
(475 KB, 778x1176, 4ccaf41392b90fc1b2d972f822f802c7af108ff3e2aa56d39c1c14d7e3f244d9 (1).jpg)
Without realizing I've been developing a fat fetish for almost 3 years now, I've noticed lately that not only can not hard for regular porn,my other fetishes are disappearing e/g pseudo-homosexuality/trannies, race mixing with black girls, hairy girls, GILFs etc are just boring and kinda gross to me now. Meanwhile I get an erection easily for even non-nude fat girls just existing.

The fetish is so dynamic I like feeding, stuffing, weight gain, face sitting, exhaustion/breathing easily. And fat women just look amazing. I love giant SSBBW ass and boobs and even bellies and facial fat. The phrase it's like a boob all over really resonates with me.

It gives me such strong orgasms, and I feel like my libido is waay higher than before I had a fat fetish.

i realize If I want to avoid this fetish becoming anymore dominant I should probably take measures now like avoiding fat fetish content, but it certainly takes a lot of willpower and the more I miss fat porn the better it is when I return to it.

What I came to ask is whether I should bother fighting it? Fat women maybe are a little embarrassing to be out with although I actually don't care about that much cause I'm sort of autistic. But they do have worse genetics If I ever want to have children though.

On the other hand. Dating normal women is so much effort,and every other guy is an incel. I'm 5,10 but rather handsome I get tonnes of attention from fat women and they treat really well. I'm deeply insecure not for my looks so much but because I ruined my life by having strong depression and becoming NEET for like 4 years. But around fat women I feel like I bring something good to the table just by being myself and the relationship is just so much more naturally balanced to my favour which I enjoy .

I guess if you had a choice would you be a fat fetishist? It's somewhat of choice I guess for me. I'm getting a job and plan to start dating again shorty after.

Pic is around the smallest I'd be willing to date right now
Post a fat emu.
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>>46237 (OP)
>if you had a choice would you be a fat fetishist?
No, narrowing down your dating pool to women 3 times the size what society expects you to have does not do you any favors. Family will resent you for dating red flags, normie skinny women will think you're corrupting them so you're trapping them by making them ugly, and normie fat women will think you're objectifying them with a fetish rather than seeing what's on the inside. The ONLY time this fetish clicks is when you're dating somebody who gets it (or is capable of getting it), and there's no guarantee you'll be together for a variety of reasons: personality, social, economic, you name it. Even then, you run the risk of somebody who "gets it" to pull reverse architecture on you so it turns to a mutual relationship, or where you're solely the feedee because they're bored of being the fat one. If you're already cringing and it's not from societal pressure, you are not ready.

My advice is, before you reinforce any more of this fetish and say goodbye to vanilla, take advantage by dating as much as you can and first see anyone around you that's "wife material". If you find any girl you'd like to spend the rest of your life with, wait until you're both comfortable before spoiling her with treats (if she's not fat already). If her immediate response is going to the gym without asking you how you feel about it, cope or terminate the relationship. If she does ask "do you think I'm fat?", deflect by saying "you look great" and comfort her, and if she asks the harder questions try to convince her the bright side of being curvier. Unless she outright says no, even if she doesn't come around the first time there's still a chance she'll blow up when she's pregnant, and depending on her cravings, she might even beg you to spoil her. After delivering, she might go on a gym arc, but might give up if she truly believes you'll love her at any size.
>Even then, you run the risk of somebody who "gets it" to pull reverse architecture on you so it turns to a mutual relationship
You say this as if this is a failure mode
Just stop consuming porn and let yourself realign. I have always been in love with fat, even since I was a kid. I've been struggling with a porn addiction for almost 15 years now and every time I quit for a longer span, I get back to my true sexuality, fat.

Quit porn for a bit, come back after.

Because to me, it looks like you just have brain rot.
> reverse architecture
In the biz we call this feeder feedback loop and it’s basically inevitable for susceptible feeders.
>>46237 (OP)
In my experience (as a from birth FA, which may differ from your possibly porn induced fetish) it doesn't matter what you fap to, its just the size of the girls you actually fuck. Its like a drug and you're always going to want more. I cant remember the last time I even saw a woman in real life who was fat enough to excite me. Its depressing.


Porn in it's right place is great. If I didn't fap to superfats I'd probably be divorced, SSBBW porn allows me to get my kicks without cheating or in-advertently enabling my wife who to be honest needs no encouragement to break her will power. She's ultimately fat enough that I still love fucking her but healthy enough that day to day doesn't become too much a struggle.

