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I hate them. I hate that they're a growing trend, for fat women and normal-sized women alike.

There was a time where I wouldn't bat an eye at a woman with arm tattoos but the culture/look has gotten so insufferably out of control I immediately think less of a woman proportional to the square inches of ink she has on her, *especially* if its on her gut.
>inb4; erm... its their body, chud...!
Go to the Roxxie thread and watch how discussion and content sharing fell off after she got that arm tattoo. Imagine the chimpout if Jackie got tattoos. I won't ever judge someone for fucking someone with tattoos, but there are ZERO (0) scenarios where a tattoo makes someone more attractive unless it's a fetish. A woman will always be more attractive without tattoos than the same woman with them.
YEEESSS, totally agree. Tattoos fucking ruin women's bodies, and not in the fun way. They're free to get them and I'm free to judge them. Belly tattoos make no sense to me, really no tattoo does, but belly even more so.
You’re right and I’m glad that someone finally said it. Tattoos in general never make a woman more attractive.
what is this bullshit? it's not the first time I've seen fuckers complain about it but I don't understand the problem

first of all don't fucking talk to me about tattoos unless you're going to shit even harder on face piercings which are objectively worse (fighttherealenemy.jpg)

I get it, there are ugly as shit tattoos that don't do anybody any favors but otherwise it's just art you can wear. the hell is y'all's deal
I know this chan is peak "god forbid women do anything" territory but there's always some fucker bitching about tattoos every time he sees even the smaller ones

you immediately think less of a woman for having a tattoo, any tattoo? touch fucking grass goddamn

rant over, have fun bitching about ink ig
People should do whatever tf they want with their bodies but I don't like tattoos on women aesthetically. And yes, I make judgments about them because they're a statement just like clothing, makeup, hairstyle, etc. I think it makes women look trashy and tells me they're superficial and trendy.

There are exceptions, where once in a while you see ink that's creative and well-executed, but 99.9% of it are the same poorly-rendered images. That people think they're showing individualism by getting a tattoo at this point is ludicrous.
>first of all don't fucking talk to me about tattoos unless you're going to shit even harder on face piercings which are objectively worse (fighttherealenemy.jpg)
When you go to the doctor, does he tell you that gonorrhea is no big deal because some people have cancer?
>it's just art you can wear.
It’s someone’s shitty tumblr doodles etched onto your skin for life*
Spotted the woman. Whoever you are go back to lurking in your respective thread to get dopamine from people sharing/gassing up your content.
>>46318 (OP)

ok boys, your grilled cheeses, fish sticks and sippy cups are ready, you come inside and have some when you're ready
Most of you guys here wake up everyday and choose to be a cunt. It's hilarious.
Shut up bitch. All that ass you got using canada vpn lol
Cant wait to fuck you. You whore
I love the reactions that don’t even refute the OP, just seething SSRI addled Onlythots. Called tf out LOL
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>>46318 (OP)
If the Adeline thread wasn't so heavily policed, you would have seen the ranting and raving over her new belly tattoo. It's not that it's hideous, it's just that it's such an unnecessary addition to a woman that was already falling off due to weight loss. Tacking on belly tattoo, that's just jumping the shark. Face facts, Bananaman.

And I'm in your boat, OP. Frankly my opinion on tattoos has softened over the years. I don't care if a model gets a tat on her arm, shoulder, leg, ankle, even thigh really. Anything below the breasts doesn't do it for me. I've yet to see one that didn't affect my opinion of someone I've been cranking it to. Lotta rustled jimmies in this thread over people stating their dislike over a completely voluntary and permanent decision that affects your viability in the skin game.

Even then with tattoos in general, it's never really an enhancement; the more tasteful they are, the less damage it will do. Hell, it's probably why Roxxie waited so long to get a tattoo in the first place - she knew her appeal would take a hit and did one or two that would be benign. Ivy getting flowers on her shoulder? Not bad. Ivy getting a bumblebee-pug and CRYBABY on her knuckles? The fuck is you doing?

Even the belly tattoos are getting out of hand. We can argue all day that flowers or words can be classy or tasteful or unobtrusive, but are you seriously going to tell me the BABY MACHINE MONSTER TOY FROM TOY STORY has sooooo much meaning to you that you decided to get it on your moneymaker? Really? Or how about the one that's full belly of someone's face? "Oh it's their body their choice blah blah blah take your man tears somewhere else!" I'll take my money somewhere else too. Hope it was worth it.
>Adeline got a belly tattoo
yeah it’s over for her, especially post weight loss. women are so fucking retarded. Well, at least Roxxie is still mostly clean.
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Wasn't aware Adenline joined the belly-graffiti crew, although I can't really say I'm surprised. What's *un*surprising is that her content's completely dried up post weight loss, so this is clearly the next logical course of action - spend hundreds of dollars on ugly ink.

