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Hi so my GF used to be around 325 at 5’2” but she lost over a 120 pounds before I met her. Any tips on how to get her to gain the weight back.
Like actual advise please I’m not trolling or Rping
>>46636 (OP)
>I’m not Rping
hehe mm sure
Time is your friend. She'll gain it back, eventually.
Yeah you think so man, like should I be doing stuff to help it along
If she was that big already then the last thing she'll want is to gain it back. The last thing YOU want is for her to be 325 again but miserable about it. You have your work cut out for you.

Overall there's two ways to make a woman do what you want: Fear and love. You want the latter, of course. To get there she needs to feel safe and special, so just be a good guy in general — generous, kind, protective, communicative.

Keep your porn habits hidden, like you're planning a presidential assassination. Women know way more than you think and will rarely call you on it. They also know all men beat off to porn but they don't want it in their face. Don't flirt with or gawk at women when you're around her, duh.

Hard to say whether letting her know you're into 300 lbs+ will be in your favor or not. I'd lean toward not, just because even women who are that size usually think only freaks could be into them. But I'm older and younger women seem to have a different thing going these days.

Bottom line is that she has to feel like she's the only woman on earth — without smothering her. You're not into a 325 lb woman, you're into her. Again, she likely knows you're looking at/fantasizing about other women here and there but they'll buy the kayfabe if you let them.

Cook for her — women dig it in general and you get more control over her diet without looking like you're manipulating her. It's way easier to overeat at home than at a restaurant. Cook huge amounts of carb-heavy food where there's always leftovers. Baking is pain in the ass but even better if you're into it. She'll acuse you of trying to fatten her up, and you'll need to deny this like a captured spy. Don't even joke about it.

On that note, bring home chocolate and other sweets as gifts. It's actually a thing that women are sexually turned on by chocolate. Eventually she'll beg you to stop doing it, so wait a bit then start bringing it home again. She'll be mad and eat the chocolate anyway. Gifts are big in general. They don't have to be big, just a token so she knows you're thinking about her.

Make sure she knows she's the sexiest thing on earth, in word and deed. Powers that Be make billions off convincing women they're unworthy — it's 100x worse for fat women. You need to break through that and get her into her own body.

If she's not down to begin with, get belly play into your sex life, to normalize playing with her fat. This way you've laid the ground work for when she starts putting on more of it. Most women don't dig it if you reach out and grab their belly or love handles, so try it when you're going down on her and she's in the moment. Once you get her feeling safe with it she'll demand it every time. Bellies both flat and fat are massive erogenous zones but social conditioning makes women self-conscious of them and puts them off-limits to us and them.
Thank you man, luckily she loves me licking all over he belly and playing with her belly button she will do it too while we fuck now, her diet is just gonna be really hard to crack for me. She eats super strict but she is definitely a snacker so I always have them around my house for her
You want to get your girlfriend fattened up? Start smoking weed with her. It makes sex better and you can easily get her to pig out when she’s baked.
She’s your first GF.
Make her insecure about being above 200lb, that embarrassingly fat for a man to be in public with her.
Also make her insecure about being too skinny for you to be 100% on board.
Be subtle about it, keep her humbled and make sure she knows her worth (it ain’t much).

If she doesn’t respond by gaining weight she’s sure as hell gonna suck more dick.
Bonus: Makes women horny AF
Does she show us how to cook along with that 🥴🤣
So I did this with my now wife. Shes yo-yo’d a lot over the past 10 years since she was in HS. Everytime she’d come back bigger and better.

I think her max weight was 350ish.

A little while in we had an open and honest discussion of what I’m into. I told her I thought she was hottest when she was bigger.

I cook, spoil her, keep her sedentary and she’s mid 200s now. She was maybe 180 when we met.

She said she’d be willing to get back to 350 so long as I buy all of the clothes, and give her what she wants (house, etc, which I have.)

Definitely keep snacks around. Do some digging and find out her favorite meals. See if she’s a stress eater or an emotional eater. If she is this is easy. When she eventually gains a few pounds back make her feel like the hottest thing you’ve ever seen
Your mom got u the house. And im still banging out your wife. Go back to shrek. No predators allowed
Right. And mom did same for your brother. We all know no need to lie and larp on porno site we know who is who on here. Lol
But we are glad youre finally accept your wife natural figure. She meant to have thick pelvic area and thick thrusting hips. With a nice soft round ass when she bends that booty over. I made sure she put back on weight. You can thank me. She is doing it for me not you. You fat shamed her all these years now she is letting her weight take control now you want to accept it to late. I been boning your wife.
Haha no she’s definitely not my first lol, we smoke lots together, I appreciate all the help I care for her so I plan on making her my big fat wife eventually, so hopefully I can keep her pigging out as much as possible
>>46673 ... Based. Sound words.
>>46690 ... Troll or the OP was LARPing
>>46691 ... Damn rite, but fuck, you lose your own focus being a regular stoner.
>>46692 ... Gonna be late for class

>>46724 ... You hit the jackpot. Never had that conversation with my wife, but she sure as hell knows I like her bigger. There does come a point where she'll want to slim down a little, everything gets harder to do when you're older. 320 when we met, 420 a few years later, 10 years on she hovers around 300-320 and worries when she goes over (now age 42)

>>46729 ... stop forgetting the meds son.

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