The OPs slimmest he'd go with is basically smaller BBW territory. Get yourself out there and plough the fertile field, there's never been so many overweight women as now.

Never had any issue finding 300lb + women and I'm in the middle of the UK.
I need a big detox because my fiance is around 500 lbs and my brain is so rotted that it's not enough anymore.

It was so bad that I went down into completely different fetishes, which made me less attracted to her, even tho she's the hottest woman I've ever seen, and I'm spending my life with her.

I'm trying to not peek but if I do it's only bbw/ssbbw porn and it seems to be doing some good lately, sex has returned to an enjoyable experience.

The whole gooning scene needs to burn, it's so fucking vile and damaging.

You up for the eventual health issue fallout and subsequent deflation? My wife never got past the low 3's, but it still sucks. I'd have been thrilled to take her to 500, but in hindsight, am glad I didn't marry at that size. The downwards slope blows.
Oddly enough I find that most feeders with this issue don't realize that they don't gradually want more, but that the feeder themselves has put on weight through the relationship and gradually decreased the size difference between them and their partner.
If thats the case for you, dropping some weight will make your partner feel even more gigantic.
I need a big detox because my fiance is around 500 lbs and my brain is so rotted that it's not enough anymore…It was so bad that I went down into completely different fetishes

I’ll bite. Gross-out or cuck fetishes. I’ve always wonder who would marry a 400+ woman, if you can get pussy on the regs they’re no reason to marry, especially to such an expensive, lazy, useless liability. I’d understand if you’re a loser and this is the only way you can get fat pussy.
I bet the men who aren’t losers are marrying a ham planet because it’s gross and/or embarrassing. It’s a face tattoo level of antisocial “fuck you mom” self-disfigurement.
So, once you’ve conquered your fear of a stinky fat woman ruining your social performance…what’s next? Farts? Hot wifing? Scat play?

I'll bite back.

Who'd marry a 400lb woman? Anyone who is an FA, has a fat fetish or has a feeder/feedee relationship who loves their intended wife.

My wife was about 350 when she moved in with me, topped out at 425 and said she had to lose weight. Couldn't get enough of her, fuck all to do with any level of social rebelling, I just love the bones of her, and love fat girls.

I'm going with you're in the closet about dating bbws. Sexually in your head you crave them just like everyone else does here. No one is suggesting you go out and date a 600lb woman (I've had a couple of hook ups), but go and date a bonafide fat woman, and you'll find it liberating.

Some of what you say is true, some bigger girls have self-esteem issues, hygiene issues etc. I've walked away from 3 or 4 where the tried advice of don't put your dick in crazy has rang true, but for the most part my desire for 400lb women has just meant I got some of the best regular fucks of my 20s and 30s.

Unless someone knows something we all don't, we're only here once, I for one decided to fuck social convention and just go for big chicks. Give me a 350+lb woman and I'll be rock hard for her. If someone wants to try and shame me for it that's on you, I'll stick with sticking it in my gorgeous looking, gorgeous smelling, huge ass, huge belly, huge tits wife forever more.

Go date a fat girl, once you get that feeling some sad asshat is trying to shame or ridicule you and you stand up for your date you'll realise you wasted your time chasing girls who weren't really doing it for you.

I get you, the numbers game can get in your head.

That's why I concentrate on my wife's size and shape rather than weight. Once she started losing weight and her fitness and stamina came back she was telling me she felt 10 years younger. By the time she dropped 50lb an hourglass shape started re-appearing, better facial skin, I didn't miss the extra size, if anything it made sex so much more adventurous again. At 300-320 she's still 2x-3x, where as before she was 4x and sometimes kidding herself.

Too much fat porn distorts the brain like fuck, I should find an article I once read, everything in moderation really fucking works.
I look at percentage not numbers you taugh you were intelligent stfu
> I for one decided to fuck social convention
How can you write this intelligently while patting yourself on the back with both hand. This is exactly the kinda of behavior I’m talking about, first it’s dating land whales, next it’s gonna be scat play or cuck city.
Dont expect professionalism here? But u got offended when I fucking told u off like a MAN

It goes to shit in her late 30's or early 40's, when the health issues sufficiently snowball. Then she either massively deflates or you're head to full time caretaker. Like the earlier poster said, marriage becomes a huge liability.

This isn't about embarrassment. It's practical advice from lived experience.

Both early 40s. She decided she wanted to get her life back, lost 100lb and regained a lot more mobility, confidence and a figure that shows 'curves in the right places'. She's still fat, but no diabetes, high normal blood pressure and can do 20 minutes on a rower.