Here's my theory: tattooed women were a pretty small minority until the whole goth/outlet mall girl aesthetic took off. Guys went wild for it because they were a stark contrast from what they were used to. Naturally, other girls see this as a male attention grabber, and hop on. Now every woman under the age of 35 has them and they're completely uninteresting. Not only that, they can't stop getting them. They sink weeks of pay into *permanent* body modifications that they forget about in a month.

I'm convinced it's got something to do with the absurd over prescription of antidepressants too completely destroying any sense of will power. Hell it's the reason these women get so big in the first place, I see 3 fat women for every fat guy younger than 30.
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tattoos and piercings used to represent the rough type, like sailors, gang members, bikers, outlaws.

but everything going from exotic to mainstream is getting boring and lame very quickly.

openly yawn at people who still think that smoking, rebellious music, driving a harley or poser car, wearing a leather outfit or hiding their mediocrity behind poster sized tattoos makes them "cool" - it's not.
they're just a commercialized bad copy of a dead myth.

image: wild hogs
I can't remember her name (Gothicc? Idk) but ngl all of her tattoos work for her aesthetic. it's weird when it's just outta left field and looks like a bumper sticker, like Juicy Angel.
Finally a good take.
A lot of it also just looks like someone pointed at a flash sheet one boring afternoon or browsed pinterest for 15 minutes for ideas.

The irony of posting in this thread with a centerpiece on my stomach isn't lost on me, alsk
You know what, it works for some girls, and it has to be in moderation. Leighton’s ‘Gorda’ tattoo above her ass? I wont lie, that’s hot. Primarily because she doesn’t have many visible tattoos elsewhere.
You will never be man enough to tell a woman that she's ruined her body by covering it in tattoos she's copied straight from her instagram fed. Bitch all you want, you are the kiddy here.
manhood doesn't come from telling women they've "ruined their bodies", incel, hth
It seems to be an unpopular opinion here but I quite like most tattoos. Don't get me wrong some tattoos are god awful but there are many which show character and personality. Someone clearly likes something enough to get it permanently inked onto them so it must be atleast somewhat a reflection of who they are and what they like.

At the end of the day it their body to do whatever the hell they like with. And if they're already ruining it by making themselves 500lbs+ then the least we can do is respect what they do or don't get inked onto them.
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>there are many which show character and personality. Someone clearly likes something enough to get it permanently inked onto them so it must be atleast somewhat a reflection of who they are and what they like.
Ah yes, the Invader Zim dog, I can see from her sophisticated work of body art that milady is a woman of taste and cultivation. Perhaps one might even say, she is not like the other girls
>And if they're already ruining it by making themselves 500lbs+ then the least we can do is respect what they do or don't get inked onto them.
So… you admit they’re “ruining” themselves with both fat and tattoos..? And you think that’s deserving of “respect”? Lets not confuse physical attraction for respect here.
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This the only image i have where you can see her stomach tattoo
The pro-tattoo people in this thread seem to be really irked that people disagree with them.

Personally, I think a few small tattoos is fine, but big ones just look really unattractive. Especially on the belly, forearms, or anywhere on the legs. Just a personal thing, I've always preferred a "cleaner" look
I actually kinda prefer that if someone were to get multiple tattoos or big tattoos, I'd want to see a cohesive tapestry like a sleeve. I've seen too many tattoos that are just random where it feels like they're just like stickers. Standing firm on placement though - the torso below the tit line ain't it for me.
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Thread is full of babies. Belly tattoos are the sexy as hell and clearly give fat women the confidence boost they need to more frequently flaunt their bodies. That combined with the occasional navel piercing? It's a fucken blessing, I'm telling you. Let's not go back to jerking off to candids of women with whale tails; those were dark times.
Personally I hate huge tats and excessive face piercings but I couldn't care less what people do to their bodies at this point.
That's what I can't stand.

Well-done tattoos can be beautiful and aesthetic, I've seen too many good ones to be uniformly against them. But the majority of women who get tattooed don't bother with a coherent aesthetic, they just splotch random shit on their skin in a bunch of clashing styles. Here's a character from their favorite cartoon franchise, here's a flower, here's a poetry verse in cursive, none of it fits together as a group.

This looks even worse on fat women because they have so much more surface area to work with.
>>46318 (OP)
As the adage goes, a bad tat on a perfectly shaped teardrop or double belly is like a Spencer's bumper sticker on a Ferrari. It's not much better if it's on her leg, but I'd say if it's out of the way or on the inside of her arm, it's the lesser of two evils depending on the design.
>Go to the Roxxie thread and watch how discussion and content sharing fell off after she got that arm tattoo
When was that? I missed it and the thread dropped off.

