
(43 KB, 800x532, a1210b225befac6664ed295d92b37443.jpg)
Hey all, probably about time I check in. So, for two months now, we have paid our bills with the generous donation we received in October of last year. Once again, thanks to the anon who did that.

As for the mod situation. Semi-recently, an older mod who took a long break was re-instated, and had incorrectly done a few things. Namely, accidental permabans for minor infractions based on not correctly inputting the date codes, and moderating discussion here on /gen/.As of today all those accidental permabans should be lifted, and that mod *should* no longer be moderating /gen/ as hard for comments. That said, with reduced modding of general comments, it damn sure looks like /gen/ is often derailed by schizoid posts, politic posts, and other stupid things. That's a shame and it's always hard to strike a good balance modding a place like /gen/.

Now, as for a small update on possibly re-instating the array. The array went through many forms, but in today's day and age, I have to say, it could really only exist in it's old form again: IRC. I couldn't make it interact with the board again, that's impossible with the Captchas we now have. So, with that said, it needs to be re-coded, specifically, it's file host intermediary. It exclusively used wetransfer, but it appears wetransfer has fallen out of favor and now gofile is preferred. Is that the general consensus? That's easily changed.

The other part is, while the array uses far, far less resources than the site, it still needs to make some amount of money back, somehow. This is a tricky situation because it immediately becomes scummy: you're paying a third party, who already received that model's work for free, to give you that content. We tried many ways to fund the array, and none ever worked. So, something creative would have to come up on that front. Something like, idk, say the array has a list of crypto donation addresses, if any one receives any donation worth more than a dollar, the array opens for everyone for 24 hours, after which, it closes down again until at least another dollar comes in, that sort of thing. That way, it's slightly less scummy: you're not paying for pirated content directly, you're just funding and opening the library for everyone and everyone gets a 24 hour ticket to browse and download.

Anyway, if there's anything you'd like to bring up that got lost in the last thread, let me know.
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>>46924 (OP)
thank you Barclay.
again, apologies for my stupid mistake with the permabans. RTFM very much applies to me. :)

i fully agree: it is hard turning a blind eye to open hatred, bullying, intentional derailment, trash posting and all flavors of homophobia. the site should be a place for all anons to enjoy, not just a battleground to a few individuals.
still, i recognize that /gen/ is a special area, and i hope that the unsuspecting anons are not scared off.

thanks for the return of the Array!
the intermittent "prepay" model sounds interesting. :-)
Just seeing if I was reinstated. I literally have no idea why I got banned
>>46944no one cares about you ban. Stop trying to tickle users
You can clean up some of the more dead sections like the pregnant one. There's literally 3 threads for the same woman over there that's been like that since last year.
Why won't fat women get pregnant?
knowing that the stuff I've seen on /gen/ lately has been moderated for "open hatred", "bullying", and "intentional derailment" and it still being a schizo shithole doesn't bode well for the quality of the people coming here
Whatever he’s saying is a lie.
This mod left up racial slurs everyday. N word this, f slur that. All day, no moderating on the real hatred. But say the Swiss have cheese for brains and this fragile white mod is now against “bullying and hatred”.
I’ve had him mod me for saying “girls like big dicks” and other incel level fragile nerd shit.

This Karen act of “I’m a lost little kitten who accidentally banned people because I hate hatred” is such a white woman thing to do: own your mistakes bitch boy.
Censorship on BBWchan is one of the salient political issues of our era.

I don't really care about censorship when you have retards making duplicated threads because they lack the brain power to scroll through the section prior.
Brain power. Sound like coomer
lol we're still getting censored, 3 replies deleted in this thread already
I didn't start caring about censorship until BBWchan mods started taking down posts that were slightly critical of models and wanted to funnel all discussion here, and will only ban & remove SOME schizo posts but not others.

It's blindingly apparent we've adopted another schizophrenic that is much more active and aggressive than the one we've begrudgingly accepted here on /gen/. It absolutely sucks that mods & the chan tools can't do anything about them, but it genuinely doesn't help that some of the mods are such piss babies about what belongs where.
Kisame here. I don't know what people are talking about. I took the anti-harrasment training at work in food and the E.E.O.C. wants us to report to them which takes 180-300 days. All I can say is that the right gets off easy while the left is painted as wine sipping Karens or pajeets who cry racism, or gays as sex crazed boomers despite being a protected class.
Nobody is getting censored. Biden voters are such wimpy cowards that angry is considered harassment and want to be a protected class. If they stopped being pathetic about dear leader being tied up on a Truck doing 90 on the Southern State with Blue Lives Matter, they'd be solid.
>>46924 (OP)
Maybe I'm to young to know this, but what exactly is "the array"...?
Also curious about the irc part... wouldn't this mean text only posts??
Also curious about operating costs. How much are we looking at for let's say a month?
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The FOD array (fatties on demand) was a custom-built archive-retrieval system built specifically to store the vast amount of content posted here, and re-share it in a way that keeps the anonymity that people expect from the board intact. Essentially, it was a small server with a small NAS storage device, that would log a bot into IRC and wait for requests from it's database. The database was around 3TB total when the array shutdown. It was content dumps, site rips, clips4sale, you name it. Generally, what *wasn't* found on coomer et al.

