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Honestly, need an advice from anons who gone through it. What are the odds of that it will go to a total catastrophe, if despite this fetish, i would try to date a fit girl?
A) how in love are you on a scale of 1-10?
B) how much of a fat fetishist are you on a scale of 1-10?

Eitherway, it won’t work out unless she’s game for feeder play or at least feeder fantasy talk. Its fine to date whoever you want and be open about what you like, worst thing that happens is she tells fat girls you like hogs.
In my case. It was preferable to date Stacy on Instagram before dating fat girls. It made them more insecure AND willing to gain right off the bat.
Extremely high unless she's super cool about not having sex and you cheating and/or developing an online sex addiction.
wow, you already created a detailed two-factor rating scale test for that. quite an effort in empirical statistics and calibraion. looking forward to your calculations, results and conclusions.
Unless you've coomed your brain out and don't get aroused by anything except the gain fantasy and role play of the fat videos you're getting here, so long as 'fit girls' do it for you, go chase a smaller girl and see how it goes.

I dated smaller sized women in my youth and I can still appreciate beauty, but they wouldn't get me going like a woman three times their size would.

Go out and date, no one says you have stay exclusively in the fat lane. If it's not for you, move on, be polite and break up.
Totally fit girls? Might not work out. Depends how obsessed with fat fetishism you are. I tend to cycle between dating a reasonably normal sized girl <220lbs and then banging a few ssbbws when i become single until i find a dateable normally sized girl again. The sex has been better with the huge girls, but my most recent relationship has been with one who's around 5'7 and 190lbs with a fat round bubble butt. And she's great in the sack. In this case ive been occasionally fantasizing about ssbbws but this girl really does it for me. I dont feel like I'm missing out if that makes any sense.

Amd from a normal relationship standpoint she likes doing active stuff and enjoying my hobbies with me which is a huge plus

I guess my point is that if there fit/normie girl has attributes that are almost like what you enjoy in fatties, like a particularly fat ass or big tits, its not that hard to give up on dating fat girls.
current gf was a 110 lb 5'4" egirl when i met her 1.5 years ago

now 136 and trying to get to 145 for me

Bro how’d you convince her to do that
Big dick. Tell her what she want to hear even if its out of line lol
I don’t think I asked you
Doesnt matter if I knew your gf/wife/babymother I will tell her how I feel. Youre no one to me.
die pajeet die
neeh get a f*ck out of her hahah
similar boat, except my girl is not an e-girl just normal girly girl.

i didn't mind how slim she was because she gave me foodie vibes and would let me feed her(in that romantic dating way) over time, she found out about my fetishes and loosened up.
How big is she
she was about 110 now about 130? it’s pretty nice and i think she recognizes the difference it makes romantically.
Oh Well good for you both
>>46398 (OP)
I would give it a shot. In my experience sex is 100% physically impossible if a girl is below a certain threshold and there is nothing they (or I) can do to change that but I've heard a lot of stories where love is enough to change that.
I have a similar dilemma; a classmate and I seem to have great chemistry, and I do think she's quite cute but she's pretty small (not skinny, but definitely a far cry from my usual type). I think I like her, but I'm also not sure if I'm either looking too deep into it and she's just being nice, or that I'm just being desperate after a dry spell.
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You're more than welcome to experiment and see how it goes but for me, i just ended embarrassing myself trying to make sex work with a fit/skinny girl.

I grew up obese but ended up losing alot of weight and getting pretty fit in college (250 to 140 @ 5'6" tall). Id always been an FA/feeder but figured that because id lost weight, maybe my preferences could magicly change or i train myself to get into skinny girls.

I connected with my smaller sized girls on dating apps and had successful first dates...only for them all to crash and burn once we got to the bedroom and realized i was NOT getting hard (like at all). It was the worst. Felt so awful about myself EVERY SINGLE TIME.

I kinda quite woman for like 2 years until i met my now GF of 6 years. When we met, she was 18 and in the high 200s (5'5" tall) and is now pushing 430 :)
Our relationship has been amazing. Sex is like drugs. Zero issues in that department at all.

Im a happier man now and it really came with realizing i just cant shake this fetish. Its just not happening. Learning to accept it and finding a way to fill it in your life will go along way.

I get you might be hesitant to be with a bigger girl because of what ppl might say but its really not that bad, especially if you can find a girl who checks off other "conventional" boxes.
Im not saying you have to wife a 600 pound greasy hog, but, like in my case, if you happened to find a nice, pretty, "girly girl" who just so happens to eat a fuck ton, then id say you should shoot for that.
Yeah lol, it's kind of ironic; anywhere else, the post would be "I think I want to date a big girl bit I'm not sure".
Also dude, put a ring on her!
I've tried and it didn't go well. Unfortunately I'm only attracted to women with a certain physique, and whilst I can find thin women cute, I'm not very sexually aroused by them unless they've got a bit of a belly, bigger thighs etc. On the very rare occasion I'll see a thin girl who does it for me but she's usually skinny-fat.

