
(49 KB, 728x636, b0f7f8165f2dda408cde0730a2f08c23.jpg)
S31 is run by a greedy exploitative prick, everyone knows this. He has no idea how to run a successful or even functional site, and has now prevented us from even watching previews. Plus a lot of the content is apparently missing / inaccessible. (Sidenote: is anyone able to rip some recent content?)

Curvage is helmed by a power tripping loser who tries his best to conceal the fact, but it's become patently obvious, and there's evidence of where he's treated some models like shit.

Feabie is run by pearl clutching hypocrites who ban people over the slightest transgressions whilst fostering a completely toxic environment full of misbegotten political ranting, skinny shaming, creepy maladjusted weirdos, harassment, deception and greed. If you try to argue your case they just IP ban you.

The guy who ran SDB seemed cool back when I was on the REPORT MY POST but the site is broken half the time and it just features rehashed content anyway.

Reddit is reddit

What else is there? Fantasy Feeder? Never really spent much time there but a lot of content seems paywalled now.

There are enough money grubbing models and disrespectful guys as it is and it sucks how the experience is hindered further by some power hungry losers in charge of these sites
FF is a woefully broken website held together with dried semen and prayers. You could try Tumblr.
>>46232 (OP)
Lore on the curvage guy? Don’t know anything about that, barely ever go on that site. Seems like its own sealed off little world
Site owners: creepy authoritarian weirdos.
Models: toxic, narcissistic, abusive, hookers.
Customers: creepy, basement dwelling losers.
Heard she fucked every one in her town back in the day miss piggy
And other retart just as bad. With her known sex tapes coming over here acting like virgins fuck out of here
>Models: toxic, narcissistic, abusive, hookers.

You forgot lazy, and lacking personality, and they're so awkward they make the average autistic look like conversational savant.
> miss piggy
Which miss piggy?
Definitely not all of them. Idk who you've been talking to but I have some on my docket that know how to hold a conversation.
One of the biggest issues is how commercialised it’s all become.

You used to feel like a human in a fetish community now you feel like a piggy bank and everything is constantly trying to push you to buy content or subscribe to something.

Plus most models aren’t passionate and seem motivated mainly by the money. Even when you try to chat with them ( maybe that’s the mistake) you only get the usual politeness to try to flatter you into buying their stuff.

10 years ago it felt so much more personal and intimate I could easily end up chatting with models and take it over to kik or WhatsApp and sext like two people with the same kink but these days that’s basically not even on the bingo card anymore.

Last week I dropped 12 dollars on a crap quality video of some South American model on curvage who doesn’t talk, with grainy footage that looked like a camera phone from 2011 and even tho she’s cute enough it brought on an existential crisis like what the hell am I doing spending this much on bland content from women who don’t even have a kink or have any interest in you?
>>46232 (OP)
I don't mind assholes. I don't mind autists. They can be the best mods ever. Real godmod potential. What you can't defend is replying to every constructive criticism with Reddit-tier accusations that words are force.
Legit tho. There’s like a total of 5 real feedees online: women who gained >150 pounds or past 300 and kept pushing it.
99% of the feedees talk about how huge their gonna get, gain from 155 to 260 pounds and hang up their cleats.
It’s insane to me because, there’s plenty of fat women in the world #bodypos and documenting gigantic bodies, these feedees aren’t exciting anymore.
Completely agree. Especially with Feabie not letting you filter out trans people. Which is a fact that I hate.

The thing is none of this is particularly unique. It's happening across all niche communities. I can't say I'm surprised that a low entry market got decimated following lockdowns, COVID, and unfettered capitalism. It's an attractive option to someone with disabilities, someone generally burnt out by traditional work, etc. I don't see it necessarily getting better, but it does make the market pretty easy for star players to catapult to the top if they just put a littke work in.
The trannies or midwestern women ugly enough to look trans with "if you are a cishet male do not look at my profile" make me, a card carrying member of a communist party, realize I have far more in common in terms of class interests with Trump voters than those freakazoids.
>midwestern women ugly enough to look trans…
As opposed tot he Chan members here whose fit tall and muscular are all the picture of normative masculinity
Just turn the max height under 5’8” and all the trannies vanish.
For some reason that site literally only has the 6’2” lumberjack trannies on it.
>Completely agree. Especially with Feabie not letting you filter out trans people. Which is a fact that I hate.

Ignoring whether one supports trans or not, do they not realize this puts trans in danger?

Let's say they don't reveal they're trans, and they go meet up with some guy expecting a woman. This could very easily turn very ugly very fast. This already happens with non-fatties catfishing straight men, and a sane judge (if it got to that point) would probably say "Well you shouldn't have done that then".
Maybe in Canada a judge would approach it from a point of sanity. Here in the states they’d convict the duped party of a hate crime unfortunately…
> This already happens with non-fatties catfishing straight men, and a sane judge (if it got to that point) would probably say "Well you shouldn't have done that then".
What disease are you suffering from that you think judges are fine with men assaulting fat women for not meeting his standard of beauty?
Don’t fuck people you don’t know is fine, but assaulting your date for showing up too fat, or with an Adam’s Apple, is sick buddo.
and yet you, a totally normal, totally non-asshole genius can't get your shit together well enough to organize your own safe space

really gets the almonds activating, doesn't it?
Let's just return to ridiculing the moderators.

