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Honestly, I've been trying to get with a bbw for a good couple years now, and it just seems as though the typical dating apps just aren't doing it for me. I've tried feabie and wooplus, but neither of then seem to work.

What sort of site/place you went to helped you get with your partner, or just helped you hookup with a bbw?
Ellispse, eclipse and shockwaves all mean something madrid line opening. Ultimate power is coming. New phenos and new gene pools holy fuck someghing is in the earth rolling over. Media lied. Monster are real. Fuck who you want scary pussies
>>47356 (OP)
Generally speaking we meet fat women: in stores, in bars, at parties, at bbqs and quite often on dating apps…We meet that at university, in the welfare line and at work events.
We meet them in cities, in suburbs and in rural area— in the Northeast, in the Midwest, especially in the South.
If you live in America and arent a total shut in your life should be unavoidable full of fat women.
>>47356 (OP)
have you tried....the real world? women on dating apps are entitled and tend to be more scrutinizing. majority of success I've found has been meeting girls in real life.
I was able to meet my huge ssbbw gf last year from using wooplus. She's not into feederism but just has lazy big back behaviors like uterine everywhere instead of walking a few blocks, always staying at home in bed snacking, and being really slow when we go out and having large back pain that made her struggle to even take a shower. Lowkey it's a little hot. However despite me being so loving of her body she won't even tell me her actual weight from her doctors visit, even when it's just the 2 of us alone in her room
I used feabie for like 6 years and couldn't manage to meet up with a single lady despite me being tall and classically handsome patient and friendly.

Whenever I despair at how hard it is on dating apps I take a walk through my local mall and I'm reminded that the world is full of beautiful women (often holding hands with average looking guys) and it adds some valuable perspective.

I've started approaching women I find really sexy, having a conversation and asking them out if they seem interested whatsoever. Even the ones who reject me are usually flattered. A few get uncomfortable but I just excuse myself and whatever it's a small price to pay for possibly meeting someone.

Beach, parks, markets, festivals, concerts, classes etc are also good for approaching women, as long as you can read the situation a bit (don't approach if they're with family or a partner obviously or if they're wearing earphones or look like they're rushing somewhere)

Also you get to see exactly what they look like. No more unpleasant surprises when you meet them on a date.

Obviously if you're seriously unattractive that's going to be a hindrance since unfortunately people tend to instinctively label less attractive people as creepy even when their behavior is reasonable. But it's still worth trying I think
>>47356 (OP)
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts. That's where you'll find them. Make sure it's not a location with a drive thru or you'll be missing them while you sit inside waiting 😂😂😂
Malls with plus sized clothes. Catch them at the drink stand. Or a weight loss clinic or even gym on Jan 6th. Get a job in fast food.
I found it worthwhile to know a plumber and ask him whose shower drains have needed to be snaked the most often.
Feabie was never a dating site, and actively trying to use it as a dating site was a good way to get mass-reported after """""the groupchat""""" was made aware of your sins depending on who you tried to hit-up, so just like Fetlifers when they smell blood in the water re: using Fetlife as a dating app. The problem is that just like literally every fat dating site, women are advertised yet another coomer hub for chasers, and men are advertised an inclusive and judgement-free dating site for ALL sizes, and everything we've seen about their retard staff has shown they got-off fucking with anyone trying to find a girlfriend


Fat girl dating apps are Tinder, Hinge, Bumble, Okcupid, and POF, aka dating apps, there has never been a point and time where fat girls were lacking in suitors both irl and online, and our current dating app bubble is why your chance of getting right-swiped is the same as the non-fat girl. Niche dating apps that focus on a sexual aspect are always going to get coomers, content creators on dating app #4 to advertise, and gorl specimens + single mom's that no one wants on the normal ones, and out of them all, OKC wins on variety, but it's absolutely cancerous to use compared to how they were around 2015, and has only been getting worse

