
What european country has the THICCEST women?
>>46426 (OP)
wonderful thread with generic travel info...

Traveling from one location to another often involves considering various modes of transportation. Options such as taking a bus, hopping on a train, or renting a car are commonly available for individuals seeking to reach their destination. Each mode offers its own set of advantages and considerations, allowing travelers to choose the option that best suits their preferences and needs. Whether it's the convenience of a bus ride, the scenic views from a train window, or the flexibility of a rental car, there are numerous ways to embark on a journey and explore new destinations.
>>46426 (OP)
wonderful thread with generic travel info...

Traveling from one location to another often involves considering various modes of transportation. Options such as taking a bus, hopping on a train, or renting a car are commonly available for individuals seeking to reach their destination. Each mode offers its own set of advantages and considerations, allowing travelers to choose the option that best suits their preferences and needs. Whether it's the convenience of a bus ride, the scenic views from a train window, or the flexibility of a rental car, there are numerous ways to embark on a journey and explore new destinations.

Mainly eastern Europe and the balkans have the biggest women. The UK also has a large percentage of overweight adults compared to the rest of Europe. As for Europe there are lots of beautiful cities to see almost everywhere, its very rich in history going back thousands of years in most places.
This obesity by age group statistic by Eurostat looks promising and is fairly up to date:

What actually surprised me was Ireland in the 18-24 age range and Malta with 58% of females over 18 being overweight. Funny thing is that I'm actually part Irish but was there only once for a visit some years back of which I don't remember much. So I guess I should plan a trip there to visit family and check things out for myself...lol

Also very insightful is the graphic on obesity and education level showing, that people with a lower education level seem to be way more likely to be overweight.

Sadly the gender-specific obesity rate does not seem to be grouped by age, so it's just individuals over 18, which could be misleading if you have much more elderly obese than young obese women in a country.
Not the first time I'm mentioning this, but New Orleans is not just a great place to visit with a lot of history and culture, but it's packed full of YOLO-drunk (and just plain drunk) fat chicks, very much including supersized and beyond. Especially on weekends. Every FA should visit at least once, like Muslims going to Mecca.
(565 KB, 1016x983, Share_of_overweight_population_by_sex_and_age,_2019_(%).png)
I think this is reasonably accurate. But when you look at the total % for a specific age group, it's important to remember the gender ratio.
Personally I don't feel like I see very many young, attractive fat women here at all. It feels like most of the overweight women I see are 40+ with short hair and an overall frumpy, androgynous appearance. Like someone's aunt or grandmother.
Having said all that I have dated a few Irish BBWs and SSBBWs. But if you come here looking for them you are probably going to be disappointed, especially if you're looking for SSBBWs.
It was a few years ago I visited Ireland for a few days. We stayed in a few places but damn almost every other woman had a bit of chub on her. And more than a few proper BBWs about too. Your mileage may vary but this was pre covid in the summer time, touring on a motorbike.
90% of white irish men are in full time jobs. While the 10% minorities including italians get FUCKED OVER
So same as sweden
To the dude who said NOLA, 100% this. I had never been and I stepped of the plane and the second I did I realized everyone was a size or two bigger baseline. I grew up up north.

Liked it so much and dating was so much better that I kept visiting and found my wife. Definitely was plus sized when we met, but has now gone beyond that. Doesnt hurt all her friends are either chubby or have an eating disorder.
No, you have a lot more of kebabs there.
And you have saunas
(167 KB, 1024x699, ignatius-j-reilly.jpg)
NOLA's just a cool city, too. Tons of nightlife, great food, a genuinely unique culture and vibe that's like nowhere else in the US thanks to the French influence. Voodoo, jazz funerals, jambalaya. I love the fact that the French Quarter manages to be a tourist trap while still feeling genuinely sketchy, in a way that's been gentrified out of most northern cities.

And, of course, you get all these amenities while also being in the Southern US weight class. I wish I had more opportunities to spend time there.
So is that like the cover to Confederacy of Dunces or fan art?
Fan art, I assume. I did a search for "Ignatius J. Reilly" to find an image for my post, thinking I might use the IRL statue, but as a longtime fan of the book I thought this was a great take. Never seen a pic of IJR in a modern illustration style before.
Netherlands is maybe the worst country in Europe for this? All the girls are freakishly tall and skinny, and in Amsterdam literally 50% of the fat girls on tinder are British or Irish, the few Dutch fat girls there are have clearly completely given up and put no effort in their appearance, even if you know they'd be attractive if they only bothered it's a huge turn off.

Rural Norway is underrated in this matter, because not only are most fat girls attractive, most put effort in their appearance too.

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