
(56 KB, 1920x800, simpsons-movie-movie-screencaps.com-4378.webp)
Don't post any art of any artists on this website is full of racists, alt-right crazies and people who will harrass and dox the artists if they don't comply with their demands. This is a bad website and it hurts the furry community, mods are complicit.

Mods wrote that I'm banned because "You're a retard" just for everyone to know the type of people who are running this website.
>>46824 (OP)
Chris-chan level autism. Fuck off and go get ass blasted.
>>46824 (OP)
It’s an open secret in the furry, padded suits, and hyper pregnancy communities that this place is a toxic waste dump.
If it gets to the point where they ban you, then you honestly deserve it. That puts you on par with the CP troll, but at least he's smart enough to use a VPN.
Mods are IDF paid shills. He probably criticized Hillary Clinton or some other horrendously antisemitic act.
Only Fans want nothing to do with the furry community and hyperpreg
No offense but Europe is flat out boring! Hyperpreg need to admit Kisame17 was entertaining
Im no business agent yet but you need a 20,000 ton crane to move that bridge collapse material. But who am I right just some dumb ass
I forgot about the Baltimore Bridge collapse.
I doubt it. My coworker went to Israel and he described it as a totalitarian state with Tel Aviv being closer to Miami where everyone is in military attire and restrictions. I can see Biden losing cause he can't spin the totalitarian state to his progressive base
All Jewish people are literally Nazis.
They might be white but they are not trustworthy… socialist fascists cut from the same cloth as Hitlers party.
The white christian race should remember to be too moral to give them charity and/or fund their businesses. Do not dilute the peoples and the faith, boycott the Juden.
I hope this is a copypasta otherwise your're either an utter scumbag or - adducing hanlons razor - an utter imbecile

And why is Biden getting so much odium relative to the bloated oranguatan soulless megalomaniac who doesn't give a shit about anything or anyone but the creature in the mirror. Do they think he would have better foreign policy? He had a bromance with kim jon un and praises putin for fuck sake. He needs to be assassinated before he completely destroys democracy.
>>47471 so youre an democrat lol fucking losserrrrr
All Zionists are at least. Most Jews and Israel mis heavily favor their race’s terrorists.
The Jews are cut from the same cloth as the Arabs and should be cut by the same knife.
Jews are incapable of following economic law and living in harmony, same as Muslims.
Deport them all.
Voters hate Biden because he's a conservative from Scranton who is driving up the price of goods while verbally abusing staffers. Prosecuting Trump was a bad causes it draws attention to the DNC marketing Trump to have an easy beatable candidate. NATO is also full of far right countries who support Putin more than the EU leaving monarchists as Biden's true ally
Sounds like antisemitism. A lot of us MAGA clowns like Kisame17 aren't part of hyperpreg.
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>All Jewish people are literally Nazis.
>literally Nazis

Misuse of the word "literally" by an illiterate. Oh the irony.

If the Wizard ever gives any of you guys a working brain I'll really start worrying.
1) Personality-driven fascism thrives during uncertain times, and 2) Because it's not a political movement, it's a cult. This is why most Trump supporters can't articulate what they actually believe in: because Trump himself can't. His policies are wholly driven towards the enrichment of himself and his personal brand, and so they shift as those needs change.
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OG Nazis were Jewish brah.
Hitler was of Jewish dissent you inbred mayo-brained idiot. The OG Nazis were all Jews, the rest of the Germans were socialists/nationalists who understood that the Jewish banking structure had destroyed their way of life (sound familiar? It’s same as in the US today. Fucking marry your cousins and eat pork-free hotdogs more you numbskull).

Seriously. Arab Jews killed our savior. They lost gods protection and now they pray to Oppenheimers golem.
Never ever trust anyone who kills A LITERAL GOD.
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>Hitler was of Jewish dissent [sic]

He sure hated Jews though, and so did the other actual Nazis.

Anyway let me get this straight: Germany was brought low by the Jewish banking system, so Germans decided to follow a bunch of Jews...?

I can't imagine how exhausting it must be to constantly be diving through the flaming hula hoops of cognitive dissonance that define your thought process and belief system.

