
(319 KB, 1282x1720, IMG_20240404_164446_518~2.jpg)
Larped as a 16 year old on instagram to a pedophile feedist and got this selfie back. His name is jack. Hide your kids.
>>47275 It was on complete accident. He messaged me on an account I wasn't active on and so I just lied to get him to leave me alone and he just didn't.
The eyes are something...
You’re doing God’s work anon real proud of ya

Also I wanna know how you can larp as one cuz I’m trying to track pedos too
>>47274 (OP)
How is being attracted to a 16 year old "pedophile"
Spanish uncle vibes.
I'm serious how is a 16 year old "pre pubescent"? Not to mention 16 is the legal age of consent in over a third of the US
Zoomers unironically think the age of consent should be 25. Absolutely infantilized generation

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