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ITT: Discuss ideal body shapes for women

Would you prefer a pear-shaped woman with a large ass and small tits? Or an apple shape with smaller butt but massive milkers?
She looks like a wanna-be gainer
why should anyone even bother to write their opinion when OP will just try to belittle it?
Kill yourself. Bad phenos anyways
The apple shape with a round belly aka the body type that never gets any love from the body acceptance movement and most women would rather die than look like
my favorites are sturdy bult hourglass and pear shape with massive legs and ass
Thin, fit. It's remarkably easy to get European women to inflate, to boot, but they always have some cartoon to compare it too, however.
Of those two, small ass and huge tits is better. But the trifecta is the ideal. That is, huge ass, huge tits, big tummy, but not so much so that it overshadows the other two, but not quite hourglass-level of tummy.
My favorite women are size DD tits and double leg amputee. Talk about top heavy. It just gets me going so hard.
I just need a cute round face with nice skin and pretty eyes. Body type really is case by case, altbough I'd say 8/10 times she's fat.

That being said... probably a full hourglass or pear more often than not
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"fat chick" core

fat arms, face, thighs, calves, belly, ass
My favorite shape is definetely more apple shaped

Big double belly (single is nice too when it's soft) and big all over, backfat and side rolls and so on
Face shouldn't be skinny either
Examples would be Violet James, Reenaye, also Brianna and Roxxie

But basically other shapes are just as nice when the overall fat distribution is good

I'm not really into all ass and nothing else (everything else kinda small) pears tho

Definetely a belly and rolls guy here ^^
Fat legs and arms with a double belly above all else

As far as proportions… Asshley had the best shape. She had everything. But she is old and shrunk like a granny.

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