>Never ever trust anyone who kills A LITERAL GOD.

This isn't the first time I've realized I understand Christianity better than a professed Christian. Sit down, crack open a fresh container of Clozapine and I'll play rabbi for a second:

Jesus isn't a "literal god." It's a monotheistic religion — Jesus was God's human embodiment, but the same being. This is not a controversial or subjective opinion. This is what it says in the New Testament.

And I hate to be the one to break it to you but Jesus himself was Jewish, self-identified: https://www.bibleref.com/John/4/John-4-22.html

I can give you dozens more examples in scripture. Not to mention John the Baptist and the Apostles refer to themselves as Jewish. Of course the Judaism of Biblical times and the modern versions are very different, but a Jew is a Jew.

On that note, if "Arab Jews" killed Jesus then I, of Eastern European descent (or dissent, what have you) should be off the hook, no?
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Trump is upfront about wanting to enrich himself just like the mob did. People hate him because Obama and Clinton don't want to admit they care about the bling. Their voters can't afford a fundraiser at NYC, but Trump voters can drive to middle of nowhere Texas, Arizona, Virgin
Like I said. MAGA is just a distraction from red states banning abortion and everything the left loves. Kemp cares more about beating Dems in 2026. He's already sabotaging Biden's chances by refusing to put him on the ballot
> Jesus isn't a "literal god." It's a monotheistic religion —
Fundamentally untrue, understand the mystery of the trinity better. He is a god, so is the big man upstairs, there’s also a Holy Ghost.

> Jesus himself was Jewish, self-identified
KING OF THE JEWS. And yet look at what you did to your own kind?

> if "Arab Jews" killed Jesus then I, of Eastern European descent…
A) no such thing as a “eastern European” and “Jew”, Jews are Semitic nonwhiteu same as Turks and Bangladeshi Indians.
Jew/Arab I hear is different people to deport back to this sandcastle clusterfuck.
I don't care for this trolling bit.
So the Trinity is three separate beings which means Christianity is polytheistic, got it. Yet by killing Jesus we didn’t kill God Himself… Might want to go back to the woodshed with this one.

In other news, I’m a Semite, which is fine, but then what’s with all the mayo/white people stuff?
I’d call you Tahini brained but we know all Israeli food is stolen from Arabs same as everything in that Nazi state.
You’re mayo brained because your people are your food are pale, bland and unoriginal. (Jewish people are not white. However Jewish food and Jewish culture is a bastardized appropriation of legitimately white euro cultures.)
You’re not white. You aren’t colored either. You’re a Semite same as Arabs. All middle eastern races are at war with the West. Israel’s hell turn into a Nazi state only proves how bad a fit the animalistic Jewish people are with humane liberal values of the west.
No one cares your mom helped you get your m3's 😈 your brother told us
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Those contradictory little hateballs bouncing around your sub-mediocre brain look pretty dumb and weird when finally exposed to daylight.

Let's recap:

We're white, but we're not white. Nazis aren't white (?) yet they are, when they're us, who may or may not be white.

We're against "Western Culture" yet we control it, and banks, politics, the weather, etc.

Israelis "stole" tahini from a region where we've lived for 10,000 years yet potatoes, tomatoes, corn, chocolate, coffee, and 1,000s of other "Western" foods became staples in Europe thanks to 100s of years of occupation, exploitation, as committed by the ancestors you're so proud of. The only reason your people are still dominant — you're feeding off the fumes of colonialism. It will indeed be a great day when people like you are fully marginalized (or replaced, what have you).

At least you've abandoned the Godhead "debate." How pathetic to be schooled on the foundation of your identity by an atheist Jew.
Copy '& paste myspace tom at it again. Did he walk out 20 mins ago? Lol
> We're white, but we're not white. Nazis aren't white (?) yet they are, when they're us, who may or may not be white.
Yes. Pretty much. Zelenskyy is a great example of a non-white pale-skinned Jewish Nazi.

