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>>46182 (OP)
Fucking Peak discussion lmao, but the answer is not very fat, tianastummy is at like 230lbs and she gets out breath just walking around her house
>>46182 (OP)
My mom used to be weight over 300lbs and she did a lot of gardening but would always be pretty winded by the time she was done
At what height?
That's barely chubby in my eyes, pitiful.
In this case, a throuple would be useful
In that pic she looks much thinner than 230

I’m a fat girl who’s almost 500lbs, I would say 300-350 depending on her activity level and muscle tone.

her body is still adjusting to being fat. unfitness hits hardest after rapid weight gain iirc
First pics looks about 170-190
Last pics 210-240

That's chubby at most, not fat.
Wouldn't her belly be touching the ground?
She is more bottom heavy, never had much of a belly even at her biggest
She is at her biggest she’s definitely belly heavy
I see. I am an appreciator of proportional fat dissipation. Do women like this usually start out as hour glass figures while skinny?
Pretty face, meh body. Still chubby and not fat.
Where does “fat” start for you
For a 5’6” woman fat starts at 145 pounds.
Anything bigger than that is embarrassing to be in public with.
I can't say where fat beings and ends but it is all dependent on looks and tianastummy is chubby.
I am 120lbs at 5'8. A woman like that would most likely be skinny.
>Anything bigger than that is embarrassing to be in public with.
That goes without asking, but I'm the one which can only get it up to "chubby" women and up.
Personal experience?
>>46182 (OP)
My wife is 260lbs and only 5'4" so pretty chubby. She can still do almost everything fine but we find she gets a bit out of breath when we have to walk any sort of longer distances.

As for manual I'd say maybe 300 to 350 would be the sweet spot for max size and comfortable movement.
What shape is your wife? Cause I’m pretty sure bottom heavy girls get tired quicker cause their legs are so heavy
It's a pretty even distribution of fat but I think she is slightly more bottom heavy. I'll have to wait and see how ahe fills out at 300+.
>My wife is 260lbs and only 5'4" so pretty chubby
Is she flabby or has a significant inner muscle layer?
>As for manual I'd say maybe 300 to 350 would be the sweet spot for max size and comfortable movement.
Why? How do you know this? 350 at what height?
>I’m a fat girl who’s almost 500lbs,
More flabby than muscle especially around the belly and and ass.

I'm guessing from her current size. She doesn't have difficulty doing anything but I reckon another 100lbs or so and she'll be out of breath doing anything.
I hope so man. Want to see what her body can achieve with an extra 80 kg
>More flabby than muscle especially around the belly and and ass.
So, proportional fat spread?
>She doesn't have difficulty doing anything but I reckon another 100lbs or so and she'll be out of breath doing anything.
Even if she develops extra muscle?

This sparks an interesting discussion. Which body type can hold the most weight and stilll being pretty mobile while having the lowest muscle to fat rate.
Poundz the great finally out of hiding
Seems pear shaped women do the best long-term if their knees don't give out.
>if their knees don't give out.
How would this look like?
>Seems pear shaped women do the best long-term
Why? Also what would be 2nd best?

Carrying extra weight in the hips, thighs, ass, and lower belly keeps it away from major organs and so it has less impact on overall health. Getting back to your original question, she could theoretically be able to handle farmwork better because she doesn't have fat literally squeezing her heart and lungs.

>Also what would be 2nd best?

Every other type...? Worst outcomes are apple shaped women who carry the weight viscerally (like a man), where it's more likely to interfere with organ function.

Of course there are exceptions, we're talking about odds.

>How would this look like?

Knees and other weight-bearing joints are only meant to hold so much for so long. So even if she dodges diabetes, heart disease, etc a gal who's 2, 3, 4x heavier than ideal (BMI-wise) has a fair chance of developing osteo arthritis at some point, which would necessitate a knee replacement. And any decent orthopedic surgeon would require her to lose a significant amount of weight first, which usually means WLS.

The irony is that this would be exacerbated by taking up a high-impact exercise regimen, like running.
“Midwestern middle aged middle class”
Or “mom bod, not the curvy type”
Looks very apple shaped to me.
Is she indian?
Her parents are from Malaysia
Ah, just about right. Still south asian.
Who are you replying to?

What was the deleted post about?
It was in response to my image 46466. Had to reupload so it shows before the pic
>>46182 (OP)
Totally dependent on genetics and conditioning.
A girl who gains 10 lbs on a near perfect regiment can be severely reduced while another bitch who piles on 200lbs on a pure nacho and dark beer diet can pull a 9-5 on her feet throwing invalids around all day and still have enough energy to deplete your southwardly reserves at the end of it all.
>Totally dependent on genetics and conditioning.
What do you mean by genetics?
Please expand what you've said here more

>A girl who gains 10 lbs on a near perfect regiment can be severely reduced
That's an exageration.
answering all your questions is pointless.
instead of thanking people for the information, you respond by posting new questions on a completely different topic.
a rather annoying little game.

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