much more reliable. I've been using SSD for a few years on my computer and notebook. However, it is always good to have 2 or 3 saved copies and different hard drives.

>>Can anyone confirm whether it's worth it?

It's not. The site owner is a paranoid schizo who goes after anyone with a browser extension and accuse them of stealing. Then he'll throw some bullshit lawsuit at you to try and intimidate you.

That fucker can go rot for taking advantage of third world women and sending out fake threats.

So I've heard, but assuming his threats are empty , can someone with a membership please do a site rip sometime soon?

I hope you enjoy pictures only since he's been compressing the site out of his videos. Can't expect people to pay $30 for 480p videos and worse.
HDDs will be better for long term storage so long as you don’t drop them or something. If you’re a true paranoid schitzo and you never want to loose a byte then M-Disk
Also like someone mentioned, spreading them across GDrive profiles would work, and you would have to sign into the accounts at least once a year

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