> The only reason your people are still dominant — you're feeding off the fumes of colonialism.
Shows what you know about history. The Israeli Jews are the real colonizers.
>>46824 (OP)
Are you seeing my point, mods? Restrict new threads to one every day and this guy has to use a thread instead of making one. It'll also help against spammers.
Go suck your mother
Translation: "Everyone I don't like is a Jooooooo (and a Nazi)."
Here comes big dick Germany with an appeal to authorities to restrict people’s rights.
1973 lawsuit will hit him before he tries.
Your mom's gay.
Are you from California or why do you sound like the trainees who complained that active quality control was too restrictive? I had the displeasure of dealing with Californian youth and you sound like one.
Imagine being thin skinned enough to call all Arabs terrorists but get butt hurt when people stereotype Jews as blood thirsty shysters who will steal your house out from under you while feasting on children’s blood and worshiping a genocidal cult.
>>46824 (OP) i mean you're absolutely correct but what were you expecting from a site with "chan" in the name.
>>46824 (OP)

The wallpaper for the thread sums up the site as a whole.

Just goodness and proper netiquette.
>>46824 (OP)
This is it, you basically proved that this place became a fucking day care center for the sensitive manchildren who shits themselves over words.
Ned Sontag would be ashamed.
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>"I want to revamp this whole site to operate more like 4chan."
>"That's misguided."
>"Fuck off. ACK."
Yeah fuck off.
My guy, your heart's In the right place, but expecting any change from a site ran and inhabited by bridge trolls perpetually stuck in 2016 is hopeless.
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Relax, boomers are holding their debate tonight at 9PM. Biden is losing because his supporters are mad he keeps crushing the radical left to secure the border. He needs to blame neocons and lawyers. As a center left guy, I find prosecutors cringe. They're theater nerds and performance artists.
I made a similar thread.
I firmly believe we can clean up and stay clean once the mods restart the image board after the server fails again. Six boards à la 150 threads à la 300 posts. Now that's slim and tidy.
Nevermind, Trump is going to be president again, if only cause Democrats are idiots.
I am so fucking disappointed in his performance.
I guess it's shitty for you guys living there, but everyone else in the world is going to feast on 4 years of top entertaiment.
Dems are calling Biden to stand down, a strategy that would hand Trump the presidency. Give the left a few weeks, they will stop wetting the bed.
Fuck it, let Biden win through a landslide so he can sink down the whole country and finally stop the imperialism that everyone is crying about. Thus making the GOP a punching bag while every americunt wonders what went wrong and ignore that democracy is nothing but a sugarcoated tyranny until the end of times, my home country is the prime example of that, the only difference is that we have to deal with liberals to even bigger weeping lefties who cuddle up with criminals.
Trump is already ahead before Election Day. The left just want to party with celebrities and hang at bars. Voters in my state got rid of the squad cause they're performance artists and not working. The thing is Biden agreed to these debates instead of waiting till Sept, so it's his own fault CNN gave Trump a platform.
The biggest failing is that the liberal elite doesn't want to conform with suburban values even though outside of the city decides elections. Our state made our governor shut down congestion pricing cause the fit urbanites and Europhiles don't use mass transit. It turns out Joe sixpack who lives in the burbs and build the city needs his pick up, just like how radiologists need cars to transport patients.
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The elites got rid of Lizzo. Deep down they want to be popular which is why they listen to Taylor Swift-Travis Kelce. I am sure Barbieheimer was gone too cause. I don't see how Biden second terms would work since the elites burn thru so many celebrities.
In an election where Joe Biden needs all the help he can get, it feels weird that there aren't a lot of celebrity endorsements. Maybe it'll be happening closer to election day, but I have a theory: Israel. A lot of prominent celebrities are pro-Israel, which is a divisive issue among liberal voters. Too much support from Zionists and they risk turning off voters who are passionate about Palestine and demanding a ceasefire, and after that debate performance Biden is already in a precarious position. The gaslighting is back in full force too - we saw him shamble out and mumble through the debate, which he absolutely appeared weak in, and the initial response was catatonic for the left. Now we're being told to reject what we saw and care that he was full of pep 20 minutes afterward and Trump is worse.

