
There's already a depressing weight loss thread on this board, just saying.
Still stacked tho
She definitely farted knew I smelled ass cheeks when she left
a sad for you're parasocial relationship with a influencer
a joyous day for her autonomy

a great day for my unfollow button

autonomy is great, fully support, don't always have to see it happen in my feed
>implying she wasnt autonomous just a bit ago
Casually wild pig headedness
She's been shrinking for a while now, and it's ok. My old mantra goes, if they looked good fat, then they'll look good when their skinny
i semi-agree with this. i think a nao was never actually good looking but she was able to make glam herself up and show a lot of skin. granted she was hot fat, but if you peep the skinnier photos she dressed kinda dumpy .

then i again i started tuning her out when inpeeped she was on that overly feminist tip . shes hella creative though
Seeing her before image really has a "neuron activation" moment to me. Like dam she is used to be that wide. Overall congrats on her weight loss though. It has been a journey
(1.3 MB, 3024x4032, nao.jpeg)
Going to miss her. Pic related is one of my favourites, really shows how massive these women are.
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More discourse i never know how to feel about it since I’ve never been fat but I think it’s just common sense to lose weight once health is impacted but if you can be as big as a house n still remain healthy then you good
Tru, idk why some people hate when fat people who are influecers lose weight. Also Big Mama is spitting
Does she understand that she’s allowed to lose weight but she was only famous for being 400 pounds. Now she’s just mid grade bag of saggy skin, which is her right, it’s also that her fan base is right to not fuck with it.
She lost her gimmick and in doing so, lost her fan base.
Should use sexual intentions to deal with death you niggers are weirdos. Go away
Oh let me use death to feel on these bitches. Niggers be like. Women not dumb. Go away
>Does she understand that she’s allowed to lose weight She understands, it's the other people coming for her that don't

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