You'd simply query the bot for the database list, it would post a link to the database in plain text (with previews!), and you'd choose a file to have the bot re-upload to a file-sharing site, just as an anon would do here. This system ran for about two years before we gave up on it, as it only used about $30-40/month, but at the time, we simply couldn't afford it anymore.

While it was a little cumbersome to use, it was often helpful when people missed files on the board:they could (hopefully, if I was watching the boards carefully) just re-quest a copy be automatically re-uploaded.
Ok! Major thank for filling me in.
Idea sounds really nice with this while on demand uploading of ~3tb of fetish content.

Only thing I am not sure about is how you would upload new content into the database and if irc chat would only be limited between you and the content bot, or if we would still have our boards or at least gen? And would those boards then be text only (bc uploading a photo or short video snippet to the database just to be able to reference it would seem quite cumbersome?)?
> if we would still have our boards or at least gen
Make no mistake, the array is just an addition to the site, not a replacement. Our generous giga-chad anon paid for the site to be up another year, and that's what I'm gonna do. Just exploring the possibility / gauging interest on adding back the Array in our toolkit.
Aaaaahhh, now I understand. Thanks for clarifying!
>>46924 (OP)
Something I’ve always wondered is what the fuck is with the CP randomly being posted here that shit is so fucking disgusting and jarring to see
Simple. You got rid of the troll and schizoid. Now you have to deal with the CP guy

Yeah, seems to be early hours on a Sunday.

Filthy fuckers. Report it, and reply to it in CAPS to minimise anyone else looking at the shit. It's vile.
All the mod abuse caused this. That much is clear.
Serious Adults aren't going to work on vanity projects. This is why some people are impersonating Kisame17. On their own, fetish artists are boring.
Can I post now?
Yay! Thank you, LtBarclay, our fearless leader! I will donate

The mods at least can learn to run the site better and not permaban people who use a VPN to avoid the CP and other trash that gets posted here.
I just want the begging and shitposting (outside of gen) to be handled. That’s it.
Serious Adults want you to spend more money on fast food, car, housing, while praising the government on state protected class. They don't care for Kisame17 because blacks are a protected class under Biden's regulations by being black.
Obama controls everything. The way the man walks tells me it all. Boss walk. Because obama is the puppet master. Biden is the puppet and show front. Walk it like i talk it
I know this is an unpopular opinion and is ripe for abuse with mod overreach but fuck it: can we PLEASE have mods and/or janitors remove the schizo posting? Especially in /ssbbw/ and /gen/. Banning doesn't work, warning doesn't work, and it seems to be automatic to new posts. I'm hoping we can just get someone who recognizes the shit that's being "contributed" is retarded nonsense that doesn't answer anyone, and the fact that we can have actual discussion deleted and this shit still up is fucking ridiculous.
I am saving up for summer vacation meaning no more Kisame17 till July. Any complaints can be forwarded to Chounyuu or Cross Crescent or whoever.
If anything we should be recruiting more skitzos from other niche communities
There's a blast from the past. Very cool and innovative. Felt awesome to use.
>>46924 (OP)
May I make the humble suggestion to limit the creation of new threads to one every 24 hours to combat the spam and force spammers to use already established threads?
why are mods still deleting any post critical of them in the slightest? 6 in this thread so far. it's telling that they have such thin skin they need to strictly police /gen/ but let vitriol fly against models and artists everywhere else
The mod is one of the reasons we’re launching Project Caritas as described in the discord.
I would defend them with my virtual life if they atleast TRIED to understand why less boards is an intuitive idea. Sometimes I feel like they were too focused on the thread list.
I don't care. Give us less boards and I'll defend them like a little cocksucker.

Meanwhile there's been child porn on the site for damn near 5 hours now.

"We can't monitor the site 24/7" my ass. No excuse for a least one of you fuckers to check the site every couple of hours. If Mcdonalds can make a schedule for their employees than Barclays can too.
The Zionist mod army are behind the CP spammers and Kisamebots. They’re trying to derail any political coverage they can’t manipulate.
Also the Jewish state is a pedo capital of the world.
They do it to scare off daily users. Push them to 4chan for more punishment
Too many boards. Imagine one tab for every board.
I am sorry what Kisamebots?