Idk man, dude needs to take a step back and just finish his term. Getting really tired to just accept the choice I'm given.
Celebrities hate Israel. Netanyahu got arrested cause Hollywood begged the courts to stop his bloodshed. Israel is infamous for using 700 Club and fundies to beg for support while commiting war crimes. Trump is going to win if only cause the courts are tired of theater nerds begging them to throw him in jail. I don't think Biden is going to be replaced. Kamala is flat out unlikable that she'll scare voters into going Trump. The bright point is Texas is going blue cause voters hate Ted Cruz
As a Trump voter I am glad that Biden is firing his staff. These data guys are getting him to lose to Trump
Boys calm tf down as long as bitches stay plump and have food readily avalible who cares about politics just enjoy life
The media hates fat people. They're talking points are that fat people are unhealthy brutes with gluttony ala Biff Tannem or Homer Simpson who vote Republican. I guess that $20 hour fast food jobs are crushing their army of Ivy League wonks.
Well if prices keep increasing "bitches" gonna get hella slim fast.
tf is that Pennsylvania prediction?? Arizona and Nevada too
Pennsylvania Is basically in Ohio without Columbus.
Biden is pretty much ancient, this was before the courts said Trump had immunity from criminal acts. Now it's going to be a landslide. I forgot the media hates Biden and are just using him to rebel against stepdad Trump.
Kisame here, I am already slimming down and cutting back on hyperpreg art
Idk. Why did people here cancel Sontag. Trumps all up in Epsteins logs but we had to cancel the best fargirl porn cartoonist we had.
I am sorry, but who is Sontag? I want to save money
Ned Sontag got the #metoo treatment and subsequently outted as a Mossad operative.
That’s not exactly what happened but close enough to the lore.
What's going on? I am too dull and slow witted for the art world
Bastard might have gotten BTFO'd by Reddit too.
Nobody wants OP anywhere.
Only reason they're still kicking is because they're autistic enough to know how to IP Spoof or whatever.
I feel like there's no place for ignorant people like Kisame17. I suppose I will let panzers and congs at Pregchan have their stalemate
Thank you. 🤩
Yeah. I am eternally grateful for providing screenshots of what I did.
Why are Redditors the most toxic people on the planet?
The left are eating their own right now because Joe Biden had one bad debate, which handed the election to Trump. I forgot if the entertainment industry were big Biden donors. Either way, Trump can win Pennsylvania since the snack belt votes Republican to make sure food prices aren't high
I blame Pizzacake.
Go look online, please.
Does anyone have the Obese Ralsei? That sounds fucking tits!
I dunno, I think Trump being a fat NY who eats McDonald's save him from being shot. 2A Boomers are just tards who own Remington which is like the cheap brand of guns. The again the wind resistance or the zoomer was too dumb to own a gun.
The imageboard user exclaims, obliviously
Anyone have more information on Ned Sontag? After hearing he and his wife raped a man idk how to feel about the art.
I dunno as lately there's an anti-porn crusade
lol no. no, there isn't.
There's no need for a slow bore like Kisame in a fast paced world
Fox News is waging a one network crusade on pornography along with the right. Tbh, nobody told fetish art man to brag about paying bills with pornography money. I think fat fetish gets to brunt of it cause they're elderly men with young women
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>Fox News is waging a one network crusade on pornography along with the right.
Rich rightoid niggas actin like they don't have a secret goon cave in their mansions.
Seeing Ned get #metooed really shook my faith in the Zionist cause.
It’s a very nietzschean belief system based around the will to power and using it to oppress and steal peoples lifeblood economically and physically.
The suits don't like fetish art cause it undermines animation as a medium and the normies don't like sex cause the chibi style gets old after being overused
I also forgot to mention that most of the posts on the subreddit, with the exception of AttorneyNumerous7436 and Difficult-Panda-914, have all been made the same guy on three alternate accounts.
Just in case if this place shutsdown.
Oh shit, the OP actually replied. Why do you think a subreddit is a suitable replacement for a chanboard? Do you think anons on 4chan would run to a bunch of subreddits after their site kicks the bucket?

Personally, I think they'd find a new chan board or make a new one themselves if they have the time, money, and resources to do so. A subreddit, especially one that's only been used an autistic schizoid on three alternate accounts that have suspiciously similar post histories and behaviors (they're all the same guy), can't replace a fucking chan board. Also, Reddit just sucks.

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