Trans women are strangely prevalent in this fetish community but they're easy enough to detect and filter out, they don't deserve to be assaulted .
The more 4chan-like a website becomes the less autists and neuro-diverse such as transexuals are willing to throw around slurs. In fact, once a website becomes indistinguishable from a red board, the slurs stop. Outside of specially made blue board-like discussion threads.
One word replaces your thesis its 2024
>e coomer awakens
Wash your penis get a wife
Candence Owens got fired for being too /pol/ for the Daily Wire. The left isn't that much better because it secretly wants to be /d/ or Kisame but doesn't want to lose. Thats why tits are being added in games while Mai and Chun Li are given spats
The Curvage guy started his own shitty website about 12 years ago called LoveTheseCurves and acted like it was going to be an actual built-out social media site, as if there's really any more to this than fapping and continuing on with your day. It completely sucked and didn't get much traction and when he came over to Curvage that's when all the stupid-ass extra shit like "achievements" came in.

The first few years weren't bad but now the site is just a useless vestigial forum plus an onlyfans knockoff. I'd say it's not all Curvage's fault - people lock their socials down better now and the prime years of Curvage was totally just facebook content posted from college chicks that had their profiles way too open.

In terms of audience, this place is amusing the way it ricochets back between deathfeeerism and outright hating the fetish, but Curvage posts are all just thirsty coomerbrains commenting on chubby weathergirls like "ohh man she totally is into this fetish bro I just KNOW it"
That's hilarious because I know the exact set of posts your referencing and you're completely right.
curvage uses a really aggressive video compression algorithm on clips, S77 curbs any discussion discussion around it


In terms of audience, this place is amusing the way it ricochets back between deathfeeerism and outright hating the fetish, but Curvage posts are all just thirsty coomerbrains commenting on chubby weathergirls like "ohh man she totally is into this fetish bro I just KNOW it"

there are a few users there that made a sport out of commenting under video clips, they never leave a review since that means you have to buy a clip. acting as their paypig is cringe but when you left 10000 compliments under posts just buy a fucking clip
The simps and white knights ruined it
Somehow 4chan's outlook keeps autists away while Reddit's draws them in like flies to a literal piece of crap.
Be that as it may if we make BBWchan a 4chan red board for fat chicks but colored blue we can keep out the autists.
And you've never heard of a shitstorm on a red board other than /pol/.
Remaking BBWchan has only upsides. We don't even need to do any more than rename boards and change the home page.
God, you again? You really don't have anything else in your life to obsess over?

Kill yourself.

Yeah there's so much wishful thinking on curvage 'look at this z list celebrities roll of belly fat. She must be a feedee' huh? shes' thinner than the majority of women you see.

Locking of facebook profiles was a big blow for the wank bank, so was the fact that photo search is broken, but most girls stopped using it anyway.

Anyway I hate this fetish. I try not to hate myself for having it but I would pay any amount of money not to have it. It has been nothing but a curse, and held me back from relationships with thinner women because I'm not sexually attracted to them.

I mean to be more attracted to some 42 year old hispanic mum with a gut than her thin 20 year old daughter is just ridiculous but it's how I am and I don't seem to be capable of changing it. i tried to go off all the fetish porn cold turkey for about 6 months once but it didn't really achieve anything.

So I'm trying to meet a lady who naturally holds weight in her belly, who's conventionally attractive, has a nice personality and drop the feedism and weight gain stuff, but even that is proving to be extremely hard.
This is the facts. The fact that fat women are leveraging chubby chasers to line their pockets is hilarious.
Fat women are social pariahs and a walking joke. Yet they’re narcissistic enough to demand to be compensated for talking to men who are actually attracted to them.

No model had ended up 40 and married. They play this slay-queen sex-worker game until their bitter single cat ladies like Ms Fat Booty.
What else is there? Does dimensions forum still exist? Haven't thought of that site in ages but I used to look sometimes. Probably a dead site mostly.

Okay I looked seems kind of dead.
Make sure all of you show up 5x per week. Keep your Haitian ass on their mind.
My point stands.
Point with no power is paradoxical.
Power? You Europoors confuse me.
Dead as disco and it's a shame because that place was fat utopia for a few years in the early-mid 00s. Everything from hardcore feederism to actual fat women exchanging recipes. Basically everything but outright porn.
> Dead as disco
The disco isn't the best place to find a lover. Far friendlier discoteca is more possible Canada. American clubs are surprisingly good for fat women provided she’s big enough to body her way thru the crowds and on the dance floor.
Deleting posts is a bad look.
Saw that. Didnt ask for it to be deleted.
All I'm saying is we can't keep the userbase if they see their posts getting deleted.
Addendum: Locking threads isn't a good look.
>>46232 (OP)
Don't forget that Chounyuu is ran by tranny jannies. Their most active mod is such an autogynephile that his username is literally "her" so he can feel EUPHORIC every time he's @ed. The admin is a tranny named Purple. There's something about trooning out that really makes you want to powertrip. It's probably auth-left Marxism, eh? Or maybe being molested as a kid and thus having PTSD over feeling powerless? First troon I ever interacted with was an atrocious moderator on Smashboards.
Deleting posts is a very bad look.
Do you think turning BBWchan into "4chan for fats" will deter them? I heard they hate "channers" so much they never visit 2chan or 4chan. Ever.
I miss the Tumblr/Omegle/YouTube days when genuinely horny fat girls would expose themselves for attention and, lo and behold, would get said attention. There wasn't anything wrong with the exchange, everyone was just horny.

Now it's a transactional thing where you practically have to have your wallet ready to talk to some of these women on Feabie, and because its more or less hit the mainstream, women who are barely pushing 30 BMI try to do the same thing and the whole market gets flooded. It's really a greater problem with the internet evolving and making niche communities in *every* sector start to mutate but there's really no turning back that clock so long as everyone has a smartphone.
I don't know. I already figured out Purple was gay in the comics. The hyper conservative parent and the lesbian vibes with the depression narrative gave it away.
I don't know why you're making this political. The left and the right are equally bad at making art cause people don't have time to real pamphlets.

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