And be careful about discussing this with a partner, from experience most women freak the fuck out at the thought of this fetish and the ones you see who are indulging it for their partners are a minority who either had some desire to gain some weight or are obsessed with pleasing their partner.

100% me. I did date a few slimmer girls but never skinny, and though they were what I would consider beautiful girls, the sex just faded after 6 months to only on nights after we had been out and had a fill. Something really clicked when I met a 400lb girl on vacation I just couldn't get enough.

Something else happened as well, she was away with incredibly skinny girls and we overheard one of them saying something along the lines of why the hell was he with Jo' , and we laughed our heads off at it but it turned me on like fuck.

There is no point in kidding yourself, if you like larger women, date larger women. Have a few dates with smaller girls, but if the dick don't like, don't kid yourself as much for yourself as her too.
Don’t care. Couldn’t care less.
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I've dated both skinny and fat girls but only ever had sex with fat girls. But that's not by choice. It's just that none of the skinny ones wanted to have sex with me. I actually want to have sex with a skinny girl for a change. Especially because most of my relationships with fat girls were trainwrecks

Such are some fat girls unfortunately. They can be a little un-hinged. Society doesn't take to far girls as being socially acceptable and sexually attractive. Hang on in there, they're not all that way.


Thanks for your insight, retard. One day you'll fulfill your life's desire to talk to a hot fat girl, but til then, take those balancing brain meds and stop sniffing your sister's dirty laundry.
This post smells like gonorrhea.
Not gonna read it.


Thanks for your insight, retard. One day you'll fulfill your life's desire to talk to a hot fat girl, but til then, take those balancing brain meds and stop sniffing your sister's dirty laundry.}



Meds, Malaka .

It literally happens in every Gen thread eventually, it's like Schizo's R Us round here. Next you'll be saying everyone's a gay ass faggot and you're gonna stick it up everyone because they support Trump.

Fucking Asshat.
Why do you chatgpt skitzos have to bring up Trump and Israel in every thread?
So many words to say what? Less than nothing. This technology sucks.
Im here for the disney ceo reelection arguments lol
What's the point tho

Why would you date outside of your preference?
Why and who would you do that for
Would you do the same if it was anything else?

I wasn't in a relationship until 19 because I was too afraid of being open about and what other people might say or think and wasted some chances

No one cares if you're dating a skinny woman,considered normal, or a ssbbw that doesn't even fit through a door frame ;)

Now I'm happily married to a 400 lbs woman and that's just the best thing that could've happened to me
She's both a 100% my type and a great personality comes on top of that

Since skinny girls don't work for me at all,(technically asexual or comparable to men) there has never been an option anyway ;)

Go for it, you won't regret it
But you'll regret doing anything else later on and maybe end up unhappy
I flat out don't know as I forgot to vote in the primaries. It now eats the DNC up inside that my sheer apathy means I won't vote for Biden either
For me the issue is long term health. I'd like a partner who has a chance at being healthy and active in old age. I don't want to spend my 50s and 60s taking care of my ailing wife
>>46398 (OP)
happened to me. could happen to anyone. Life is weird af. gotta be weirder if you want to survive. my advice: adapt and overcome.
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thx for the serious replies, i guess

if anyone was curious for update, well, the problem solved itself, and it turns out i'm just socially retarded and falling for someone too easy

>a classmate and I seem to have great chemistry, and I do think she's cute
>I like her, but I'm also not sure if I'm either looking too deep into it and she's just being nice

hit too close, anon
She’s being nice. Unless you’re quiet and shy, but tall, handsome with a pocketful of money.
Otherwise, you’re her freind and she’s crushing on some guy out of her league. Maybe in a decade she will settle for you, if you’re doing good in your CS advanced degree.
Dude.... python programming. Once you learn that. They will say oh he doesnt have the other half so no. Real scoutland private golf club attitude BUT!!!! the new private club members in last 10 years do this shit! We need the old timers back!
Blah blah blah…comp sci programs are a pipeline to employers, open source gets free work from the kinda brilliant hard working type that industry squeezes at Sr Developer for 2 decades at $70k and a H1B extension.
Go into debt at a private university. Be friendly with the chubby sluts who don’t understand why Chads at the frat never takes her on a date. When she’s a 28 and a fat scrum master she’s gonna realize what a catch you’ve been this whole time.
Someone god father has appeared.
I'm 6ft 2 and told I'm quite good looking, but I am an Aspie so that muddies the waters a bit she doesn't seem to mind my occasional rambles and even follows up in turn.
Doesn’t sound like you’ve got the useful sort of aspire because you neglected two out of three criteria.
Tall, check.
Are you in shape with a pocket full of daddies money? If not she’s being nice.

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