Touch wood no issues. No need to worry about us worry about this guy shouting we're on a downward spiral to getting our 'land whales' to shit on us and then hop off and get fucked by someone else whilst we're forced into watching. Purrr-lease.

This guy's either a closeted FA, a basement dwelling teenage BBW fapper, or speaking from experience that he got so low he allowed all this stuff to haopen to him. All of which is plausible and we'll not find out either way.

Looking in the optimistic view that he's a closeted FA he should get out there and get what he actually likes. No one says you need to be a feeder and feed them to death, but if you like fat girls, get stuck in.
I’m with you that it’s liberating.

I’m almost 30 and I spent my whole life dating thin girls and jerking it 500+ lbs girls in the closet.

I had to get really good at closing my eyes and going somewhere else during sex.

Fast forward to my partner now, she was thin when we met but a few years ago she was 300+. She’s always yo-yo’d. From early on I told her I preferred her bigger.

She’s probably high 200s now and agreed to go to low 300s, 400 if she doesn’t have to work anymore.

Having all of that been said she still has some body issues but wow if I don’t love showing her off. She wears two pieces at the beach, half shirts when we go out, and she’s just super confident.

Point being is don’t live in the fucking closet and man up. Nobody gives a shit what your partner looks like. If your family is going to judge you then fuck them.
I've kinda reached the point where I don't care either way, I'm quitting porn entirely because I believe it has no place in my life. (If you like it to each your own,) I have decided to embrace my sexuality, which is fat and mild gaining and feedism. I don't care what others think, any more and I don't really even care if my future partner is big or not, as long as she loves me who cares. What I will not do is be in the closet about it, that being said I have decided to break away and move on but I accept this part of me and y'all should too.
Because you know we about to troll you so severely
>>49494 You're just providing an example of the Crab Bucket theory you piece of shit
Dont hate the player. Hate the game. Miss that booty
When I needed to get my drain snaked with my new girlfriend. She wasn’t really my type other than being massively obese, and really we rushed things too fast.
Shower drain? Yeah those clogs have made me rethink my life more than once, especially when there’s an underlying hair matrix.
>>46237 (OP)
>GILFs etc are just boring and kinda gross to me now.

For some reason, GILFs still get me rock hard. I've tried to shake that one by stopping porn but I still crave them as bad as BBW's. I think it's because I had a couple encounters with much older women.

I get you on the BBW/SSBBW thing too. A few years ago I just loved a big ass/big tits/thighs...but I wasn't into belly fat

Last year though I've craved just bigger and bigger girls. I can't help it, I wish I could go back to being attracted to normal girls.

At the end of the day though, it's more embarrassing to be seen with someone 2 decades older than you...than it is to be seen by a girl 200 lbs more than you
> some bigger girls have self-esteem issues, hygiene issues etc

Thats the problem with the girl I see now. I'm wanting to break it off...and basically already have been slowly. But I just can't deal with the smell. I've kinda hinted around at in the past but she has never really taken the hint. And when I'm pounding her from the back, it just kills my boner every time.

I would never want to hurt her feelings and tell her that but it's literally killed it for me
> And when I'm pounding her from the back, it just kills my boner every time.
If you’re not gonna clean out her asshole by hand have you at least considered getting a bidet? At least a detachable shower wand, a total game changer and 100% saved me with at least one chick.
Well yeah no sane person is willing to clean the shit off their girl's bum. Gotta stay hygienic people.
> Well yeah no sane person is willing to clean the shit off their girl's bum.
Not at all true. I’m telling you, without the shower wand my lady freind would be back to wiping me crack. It hasn’t happened in over a year since she booked a AirBnb with a weird toilet and I had to use other bathroom fixtures to relieve myself.
Hey there. I appreciate your post and I can tell you are intelligent. At the end of the day, this fetish is built into you, it's a part of who you are and you'll always be into larger woman. I can relate to a lot of what you say, I have similar kinks to you and similarly have 'other fetishes'. Definitely try taking a break, after all too much of ANY porn is detrimental to your psyche. In a way, fat fetishism is a form of BDSM as usually dominance/submission are assigned, so I would recommend really thinking deeply about your attraction and where it may derive from psychologically.

At the end of the day, we're human. We're built to have sexual attraction, to reproduce and have these feelings. But, you only have one life and if your sexuality is bothering you it'll impact every part of your existence. Instead of rejecting your feelings, think deeply about where your attraction comes from and understand who you are. Don't beat yourself up

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