>have you tried....the real world? women on dating apps are entitled and tend to be more scrutinizing
You may as well flip a coin on whether or not the qt you wanna talk to in Value Village* has an Instagram tied to her dating app(s) of choice, with no end to guys raring to date her, the difference being that she can probably dox the dudes online to get a feel of what they offer, whereas you're the stranger talking to her because of what she'll assume to be is no app game. I get "just talk to her bro!" might've worked 100% a decade ago, but there are very few women that respond well to being approached with the intent of dating/attraction unless she too gets that immediate spark (she probably won't), and hitting ladyfriends up for clarity just got a bunch of sound bites that were variants of
>Yeah we like to use dating apps/IG so we can research the SHIT outta you and see if you'll mesh with our feed, while also combing every piece of social media in-range of your pro- oh hon, you DON'T use social media? That's when we assume you're a Nazi or future mass-shooter!
And that's where you start to enter the danger zone on whether or not she'll go for the worst possible scenario and assume you're this horrible creep making an advance based on lust and attraction, which is where normal no-frills guys get anxiety over this approach, even if they're talking to a normal no-frills girl

*Sauce: attempting to talk to the qt in Value Village about a sealed Titanic Puzz3D she found, getting a
>yeah it's pretty cool, also I have a boyfriend
blurb unironically. I even attempted one of the final Bumble IRL evenst in SF before they nuked it entirely, and it was mostly the above on a large scale, and the more guys that showed-up, the more girls just started huddling together in groups on one end of the lounge, looking like they really didn't wanna be there for anything other than the free drink. Most of the guys that attempted to chat and say hi got rejected, slunked back over, waited, then tried again (same result), and this is an event for the homely ones that aren't getting matches digitally. Same with the dudes I inevitably hung out with most of the night to talk about whether DBGT sucks or not (it owns). I made a
>Now, eventually, you do plan to have single women at your single's event, right?
crack as Goldblumishly as possible to a staffer in a party hat, and he told us we were free to just fucking leave if we didn't like it, which we did, terrible fucking vibes for the worst dating app, and I don't recommend going to one if they do bring them back, which they probably won't considering they axed the women-message-first rule this week, due to the lowest engagement of ANY dating app

Each and every one of us is aware fat girls exist outside the internet, the problem is convincing women just in general that at one point, their relationships started outside the internet at one point
i aint reading all that but sorry that happened or congratulations.

if you're an adult male who lacks charisma or moxy you won't find anyone regardless how much you try to intellectulize or strategize around it.
Take a Thursday or saturday, go to different hot spots where things happen and people are. dress well and shoot your shot.

my advice is talk to EVERYONE (literally say what's up?, that's it that's your opener) so that you don't get spooked out of approaching the sexy fat girl and get over yourself. stop waiting for mochii babii to walk in the room.
In addition to the fact you're using PUA lingo that'll check most progressive girls out (aka a good amount of the fatties you'd actually wanna date), I guarantee you that most people itt/itf have done this, and are well-aware of what happens when you lack charisma, nobody posting here is (possibly) Chris-chanian or gets "spooked" from talking to girls, the problem is they're spooked over the potential response due to things like "cold approaches" being rebranded as a predatory/PUA tactic


>My 18-year-old daughter was at Starbucks, alone, the other night. A man came up to her and started talking to her
>"As a father of a daughter, I’m glad people are still looking out"
>"This gave me goosebumps"
>"Y’all are not entitled to speak to women simply because you think you can or perceive yourself as no harm"

See also: the guy who was giving the meme bartender "the creeps" because he was talking to women AT A BAR

Again, there's zero problem with chatting someone up because you're attracted to them and think getting to know them would be fun, it's just you're up against a culture ready to assume a single guy approaching a woman with romantic intentions is some form of predatory, and the stock advice of "just talk to her bro!" is about as helpful as "just meet girls at church/dance classes/[hobby] bro!"
As an oldfag, I really feel sorry for you younger guys. There was a time when you could have your pick of fat girls in the bash scene and pre-smartphone/swipe dating sites, if you showed up as a guy who took care of his appearance and had functional social skills.
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I was on Okcupid when you still could search and message people freely, and while it used to be nice and definitely connected me with a bunch of people I still know today, the cracks were starting show as early as 2010, since this is when the gorl formerly known as Tess Munster was getting loud (about fatspo, not about Housewifeswag stealing her image) (lmao), and suddenly, fat girls are even hotter than those indie bitches with their low-rise jeans, Threadless shirts, and Manic Panic hair