1. It was literally in the /gen board. I don't see how any of them could miss it for so long when it's on one of the more visited boards on the site.

2. If they can't afford the extra mod-power then start condensing and cutting off dead or less visited boards. I doubt the AI or pregnancy people will make a difference if their boards get cut or merged into another.
Thank you! Finally one anon with some sense.
I don't follow the news. I forgot that the war in Israel was a thing. I just think Netanyahu will gun down journalists till Biden loses and Trump gets reelected
No one forgot the war isn’t a thing.
White feminists and Jews used up all their victim points on a colonialist genocide and now wanna pretend they didn’t.
No one for real forgot, CNN and Fox just pivoted because you’re ilk lost the public opinion.
Now people think women should have to earn the jobs they get, and that if Jews want an ethnostate just in case maybe we should make them use it instead of draining America and supporting some foreign nation.
I don't know what these nuts are talking about and I am Kisame17. Is the media believing everyone's a BLEXIT cause they eat at Chick Fil A? IIRC, NUMC is already bankrupt
typical nazisraeli response.
Does anybody else see posts disappearing or not appearing after posting?
How am I a Jewish-Neonazi when I am black?
What's that?
You’re not Kisame, you’re a chatgpt invention of the IDF
Where's is the real Kisame17 then schizo?
Kisame here: I am Spartacus.
It’s a Silicone Golem. Castles Made of Sand CMoS.
I'm the real Kisame17. Do people want Li Li that bad? If so go to CrossCrescent or Chounyuu
Bend over in my face I will you know it
Israeli terrorists are storming across the West Bank burning down villages and their best and brightest are making fart jokes online to distract.
Heard his mistress look like shrek. If you gon cheat make it worth it
I think it's hyperpreg impersonating Kisame17 cause they tend to be smug libertarians who vote blue while living in a red state.
Have fun with cyber sperg Kisame17.
(27 KB, 474x369, Tidy up.jpeg)
/bbw/ - BBWchan, the only board with IDs and flags
/c/ - chubby, "smallfat"
/f/ - fat, "bigfat"
/i/ - inflation, but also pregnancy
/s/ - slob and scat
/z/ - zoo, for furry and animal-likes
Germanon needs to know when to pack up shop and knock it off.
"I dont spend time on porn sites"
It’s impossible to segregate SSBBW and Slob…look at Roxxie and Boberry, people try to argue that it’s not slob content, but they obviously lean into being slobbish hogs.
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I made a Li Li AI for the IDF on character AI. I am taking a break and saving up capital for vacation
Sorry I can't tranquilize the Trump fatties at that courthouse
I am not going to be online any longer. The day that the schizoid left is here. Whites can't scapegoat Kisame17 now that states are putting age verification online cause conservatives suspect you aren't pure. Have fun being Fuhrer Trump's indentured servant.
Wut? I am Kisame17 and I’m the only sane man in the group.
Letting anons argue this out is a great way to create a board community. Board community is actually what keeps you here.
Nice try but I won't be on this site or online
The Kisamebots are out of control. People are having intelligent conversations about religon, sociology and morality and the IDF mods just shit all over it with their pet cyber bully.
I am not on this site and not in league with mods.
I flat out think mods aren't listening to you neocons cause you keep undermining Biden by spouting Russian and Iranian propaganda. Columbia U doesn't care about Kisame17. The left loves using police to bully you weak moderates with your milquetoast meeks into obeying
11 year old find mom butt naked on 4chan
What's a matter? Your magical negro isn't around?
He’s just deleting comments about not being a bitch because they hurt his fragile ego.
Maybe it's soyjak, people plant CP to get the site shut down. It's like how Guliani broke into state offices to prove a crime and got caught in Michigan, Arizona, and Georgia
Send in the mods. Someone commented something that hurt my feelings.
I'll add "restrict the creation of new threads to one every 24 hours" and "ban loli" to this.
We need to make their job easier.