Big (lel) agree.
They dont answer for me. Death taught them a lesson.
I mean it's their body they can do whatever the fuck they want to do with it. If it looks decent then I can get by like Rosiemarie or Juicyangel (it ain't really on her belly). That tho just looks out of place and bad. Not as bad as Satanthicc's tho...
Graffiti never looks good on a work of art.
>>46318 (OP)
jackie does have tattoos you fucking dumbass
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>”Surely this will make me stand out from the *other* girls!!”
Kinda like these it’s like a hoe map for where to grab harder.

Tattoos on women piss off normie Brads because these tattoos are a constant reminder of he wife’s up a hoe. It’s a physical embodiment of her wild years that she can’t wash off.
These sorts insecure men can’t live with the reality that men with bigger better dicks ripped through her vagina for a decade or two before he bought her a condo and a Honda.
I don’t think many obese, tatted-up, ran-through 30+ year olds are getting with people who are career oriented like you imagine - cool ESL cope though
damn y’all are weak. Good tattoos fucking rule. And someone with a whole sleeve of good tattoos?? Forget about it
Fagadabada!!! Tattoos are cool. I’m scared she’ll do needle drugs tho.
Juicy Angel's tattoo is hilarious, honestly.

Getting a dumb tattoo of your OF handle is all time.

Also given the purpose of this chan, anyone talking about 'ruining women's bodies" needs to touch grass asap.
Instructions unclear. I touched grass and am now itchy, does that mean I can continue to hate belly tattoos?
Thats like using different notes from different places to seem familiar troll
We can have our opinions but I don't think we have any right to make people feel bad about their choices and a lot of people here seem to speak ass though these women are their personal property
You seem to forget that these women are barely human. They rely on people like us to sustain their lifestyle and beg for monetary scraps like dogs. What are they going to do, work for minimum wage at a gas station? Doubt it.
Incel has found the thread.
InCeL hAs fOuNd tHe tHrEaD
>I mean it's their body they can do whatever the fuck they want to do with it.
They can. It doesn't mean they should get a bug tattoo'd onto their stomachs, anymore than you shouldn't cut your ear off even if you can.
Is it really ”her body” when I’m paying good money to see it?
These women all vote for socialist spending of ✨our money✨ anyway so why in this situation isn’t this “our body”.
Facts when a woman becomes a sex worker or sufficiently intoxicated she’s public property. It’s like “free parking”.
Idk dude, do you own “Joker 2” bc you paid for a pre-order ticket?
I straight up would not have a problem with this if it didn't hit any of the following-
>pants on head retarded placement
>bargain bin Pinterest tier traditional garbage flash sheet art
>wonky as FUCK linework

Unfortunately this bitch is as dumb as any NYC hipster that gets sleeves and job stoppers before anything else so it hits all 3
Vpn in norh wyck no need resign
He wishes he could shoot his rifles at members lol
Is it weird to want to fuck that fat bunny tattoo she has on her side gut.
1.) that’s a baby deer
2.) yes
I don’t think so. It’s sitting there posing like it wants it.
Why does the baby deer feel so out of place? The flowers are sorta nice, but god that deer just ruins it for me.
I blame the origional Gaining Goddess. She had a dolphin on her hip and it elongated with stretchmarks and growth. It was a big selling point, especially as she got larger. Now every camgirl wants one to "prove" she's been growing. Like they think their natural stretchmarks and fat rolls aren't good enough.
The deer is a great tattoo.
A “conventionally hot fawn with a belly or a few extra pounds” is always a winner.
>>46318 (OP)
Well, everybody wants to be special and women in particular feed off attention. I think its a simple fact that the more mentally unstable you are, the more of these types of things people have. This compounds with extra weight and with being an online sex model. Fat works as character armor, heavily overweight people are unconsciously insulating themselves from the world. Now, back to tattoos, it definitely started as a sort of rebellion on the norm, being that it was punks who originally were getting tattoos and piercings, but now everyone has these things. They just aren't special anymore. I don't think women get them to look better, they do it for atttention (even negative) and they get them to be more "special." I believe that at this point its like an arms race, every girl has a nose piercing and arm tattos, so everyone else has to get even more. The ultimate irony being that all the people who get a lot of these things end up looking very similar. Tattoos are just blobs of nonsense dark spots and people rarely ever have a good solid reason to get one. If you're like me and find it shallow and distateful then you get shamed for not liking it. I don't have to find every woman sexy though, so I look at them as women that I just wouldn't date. Oh well, I'm likely not missing much.

Piggy is 10/10 though. If it's real, god damn. I'd take her everywhere to show that thing off. We're going to resorts in Miami and Vegas. Anywhere I can surround her with skinny girls in bikinis. Exceptional.
Based on what she shot during her pregnancy I don't think that tattoo is real thankfully.
Is her spouse pregnant too? I think I saw they were.
Your family dont like mixed babies. Thats why ppl dropping dead over there. God dont like ugy.

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