It was also then that everyone had the internet in their pocket and Instagram's launch showcased that the vast majority of men are extremely flexible re: looks, so it's suddenly not a huge deal for a guy to message you on a dating app, which is why OKC made the logical choice to kill messaging, profile views, and search long before Match gutted them entirely

Getting a bunch of smoke blown up your ass 24/7 via social media strangers + guys willingly being forced to dance on dating apps is what leads to most profiles being a variation of Eva Braun's delicate reincarnation here. Even Bumble finally admitted that their business model wasn't even remotely based on why women didn't like dating online, and have finally embraced the fact they're spinster Tinder


They've all been supremely fake and gay for a good decade now, which is also when Bumble happened to launch
If you are good looking enough and not a sperg you can still cold approach. The "creepy" guys are men they found to be unattractive. Attractive and confident men can still cold approach all they want (and they do erryday)
I met my current gf this way. But I have that dawg in me and don't get discouraged by such bullshit. My advice would be work on yourself so you don't come off as a creep. Also don't fixate on one woman, literally be social with the entire bar (guys included) and even towards girls you don't find attractive. When women see you as a sociable guy that everyone gets along with that makes you much more desirable in their eyes. Become the prize they lust after.
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Once more: you guys are preaching to the fucking choir, me and everyone else in this situation - let alone this thread - aren't spergs that shrivel-up when forced to be social, and it should be assumed we aren't hideous goblins that know how to talk to women normally without an extreme thirst and/or demanding bobs and vagene upfront. The problem is that most women DON'T like a stranger coming up to them to chat, especially with the intent to date unless he pushes all the right buttons within the seconds this is initiated, and most of that is going to fall on looks. Dressing nice, being the fun dude at a venue, showering, and starting a non-threatening conversation will never change the fact that unless you're attractive to her at that moment, nothing's happening

I repeat: I've gone to bars, clubs, and sad Bumble IRL events with the mindset of focusing on EVERYONE there, not just one I obsess over all night, and the vast majority just want to use OLD so they can curate the ideal guy they want so there aren't any surprises, which is why Bumble killed those off. There's also the Instagram check, whether or not you're Instagram-attractive is another modern hurdle, as 99% of profiles on dating apps are a single @ so she can lure you into DM'ing with the intent of scanning your profile/social media, it's so much of a factor that all dating apps let you link your IG, to the point where your profile is gonna sit at "incomplete" if you don't. Most guys here are gonna be using Instagram to document their life/hobbies, show-off cool shit they find, or to follow their friends/ecelebs/etc, with very little in the way of 24/7 selfies or total life documentation, simply not obsessing about social media is considered a red flag now

Maybe you should tell me instead where you live and what kinda ladies you go for, because
>literally be social with the entire bar (guys included) and even towards girls you don't find attractive
will get you pegged as a PUA in my demographic (or the sad guy going down the list of customers until one bites) in Hollywood. This is my nicest and most active local bar with the most customers in my age range (27/30-somethings) and social demographic, i.e. didn't grow-up internalizing Dr. Laura from the back seat, isn't an eternal party gurl, or a trashy alcoholic barhopping until a guy buys her a drink


Even when going with friends to look as social/normal as possible, the furthest I've got with someone I thought looked fun was talking about Rocko's Modern Life because of her shirt, who then remembered she had a boyfriend when I offered to grab her next mojito. Otherwise, my experience is getting the stink eye from groups if I look like I'm about to say something, or just women constantly glued to their phones - sometimes doomswiping on Tinder - or on their laptops, and you're flipping a coin on whether or not trying to get their attention is perceived as harassing/bothering her

This is what it sounds like when you talk about "bars"

