
(607 KB, 1079x1070, Screenshot_20240329_075749_Instagram.jpg) (580 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20240329_080125_Samsung Internet.jpg) (880 KB, 1079x1078, Screenshot_20240329_075802_Instagram.jpg)
Instagram suggested a nice girl by the name of affableanna and she looks cute and what not, but she tends to spam that she in search of a man. Along the lines of "ough I don't really need onlyfans, it's a phase, I need a man just DM me"
So the questions for all of you frens - is she really looking for a man or is it just bait slop? I just kinda never saw these types of posts from anyone, hence me asking you experts. Maybe me and all of you are missing out on the love of our lives?
She's in business to make money. You're the source of that money. No different from Burger King.

No harm in pursuing it up to the point where she asks for the money, though.
Well, to apply for her "husband letter" you do have to sub to the OF. I'd also wager it'll be along the lines of "i am a baby now, you pay and care for me". Worst case scenario is she has a BF and the farm life is fake.

Aw, she asks for money right away. From your original message I thought she must be putting some kind of thin veneer of friendliness over it.

You do you, though.
Thanks for opening my eyes. I guess it is bait slop after all. She has a nice body though
Pure bait, why would someone genuinely be looking to find the "man of their dreams" through porn sites?

On another note, has she ever posted her belly?
>Well, to apply for her "husband letter" you do have to sub to the OF.


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