
(28 KB, 470x538, https___historicroyalpalaces.picturepark.jpeg)
I'm just looking for assistance compiling a list of supplements/accessible drugs that assist with gaining. So far maltodextrin, eat moar and Benadryl help. Anything that assists.in
1. Slowing their metabolism
2. Increasing appetite
3. Aphrodisiacs
4. General laziness
My goal is to create a mix that I can add to food
Antihistamines (like cetirizine/zyrtec) can mess with the part of the brain that is in charge of appetite control and feeling of fulness as well as slowing down metabolism

Not everyone reacts like that, but it's a not too uncommon side effect

They're also slightly sedative which probably supports laziness
Just get edibles.
Illegal in Romania.
bro are u trying to fatten someone up by drugging them?? if so ur sick
He can work for Big Pharma who lined up their immunity and gave millions heart failure through their mrna shots intentionally and erroneously called vaccine
I’ve convinced more than one gf to get on SSRIs knowing it’ll screw up their ability to control themselves from gorging on carbs.

SSRIs and therapists getting in their head can make a woman really dependent and suggestible. Best is if she’s fresh in a new school or job and in a strange place without a support network.
You're a horrible person.
The legality of drugging someone without their knowledge seems dubious.
I'm shocked you've met a woman under the age of 35 that *isn't* on SSRIs. It's no wonder women are all getting massive, covering themselves with ink and getting dumber. They're all drugged out of their minds and have zero concept of willpower or self control.
(880 KB, 1313x1380, engel.jpg)
just checking in to tell you you're an asshole. well played, your post made me rage a little, 4/10.
spotted the woman or tranny, likely the latter if you know how to sage
what? he is basically correct
if you two loathe women so much, why don't you just go gay and fuck each other in the butt?

no more mean mentally ill women to disturb your sausage fest.

might be the path for you two.

enjoy exploring. picture is related, a little manual for you.
simply bizarre
what the hell is this gay paedophile graphic? why do you have it saved on your computer?
is it really such an outrageous statement that young women have substantially higher rates of psychiatric drug usage?
are you having a psychotic break?
(595 KB, 4574x3049, amy-luo-CZizW23EO_s-unsplash.jpg)
nah, to the contrary. i'm just getting tired of having to deal with males like you. it sucks. and also types like you ruin the reputation of all men. and then i have to defend decent men against feminazis because of pieces of shit like you. it's all so tiresome. and you'll never get it because you're so dense. just telling you, if you continue like this, no woman is ever going to love you. heck, nobody is ever going to love you. it's a little sad. i'm gonna fuck off from this stupid thread now and gonna go outside, the sun is shining. i recommend you to do the same.
>i'm gonna fuck off from this stupid thread now and gonna go outside, the sun is shining
you better. that is some insane hyper-online culture war drivel i just read
reflect on this reply chain later on
>males… men
Way to fall for satire. This poster couldn’t even keep their unhinged white feminist shtick going for two sentences.
sure, spit out the hatred and toxicity, then claim it was only a joke.
Aint no joke I just dont give a fuck. Nothing to do with me or my bloodline. I am immune.
if immune means blunted and antisocial, that would fit the description.
>maltrodextrin does this

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