
I bet you could sit on a quarter and squeeze a booger out of George Washington's nose.
You are as heavy as 505 big macs
you're only 21 and you've already destroyed your body, I'm sure your usual position is on all fours, stuffing your belly and it's only a matter of time before your belly reaches the floor
Show us your progression pictures. Show how you destroyed the perkiness of your boobs with the fat, how the stretchmarks started to rip your skin or how you fit in your old pants!
Nope guy that is the goofiest thing I’ve ever heard
>>47258 (OP)
Look at all those bright red stretch marks! Your belly must be expanding quickly because of what a greedy & lazy pig you've let yourself become.
>>47258 (OP)
Wow very plump… you’ve really been just letting yourself glut out and be pampered haven't you? I’m proud of you… I would be a lil more proud though if you would put on a lil more weight… maybe 25…50……100 more pounds?
>>47258 (OP)
Have you got any photos of you skinner, before you ruined yourself, or have you always this much of a fat pig?
How much is in my crypto account since u know my wallet.
Check your Kik you fat pig!
>>47258 (OP)
You're the fattest 240 pouns person in history
Summer is coming, enjoy the sweat, chub rub, and embarassment of showing off the results of your lack of discipline to the world, you fat fucking mess.

Works if she's 5'3" or shorter.
5'1 and 240 lbs - disgusting. You should weigh no more than 130 lbs at your height, yet you carry an extra 110 lbs--all of it fat. Useless, disgusting fat. Your eating habits are so out of control and shameful that you go out of your way to binge eat in secret. But no one needs to see you eat to see the truth: that you are a habitual overeater.

Everyone can see your obesity for what it is: the physical manifestation of how unhealthy, lazy, and undisciplined of a person you are. So young at 21, yet your body, with all of its hanging fat, has become an expression of your uncontrolled gluttony. And so, your family nags endlessly. They lecture you about how unhealthy, unattractive and out of shape you are; how you are clogging your arteries and reaching the point of no return; how you look bigger and bigger each time they see. They plead and ask when it will stop. But you keep eating despite the consequences.

You have become the fat college girl no one wants. You are the fattest girl in your friend group, and your friends are embarassed to be seen with you in public. All the guys you meet in class or through social circles immediately friend zone you. Not a soul finds you remotely attractive in real life. And how could they?

Your sickly, unhealthy looking blob of a body puts you at the literal bottom of the attractiveness totem pole. When you go out to bars and clubs, guys hit on everyone except you. Guys treat you like a ghost because they find fat girls like you repulsive, as they should. No one wants the girl who literally has a sack of pure fat portruding from her abdomen, which she has to tuck into her XXL pants. Your belly has so much fat that it sticks out past your enormous boobs. The weight of it causes a deep hang that threatens to permentantly cover your fupa behind a thick wall of belly fat. Your belly betrays whatever weight gain you think you can hide, not to mention the glowing red stretchmarks nearly tattooed to your belly. Your body virtue signals medical obesity. Who could ever find that sexually appealing?

Just as disgusting are your hips and ass. In truth, to say you have hips would be an overstatement. Your hips are mainly love handles that screech with unsightly stretch marks. They muffin over nearly every set of your too tight underwear and pants and poke out from under every shirt. Your ass is noticeably wide and boxy, riddled with cellutlie and dimples; it has no real definition whatsoever. Each single ass cheek is basically the size of a normal ass. If it is giant, it is solely because you are fat. And it is a nasty ass no one wants to touch or get behind.

Just as bad, guys turn in disgust when they see how your thighs have ballooned to almost the size of a normal dude's waist. No one wants to see cottage cheese thighs coated with stretched hair folicules and that smattering of vericose veins. The fat from your thighs have no where to go, so they touch all the way down to your knees. Your thighs rumble and jiggle with each thundering step, with the fat from your inner thighs having to rub and fight past other while walking, giving you that distinctive fat girl waddle. Yes, you waddle. And it's a good thing no one can see how much of a gross sight your inner thighs are, cursed with darker discoloration and itchy, tiny sores from all the chub rub, sweat, and lack of air flow. The fat that dangles from the back of your knees has become the butt of jokes when you walk away. And let's not get started on your calves, which are meaty and covered in cellulite in their own right as they blend into unattractive chubby cankles.

Further buyring you down the attractiveness scale are your big arms. Their size rivals body builders, except your arms are wrapped in layers of lard, with visible dimples and cellulite, which is an unbelievable feat. People can also see the line where the new extra extra fat hangs from the old arm fat. They're nearly as wide as your face, which saying is somthing given how bloated and puffy it looks from your horrible diet. No one can help but be distracted from the handful of fat dangling from the bottom of where your triceps should show, jiggling with every one of your gestures during conversation.

And what, do you think your huge tits are the one redeeming quality of being fat? Well, don't kid yourself. It doesn't matter how big your tits are; no one wants tits swelled with so much more fat than breast tissue that they sag and flop onto your upper belly roll. No one wants stretched sweaty fatty tits adorned with pepperoni areolas.

No one wants the girl who always looks flushed with beads of sweat from being so out of shape and overheated due to her weight. They can only imagine what how gross you would be during sex. The trapped sweat and BO from under your tits, rolls, fupa and apron belly is enough to scare off the rare guy who would dare hook up with you, let alone the musk of swamp ass coming the sweat festering from your butt.

The only guys who would ever hook up with you are frat guys going hogging to shame you, ugly losers who have to settle because they can't do better, and those weirdo chubby chasers (who have to be sick in the head to think that a girl who is nothing more than sweaty, gluttonous walking pile of fat can be remotely attractive).
Alright bud calm down you're not in high school anymore there's no minimum word count

Lol this is corny af

Certified troll

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