Dude. Be less unattractive, act more attractive.
Dress normal, get a normal haircut, talk only about normal shit.
> the furthest I've got with someone I thought looked fun was talking about Rocko's Modern Life because of her shirt, who then remembered she had a boyfriend when I offered to grab her next mojito
Dude. You’re not someone who should be talking about what YOU think. Get her talking about whatever boring normie shit she is into and keep her engaged.
>Dude. Be less unattractive, act more attractive
Step one is being less ugly: the gym, the shower…etc
Step two is about being more likeable: you sound like a bitter, small man. No one’s gonna fuck a loser with incel level anger and taking cheap swipes at easy targets (spergs, Indians, drunken hoes).
Dude you look and sound like an utter bitch. Just play your video games, watch your pornography and keep complaining online about how dry your dick is.
Fucking faggot. (I mean gay like retarded because this bitch is both).
I wonder who is going to gain the most weight.
You want Matty Healy level anger little loser right now you’re more Elliot Rogers sounding.
You're the one that sounds pathetic rn tbh
Um nice cheap swipes at Asians???? fr dawg no cap fam
Bet you’re some short little Elliot Rodgers looking manlet.
> Dressing nice, being the fun dude at a venue, showering, and starting a non-threatening conversation will never change the fact that unless you're attractive to her at that moment, nothing's happening
So…you’re complaint is women find you too ugly to fuck, and then choose not to fuck your unattractive ass?
OP here, thanks for recommendations fellas.

Sadly though I haven't had much luck since starting the thread. I've decided to stop using bumble because I'm rarely getting matches anymore, and the match I did get randomly stopped talking to me.

I would use tinder or hinge, but I got banned off them for a silly reason. A few years ago there was a black only dating app that I got banned off of, leading to a domino effect that lead to me getting banned off every match group app. I would try tinder and hinge again, but I still have the same phone.

I'm just copied that the new college im going two for the final two years in my degree is gonna be filled with more fat girls I can at least try to talk to.

Quick question though, is thay femcel dating app any good? Debating on trying some other dating apps over the summer.
Washington - "Cooler heads prevail"

New york " idk about all that"
>>47356 (OP)
from my experience feabie never worked for me, i only had a few followers and they were mutuals from other feederism discord servers. I was almost desperate to meet up with this mother and pay for a feeding session but I realized wtf am i doing and I was only 18.
Recently much of my luck with fat girls has been with girls I haven't seen since middle school who packed on the pounds and the occasional tinder girls I meet who are chubby or huge. Only ever got to meet one girl from tinder and she liked me more than i liked her, she was fat but had one of those week leafy chins that made it hard to look at.
My best bet was wooplus, I had to use one of those free ask a question thingies that you need to pay for later to use but I was able to start convo with this easy 300 lber. Took around 2 months of talking to eventually meet up and the first time we met I was shocked that she was fatter in person and a bit turned off by how slowly she walked and couldnt even sit in the seats in the resturant we visited. But i came to my senses that i finally found a fat girl who actually likes me more than i like her and allows me to play with her belly so wooplus is the best bet imo if youre an average looking guy going for average looking fat girls
Facebook dating is where it's at. Feabie is as trash as the attention seeking women on there. I've had much success with Facebook dating, more than any other dating site. There's a ton a plus sized women on there. You just have to know how to talk to them and not treat them like objects. At one point I was talking to so many women on there I was kind of overwhelmed. c
"Dude, just be more attractive" is some of the worst advice I've ever heard lmfao
Its easy. Keep your home, car, clothes, appearance clean what so fucking hard women notice that shit.
Yeah but when people say they do that shit and you still say "be more attractive" wtf is that supposed to do lol
Get in shape, eat right, watch your health and habits. It'll show up not just in your body but in your eyes and skin. Be well-groomed — hair, nails, shave every day or have a nicely trimmed beard, etc. Dress nicely, have some style. Look like you're making an effort without being vain and women will respond.
> say "be more attractive" wtf is that supposed to do
It’s pretty fucking clear. Step up your game (you might still be too short and ugly afterwards).
If I told you that to play college football you’d have to “be more athletic” you’d understand what it means. Gaming hoes is a competition, same as football, and dude you’re coming up short and bitching about the advice to work harder.
>Gaming hoes
Yeah advice from you sounds like it'll be really solid.
>You're coming up short
I'm not even the guy y'all were responding to, I was just pointing out that you can't exactly do anything if you already put in the work and still can't get any.
> I was just pointing out that you can't exactly do anything if you already put in the work and still can't get any.
Like I said, not everyone was born to play college football.
If all the work in the world won’t make you attractive to women, they probably won’t want to date you.
Hobbies and prostitution exist.
Her neighbors put her to shame dont know how to do shit. Tough ass lesbians

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