So easy that a single mod can take care without a schedule.
No. Each and everyone one of these posts is essential and serves a valuable purpose. I can’t imagine we could make do with fewer threads.
Hi im taking you to court because " I felt you" talking about me while I was searching for porn on bbw chan 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
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>>46924 (OP)
Howdy OP! I hope your day has been going well.
I'm just posting to ask if it were possible to try to advertise a rebate program for a sex doll company. I wanted to ask before posting on /ee/ just so I don't get b&. If you'd like to know more, please just respond!
Kind regards!
Kisame here. Hackers from Russia, China, Germany, and the US are just trying to take this site and Pregchan down cause your content is bad. Fanfiction, Expansion are just American inventions. Pixiv is even declining American made credit cards cause they're tired of being bossed around by Americans
Report it and send me a message on the chan disco. That is the best way.
>using a disharmony
Over my dead body.
Then you will just have to wait till I check reports
I'm not clicking that shit.
Then suffer cause I ain't searching
Like ai said. Somebody is trying to take BBWchan and Pregchan to shut down. It's hackers
Restrict new threads to one per day and less boards. Imagine taking 6 minutes to check all catalogs only once every day yourself.
No. This plan stink.
How could I fuck with you. You dont watch basketball or kick it with me like all my old beauties.
God your ideas suck ass
Explains your boy body.
Every time that J-bag acts racidt and gets owned he posts CP yo the thread to shut it down.
So let me see if I get this straight - mods will leave any sort of autistic, schizophrenic, unhinged, and/or meltdown freakouts up, but will delete anyone engaging with them? I just posted a response to Stefan on his current girlfriend's thread, as he is ranting and raving in German and clearly showing hurt feelings, and MY post gets deleted?

Barclay, who the fuck did you let on board? What the actual fuck is the methodology?
the entire shit show was removed, not just your "response" posts.
bullying, racism, derailing and endless bickering has no place on a sharing board.

>leave any sort of autistic, schizophrenic, unhinged, and/or meltdown freakouts up
feel free to report those posts.
Yeah, it was removed because I said something - you're being selective on purpose and that's the actual issue here.

>saging on a pinned board
I'm not worried about how I look here - we're all in the same shit-filled sandbox. The problem is endemic with most boards now: mods are being selective with what gets removed and the rules aren't applied equally. We've all complained about some model threads getting too much attention with the pruning shears, but I have no faith you or anyone else was going to clean up that thread if I didn't say something here. You were all too happy to remove one piece of shit from the cesspool, ignore the rest, and pat yourself on the back because "bullying isn't allowed on a chan board :("
see here: >>48612

1. sharing board, not "chan board"
2. report posts you're unhappy with
Don't look at me. I've been asking for less boards for a while now and most of what I get is Reddit-tier posts.
You’re German. Can you do something about the Jews here?
I wish. I wish.
Gov murphy!!!!! The Biden Administration urged the DEA to finish its process. They are in favor of progress on federal cannabis legalization.
MURPHY!!! The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) announced it supports rescheduling cannabis from Schedule I to a Schedule III drug.
Who would've thought that after 80 years the German guy still ends up being the annoying sperg out of the group.
I'm sorry but this sperg is trying to save this image board before he can save up enough money to donate.
If you cared you’d focus your efforts there’s my three thesis’s:

1) Lessen the number of new threads opened on every board to one every day (ie 24 hours).
2) Enforce the users to come up with fewer but higher quality threads.
3) Reduce the number of boards to stop too many threads from being opened every
Seconding. I love your idea.
I feel like responding to this post now.
You're probably the one posting them.

You're a big enough sperg that it makes sense.
Punching your son in the mouth as a kid. Call cops on yourself
What kind of logic is that? Do you tell arachnophobes they want to fuck spiders?
Eww who uses spider farmer products 😆 you forgot your light harness
Are you actually retarded?
You're a fucking leaf. You lot were somehow worse than Californians back before I moved.
U mad becsuse you couldnt stare at me or feel my presence. Sound like obession lol
cp threads have been popping up again
(63 KB, 800x640, GIcGquvWwAA1xlc.jpg)
>CP spam pops up on /bbwalt/ of all things
>Wildcat bumps the CP SPAM thread and tries to derail it by posting LordStormCaller's artwork
>He doesn't seem to understand why this is a stupid idea
I can't.
the "logic" of snake oil salesmen, maga idiots and other dim fraudsters:

1. anonymously and repeatedly place disturbing trash
2. create drama about trash that has been placed "by someone"
3. post "the solution" against trash placing
Report it as "schizoposter," mods have been doing a good job of deleting these posts when they're brought to their attention.
You definitely snitch on ppl at your job. And youre a virgin.
At least I got an actual job. Sorry that being an annoying faggot on a porn forum all day doesn't pay 🤷
Hahah everyone has a job until you ask them the hourly wage LMAO
/ssbbw/ is full of retards and low effort bot posts but at least I’ve never seen CP there. What boards get it the worst?
I feel like it’s an autistic board like /fur/ based on the fact the only thread I’ve seen complain about it is the fat Asian thread (not to be ableist but I feel like that thread is not full of the brightest bulbs so to speak).
Trump is up in all battleground states with five months left in the race. Don't worry, the grifters like Bannon and Guliani are going to prison.
Trump 2024. Biden you lost black votes lmao all of sudden you want to talk to blacks hahaha
That doesn't translate into a win for conservatives. I can see the Senate remain blue if only cause grifters don't know how to shut up about pedos. At best Trump will win the race and the house.
Kisame here. There's nothing wrong with the internet. I argue chan culture is still stuck in the 2000s and is antiquated. It's been peaceful the past month. I guess fetish artists with their talk therapy and trauma bored people to death. It's like how the church is fantasizing about the Europe and Japan in their head
Total Chad move.
Did you really have to delete the image? It was cute.
I dunno. Where I live, independents are alienating the left and the right with their pitch of being better than MAGA without having policies. I guess the center has gotten bored now that their war criminal might go to jail. Fat women have evolved. They want Whole Foods and Working in real estate
My theory is that there's a vocal minority of the internet that wants cringe culture. It's not working cause Gen Z doesn't interact with chans and head straight to TikTok.
I think the fact that this site isn't some sandbox you can just shape to your whims pisses you off and I'm here for it. Barclay isn't entertaining your sweeping reformation no matter how many times you stoke the fires, your shitty images keep getting removed, and aside from one braindead sockpuppet you have no one that wants to engage with your contribution in earnest.

Frankly all that's left is the rope.
I avoid you and you still find a way to verbally abuse me WOW
We dont fuck let me fuck who I want in peace! Go to work! Verbal abuse bitch!
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At least I didn't get BTFO by the site owner for literally advertising this place on 4chan.

Holy goddamn shit, you have no idea how retarded that was, do you? For every new schizo, shitposter, spammer, and CP poster we get, them coming from 4chan has ALWAYS been a distinct possiblity. It's like getting gas station sushi for every fucking meal. You're for real retarded, Germanon. The rope was an idle suggestion but now I'm attaching instructions since you can't be trusted to think on your own.
It's not like I'm the only one.
(196 KB, 500x698, 2020 rope-8853.jpg)
There's more than enough for everyone, take your favorite color and enough to share with the class. Retard.
Ltbarclay Now we know who is responsible for deleting comments & content LT asshole fucking fag everyone hates you verbal abuse piece or crap
Have you checked /trash/? Almost every thread has an indie artist posting a link to the boards containing "bbw". I'm far from the first one.
Have you checked /trash/? Almost every thread has an indie artist posting a link to the boards containing "bbw". I'm far from the first one.
As much as I love this guy for giving us a home I have the distinct feeling that he's never used 4chan ever before.
if you want 4chan, go to 4chan.

obsessively barking up this tree will not accomplish anything positive.
4chan dont have it. Only dis cord an attempt was made
Chounyuu well one of it's variants Meta is non-existent because of this a fast posting anonymous wants to ruin the fat thread with furriest and that place lacks a furry thread which here we a board for that. Both Her and Tea should do better.
I've fallen asleep reading Her and Tea's comic and I am the resident schizo. I want to be on topic and say production on art of WG, BE, hyperpreg are down cause of the melodrama.
Indeed this why I prefer here over Chounyuu and it's variants. Even I think that anonymous in the fat thread in Meta is a dummy with bricks not understanding to post. Also just finish this I highly doubt Her or Tea would appear here.
I don't get why SaburoX is writing a journal about AI Backgrounds. Are people really now autistic that they pitch a fit if the colors are fake? I argue Chounyuu is down cause lore is just true crime for artists.
>>46924 (OP)
hey. you might wish to check your mods for moral crusaders, or re-write the rules, if you're gonna sanction their actions. the site's got enough problems without your mods taking it upon themselves to "cleanse" the site of a type of drawing instead of purging the shizos politic-baiters.
> check your mods for moral crusaders
Not only moral crusaders. Since the IDF paid to install Mossad operatives into the mod crew this place has been a fascist shit hole.
Fat army guys and skinny nam vets just want to eat a burger.
It is not going to die at all. Don't listen to the news.
If you want a website to survive, you need to copy winning strategies by similar websites.
Discord is the cancer killing the open Internet.
Loli is the cancer killing anonymous websites.
>Discord is the cancer killing the open Internet.
Sperg has been banned from discord groups.

>Loli is the cancer killing anonymous websites.
And is also a schizo. Whodathunkit!?

Isn't it about time for your daily spam post on the other boards?
I have never used one in my entire life. Why would you assume that? You sound like the Germans I have to deal with every day except weekends because everything's closed on Sunday. Also, are you seriously defending the cancer that is loli right now?

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