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A chair that reads fat bitches' weights.
You would just need some load sensors on the bottom of each leg and an arduino to record the data. You could even have it sent with wifi to a local webserver for wireless monitoring. The chair would need to have some foot rests so she was entirely on the scales.

And if you were wanting to be discreet about it the wires could all be routed internally in the chair. Would be easier with like a reclining sofa chair or something.
At one point the Howard Stern show had a secret scale built into the floor and guests had no idea they were being weighed as they entered the studio.
Just do like me, wait until they've fallen asleep in your car then drive to a weight station.
(2.5 MB, 4961x7016, doormat.webp)
I've recently actually thought of something very similar like concealing a scale in a doormat or your bedframe to have sort of repeating measurements which you could even store in a database and visualize with something like a grafana dashboard for progress tracking.

All things considered you could probably build this for under 100$ dollars with the cheapo chinese load cells, a wireless microcontroller, a load cell amp, a doormat, some wood, and various mounting stuff.
Like I said before the mod deleted me.
The hardest part is performing daily calibrations.
I implied this may be overkill because the mods aren’t gonna be bringing anyone into bed anytime soon.
It would have a display that changes color the higher the reading; and also, at a certain point, like when the display turns yellow, the beginning sound of an alarm becomes activated; low in volume and slow in tempo at first, the alarm will become more intense in both those regards in accordance with the severity of the reading and the color of the display.
just use a scale?????
just use a scale?????
Tbh, I think calibrations would be overkill unless you would place the doormat outdoors where you would then adjust for temperature changes which mess up the load cell readings.
If you'd like to calibrate the sensor readings from time to time you could easily trigger such a calibration with a button/your smartphone/etc and store the new calibration data permanently to your microcontroller.

A more serious issue I have thought of would probably be getting an unsuspecting female to stand still on the doormat for a couple of seconds with ideally no heavy clothes purses etc on her body, which would increase the reading. So a bed frame/couch/chair scale might be superior.

a) that's not the point of this thread
b) you don't want the person being weighed now that their weight is being measured
c) The idea is intriguing to me as a CS student regardless of this fetish stuff
The bedframe would probably be the best bet as usual you lie very still and don't have any heavy accessories with you or clothing. It could easily be calibrated when the bed has nobody on it, and the bedposts would be a perfect place to conceal wires.

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